Sunday 1 March 2009

Who are UKPR?

This post is in the process of being written, but please do read the comments in the meantime. Be sure to read the threats and subtle attempts of intimidation from the UKPR driver who has now stepped down from his UKPR position since this blog was started, for reason he seems unwilling to share inbetween his threats.


  1. way to go will watch with interest

  2. Just hope that people arent afraid to post their experiences

  3. Would also be interested to know the reason why UKPR closed their online shop?

  4. All posts can be made anonymously on the blog so please feel at liberty to air your concerns and share your experiences. This is purely in the interest of justice and the welfare of the birds people. Comments made here will not be deleted and people banned for simply asking questions or having differing opinions.

  5. at the end of the day we are all here for the welfare of birds and should not be banned for having an opinion that differs from there's , i have been on the receivving end of their nastiness

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. a near banned ukpr member. i thought forums where for voicing your opinions.but with ukpr if dont like it you are off.dont like that tricky vicky.pick a lot of bird up over afew years.never once did i put 2 birds together,

  8. hi everyone, thanks for setting this up, ill add my comments later

  9. Dear Another Concerned

    Just to let you know, Vicki is telling us that the UKPR shop was closed down as "it was not worth the hassle"

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. yeah sounds about right for them
    and alan.h is a breeder who ran ukpr with vikky but stepped down, vikky is a breeder of greys. Alan h sold a too not long ago he bred, and he took on pebbles the too and lola as rescues this is his photobucket with pics of parrots and ones he bred
    double standards or what thats not rescue thats a farce

  12. davek69 you have hit the nail on the head.i cant see how in a matter of a few hours .a member changes her mind from sending a bird a way to a new home and when thigs go wrong,she whants them back has she is missing i thought it was a no to smoke where ther is birds.

  13. what happened to jasper (alexandrine parakeet)
    he was up for rehoming, then weeks later i went back into the thread and it said (rehomed)
    dont know where he went and no updates
    someone has asked what happened to him in the thread but got no reply.

  14. Theres 2 female ekkies that disappeared off the site. They were with someone and UKPR seized the birds back but didnt tell anyone on the forum. One of these went to Jay the transporter and the other one went to Teri one of the moderators. When the question was asked by myself how the birds were it was ignored until Jay PM'd to tell me where these 2 birds were. Sorry, but why wasnt this on the open forum for all to see. It seems like shady business when birds are being seized and rehomed and the volunteers/forum members are kept in the loop.

  15. sorry, dont know how to edit a post but meant to say ' volunteer/forum members are not kept in the loop'!! lol

  16. We have seen Cherry the severly plucked eclectus at Jays home and based on what we were told she is destined to become a breeding bird.

    Sound familiar?

  17. come on if you wanna lie about things and you elle i didnt pm you at all

  18. So you didnt say you were waiting for a partner for Cherry then, you dont have breeding birds at the back of your home, and you havent bred birds before?

    Listen Jay, you dont know me!

    You can shout your mouth off here and 'smack me all over' (what a joke)

    You robbed Cherry from a caring owner just remember that!!!

    We have been in contact with people who know the people in question and the police will be informed in due process.

    Taking UKPR birds from foster homes to breed, you all should be ashamed of yourselves!

  19. no i said i was waiting on buying a female eckie from a friend for me ok bud

  20. A microchipped bird too for when the police coming knocking on your door!

  21. Registered to her original owner whose details we have on file, and its not you!

  22. And just remember Jamie, you as a UKPR worker have come onto this blog and resorted to issuing threats from your home computer with your i.p address now logged.

    Im not a vulnerable woman who you can just take things from or threaten with violence.

    Like i said; You dont know me!

    This could have all been sorted out amicably with everyone but UKPR seem to resort to violence, intimidation and threats if they do not get their own way.

    Where does the welfare of rescue birds come in all of this?

    I am an observer and dont like watching people take thie piss remember that!

  23. log my ip all you want mine rotates sorry mate also i aint on ukpr no more i stood down

  24. Considering the last few comments i think they have been made on a very fitting thread dont you think?

    Who are UKPR?

    And the post has not even been written yet!

  25. As everyone is aware, all detailed and thorough investigations always uncover the truth to those who are looking!

  26. Section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986

    [4A Intentional harassment, alarm or distress]

    [(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he—

    (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or

    (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,

    thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.

    (2) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place, except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation is displayed, by a person inside a dwelling and the person who is harassed, alarmed or distressed is also inside that or another dwelling.,%205,%206.htm

  27. This so called rescue has not been about the welfare of the birds for a long time. As one of the founders of UKPR it saddens me to say that these revelations have come as no surprise. We found out very early on that this venture would turn into nothing more than a power trip for Vikky. I see from Vikkys email that her attitude to other peoples opinions have not changed, the ego is still ruling her tongue.
    Where have all the Cockatoos been going to ? I see from a recent post on the forum that they dont need homes for Cockatoos ???? Strange !!!!

  28. do you know all i wanted to do in life was rescue birds even when i was younger i felt sorry for the birds in petshops zoos and many other places. i was never the nicest of people hence why i joined the army which shaped me up chilled me out. when i left i thought this is the time this is when i can make something matter. to change peoples perspective of me i spent years getting to know people on different forums all of them in fact plus all the rescues noone wanted to know till i joined ukpr i was welcomed warmly i might add to thier fold that was 2 years ago since the first forum opened and since then i have seen people slate them and why just to get one up on the other just think there one better i love recueing birds and i always will i love seeing them in there new homes happy with fresh fruit toys all sorts i mean god paul.caron i was going to transport and ammie and red bellied macaw for another rescue and paul i was gunna take you down to luton when i went down there but what i have seen on here sickens me it really makes my skin crawl i love recuing but beneath that lovely layer of help freedom trust and dfference is a nasty evil layer of people waiting and trying to undermine things trying to dissolv what some people have tried to do and make a real difference you can say what you want about me mate ive been called alot worse in the past and ive done things noone can be proud of butwhat your doing now is just dispicable i really hate this nasty layer of people who always try to have one last pop one last go see if they break which is a shame. i hoped when you nd caron came round to my house you would see how well i look after my birds how well cherry was looking how well i was doing but hey you just stabbed me in the back i would never dream of breeding from cherry i love her as does my famialy as does her origonal owner who knows were she is.
    my ringnecks in the vairy yes i breed them its the one true hobby i allow myself while drivign round the country picking up birds from homes and delivering them to people who realy care i do this of my own back and my own money and vehicle i ive travelled to the end of scotland and back down to plymouth ive done everything i can to help but one little comment like you have just made above has ruined all that now thanks mate this is from the heart i will be doing no more transporting and no more rescuing im sorry its come to this but its obviously what you want to see happen with your sad little world i hope u caron and the rest carry on making everyones lifes a misery by posting this shit you call information i call it pure hatred

    from a very sad home in middlesbrough

  29. Plenty of information is coming through Rob about rescued Cocktoos passing through UKPR and ending up in the possession of breeders.

    Rescuing birds and then turning them into money making machines.

  30. i love ukpr and nothing underhanded goes on on there they are truely passionate people about everything all walks of life. and for you lot to say such things under hidden names god only knows.
    what you put on here will never harm ukpr because i tell you what they have made alot of birds and people happy just because you didnt agree with one descision it makes them bad people i know they arent and caron i know you aint so why is this going on

  31. Change of tune there Jamie..

    How do you think the fosterer of a UKPR bird feels crying herself to sleep every night after several heavies went around her house and impounded her fostered bird because she dared to question the authority of UKPR?

    Sounds quite familiar doesnt it?

    Please do not take this as a personal attack on you Jamie because it is not intended in that way.

    This is about the welfare of these birds, their carers, and the way UKPR are trampling upon everyone in the process of lining their own pockets.

    As was shown on the thread that was removed from UKPR, this could have been sorted out amicably and then none of this would have happened.

    Vikky chose to take this route and put her pride above the welfare of JJ and Mylo.

    Maybe this was meant to happen, and hopefully those poor bird lovers who have been abused by this so called rescue service will now come forward to prevent other people from going through the same heartache and pain that they themselves have experienced.

    And all those sick birds that are in UKPR's possession, like Mylo here will be impounded by the RSPCA and found loving permenant homes, not homes where as soon as UKPR see fit they are moved all around the country, pushed from pillar to post on Vikkys whim.

    I know your motives are pure, in helping transport birds, but for whatever reason you have lost sight of those motives, and calling me sad doesnt change the facts does it, but if that makes you feel better about things then 'cool'.

    It doesnt change me though does it?

    Please take a step back and think about things tomorrow and before this goes beyond the point of no return, i hope things can be sorted out.

    If not the wheel is now in motion!

    Who knows where it will end up?

  32. Those 'hidden names' as you have put it will be brought out into the light Jamie in due course once everything is in place so do not think anyone here is hiding.

    This is about humans defending the welfare of innocent vulnerable birds, nothing more and nothing less.

  33. One last thing Jamie...

    When you are thinking about this tomorrow, just keep in mind all of those situations and actions that are questionable and border line criminal, or actually acriminal.

    Nothing can be hidden when the truth is brought to bear upon it, and that includes all of those situations.

    And denial of them will not make them go away!

  34. im not talking about the rescue im talking about what you said about me.
    the rescue is a total different story i aint changed my tune at all just seeing things more clearly.

    you made this wheel move by asking people to join and saying nasty things about a rescue that makes a difference in a positive way alot of nice ppl work for that rescue and i dont see why you or anyone else should bring them down. ive seen ukpr members work miracles with the birds they have handed in its unreal in there transformation from a dull eyed squaker to a loving friendly parrot with a bright shine to his/her eyes

  35. say what you want mate you wont bring down the fact that ukpr is a great rescue they really understand the birds brought in and no expense is shared in there welfare

  36. in due course why not now if they have somethng t say say it in your true name as am i. i have no reason to hide and i wont because i believe and know what i am saying

  37. paul you never even held a parrot till you met caron dont start preaching at me
    i know what i do i help vulnerable parrots from poor homes or homes which feel they cannot support there fid fully. into new caring ones with full support

  38. when i was in afghanistan and iraq i was trained how to see clearly how to see the way to go why woould my judgement be clouded when all i have ever seen come out of ukpr and vikky especially is goodness.

  39. You really have not read the personal encounter Jamie have you, or if you have you are blinded to the truth for some reason.

    Is it flattery, as you are their star member of the month?

    You state 'no expense is spared in their welfare'

    Please read the post written and then read your comment.

    You were there when that finch was stolen, and it WAS stolen!!!

    This is not about bringing anyone down, but if that happens then whose fault is that?

  40. do you not get it i have left ukpr i have read your personall encounter.

    you have started all this because your angry over a bird who now has a lovely new home

    you made it personal son remember that

  41. "Afghanistan, Iraq" come on Jamie...

    Respect for being there thats all i can say but it means nothing to me, and means nothing about this situation.

    We are in England now!

    Your their star Jamie because you do as they say and drive where they need you to drive.

  42. yeah as i said above i dont help ukpr anymore.
    as i said above i didnt say my life experiances were meant to mean anything i said i was trained to not be have a clouded judgement

  43. Not angry Jamie, just standing our ground, you remember that!

    Psalm 23

    You may have served the Queen, but i serve the King!

  44. what king what you on about god im on about a good caring loving rescue that will help any bird or parrot that comes in

  45. i didnt say u were angry at all

  46. Read between the lines people!

    And Jamie, read your long post above, 'angry and hate' came into it.

    It has all been written above, and everything that needs to be said has been said...

  47. I have been watching, listening, from the set up of ukpr and I have heard of so many shady dealing, so many people banned for asking simple question, ukpr are well known for banning people for just asking a question.
    Vicky is a very selfish person, she is a breeder, breeders use birds to make money,in my eyes you cant breed and rescue at the same time.
    I am against breeding, for this I have been on the receiving end of vickys sharp and very nasty gob.
    well done for starting this, i knew one day vicky would upset the wrong person, I AM SUPRISED IT HAS TAKEN SO LONG.
    for anyone who cant see what vicky is doing, open your eyes, you must be completely thick not to see what is going on.
    I hope this is the end of vicky, she is a money mad person, and this rescue has just been for that reason.
    if all the helpers dont get there expenses paid, not even petrol expenses, where has all the money gone, I have seen a great deal been put into ukpr but nothing being spent.
    I hope vicky has kept her books right (if she has any) because if not, she is going to be in a lot of trouble.

  48. "jamie said...

    you have started all this because your angry over a bird who now has a lovely new home"

    Who were you talking about here then?

    This isnt anger, this is about what is best for JJ and Mylo.

  49. Thank you for your comment Pat.

    Wake up Jamie before its too late because your heart is in the right place 'son'.

  50. i dont know cause your hidden could be caron but i believe it is paul

    more than likely paul this is just a hte campaign against a good rescue

  51. my heart was in the right place till you decided to spread nasty rumours untruths about me

  52. After all of the comments on this blog we are not alone in our belief of UKPR.

    Either you are blind or stupid, which one?

    In your heart you know the truth, but it seems your mind will not accept it because you are heavily involved in the day to day running of UKPR.

    Are all the commentators here lying?

    You may have stood down now but it was you who transported our finch.

  53. jamie said...
    i dont know cause your hidden could be caron but i believe it is paul

    more than likely paul this is just a hte campaign against a good rescue

    Jamie you need to wake up and listen to what peope are saying

  54. i cant comment i aint part of a rescue anymore how many more times as i said i did caron a favour not you

    "accept it because you are heavily involved in the day to day running of UKPR."

    i aint mate

  55. Jamie FOR GODS SAKE SHUT UP!! you are brain washed, funny how you say no one would have you, but vicky did lol that speaks for itself.
    there have been some very good carer's helping ukpr and some of these are now BANNED why ? because they started to smell a rat, and asked questions.
    it is VICKY!! who is conning everyone, vicky who is taking all the money, and vicky ruling the roost.
    VICKY is the one who is NOT for helping the birds but for helping herself.

  56. Perhaps in the interests of openess you would like to explain WHY you decided to stand down from UKPR Jamie?

  57. "A hate campaign"

    How else can the UKPR dictator and the running of the rescue be challenged on the forum if everyone is banned when they dare to question or say anything contentious.

    And threads removed to prevent the truth from being told.

    This blog is an open forum for people to share their stories without being silenced so as to be able to gain a clearer picture of what is actually going on at UKPR.

    We have witnessed borderline criminality, if not criminality in our small dealings with UKPR, so i can only imagine what else has gone on that people do not know about because they are banned from the forum with their threads deleted.

  58. robert you need to wake up and see your being led by a guy who has yet only ever held a parrot.
    i wasnt going to post i was going to let you lot do what you gotta do to get it out of your system till my name was mentioned

    i posted above i dont need to wake up i am very awake

  59. Agreed Pat and this blog has been set up in the interest of getting to the truth.

    Another voice of sanity Robert.

    You know your 'a**e' is on the line Jamie that's why your still here.

  60. shhh pat brainwashed dont be so silly if i was brainwashed id still be a member

  61. Jamie, for someone who has had birds for 20 years, you would not even go near Mylo.

    Mylo now walks about on my shoulder and follows me around everywhere as his new pal, so whether 1 day or 20 years it makes no difference.

    Caron has been a bird carer all her life!

  62. no i dont as i said above i dont work for the rescue or any rescue why would my arse be on the line

  63. I shall ask again... WHY did you decide to stand down from UKPR Jamie????

  64. You think about that one Jamie yourself...

  65. ah new that would come out yes i have had birds 90% of my life but did i say large macaws or toos i wont have either as you know i dont trust them i told u this when i was at carons house

  66. ask as many times as you want paul i gave my answer in the above posts

  67. sorry Jamie, you are not awake, you must be brain dead, can you not see that Vicky has been using you, and all the other carers, I do not question your heart is in the right place, but I do question maybe you need a little more intelligence.
    I do not mean to insult you, but its hard not to, as you seem to be blind as to whats going on.
    PLEASE just watch, listen, and think about it.
    more people will come on, more stories will be told, this I am sure,
    so just calm down, and have a good think, this is all about the welfare of the birds, nothing else.
    I am for the birds ALWAYS!!

  68. Dont criticise me then Jamie...

    Anyway, its late, this is going nowhere and getting very tedious.

    As stated earlier; please take a step back and think about things.

  69. i am calm i was annoyed earlier but more intelligence i dont need mate i have plenty

  70. nope i will be on
    i dont need a step back
    i have alot of spare time now

  71. jamie said...
    robert you need to wake up and see your being led by a guy who has yet only ever held a parrot.

    Not being led by anyone,I have had the pleasure of UKPR first hand and from where Im sitting, the people on here are the true rescuers,the ones that really care.
    How many UKPR birds does Vikky have in her personal care, thats right, NONE...
    Why does she ban everyone that dares to ask a question ? Is that the action of someone with nothing to hide ?
    Where are there accounts ? There has been a lot of money donated

    JJ and Mylo are the last straw, that is sad by anyones standards..

  72. We have had threats of violence, subtle intimidation and the sympathy card tonight.

    Read the title once more of this yet to be written blog post!

    Good night and Sleep well...

    I wonder what tomorrow will bring? ;)

  73. Read my last post above!

    And to think some poor innocent defencless woman had a couple of UKPR 'heavies' turn up on her front door demanding a bird back.

    If UKPR do not get their own way they resort to threats of violence and intimidation.

    Im not a vulnerable woman son!

  74. Keep digging Jamie, your going to dig yourself right into Holme House if your not careful ;)

  75. ive read this so far and im sadened that jamie cant see what has been going on, or cant admit whats been going on, there must have been some reason why he stepped down from UKPR? i didnt see that answer? sorry if i missed it.
    the welfare of these birds is not thought out by UKPR, obviously because they wouldnt demand these birds back once they have gone to their new homes "picked by them?"

    where does all the money go? homecheck fees? etc etc, if no volunteers get petrol money ? i would have thought they could atleast contribute this out of the hundreds they make off unsuspecting people?

    £153 raised from the auction? - wheres that?

    who mentioned book keeping? bet they dont even have one, let alone an accountant, im sure they arent paying tax on this, and they should, this is not a registered charity!!
    its not legal to take money off people on the pretence of being a chartiy when they dont have the status!

  76. From what i hear and have seen Brooke, Jamie is up to his eye balls with the goings on of UKPR.

    Defending the sinking ship on here because he helped steer it into the iceberg.

    Who knows if he is humble enough to want to rectify some of the immorality he has helped to perpetrate, at the expense of birds and people.

    Somewhere on the forum it states that some of the money donated goes towards tshirts etc for the mods "To make them look more professional", and advertising at shows...What?!!!!

    As we all now know, appearences can be deceptive!

    Perhaps the money would have been better spent actually helping birds rather than trying to create the illusion of being professional whilst conduct was clearly exactly the opposite.

  77. when i was at school, we had to pay out for our own uniform!!!!!

    my mother would have been so happy to take it out the goverments pocket, and classed it as a donation to go to school :o)

  78. Ok Im posting this twice as not sure of which place on here I should post it? But as far as monies for UKPR shirts goes I had to pay for mine. I would not dream of taking money away from the birds. Before I knew better I donated £20 to them as well, it seemed to disseappear into an abis? Nothing was mentioned? I remeber handing £50 in cash to Vikky for a bird being fostered out too. Where does all this money go? I'd love to see the UKPR accounts?


    I was an ACO for UKPR, I joined in April 07, was an ACO from August O7, and asked to stand down as ACO in October then banned in November 07.

    I was given hardly any information of what to expect when becoming an ACO, a little shocked when I got into the office section of the forum. How new and old members were being ripped to pieces behind the scenes.

    Whilst I was an ACO with them, I spent many hours helping advertise UKPR. Giving advice to people on the phone, picking up birds and also emergency caring birds.

    In this short time I was with them it became more and more apparent that a birds welfare was not given top priority. The last straw being when they bullied a child on the open forum, things behind the scenes got extremely unpleasant. I am not a mini me and without being rude will state what I think is right, which obviously alienated me from the rest of the team.

    I knew things were never that professionally run, but being a young rescue I hoped things would improve all the time. Where I thought I could make a difference I soon found out anyone with a little knowledge would not last.

    Vikky even told me over the phone before she asked me to step down as an ACO “If all my staff did as much as you my life would be so much easier” I rest my case.

    I finally got banned for supporting one of the emergency carers in my area who has Oscar the Amazon. Vikky wanted to move him into an unsuitable home, so I tried asking relevant questions under another identity as I knew I would get banned, even though these questions were perfectly relevant? Then sadly the emergency carer was banned too, for having the birds welfare as her top priority. She was abused by Vikky and publicly called a liar on the open forum by Vikky, which Vikky has now deleted surprisingly, her normal practice. Funny I got the blame for turning this e/c person against Vikky, she could not see that publicly humiliating a person might be the cause???

    I am just so happy Vikky asked me to stand down when she did, a lot more things became apparent after I left and I certainly do not want to be associated in any way with any of there dodgy dealings. They also hide the fact most of them were breeders too, and had buried any threads about this extremely well into the site so people wouldn’t find them easily and read them.

  79. There are no threads on UKPR visable !!!!

    What does that tell you???? If they had nothing to hide then why hide all their threads ......

  80. if they think about the birds that much they sould think about letting that poor bird,thats at adels go to its mate it can get to a vet.

  81. its mick-sue dont know what happend .if you see parrots 2008 its mick sue

  82. parrots2008 trying to confuse us LOL,,

    your right though, 1 half of a bonded pair needs to be reunited, and get to the vets asap, obviously the adele didnt take them to the vets, didnt want to waste money :(
    no thought for the birds being split up in the 1st place or she wouldnt have just sent the 1, if the other was not fit to travel she should have waited for the foot to mend, then sent them both together,

  83. hi back to norm,same as you say the move should have not gone ahead and they should have waited.but saying that atleast this poor bugger as at least been taken to the the other bird needs a vet as well.

  84. Agreed Mick and that is our main concern now, the health and well being of JJ, Mylos partner.

  85. Hi Everyone,

    First let me say I think your all MMMAAAADDDDD(I do say that in the nicest possible way)

    Im not a bird person, never have been and never will be.

    However I am very close to one of the people on this forum and who is now an EX member of UKPR.

    I also know various other EX members, and by experience from days out and over hearing conversations, I have never come across such dedicated and determined group of people who have but one care, the wellfair and happiness of birds.

    All these people as all the other members on this forum should be commended for the work that you do.

    From an outsiders point of view from the very beginning I was never fully sure on the running and the people from UKPR, even though I was told that they were upstanding people!!!

    The amount of griping, backstabbing, bitching and general nastiness that I have witnessed from these people beggars belief, seems to me they have truly lost the idea about what a rescue is.

    Had there been just one EX member with a gripe you would think thats its just sour grapes, but to have so many people who have been banned for asking very valid and genuine questions, you start to wonder what the bigger picture is.

    Unfortunately I have had the miss pleasure of meeting some of the "clicky" group of UKPR and Im not impressed.

    They have sunk to great depths when they upset a potential carer in the form of a young lady.

    The heavy handedness when trying to retrieve birds from emergency carers.

    I could rant and rave for much longer, but I just wanted to say to all new and old to this forum and even existing members of UKPR be vary wary of them, there is an alterior motive and has a darker side to what should have been a rescue for the welfare and upkeep of mistreated/ill and birds that need rehoming.

    One final thought, im sure accusations will be made and Im sure that UKPR Nazi Death Squad members will make assumptions but the truth always hurts and I for one wont loose any sleep if this forum and other things bring down the speedy and deserved demise of UKPR thus allowing the real work to be done!!

  86. Im not afraid to use my name, why should any of us be, we are all entitled to an opinion,well away from UKPR anyway lol.
    I was known to ukpr as Dcbirds ( early days )and was one of the founder members of this group.
    It was a very short lived relationship and i was one of the first people to be banned for airing my concerns on how thing were to be run. It became obvious very soon that this so called rescue was going to be run to benefit the people running it and the first priority was not the birds.
    One of my majar concerns was the involvment of breeders and that rescue birds would end up with breeders, and it seems that this has happened with higher value/rarer birds such as the cockatoos, which I truly believe have ended up in the hands of people like Harry Sissen and Alan H, COCKATOO BREEDERS.
    My opinion is the majority of people posting on this blog ARE the peole who truly care about these wonderful creatures.

    If you go to ukpr promo. video, most of the rehabilitatd birds at the end of this are my birds, not even rescue birds.I asked for these images to be taken off when I left ukpr due to there missleading nature, all I got was one of Vickys not too polite emails lol. Vicky Imo wants to take all the glory and do none of the work, how many rescue birds has she got in her personal care ???
    Their rescue seems to have degenerated into a very nasty bunch of people, employing bullying thugs and I am glad I am no longer part of it.
    You true rescuers keep up the good work, we are behind you all the way.
    Dorrie XX

  87. Looks like UKPR have removed their facebook page now!! If they got nothing to hide then why are they doing that and having a clearout of their members. LOL

  88. has any one got links to people who have donated some of these poor birds,i think they should know that there birds have been used for breeding .did they sign for there pets to be rehomed . i think some of them could help you.

  89. just think how many of those cockatoos that have been killed by the aviery birds.them poor toos have only known people and beeing hand tame would have been petrefied.i have seen it with my own eyes.all they want is love.and what have they got is betraid by ukpr.ive picked a lot of birds up for nps and have kept a eye on some and you can see them trying get peoples attention.its cruiel quiet a few of these birds could have been god help the poor ba-----s that have been put where no one can keep a eye open on least if they have any problems the people can tel the staff.with a lot of these put with breeders if owt happens they can just get another.its simple;

  90. My personal opinion is that Cockatoos should not be bred for the pet market at all. But that's a whole new debate.

  91. i agree but the poor things are hear.and we still have to look after theme its about time all hand rearing stoped.they are just making the problem worse for us rescuers.the only hand rearing should be when the parents leave there young.will leave it there we have enough problems at the moment.and allthough im not a scholler and dont know allot me and sue are , 100 percent with you.i had a b------n off vicky and in front of evry one not nice and will not forget it.

  92. one thing i did notice when i tolld every one that i was working with safehaven parrot refuge and still ham the semt not to bother with me .but as some one said today we are only in it for one thing.that is the birds.i can see now they must have been scared of beeing stuck off the forum.after all all the parrot rescues souled work together and not apart.

  93. I have tried to ask a question on the ukpr-thetruth blog only to be told only team members can comment on this blog, this seems very strange when at the bottom of there introduction they have stated "we have nothing to hide and welcome any questions you may have by contacting us " so much for being open and honest.

  94. im not the only one to try and type something then? i got the same message, then it automatically joined me on their "followers" , took me ages to work that one out and how to get my name off.

    must have plenty to hide if they wont let any one post!

  95. I can't find a ukpr-thetruth blog. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

  96. My heart aches for Mylo and JJ above all else :-( They should have been together in the right home for them, not seperate and in the middle of a debate over who has "legal ownershop", thats surely not what this is all about..?? Surely its more important that they are in the RIGHT home and their future welfare is secured.
    Caron, please hug Mylo for me.

  97. I cant believe it, she opens up a blog, tells us she has nothing to hide, and welcomes any questions, but doesn't allow you to ask a question, then when you try, you are added to the followers list.
    is this the action of a person with any brains at all.
    it is clear to me vicky cant answer any questions,and does not want people asking them, this is the reason everyone who dare asks gets banned.
    I wonder if vicky knows her website is illegal, she has rules to follow if asking people for money, her website should have names and addresses of the people running it, and also phone numbers, NOT MOBILS.
    this needs reporting to trading standards, they will be down on her like a ton of bricks.

    also vicky needs reporting to inland revenue, she should have a full account of money coming in, and going out.
    as we know, not much goes out.
    all her helpers do this for free, petrol etc.... they pay themselves, these are people that care, these are the people that have been banned after they started to smell a rat.
    birds are sold not given to good homes,also the new owners have to pay other fees,
    so all this profit on these birds, and no expenses, WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING!!
    fraud is a word that comes to mind, does she know she can do time for that.
    I hope she does.
    I know when she set up ukpr she wanted the bank accounts in OTHER peoples names, WHY!!
    and if the bank accounts are in someone else's name, they will take the fall, not vicky.

  98. Would trading standards actually have issue with the way this "rescue" is run then..?? Cos if so maybe its about time she was reported.

  99. All in good time SatansLittleHelper

    They believe they are living in the truth, when in 'reality' they are living upon lies, upon lies, and upon lies (work that one out)

    Seems to me that it's all going to come tumbling down around them all like a house of cards.

    And do you not agree that all of those poor birds and people who have been ill treated and disregarded deserve that?

  100. Of course. I think what angers me the most about the whole thing is that it just isnt about the birds for them...its about who owns what etc. Its not what you know, its who you know. The well known parrot "charity" Birdline threw up all the same issues, its just like sitting back and watching history repeat itself.

  101. I just wanted to add something else here in regards to Jamie. I have personally helped to rehome some birds to him that belonged to a friend and I have to say that he was a lovely guy and very helpful etc. I dont believe that he means any harm or malice, I think he is simply yet another victim of UKPR.

  102. I am so angry to how ukpr treat there members i was once a member and read in the spitting feathers section members slatting off other members and the owner and moderators done nothing about it ;-(
    i am a moderator on a forum and that sort or thing would never be aloud if anything the members would be banned for there actions and never banned for asking a question.
    i am gob smacked to read that this lady has been bullied and threat ed by these men for doing right for these parrots ukpr have no thoughts or feelings for there members or parrots and out of all this the parrots welfare should come 1st every time but from what i have heard and read they are not thinking of these parrots
    Quote: who mentioned book keeping? bet they don't even have one, let alone an accountant, I'm sure they aren't paying tax on this, and they should, this is not a registered charity!! Quote
    well i bet the taxman and charity commission would love to hear about ukpr
    unless i have missed it i cant see anyone from ukpr saying where all there money goes
    i hope that the RSPCA can reunite JJ and Mylo together where they belong they should never had been separated in the 1st place and that there site get closed down and a full criminal investigation is made
    i support the lady who has Mylo and wish her luck in getting JJ back be Strong we are all be hide you i am sickened to read that they can send 2 men to threaten a lady
    also i know many rescue places and i have never heard of you having to pay a fixed price to re home a animal i thought that's what the word was meant re-home to give a animal or parrot and loving permanant home
    everyone can see that this Vikky has something to hide banning members for asking questions is not normal
    i will support you all and i for one will be glad to see them prosecuted

  103. ok ukpr nothing to hide....... yer right why is it when i went to your site today it is closed to guest not one board is open for people to see thats what i call fishy errrrrmmmm so can you answer that one ???

  104. when i try and type on "UKPR THE TRUTH" it comes up with this message...

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

    i need aproving of my comments ??? hmmm

  105. then they blooming deleited my post.
    and it says....

    This post has been removed by a blog administrator

    obviously my questions and comments are not answerable? hmmm

  106. Well how interesting is all this? I only spoke to Vicky once, and that was enough. I had been approached by someone who knew I had Too's and experience with them. I can never agree with the white Too's being bred and reared as pets, they are way too needy a bird to be someones toy for a while. But when I was asked if I could take on Pebbles, a so called GSCockatoo, I said I didnt need another Too, but was willing to speak to the woman whose number I was given. I spoke to Vivky and told her who I was, and she said she had been waiting to hear from me. She told me all about Pebbles and seemed happy that I knew what I was doing with cockatoo's. Then I said but I really dont intend to 'donate'£150' to take him on. My exact words were, 'I dont need another cockatoo, but maybe Pebbles needs me' a deadly hush came over the phone, and then,'Oh, well we need to discuss this with(the person who first approached me) and I will get back to you' I am so glad I didnt hold my breath, I was worried where the bird would end up, so asked around,he was homed with a UKPRmod, who had already had to give up one Too because he bit her and scared her!! and then poor Pebbles went on to someone else, where I pray he isnt used to breed, how many tame cockatoos die because some grasping moron wants to breed from them? and interestingly enough, if Pebbles was a GS, I would eat my hat!! and not even a hybrid, he is a Triton through and through. Sorry, I had no intention on joining in on this, but stupidity and incompetence and birds being put second to greed and vanity totally leaves me steaming!!

  107. Thank you Midge for posting the comment here about your own experience it is very much appreciated.

    I will be adding it at the bottom of the 'stolen finch' post.

  108. Just going though some old posts on another forum and came across this from Vikky
    Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:01 am

    uk parrot rescue dosent have a status,it a voluntary organisation run by volunteers.....

    Therefore by her own admission here does this then not make UKPR taking donations illegal?

  109. Also I am sure there are a few followers on here that remember this posting by Vikky....

    ....anyone else would have rang the poor birds neck,but because it was ****..halleluyah its a miracle
    take the blinkers off guys

    that just about finished her off, and when just about everyone started to see her true colours...

  110. Thanks Close UKPR for good.

    Can you please take screen shots of these comments because it is more proof of the attitude of these bird 'lovers' to support what we are trying to make clear to people.

    Thanks for sticking with us and helping to expose the truth.

  111. vickys rescue, is a cock up, its just a money making scam, the finch proves it, soon as its value is known, its at vickys house.

  112. Doesnt that just go to show that the money was more important than the welfare of Pebbles.
    I know that if Midge offered one of my Toos a home I certainly wouldnt refuse, there are not many people who understand the needs of these wonderful white creatures.

    Anyone who could keep a U2 as a pet for years and then put her into an aviary with a mate and turn her into a breeding machine does not understand these birds even though they like to think of themselves as good breeders. Midge you hit the nail on the head, GRASPING MORONS.

  113. No problem UKPR Watch I shall send you the link - make a cuppa as there is 17 pages worth of abuse from UKPR members showing true colours....

  114. Midge, regarding Pebbles... I received a phone call out of the blue from Vikky last year saying that UKPR had a big 'too coming in shortly and would I be able to take him.

    I explained that with my present circumstances it was a bit difficult (major house renovations underway) but if they were struggling to find somewhere for him I would do my best.

    When I heard no more and rang Vikky to ask what was happening she told me that as he was more steady than expected she had decided to put him up on the forum. To me this was rather blatently because that way she could receive a healthy donation from the fosterer. Let's not kid ourselves here this is all about the £s not the birds.

    Vikky is now trying to make out on her blog that it was me who wanted to foster Pebbles but was unwilling to pay for the priviledge of doing so!

    The stories she is putting out are all lies and pure fabrication.

    This blog is for people to put their truth across without being censored.

  115. Please tell me its not just me that has noticed that Vikkys imcompetence also leads her to being unable to spell her own name..???!!!
    VIKKY on the forum and VICKY on the is it...or is she really the split personality we have been seeing after all..????

  116. Having been questioned over goodness knows how many pages by Vivky and Allen h (and answered the questions as clearly as I could) I am amazed that they are unable or unwilling to answer questions put to them.

    A few things that should be taken into account by the "fosters of any of the birds turned over to the UKPR.

    One it is questionably illegal to charge money in any shape or form for birds that have been placed with a group that advertises its self as a "rescue" if a fosterer has paid a donation that was asked for to allow them to have the bird they have in fact brought the bird and it no longer belongs to the "rescue" so to take it back would be stealing.

    The money from the sell of these "rescued birds would be income and tax etc would need to be paid on it,selling birds that are given as rescued birds could leave the person/s open to prosecution from any one of the "owners" of the birds, as would breeding the birds to make a profit from them.

    If monies were asked for or collected to help the birds then every penny will need to be accounted for, if it is not then it would be fraud, and everyone that are apart of that group could be charged with the same if they knew what was happening and helped felicitate it.

    If it was not stated that money would be spent on clothing when asking for donations then the money should not be spent in that way.

    As a charity every penny must be accounted for and were I to put out collection boxes I am not allowed to open them they must go to an accountant to be opened and the amounts in them recorded.

    Anyone who feels that their money has not been used in the way it way given to be used can ask for it back.

    When a person or the RSPCA hands a bird over to a group that has set its self up as a "rescue" they have the right to expect that the bird will be cared for in the very best way possible, that it will not be sold or breed with (unless a breeding situation is expressly asked for) and there by used as a money making profession.

    It truly sickens me to think that any poor cockatoo may have been placed in a breeding situation or any bird.

    Transparency is needed in all the dealings to date, the amount of money received and where it has been spent (with the necessary paperwork).
    If the UKPR has been going for two years it would have already given in at least one years accounts and anyone can ask Companies house to see them, if no accounts have been paid in then I can see a very big legal problem for the UKPR.

  117. so come on vicky!! wheres the accounts then,
    I hope people start asking for their money back

  118. if you realy need to find out whats going on then
    she will be at stafford on sunday??????(if they turn up)
    i had a bird via ukpr
    free to good home went and collected my self
    4hr drive there and 4hr drive back(not a rescue)
    wanted donation and had to sign foster form

  119. A 'donation' by it's very definition is a gift.

    So how is DEMANDING a 'donation' for the bird any different from demanding a 'payment'???

    To then insist that a 'foster form' is signed declaring that the bird remains the 'seller's' property is ludicrous.

    So let's see... These birds remain UKPR's 'property' while unsuspecting bird lovers bear all the costs involved, (care/feeding/housing/veterinary etc) Then at any time, on Vikky's whim, they can simply be seized back and another 'donation' pocketed by UKPR for a new 'fosterer' to look after him/her.

    Nice little earner, don't you think?

    All at the terrible expense of pain and heartbreak suffered by those birds and the caring, loving people with whom they have formed a bond.

  120. Can someone explain why the UKPR blog says

    'ukpr watch you are continuing to break a harrasment warning'

    Is this to scare people off from asking questions on their blog????

  121. Elle,

    As you and others know, these people are blatant liars, they lie through their back teeth to obtain a result and influence people. In this instance it is as you say, to scare people off from asking questions.

    They have banned people from asking questions they do not like anyway so it doesnt really matter.

    You will see from the photographs on this blog that there is only one person who currently has a harrasment warning, and its not us.

    If there is anyone who stil believes a word that comes out of their mouths, i would just like to point something out here over this one point.

    If there was a harassment warning issued against the authors of this blog, then do you think we would still be writing to it?

    We would be under arrest wouldnt we?

    Think about it!!!

    This blog is based upon facts, nothing more and nothing less, read them all for yourself.

    And one last thing.

    The person who has the harrasment warning has not been seen here since.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.
