Sunday 3 May 2009

Adele and the abuse of JJ

For all those people who have criticised the actions of those behind this blog.

The core of this blog has always been about Mylo’s welfare, and re-uniting him with his partner JJ. As you can see from this video “Mylo & Kiki grooming”, Mylo is a very happy contented bird now, 2 weeks after his quarantine period had ended.

He is still parted from JJ though, because UKPR (Adele) refuses to allow her to be re-united with Mylo, even to the point of allowing her to completely pluck herself through the stress and trauma caused by splitting her and Mylo up.

It is known that Mylo had a respiratory condition, yet he was still allowed to go to Adele in clear breach of UKPR’s own rules, because she was a smoker. He arrived here stinking of cigarette smoke.

Adele made this comment today on the UKPR forum: Image

Talking about air fresheners and parrots.

Please read the image and what she has stated because it is amazing how blatant a liar she is.

Watch this video and see if you notice the air freshener: Video 1

This video shows that both videos were recent: Video 2

For anyone who does not know anything about parrot care and husbandry, air fresheners and their chemicals are dangerous hazards to parrots due to their sensitive and delicate respiratory system. Mylo the Military Macaw was with Adele for 6 months and when he arrived here, he was rushed to the vets due to arriving with a serious respiratory condition.

Adele is one of the core UKPR group who is charged with rescuing and protecting parrots, even ones handed to them by the RSPCA like in Mylo & JJ’s case.

If you believe there is a case of animal cruelty here, and care anything about bird welfare, it will take you 5 minutes to lodge a complaint with the RSPCA, and hopefully push them to act. Use this blog as your point of contact with the relevant facts and evidence.

All the relevant information concerning the legal aspect of this case is in the hands of DEFRA and the Police, but it seems the RSPCA refuse to act over the welfare aspect, even though they were the ones who handed Mylo & JJ into the care of Vikky (UKPR) in the beginning. When approached about this case, they said there was not a welfare case at hand, even though they were told there was.

If anyone knows of any legal experts who are bird lovers who would like to look into all the details of this case, please could you send an email.

Someone is accountable for allowing JJ the Macaw to be in the condition she is now in!

Doesn’t she have rights over her welfare, to be protected from human abuse?

The full story based upon the facts is on this blog.


  1. Very well observed and rightly pointed out. Another of UKPR'S hypocrisies I see. There really is no excuse for that to even be in the same room let alone building.

    “ With great power comes great responsibility”

  2. It really is abuse JJ's current health situation could have been avoided completely if only the correct decision had been made in the first place.

    How long are all concerned going to sit back and let this cruelty carry on? If those involved with UKPR continue to deny this very true and very real situation, then all that is happening is that those involved are very blatantly condemning JJ to yet further unnecessary suffering. I assume it is easy for some to shut out the true nature what is happening to JJ, as they say ignorance is bliss.

    We as individuals are defending JJ’s rights in a bid to ensure she receives what is owed to her - A healthy, happy life.

    What are UKPR defending? What do they stand for?

    Speak out and stand up for JJ, for those who do nothing are also to blame for her suffering.

  3. silentshout... I couldn't agree more. How anyone can just turn a blind eye to JJ's plight and think that by saying and doing nothing, everyone will just forget about the pitiful state that poor little girl is now in, is utterly beyond me :,(

    I can categorically state that if that was Mylo or any bird in my care, suffering like that, there is no way on earth I would hold on to him to simply 'have my own way', which is the only motivation for UKPR doing so, as far as I can discern.

    From my perspective this was never an issue of 'ownership' but simply a case of my wanting to offer those two poor birds the best possible chance again of a happy, comfortable, fulfilling life together.

    How people, who publicly profess to care about these wonderful creatures as beings entitled to a decent life, rather than simply possessions can deny JJ that basic consideration totally appalls me.

  4. I have just seen a post on another forum asking for information on whether Time mists micro sprays, air fresheners are bird friendly.
    Strange as the person asking this question is a moderator on UKPR.

  5. Oh dear... The palpable ignorance and gross ineptitude of a self proclaimed 'parrot rescue' is staggering isn't it!

  6. I think the question should have been - are they UKPR, bird friendly.

  7. My thought on this is, could a lot of JJs plucking problems be related to these air fresheners/ time mist micro sprays, oh and not forgetting smoking, gas fires and her cage also being placed next to greys.
    Is it blind stupidity or just plain ignorance ?

    Ive certainly been disillusioned by the apathy of the so called loving caring parrot people, who it now seems can not be bothered over the plight of poor JJ, and are willing to accept a bunch of breeders as running a forum under the guise of a rescue. Rather like Ill scratch your back or is it im alright Jack b....r anyone else.

  8. I blame the RSPCA for this, they should have found the Milo and JJ a forever loving home in the first place, not handed them over to some poor excuse of a "rescue".

  9. at the end of the day any one can say they are parrot rescue,untill there is some sort of control this is going to keep going on.and its all at the birds cost.if you think about it birds to breeders are just stock and money most dont care about the poor things.the rspca arnt worth a t---.verry good on tv what they do,when they want money arnt they.

  10. Yep, if Rolf Harris and a camera crew are about they are marvellous... Otherwise, forget it.

  11. you got it in one caron.when i was doing swan rescue we had a big oil spill at warington,we got there with our boats,and was sent away by the rspca as there was no kneed for that point there was tv crews all over the place.rspca all over.we went home.the next day we where asked to go back over to help them.we got back and gues what no tv and only two rspca and one boat.there was swans full of oil still all over the river mersey.the point is as you say caron,if they are on camera the rspca are the all big no camera they dont care a toss.with this case they dont want the bad side of them to be shown .and to show what they have done to jj-milo its bad publisity ant it.they made a balls up and dont like to addmit it.

  12. In my opinion it's a very sad state of affairs when the general public appear to have so little faith in the UK's most well-known animal charity... Which is most definitely the case from the vast majority of people I speak to.

    A huge organisation such as the RSPCA should certainly have the resources to check out scammers like UKPR before handing birds or any vulnerable animal over to them. Where is the duty of care in not doing so?

  13. and i think the rspca need to luck at the laws that cover cites birds.its a fact they dont know a thing about let a cites,anex 1 bird go to a so called rescue,that is run by breeders.its a fact thay dont know a the end of the day it was up to the rspca to register milo as being a cites anex 1 and one put a leg ring on him or two micro chiped him by law.what they did was f--- all just give the birds away.less for them to worry about,and less expence.

  14. You look like you are touting for business there Adele.
