Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Ayatollah has spoken

Vikky has today issued a decree to all UKPR members (the faithful few), that they, are to no longer come onto this blog posting comments on behalf of UKPR under any circumstances. It is quite funny really because it is mainly her and Scott under Casper or Anonymous who write the lions share of the irrelevant disgraceful comments that we have seen, along with another seriously two-faced person.

"Thank God" is our response! Having witnessed their vicious vitriol for the past several weeks on here, and what has been posted on the comments section of these blogs pales in comparison when looking at what has been spewed out amongst themselves on their own forum. Every second sentence, if you take a look, is something inhumanly derogatory, and you would have to be sick to sit there reading it or being a part of it, and yes Dorrie, there has been a serious level of patience and restraint.

Hindsight on these blogs and forums can be a nasty thing for everyone!

This just goes to show the type of people we are dealing with here, and the evidence is plain to see to everyone with an IQ greater than a sprouting pea.

In their internet world, where they have created this make believe reality to cover their physical world deeds, each of the 'faithful few' who are obviously up to their necks in it, have spewed lie after lie to alter reality, and topped them off with spiteful, evil and vindictive names, which makes it quite hard for even the level minded among us to maintain a clear overview of events.

Thankfully, after scratching their heads for a moment intelligent people do see through it and realise the truth of the matter under all of this illusionary hype, which is all that counts.

Yes, this did start off with Mylo & JJ, but little did we know, once that carpet was lifted up what was going to be found underneath. We knew it wasn't going to be good, and it is not, but just how serious the implications are, are for the authorities to now investigate. We have played our part for these birds, and thankfully Mylo the beautiful, bolshie Military Macaw is a happy chappy, away from these people and just awaiting the arrival of his partner JJ who was meant to join him one week after this blog was started. The little girl sitting with Adele now, the person roped into the lies and deceit and used as cannon fodder.

Sorry Wayne and Greg but we believe after spending much time with Mylo, that this environment is the one he thrives in, and not an environment with many other birds. His welfare is all we have cared about from the start and we have defended his rights to be protected and live the best possible life throughout all of this.

You really think we would have gone through this for a 'free bird'? You seriously underestimate who we are as people to think such rubbish!

We have been the ones forced into lifting this UKPR carpet up, and unbeknown to us there were others out there too, who were just waiting for someone to start the process.

All this boils down to is animal rights, and welfare when it comes to rescue birds, and their exploitation by humans, that is all we care about and is the reason behind starting this blog in the first place. This is also the reason why some well respected people have contributed their thoughts and professional opinions on the case in hand (those not mentioned here know who you are), and that includes 'silent shout' who obviously understands what welfare and rights mean when it comes to these birds, through her own personal experience and has indeed started her own blog to the good of this cause.

Some do not like the approach we have taken, but you tell me what other way there was? Or when you criticise, think about what you have done for the sake of these birds rights and welfare, and then criticise?

We had a call from the police today after they received a complaint from Vikky regarding our blog. She told them that our blog was upsetting her, and complained about us accessing her forum. The advice given, which was quite a logical response which is exactly the same as we told Jamie when he breached his harassment warning, was: "if you don't like it... dont read it".

I think yesterday struck a nerve with them when I asked if Scott was the fat guy with the bald head biting his finger nails in this picture? image

He couldn't hold his temper and came back with another of his vile outbursts which fell flat on its face, and then today we had the call from the police.

Thankfully, if Scott and Vikky heed their own decree, along with her faithful followers, we can get back to normality and discuss the important issues and questions at hand in a mature adult fashion, rather than reading the same repetitive and abusive comments.

Mylo is still parted from JJ after all.

It is now in the hands of all of the relevant authorities, for them to do their investigation of all UKPR practices.

We feel after what we have personally witnessed and experienced, that this organisation should be investigated because they are accountable to 'no one', a law unto themselves, and they have bullied and intimidated innocent and caring bird lovers caught up in their web for long enough, and exploited rescue birds placed into their care, even ones from the RSPCA.

A bank manager committing fraud doesnt clean the accounts out, he skims what he can from the top without anyone knowing other than his accomplices - Work that one out!

If they have nothing to hide then they have nothing to worry about.

Each of you reading this who have an in depth knowledge of UKPR ask yourselves whether they need to now be worrying?

The truth always comes out in the end, and it sets you free, think about that one, those of you sitting scared now because of your mistakes!

Vikky's UKPR decree: image

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