Thursday 16 April 2009

Mylo & JJ's present situation

Update below: Adele & Flakey boy

Photos of Mylo:
Mylo the Military

As Mylo’s case is now in the hands of the police, our intention was to say no more with regard to this situation with him and JJ, other than report on how Mylo was doing when the time was right.

Amongst other things, UKPR tried obtaining money for a bird that is categorised as an endangered species, which is highly illegal within Great Britain. Not only that, the bird was handed into their care by the RSPCA.

Thankfully for Mylo, he has the type of protection over him that he does. He is a protected species, that means people cannot abuse him without facing the full force of the law, which is why there are DEFRA laws governing his life.

Mylo arrived at Caron’s after being with Adele 6 months. Adele and Jamie (UKPR driver) had no clue as to how to handle both Mylo & JJ which can be proven, and she allowed this bonded pair who she had just spent 6 months with, to be split up en route.

Mylo arrived in a sorry state, in a small dog cage, stinking of cigarette smoke, awfully stressed after the trauma of being split from JJ, after fighting with her whilst Jamie and Adele attempted to put both birds in one small crate, and with no cage as a permanent home even after being told he would travel with at least one of Adele’s older single cages.

This was all brought out into the open on the UKPR forum, with Caron subsequently being banned and silenced from telling what had gone on, just like everyone before her who disagreed with Vikky on bird welfare.

This blog was then set up to put this side of the story across, aided by some other people concerned about bird welfare and rights, with everything written for people to read, along with facts supporting the claims.

One of the last major concerns on this blog was about Cherry, the Eclectus. How Jamie had talked of pairing her up, and then her sudden death. As this happened we were made aware of another UKPR Eclectus called Coco (a male Eclectus), that was said to have gone to Alan, Jamie’s close associate. Alan is a known parrot breeder. and after the Cherry saga, Alan now has plastered over Parrot Link that he now has a baby Eclectus. Shortly afterwards, on the same thread Alan posts that he also has African grey chicks plus other unspecified “birds on eggs”

Does this mean Alan is a professional breeder?

If Alan is a professional breeder, how many birds have gone into his care, via UKPR and how many are now in breeding situations?

We know he has a Triton Cockatoo, and a Bare eyed Cockatoo, both worth £1000 each, that came via UKPR, and we know he breeds Umbrella Cockatoos.

Might not be illegal?

Should the RSPCA be giving rescue birds to these people? One of them being Mylo an Appendix I CITES listed Military Macaw who they have tried selling for money, who is now in a loving home, mixing with other birds, just missing his partner JJ who is still in UKPR hands.

Adele along with her UKPR friends, still think, that Mylo is heading back into their criminal hands.

Legislation needs to be introduced to protect rescue birds from the likes of these people, and have the industry governed so that every bird is assured protection. Otherwise people have no laws to defend the rights of these living creatures that have ended up in their care.

Thankfully for Mylo he has those rights, so we will defend those rights, because we know we are in the right over his life.

JJ, Mylo’s partner should have arrived at Caron’s along with a Pallace cage for the both of them. Now JJ is still at Adele’s, totally plucked and on medication with the prospect of having chemical hormones pumped into her if that doesn’t work!

All this rather than send her to be with Mylo, where she was originally destined.

What changed the situation and brought all of this about?

Adele on her own admission, was rehoming these two birds because she was ill, she was scared of Mylo, and they were both living in her spare bedroom (all proven with facts).

Not much of an existence for this pair of wonderful creatures.

She then decided to re-home the pair, found what she stated was the best place for them, only for her to be now sitting with a severely plucked Macaw, who is part of a bonded pair, believing she is also going to take back into her care Mylo, and everything that has happened in between, that is listed on this blog.

Stupid people forget that facts, and believe the lies.

Here are a few of them.

Adele Video: She had Mylo & JJ for 6 months, and only now JJ is coming on leaps and bounds, watch the UKPR video on the forum for yourself: Video

Image: Leaps and bounds

Barbz: How on earth can anyone say JJ looks happy?

Image: happy

Bella: Mylo & JJ had been with Adele for 6 months and nothing, now JJ is plucked, on medication, and Bella says this. What planet is she on?

Image: What planet?

Flakey: The man who professes to be only concerned about bird welfare, is praising what has happened to this poor bird.

Image: Praise

Julie: You ask yourself is Adele is doing, or has done a great job?

Image: Great job

Adele: Last but not least, and the reason for this post.

Image: Coming home


Do you really think we are going to let Mylo go back into what he has just come out of?

UKPR are fighting for their property back, we are fighting to defend the rights of a sentient creature who has had his rights and welfare trampled underfoot by those charged with his care.

They broke the law over Mylo’s care not us!

All of the facts are on this blog for anyone to read.

Why would we send Mylo back into that?

Adele should send JJ to be with Mylo where she was originally destined, along with their Pallace cage, and stop playing Vikky's game for her.

Vikky and UKPR have caused this trauma for both birds and people, now they have the opportunity to do the right thing for both the birds.

Failing that, everyone is now waiting for the final outcome for these bonded birds, and if you were the authorities like the RSPCA, DEFRA and the Police; what would you do?

Look at Mylo’s partner JJ for yourself, and decide whether or not, based on the evidence, it is psychological abuse, pure cruelty… For their human motives.




This post along with this continuation update is in the interest of transparency regarding Mylo & JJ who were the No.1 reason for this blog being set up in the first place.

There is always two sides to a story, so if Adele and her fellow UKPR friends still want to carry on promoting their side of the story rather than allowing the relevant authorities to do their job, we will continue to point things out.

Adele phoned Caron the other day, just like she phoned her after this all blew up and stated that Vikky had lied about her wanting to foster the pair long term. Adele then went ahead and posted on the UKPR forum about this.

All the relevant information was discussed over the phone and no more was going to be said about this, that was until Adele stated: "thank you,just waiting now for when her little man comes back home to her and us"

At this point it was decided that we would have to once again put things into perspective for Adele, all of her UKPR friends, and all those other people following the story of these two birds.

Adele thinks that she is in the right over this situation and is banging her head against a brick wall here, and Flakey boy thinks we twist everything.

Image: Adele & Flakey

How ironic!!!

Everything written on this blog is supported with facts, so who are the ones twisting everything?

If they choose to carry on attempting to reclaim Mylo in any way shape or form, then we will continue pointing things out, and defending him from them.

That is just how the situation now is!

There should be laws in place governing these people, instead they are a law unto themselves.


  1. hi its the swan abuser dog abuser and the human abuser back again the one you thought you got rid of mick fisher.let me tell you ,you not getting rid of me that easy.and with caron and others that care about the welfair of these birds ,will do what we can to help them from the same thing happening again.and allso we will fight for laws to be put in place governing these sort of people ,and the things they get up to.good and bad breeders its up to the good to get rid of the they say if they dont they are all going to get tared with the same brush.

  2. Mylo is already home where he is, shame the minority do not realise that!

  3. i have just took a look at the video of jj .she dont know whether she is comming or going.she is a mixed up bird its a shame what they have put here can see that adell is a good woman and loves her birds ,but i know that she is backing the wrong crew.think she is scared of loosing her birds that belong ukpr.its now up to defra and the police now to act on the cites laws and regs .as silentshout said milo is home and just waiting for the return of jj.they will be back to gether but its not going to be at adells it will be at there forever home with caron and her family.

  4. Mick, I completely agree that poor JJ looks dazed and confused to anyone who understands macaws. Hardly surprising when the poor little mite has lost her partner and is now being pumped with chemical drugs :o(

    I also believe that Adele is a good person who loves her birds. She told me on the phone that she had already managed to 'get rid' of the two UKPR birds she had (two CAGs)and now just needed to find homes for the two that are her own. It would appear her motivation behind backing Vikky is, as far as I can see, purely to retain her friendship and her kudos within the UKPR set up.

    Perhaps she should consider where she is going to be when the Police and Trading Standards hopefully shuts the whole sorry operation down.

    My heart just breaks seeing poor JJ on that video, how anyone could think that looks like a happy bird is completely beyond me.

  5. if she is looking for homes for her 2 birds,???? who is going to look after jj and why is she rehoming her birds,if she is waiting for milo to go home to look after jj-milo as a pair.????i carnt understand this.

  6. As far as I can ascertain, Adele is of the opinion that the greys affect her condition and the macaws won't to the same degree.

    A misconception, as Allergic Alveolitis will be sparked by the allergens present in the feather dust of ANY of her birds.

  7. Yes I have to agree here, it is an all too common misconception that it is primarily African Greys that will trigger AA. If you were to do just a little research, for those who have not already into the condition, it can is caused by dust from the following -

    •mouldy hay, straw and sugar cane
    •insects and insect fragments
    •dried urine of rodents
    •animal dander (old skin scales that are constantly shed)
    •mushroom compost
    •metal working fluids
    •certain drugs

    I would like to point out that where it states 'birds', it does not state individual species, so it would be safe to say this covers all species regardless of size the dander it produces be it a Java sparrow right up to a Peacock.

    There are effects Adele can put into place throughout her home to reduce to long term effects of AA as I’m sure she is already aware of, but I feel the deeper side to this scenario is to really consider what it is to be a Responsible bird carer.
