Saturday 14 March 2009

The Business Plan

Tom Dick & Harry the bird breeders, become friends after networking on internet chat rooms discussing their hobby. They have a common interest which is breeding birds for sale in the pet market. Together, they notice on the chat room boards how so many people are needing to re-home these same pets they themselves are selling, after just a few years. Some of these unwanted pets needing homes are worth over £1000 a piece. So sell the bird in the first instance for £1000 and then later down the road scoop them back up or along the way scoop up similar ones with the same sad stories.

The Eureka! moment

So… Tom, Dick & Harry decide to set up an internet chat room themselves and call it a ‘rescue’ forum where pet owners can give their birds to the rescue to be re-homed, and where bird lovers can network to take these rescue birds in as a part of their family.

It’s like Manna from heaven!

Tom Dick & Harry cannot believe their luck because there are no laws in place whatsoever to prevent them setting their business up! They do not need to register with any government bodies to be accountable to, they can also project the image of a charity by calling themselves a rescue, and have bird lovers duped into giving their money over to what they believe is a good cause, with no accountability to any charity commission. It’s a licence to print money and have gifts given just like at Christmas! They can then sell on the long term care of the birds that have been handed over to the rescue to a ‘foster family’ under the guise of a ‘donation’, while all along keeping ownership of this valuable ‘asset’ in their name.

Could it get any better?

Later, if the ‘foster’ family subsequently then offends either Tom Dick or Harry in any way they have the right to seize their ‘property’ back because ownership is in their name.

The business just gets better and better!

It seems fail safe.

If one of the foster families offends Tom Dick or Harry and they refuse to give the new addition to their family back (who they have paid their donation fee for the privilege of looking after), or they have taken the bird in on an emergency care basis because no foster family was available at that moment in time to pay the donation fee, then Tom Dick & Harry use threats of violence and all types of intimidation to regain possession of their ‘asset’ with no regard for the unfortunate creature’s welfare.

Last resort is using the law to regain their possession because they believe the law to be on their side due to the fact their name is written on a piece of paper in ink.

A dream come true for Tom Dick & Harry. No laws in place to govern them and their actions, but laws in place to protect them from having their ‘asset’ seized by a caring human who sees this asset as not an asset at all but a poor innocent, voiceless creature whose welfare needs protecting from just these types of unscrupulous people.

When a foster family decides to defend the welfare of the bird that has been placed in their care and refuse to hand the bird back because of its welfare and long term well being, the full force of the threats and intimidation is unleashed. When this does not work Tom Dick & Harry along with their co-workers then embark upon a campaign of spreading lies to blacken the foster families name in the eyes of those who are watching.

All action must be taken to defend the business interests of Tom Dick & Harry, and nobody can be seen to break their rules or save any of the birds from their clutches for the sake of their long term wellbeing because this is their business and these are their assets.

The internet forum is the hub where the day to day running of Tom Dick & Harry’s business is played out.

On one side you have the workers who work for the business on a voluntary basis, moving the ‘assets’ around at their own expense, and finding homes for them.

On the other side you have the bird lovers wanting to give homes to the ‘assets’ because they care deeply and see they are in need of homes.

Then you have the pet owners who are drawn to the hub because of the image it portrays who then hand their bird over to the business where it then becomes an asset. The two sides then work on behalf of Tom Dick & Harry, driving around and delivering the assets for free, and then the fosterers paying for the privilege of looking after the asset.

The onlookers see the good work being done by the two sides so donate their money into the business, while Tom Dick & Harry sit back as the C.E.O’s ordering the proceedings along between the two sides whilst filling bank accounts in the process.

The business accumulates its assets by taking into its possession unwanted pets and rescue birds, some of these worth over £1000 each. So the workers do the work for free, and the foster family takes care of the asset, whilst all along the asset is the possession of Tom Dick & Harry.
For example, 100 birds x £1000 = Assets worth £100,000 for the business that is run by Tom Dick & Harry.

A business that accumulates wealth at no cost or outlay by the C.E.O’s and has no governing bodies watching its day to day running.

During the life of the business maybe use some of these assets as money making machines by forcing them to produce more assets, or when the opportunity arises sell them on and cash in on the asset. (Further reading: Something fishy)

You cannot lose; it’s a fail safe business for Tom Dick & Harry so no wonder they will go to such lengths to protect it.

There are no laws in place to govern them so the parrot rescue industry at this moment in time is like the wild wild west with cowboys like Tom Dick & Harry having a free roam to do what they like at the expense of innocent defenceless birds.

The Government always has a sheriff though, who is ready to serve justice and uphold law and order when required.

I wonder whether the Sheriff is now watching the cowboys Tom Dick & Harry and their money making scheme with its collected assets that are currently sitting in somebody’s home right now?


  1. As a non member to this forum or here, having surfed in I have to say if you put as much time and effort into sorting the issues surrounding the 2 birds in question you are on about to writing some silly stuff like this then things may be sorted sooner. You say it is being investigated and RSPCA involved and allsorts. So why waste time writing this stuff as from outsiders point of view it looks daft. You stated your case, why not just update on what is happening? You are just filling your blog with mindless nonsense and for people who can't be bothered to read it all may actually miss the immportant part of an update on the birds in question.

    I am a bird owner myself, come across this so started to read, but is so much silly stuff it makes it hard going. Please update and deal with the issue to pointing fingers and making daft comments as to me just makes it look like you trying to score points by writing such stuff. Let the authorities do their bit now if they become involved and tell what is happening with them against mindless drivel which then hides the real issue.

    I may be a member of another online forum but not of this UKPR and going by the point scoring you seem to want to do I would not join any forum managed by you either.

    Please, stick to the facts and not lose sight of what you started this all about. To read so much pointless stuff is covering the important issue of the birds concerned. I hope this matter gets sorted soon for the benefit of the birds, that the best result is shown for them and if in the hands of the experts now let them sort it and report just that. This daft stuff is just covering the real issues of dealing with the 2 birds in question and is what it is all about surely. I will check back periodically to see what the outcome is but is annoying to try and find a real update amongst this other stuff which is seeming to be a point scoring posts.

    Good luck to the birds in question and I hope the issue is resolved for their benefit soon and they are reunited and that is what counts.

  2. All hail, anonymous has spoken!!!

    These posts point out other relevant issues that are a part of the wider picture. If you do not like what is written then you do not have to return and read the blog, and waste your 'important time' writing your view.

    There are new people coming along reading, so different posts point out different parts of what this blog was started up for.

    Read the title of the blog before commenting next time!!!

    You might not sound so self righteous then!

    These posts are for the relevant authorities to read, a little bit of an explanation, i would have thought that someone who could pen a comment like that could have seen that point in the exercise!!!

    Mylo and JJ have been the catalyst, and now all things concerning UKPR practices are being revealed.

    Where else can these issues be openly spoken about?

    As the post states, these cowboy set ups are a law unto themselves, answerable to no one.

    You talk about all this effort being put into the birds welfare, if no effort was being put into their welfare then Mylo would not still be sitting here, he would have left the very first day Vikky demanded him back.

    Updates on his welfare are written when they happen!

  3. People are seeing through you now caron and paul!!!!

  4. Says the one who follows a blatant liar!!!

    Says it all really Bella...

    You and your ilk remind me of osterich's, head in the sand and 'passing wind' from the other visible hole.

  5. you are doing the right thing caron and paul.its becauce they dont know or they are blind to the truth.its just as you say tom dick and harry.if only them birds could talk,we know they carnt and so do they.but takes some one with gutts to speak for them like you two.ther must be alot of blind folk out there,big money at the cost of poor defenslass birds.with you all the way.

  6. its becauce they dont know or they are blind to the truth

    Mick-Sue Fisher - what truth?, if we are blind to the truth show it to us, drag it out into the light so we can all see the truth!!
    So far the truth has been nothing but the bitter words of the blog owner feathering their own nest!! Hah!

    I have seen lies on this blog that are amazing!! so i say again show us the truth - show us how this is not paul keeping a bird out of stubborn pride and hiding it behind welfare, show us how this is not just paul renaging on his words.

    I have seen the name of UKPR dragged through the mud on this blog, i have seen the lords words used in the most inappropriate ways in this blog

    SHOW ME!! call me blind but blind to what! this twisting turning set of half truths!!?

    I do not expect this to be shown on this blog but thought i would write it anyway!!

  7. Isaiah 54:17
    No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
    And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
    You shall condemn.
    This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
    And their righteousness is from Me,”
    Says the LORD.

    It is breathtaking just how two faced some people are!! "anonymous"

    Borders on insanity, a vile and wicked streak that we have seen from the very start...

    If anyone can see where Mylo's welfare has not been thought of as the No.1 priority then please point this out.

    You might not agree with what we believe to be the best for Mylos welfare, but your opinion is irrelevent.

    Everything has been explained in the blog posts each step of the way.

    You ask about the truth mick-sue-fisher has quoted, well each and every post has shared truth and it is only the UKPR sychophants who cannot see it, which obviously makes you one of them.

    Thats why you come on here attacking, onbehalf of your lying leader who you blindly follow just like Rev. Jim Jones disciples.

    Can you point out what lies have been told on this blog?

    Maybe you missed reading the "Great big lie" regarding your leader.

    Your accusations are boring now!!!

    We will just sit back and see where this ends now for the sake of Mylo & JJ and for the UKPR cowboys...

  8. It is just no wonder why nobody has chosen to, or been able to, confront UKPR before this over their conduct?

    Look at what happens when you do!!

    People seem to ignore and gloss over the facts, when it is only these that stand up as evidence when presented to a jury in a court of law.

    The blind accusations and refusal to admit the truth might swing peoples opinions when reading these comments, but it doesnt change the facts of the matter.

    This whole blog is based upon facts.

    Yes there is contention now over not allowing Mylo to go into a small scale rescue which is understandable considering we initially agreed to this, but 2 weeks on it is felt that this is not best for him now we have come to understand him and his needs as a living creature. We have the support of people who have know Mylo & JJ since they were with their previous owner, and the support of other credible bird rescuers over this matter, so the rantings of mad people venting their anger over what has been said about them and their outfit (UKPR) is meaningless.

    We are on our path now for the sake of Mylo & JJ and we are not going to get off of it until the right outcome is found for them both.

    Sorry if this offends anyone!

  9. casper said...
    Mylo arrived stinking of cigarette smoke, he came from an home of smokers, so 2 + 2 = 4

    He also spent 8 years living in a house being used as a crack/weed smoking den,where many many people ''dossed down'' and smoked whatever.Ukpr once rescued a pionus from an old couple,he stank of smoke when he was sprayed it left stains on the perches from the nicotine,he was in emergency care for a long time and left still smelling of smoke even after constant spraying and baths.

    Wed Mar 11, 04:35:00 PM 2009

    Yes Pickles the pionus ! went to live with Steph !
    Another lie Vicky, didnt stay with YOU long.
    If you are going to print lies get your facts right and get your few posting buddys to do the same. All of the posts from your lot(ukpr)are very contradictory, people that dont see them for what they are! well really, no hope

  10. Point out the lies?
    Well how about the great big lie you said at the start of these and all the way through this! that you would hand over Mylo should a 3rd party be prepared to take them on.
    LIE!! now I am sure that you will come back with suotable words in defence but still its a lie..

    Lie 2, You have spread all over your blog that UKPR is a money making scheme for its "owners"
    LIE! it has been shown that not all birds that are rehomed have a donation as you imply and certainly not to the amount you are talking! - whether the lie is explicit in its nature or impicit is neither here nor there you use words that seek to mislead people.

    Maybe Dorrie and Mick Sue Fisher should do what I did over the past 10 days and that was look at it myself from my own stand point - very quickly I could see the truth.

    I hope when you post your responce if this even gets on you remeber to use the word sychophant - as apparently anyone who disagrees with you must be one of UKPRs sychophants.

    I urge people to go looking for yourselves for the truth rather than taking this half baked version and you will be surprised - ask yourselves where are all the people who have had a bad experiance - the start of this blog asked them to come forward but they did not!

  11. 1. If you read the blog you will see our explanation behind what you call a "Great Big Lie", you will see that we have in no way denied this point, the third party has always been here since day one, its just things have changed. So this is not a lie, it is a change of circumstances.

    You talk about suitable defence, i think you will find that it is an explanation of the truth.

    Bit different from blatantly lying and then forcing everyone else to cover the lie dont you think??

    Obviously not because you do not care which says it all about you and that wicked and vile streak that we now see, so you are in good company.

    2. I think you will see that the authors of this blog are not the only ones who have stated that UKPR is a money making scheme, look at Pauline for example.

    The facts have been presented, and if it is not a money making scheme as has been presented then Trading Standards will not find anything wrong will they?

    From most peoples eyes apart from those deeply embedded within UKPR, it is a money making scheme.

    I think Dorrie, mick-sue-fisher and everybody else who have emailed us have a good take on things that's why they are not afraid to speak their minds, it is the truth, unlike the desperado's shouting and screaming, missing the real points about what are being covered.

    I think anyone who agrees with UKPR's bad practices and Vikky's blatant lies has to have a little bit of a screw loose, how could they not?

    I agree that people should look at the facts, and if you read this blog you will see everything backed up with facts, embedded in the posts.

    Many people have contacted us behind the scenes but they are in fear of losing their fostered birds, and their jobs, which is what has happened to several people so far, so its easier to stay quiet and watch on until the right time.

    This blog has stood in the firing line and look what has happened!!!

    Do people really want this inflicted upon them? I think not that's why this has not happened before!

    We have criminal acts on file, just waiting for the right moment to come out!

  12. UKPR Anonymous, deluded person,

    It really amazes me how you people can post rubbish as above.

    Fact: you ukpr were blocking posts on this blog.
    Fact: you stop people who are not among your little click, meaning the ones who will lie for you, from getting on to your forum, so they couldnt see you tampering, oops! i mean updating.

    Fact : You can put as little or as much as you want to put for donations recieved for these birds, that is only your word.
    Alarm bells started ringing with me, regards your rescue, when its taken you 2 weeks to come up with any answers to what you were ASKED ! People asked if you had a treasurer, silence ! people asked if you kept books, silence. You are the ones on trial here in my opinion. You can try to make this blog look profesionl now but you are acctually making yourselfs look fools. You have possibaly 10/12 regular posters on your forum, where are that 700 and odd members you say you have backing you,where are they? you really are a joke.

    UKPR Watch, you have a hell of a lot more followers than this rescue would try and have every one beleive, so keep up your profesionlisum and dont let the b*****ds grind you down.

    I have posted this on the other blog, would like to put it here please, im sure they wnt put it on the other, as we all know every body has to agree wiyh the.

  13. Anonymous said
    Maybe Dorrie and Mick Sue Fisher should do what I did over the past 10 days and that was look at it myself from my own stand point - very quickly I could see the truth.

    Please do not place me as being a follow to anyone I make my own mind up, and you seem to have forgotten I have had dealings with Vikkys lies.
    As I have said in another post I will gladly sit along side Caron and Paul when this goes to court. You see I do not tell lies, and I really, really do not like liars, Says it all!!

    Here you go, I will put my name to it.
    Save this for evidence.
