Tuesday 29 September 2009

Good news?

Vikky has tonight, posted the following statement on the UKPR forum...

Why do we do it?

Well long and short of it all is we arent!!!

Failure or success?? make up your own minds

Im sure some of you will be pleased to hear we will no longer be taking in birds!!!!


because deal with parrots we can do,deal with people anymore,we wont!!

(present events with barney aside )

the whole team is sick and tired of being ground down all the time by those that are sick and twisted enough to continually snipe,pick and generally be nasty,(not directed at presentently posting members)we are sick of those who think that being a member entitles them to know everything about the ins and outs of the rescue,from who farted last to who's going to fart next,we are sick of people that have nothing better to do than criticise what they cant be bothered to get of their Arses and do themselves,we are sick of people that assume a lot but actually know nothing,we are sick of spending money to be told we are making money,we are sick of being told we arent good enough,when we are trying our best,we are sick of having to homecheck numpties for the sake of fairness,even though we all know they wont get a bird,we are sick of,we are sick of having to put up with all the crap we get just because people think they have the right to as "they are volunteers/fosterers,contributing forum members",we have put up with this for the last 2 years,and we kept plodding on for the sake of the birds

so what to do??? well

As UKPR despite what people think,is determined to help birds across the UK but are sick of people ruining the pleasure we used to get from doing this,we shall be cutting out those that mean we are constantly interrupted from the hard work we put in,so how do we do that

cut out the people

what we will be doing,is creating a huge database of rescues across the UK and leaving members to attach their personal experiences as to how it went,like for instance,the NPS we shall atach GG report for all to see,so that anyone that may be interested in homing a bird there,will be able to view this information to make a better informed desicion about whether to or not,we shall also be increasing the amount of general welfare information on the boards,and its obvious that the best information comes from you lot,i know i dont just speak for myself when i say,i fel very very releived about making this desicion,and it was one made by the committee,this in due course will be abolished,the constitution will be no more and both will be put in the bin,and we will be back to having good ole me in charge,arent you all glad that vikky the despot is back
we will still carry a lifelong responsibilty to the birds we have fostered,and all those currently in EC will be offered to their EC's before being found homes
so......all that is left to say is a huge great big thank you to all those that have helped past and present,with a special thank you to all the team,there shall be 4 admins

myself,linda alan and trish,with the addition of 2 or 3 mods

and if any of you are having secret liitle giggle because you are under the impression you won,or we have failed,go and have a look in the gallery on the website,i wouldnt call that a failure,and maybe you should consider the hate you feel so desparately is actually jealousy because you will just never be as good as we are,and we can sleep at night knowing we helped so many,you sleep at night dreaming that you could....


Yet another of the tried and tested tactics, to batten down the hatches and lie low until the storm blows over?

Not forgetting that we have seen it before, after the JJ and Mylo debacle, when the forum closed down (presumably to have a good clear out of any incriminating posts) for a while, before reappearing and continuing on as if nothing had happened with all mention of JJ and Mylo strictly banned.

Has to be said that the ranks of faithful disciples have rapidly dwindled over the past few days, following the emergence of the tragic story of poor little Barney. Little wonder really, when Vikky refers to her forum members so contemptuously, as "numpties" "who everyone knows won't [be given] a bird"

That will be those "numpties" that have kept her little empire afloat for the past two years!


It would be great if this was to be the final ever post on this blog...

Somehow I doubt it will be.


  1. Yes we are dwindling by the dozen, who wants to hang around with bullies and a woman who treats her members like rubbish. Thank god they no longer take in birds, or should we say no on the open forum anyway. Lets see how many followers she has this time next year, wont be many, bullies, hypocrites and liars.

  2. I see her new venture on her forums, jokinly thinking they qualify to rate and judge other rescues and the like

    For those not in the know, you can report her to her host and get this stopped and websites/rescue names removed from her forum/website

    UKPR now have a NEW website host
    they switched hosts after the trojan attacks at the boards, hence why they have stopped, her site is now hosted by butty on his host at
    this can easily be checked and varified by popping a search in the who is domain tools

  3. I really dont get you lot...UKPR as a rescue is shut down. Now just because they are trying to build a data base to help others you still seem to want to put the knife in... Did everyone not get what they wanted? Did UKPR stop rehoming birds and taking birds in? Yes they did..

    Also if you read the forum properly, you would have read that the reports are done by people who have had experience of different rescues good and bad... Isnt that a good thing???

  4. 'IF' UKPR are no longer taking in birds then yes, that is a good thing.

    The 'reports' that UKPR propose to publish endorsing or condemning different rescues are utterly useless in any meaningful sense unless presented in an fair, unbiased manner by people who are qualified, knowledgable or experienced enough to pass critical judgement.

    Unfortunately, it's a proven fact that UKPR certainly doesn't have a track record of presenting impartial and balanced information or views.

  5. I take it by your 'qualified, knowledgeable or experienced people' you would mean, people who have handed over birds or had some kind of dealings with the rescue or sanctuary in question?
    IF this information is put on the site, by the above said person, then I dont see why there should be an issue.

  6. It's totally illogical to assume that someone is qualified, knowledgeable or experienced to endorse or condemn a rescue simply because they have "handed over birds" or "had dealings with the rescue or sanctuary in question".

    I wonder how many people have handed birds into the NPZ in the mistaken belief that it was the best thing to do and now bitterly regretting having done so!

  7. I think maybe we have both gotten crossed wires here. UKPR's database, as I believe it to be, isnt about endorsing the rescues, its about owners own views and retrospective experiences of different rescues...

  8. IF that's the intention, then it might be hoped that any individual's opinion expressed will be represented on the database in a balanced, fair, unprejudiced and non biased manner.

    From UKPR's Orwellian performance to date, I, and many others would be very sceptical about that being the case.

  9. IF the database is built on what has been owners own experiences of the said rescues, then it cant really be a biased opinion, can it?
    I suppose the question I am trying to get at is.. UKPR have nothing to gain by adding rescues, be it NPZ, BirdLine, Safe Haven (and I am not saying good or bad about any of them) and the likes, so why should it be a biased or prejudiced opinion?

  10. I came across a post on the ukparrot rescue forum yesterday, it was Vikky asking for advice on hormonal plucking. Reading on, to my horror I discover the parrot she is talking about is Rio. Rio is a handreared Crimson Bellied Conure that belonged to Amy a friend of mine who died from cancer 18 months ago. Amy bred Rio from her pair and kept her as a pet. She starting plucking when Amy was in hospital. Amy didn't get a chance to arrange new homes for her breeding birds which I understand were bought by one breeder but arrangements had mostly been sorted out for her pets, Sir Dave (Dave) Amy wanted Dave to have Rio afte she'd gone.
    The wish was fulfilled by her Daughter then I discover he passed Rio onto Vikky of all people! I can't beleive he did that, how could he betray Amy like that?? Dave had bought many birds from Amy including conures and seemed like a nice genuine person she would have thought he would give Rio a loving permanent home! total betrayal, I'm disgusted. The post from Vikky was made in july so who knows where Rio is now, has she been sold/passed onto someone else?

  11. I'd also like to add I knew Amy for 10 years, no way would she have wanted Rio to go to someone like Vikky who doesn't seem to have a clue about Conures. Shame on you Dave, you have let Amy down, worst of all you have let Rio down.

  12. Sadly her rescue and her intollerence of others who dare to ask a question that may make her squirm a little. Its not what you know, better, its who you know in their game of passing innocent birds from piller to post without an ounce of guilt. Id like a cup of whatever they have before they go to bed on a night, thankfully I sleep soundly in my bed at night. I would like to hear the answers about Rios wereabouts and the other conure polly that went to be a breeder.
