Sunday 15 March 2009

Why the change of Heart...

I would like to address the criticism received for the change of heart regarding Mylo being sent back off on his travels again to a third party.

Firstly, perhaps I should make perfectly clear that at no time, has Wayne Watkins/June Edwards or any other reputable rescue been deemed an ‘unsuitable’ home by myself or anyone else, it is just that now after 2 weeks of having daily one to one contact with Mylo we feel that a home environment with constant interaction is what his life needs, and not an environment with a large number of other birds.

How can wanting what’s best for Mylo be wrong?

When Mylo arrived at my home two weeks ago, I, like everyone else, had been led to believe that he was an unpredictable bird that would bite, had scant desire for human contact and was happy to spend his time solely in the company of a bird companion, JJ. This can all be seen on the removed Mylo & JJ thread on UKPR’s forum after 6 months living with Adele.

Over the short space of time he has been here, it has become more and more glaringly obvious that this most certainly, is not the case.

Mylo, although kept separately, is perfectly aware of the presence in our home, of my 14 other birds (including a Greenwing and two Blue and Gold macaws) and yet shows no desire beyond swapping a couple of morning calls, to interact with them as yet. To the contrary, he absolutely dotes on human contact and will follow us around like a puppy, revelling in being taxied about on an arm and enjoying scritches and tickles.

(Please see videos below that clearly illustrate this point.)

We have been in constant contact with someone who knew of these two birds when they were with their previous owner before he became ill. The previous owner was said to dote on this pair along with the other six parrots that he kept, and they walked freely around his home with no cages. This life they lived from being hand reared was for the first 7 or 8 years of their lives, so they are both human imprinted birds (please see comment below from a rescuer regarding human imprinted birds going into an aviary). It is our belief from information that has come back to us, that the previous owner signed these two birds into the hands of the RSPCA on the strict condition that they would not be split up. These two birds are now separated, with us fighting for what we believe is best for their present welfare and long term wellbeing. Our version over the contention of why they were split up and 2 weeks on, not back together is on the pages of this blog. UKPR have their belief over this situation and how it should be rectified for the sake of Mylo & JJ and we have ours. Vikky will not let JJ come here to be with Mylo because that would mean Vikky giving in and back tracking on her initial decision when she lied, and we do not feel that Mylo going to be in a small scale rescue with 60+ other birds is best for his wellbeing.

Human feelings and emotion aside what is the VERY BEST for these two birds? Because that is all that matters, and that is the welfare worth fighting for.

We are stuck between a rock and a hard place, so the only alternative is to have the RSPCA do a thorough investigation and then decide what they believe is best for the two birds considering they are the ones who signed the pair into UKPR hands.

If we do not fight for what we believe to be the best for Mylo then who will? We would be failing the poor little guy who now has the love of my whole family, and I am sure their original owner who adored these two would want the same for them.

Anyone with any sense knows what is right for these two, it is only those who have a vested interest who would deny Mylo & JJ the future they deserve.

People might be offended that we have not allowed Mylo to go and be with JJ at Wayne's who was our original third party, but Mylo is more important than peoples thoughts and feelings and that is all we care about. We have talked extensively with Wayne over this situation from day one. Yesterday I discussed with him the possibility of having the birds ownership signed over to him and then the possibility of me long term fostering them, because this is not about ownership of the birds, this is about what is best for their lives. Wayne agreed but said that he would have to make it clear to Vikky what he would do just so there is nothing underhand going on, to which I agreed. Wayne did this and then Vikky true to form, distorted it beyond belief laying blame at my feet again. Those people who know Wayne can ask him.

The allegations of ‘freebie hunting’ by Vikky are almost too ridiculous to bother dignifying with a response. However… Anyone with even the intelligence of a tin of Spam, can surely realise that caring for someone else’s bird, providing the veterinary care, food, toys, housing, etc, cannot, by even the widest stretch of the imagination, be construed as a ‘freebie’!

Unlike some individuals in the parrot ‘industry’ I do not put a price on a bird’s head. To me a bird is a bird, is a bird whether it be a lowly member of the corvid family, a pigeon or a magnificent Hyacinthine Macaw. They are wonderful, sentient, living creatures who deserve our respect, our care and any protection we can offer them. I have never in my life, sold or bred a bird and never would, Everything I have ever done has been for my love of birds and funded from my own pocket without the need to request ‘donations’ or payment.

My only concern in all of this is that Mylo and JJ now have the happy life they so richly deserve after all these poor little souls have been through over the past year.

We have our belief about what is the best for these two poor birds long term wellbeing and we will fight for that until the very end, presenting our case to all of the relevant authorities for them to decide if it goes that far.

The lawless world of parrot rescue, being exploited by charlatans at the expense of animal welfare.

Video 1: Strokes

Video 2: Grumpy

Video 3: Those pesky pin feathers...

Dorrie said...

So now ukpr think it is right that two birds that have always been in a home environment and are so obviousy imprinted shoud be placed in an aviary environment.

All this has saddened and sickened me, how an organisation who call themselves a rescue have no feeling for the needs of these two birds.

There is a loving caring home with Caron and Paul which is obvious to a bind man but Vickys ego is bigger than the happiness of these birds.

This home was good enough for ukpr two weeks ago, why not now ? because there has been a petty disagreement and Caron has dared to question Vicky over a cage ! So what is best for the two birds is no longer important, as long as Vicky gets her own way.

This has gone on long enough and if ukpr is willing to legally sign over the birds to another rescue then why not just sign them over to Caron and the Home where Mylo has settled over the last Two weeks.

This should be about what is best for the birds welfare and it needs to stop now.

As has been posted above, Caron you know in your heart what is best and Mylo has settled there, just stand your ground and dont let these bullies put Mylo and JJ through any more upset.

If these people want to take you to court, we will gladly sit at the side of you, we support you all the way

Nil illegitimi carborundum.

Fri Mar 13, 05:13:00 PM 2009


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with what Dorrie has stated above, it is beyond comprehension WHY these two beautiful creatures should be placed into an aviary?!?

They are imprinted.

We have our very own 'product' here of what happens when a bonded bird is separated from its companion and 'shoved' into an aviary because 'its best he's with other birds' and let me say this, with regards to psittacine behaviour it creates what I believe is the avian equivalent of heartbreak.

It can lead to and even be the root cause of emotional/trauma related behaviour which can never be rectified or modified within an aviary environment, these birds crave our attention, after all we took it upon ourselves to domesticate these animals, bringing them into our homes, altering their innate instincts for then place them into an aviary because we feel like it, so they can be and do what exactly? = Constantly call out to their 'true' flock, develop stereotypical/non stereotypical behaviours, become withdrawn, become a victim to true 'wild' behaviours of other birds and live out the rest of their lives always missing apart of them, alone.

No I don’t think placing two imprinted psittacines into an aviary is in the TRUE interests of their welfare, it is nothing more than a 'quick fix' to a situation which I can honestly say is ridiculous.

The scenario whereby children are used as 'tools' of manipulation in a divorce comes to mind, not on your side Caron, but with ukpr.

For an 'organisation' that addresses themselves as the United Kingdom Parrot Rescue, there is no 'real' unity, only with themselves.

Stay strong


  1. why is the emphasis being put on aviary life ? i was under the impresion mr watkins could offer indoor life to, if that is what the macaws need

  2. PL member:

    If Vikky is willing to release JJ, then why will she not release her to join Mylo here where the pair were first destined?

    I was the best home for them both, then all of a sudden because awkward questions were posed, Vikky BLATANTLY LIED and Mylo was demanded back, with no concern whatsoever about his welfare.

    Yes, we can agree for Mylo to go to Wayne's, but we feel that is not the very best for him, not just the aviary environment but because there is no way he will get the same level of human interaction as he gets now due to the fact that Wayne has 60+ other birds. This is in no way a criticism of Wayne but a fact.

    What is best for Mylo?

    Mylo has also settled in here over the last two weeks.

    It is Vikkys decision not to let JJ join him, instead she wants second best for him just so she can save face.

    This is about Mylos long term wellbeing, not a short term fix to make a bad situation good!

    This is in the hands of the RSPCA now, these are ex-RSPCA birds, so let them decide what is the best course of action for the pair. Maybe they will regret ever placing them and others in the hands of UKPR and seize them back "who knows", but considering "ALL" of the facts surrounding them and their welfare whilst in the hands of UKPR, i would be very suprised if they didnt.

    Then what will they decide?

    Send them to Wayne, or leave Mylo here and let JJ join him as it was originally planned.

  3. Mylo does seem to have settled in well with you
    i hope mylo and jj can be together soon as its not fair on them to be apart when they have lived and bonded with each other, thats all they know.

  4. you choose to state that it would be unfair to "move" mylo now because of the time he has spent with you,was that a plan? as anyone with a birds welfare at heart,would have jumped at the 3rd party offer that Mr watkins had offered on the day,so why did you? they would have been reunited within hours,and why then ask Mr watkins to "give"them back to you if UKPR did sign them over to him,that seems very "underhanded" to me,and for this "plan" of yours to have worked,JJ would have needed to be moved to surrey,from stoke on trent,Mylo would have needed to be moved from your (cleveland i beleive?) to surrey? which in itself one way is hundreds of miles for the birds,then you would have wanted them to travel hundreds of miles back to you? how the hell is that in the best interests of the birds?
    out of mr watkins 60+ birds,how many are outside,and how many would mylo and jj of been sharing indoor life with?
    it just seems to me,that you are going through every perceivable option of trying to get what you want,you dont give a stuff about the birds,you are using mylo as a mascot for your hate campaign....and im not sure why you decided to post his pictures since being with you,as he looks utterly miserable,stop being so selfish and get it sorted,what happens after another 3 months and a court appearance and the law says you have to send him home? and im not sure how you will be able to use his previous carers illness,as i know of a lady who is dying,and still having cockatoo's taken to her by the RSPCA

  5. Anonymous:

    1.) The only plan has been to give Mylo & JJ a good home, a home that the whole of UKPR deemed the best place for them both, that is until Vikky BLATANTLY LIED and demanded Mylo back whilst using him as a pawn because of her spite, and now we find ourselves in the position we are today.

    2.) We were the ones who 2 weeks ago asked Wayne if he would be a third party so that Mylo & JJ could be back together, not Wayne asking us, that was at the start of this, so read the post properly now its 2 weeks later.

    3.) Due to the fact that this has never been over the ownership of the birds just their welfare, it was asked of Wayne, that if Vikky would agree to sign the pair over, then could they then be long term fostered, without the need of Mylo moving. Not once was it ever planned to move Mylo up and down the Country, i think anyone with an ounce of intelligence could see that there is no way we was planning on doing that, when Mylos welfare is our No.1 concern, so to say otherwise just proves the point about UKPR and their co-horts twisting things to suit their needs.

    4.) The only thing wanted is Mylo & JJ's best long term wellbeing, and if you read the posts you will see our view of things. Please do not forget that it is Vikky who has started this with no concern for the birds welfare, when she BLATANTLY LIED to get Mylo back, and now your trying to paint a different picture of the proceedings.

    5.) A Mascot for a hate campaign??? How is challenging a bunch of cowboys a hate campaign? And defending the Rights of a defenceless bird?

    Shows exactly the type of person you are, and no wonder you signed in under anonymous!!!

    6.) Saying Mylo looks miserable just proves the warped nature of you and your words, twisting reality to suit your agenda.

    7.) If the law says that Mylo should have gone home then the day the police were standing in the house would have been the day they went back, they obviously could see what we were saying, and Mylo is still sitting here, so what is really going to change that?

    The illness is not why they should not go back, as you say people are ill and still have birds taken to them, that is the individual persons own choice regarding their health.

    Considering Adele has a serious illness brought on by birds, it would be pretty stupid of her to take the birds back that she had just found homes for, because Vikky wants her too, just to support her BLATANT LIE, come on, i hope Adele is not that stupid?

    The other point is that Mylo has a respiratory condition, UKPR knew this, so why on earth did the knowingly place him in the care of a smoker, which is clear breach of their own rules.

    Not really looking after Mylo of JJ's wellbeing there were they?

    No disrespect to any smokers reading this, but RSPCA rescue birds being signed over to UKPR and then placed in direct harms way.

  6. Further to the allegations that Mylo "looks utterly miserable" I would just like to point out a couple more 'facts'.

    Mylo arrived here with bald patches on his lower abdomen and wings that he was plucking at. He was also presenting mild route tracing behaviour which was obviously a cause for concern.

    Two weeks on and Mylo's feathers are growing back beautifully, the baldness has all but disappeared and the route tracing has stopped.

    Is that the sign of an "utterly miserable" bird?

    I think not!
