Wednesday 18 March 2009

Making sense of the madness

Courtesy of Silent shout from comments section

What ever happened to principles? Why are the people defending UKPR ignoring the FACTS?

Adele submitted these two for re - homing due to being diagnosed with a SERIOUS condition; Caron and her home had been deemed the BEST place to re house them.

So please Vicky or anybody who is brave enough to answer me - WHY as soon as this all began was Carons home not good enough?

Adele you're attitude towards your own health is awful, WHY would you simply not care if your condition deteriorated and you were unable to take care of your birds or even your family? How is that RESPONSIBLE?...Its isn’t is it Adele.

If Carons home was good enough in the first place why is it not now? And if Caron was not everybody's choice or she just happened to be default then shame on you UKPR, there should NEVER be any second best, default or umming and arhhing when it comes to an animal’s life. It was a crucial decision that needed to be made, if you couldn’t make it properly then the blame rest solely upon your shoulders. I am sure you will have now learnt from your mistakes, we all do.

This whole situation deeply concerns me, i just really don’t get it, Caron is very obviously not a freebie hunter and to say such a thing was ridiculous. I do not know Caron, nor have i ever met her, but her case is stronger than stone.

What you have done UKPR is very wrong, Vicky stop being so stubborn, it will get you NOWHERE. I really urge you just reflect on this WHOLE situation and ask yourself - If i could have done things differently what would i have done?

What really gets me is how would this have panned out if Caron misjudged the situation in the beginning and returned Milo to Adele, what would have been said? would this have all been swept under the carpet, would you have refined your principles, up'd your game? tightened those ropes?

And taking this to court...these are not PROPERTY, this is a single dispute due to your own stubbornness. What are you hoping for, front page news " Internet Parrot Rehoming forum wins back bird"

Its a joke, you are wasting your own money and time. I would be surprised if you won, really i would.

It does not matter if you and Caron don’t see eye to eye, all that MATTERS is that Caron can offer them a loving home, what can you offer them considering you could not offer them anything when you first knew about their need to be rehomed? Would a surgeon refuse to perform an operation on a patient because he didn’t like that person... NO so swallow your pride and look at the bigger picture.

I urge everybody to look at the facts when times of judgement may be called upon.

Caron you are doing a brilliant job! Never give up hope and stay strong, we are all behind you

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