Tuesday 17 March 2009

Lets make things perfectly clear

Mylo & JJ are living sentient creatures who have rights to be protected by and from humans, and as Mylo is currently in Caron’s care those rights will be protected and defended. The sad thing is, is that he never arrived with his partner JJ as he was supposed to, she is still in the care of Adele, who has Vikky sitting over her waving in the air a piece of paper with a signature on it, and claiming legal ownership.

After speaking with Adele it is apparent that she wants JJ to be with Mylo because she knows that’s what’s best for them both. The only thing stopping her from letting her travel to be with Mylo is fear about Vikky and her legal ownership over JJ (she does not want to get in trouble).

Mylo & JJ should never been viewed as somebody’s possessions with price tags upon their heads, especially by the supposed bird rescue service who were given ownership of them by the RSPCA, and then charged with finding them a new home and a new life.

How many more rescue birds have the RSPCA signed over into Vikky’s ownership?

Mylo & JJ were placed in the care of Adele, where they were for the first 6 months of being in Vikky’s ownership. There are issues regarding Mylo being placed where he was with Adele, but she has been criticised enough on this blog over these matters, and it has not been our intention to do this. Adele is just an unfortunate woman who is being used as a pawn in all of this because she was good enough to take Mylo & JJ in on an emergency care basis, in the first place for Vikky (UKPR).

Adele has been diagnosed with allergic alveolitis which is a lung disease made worse by keeping pet birds, so for the sake of her health and her family she had no alternative but to find a new home for Mylo & JJ.

All relevant UKPR home checks had been carried out on Caron, to which anyone who knows her will know there is no way she would have failed them, so was approached and asked if she would take Mylo & JJ, on an emergency care basis with the view to long term fostering - She agreed

Caron made her reservations known to me about taking UKPR birds in, looking after them, and then at any time UKPR swooping in and taking back the birds with no consideration of the birds, their welfare or the carers who have been looking after them.

I advised her not to get involved.

Considering this was 2 Macaws needing a new home, and she was asked to look after them she accepted, and the pair where then destined to join Caron’s family.

Both Mylo & JJ’s profiles stated that they would be coming with a large dividing cage (Pallace), so Adele was asked about the cage by Caron, and said that Vikky has told her she could have the Pallace for her birds and Mylo & JJ could have one of her old ones.

Why would someone re-homing their birds due to illness need a new cage?

Nothing more was said to Adele about the cage at this point, only that it would not be a problem.

When taking a step back and realising that Mylo & JJ would need a decent cage, one that would be their forever home, whether they stayed or left to be with a new family, it was then pointed out to Vikky that they will be needing a cage, so could they have the Pallace which was donated for them, and that everyone was told would be going with them.

This obviously caused ill feeling because Caron was told that Adele was to be given the Pallace cage now and Mylo & JJ would be getting one of her old ones.

What could be said about that?

So the cage that had been donated for Mylo and JJ would not be going to them, instead they would be getting a different smaller one from their previous carer.

This seemed unfair on the birds and highlighted bad UKPR practices.

It might only be a cage but it is the principles surrounding it. If it was donated for them both, everybody was told the pair would be living in it, then considering these are rescue birds and the cage was donated for them and they needed it, then they should have been given their forever home that was destined for them in the first place, and not someone else’s old cage.

Mylo arrived on the night that had been arranged, but he arrived in a small dog crate without JJ his partner, and without a cage.

The reason given by UKPR for why JJ never arrived is very questionable.

There were a few issues raised with the UKPR driver on the night of Mylo’s arrival, about the cage and the singing finch with the driver saying he stayed out of anything else and just does the driving. Caron was told that JJ would be following Mylo up to his new home the following Saturday after her foot had healed, along with a cage.

The next day on the UKPR forum, where all the day to day running of UKPR is played out, the situation of Mylo arriving without JJ was spoken about, and the issue of their cage was addressed to Vikky.

Removed thread: Mylo & JJ

Within half an hour of talking about Mylo & JJ’s cage that was destined for them both, Vikky suddenly announced that Adele had just called her and stated that she wanted to foster the pair long term, to which Vikky had agreed, so Mylo was to return to where he had just come from.

This was all very suspicious to people because why would someone who had just found the best home for them both due to the fact of being seriously ill with a disease made worse by pet birds, then want them back, and to put them in a spare room that had already been stated wasn’t ideal for them?

It didn’t make sense and now over 2 weeks on, the truth of the matter has come out, and it is that Adele never asked to foster Mylo & JJ long term in the first place. Vikky stated she had on her own volition because she wanted Mylo back away from Caron because she dared question her over the cage. Adele was then forced into the position of having to lie for her friend over the situation, and agree with Vikky’s claim.

Over 2 weeks on I am pretty certain Adele is seriously regretting getting involved.

When Vikky made the decision to lie about Adele wanting to foster them long term, where was the consideration for Mylo & JJ and their present welfare and long term wellbeing?

That never came into the equation. Only that Mylo is Vikky’s property and she wanted him back, no matter what she had to do to get him back, who she had to hurt in the process, or what effect this would have on the pair of birds.

Caron was subsequently then banned from the forum, just like everyone else before her, with her name and character then blackened by the faithful few, her side of the story silenced, and then the attempts to reclaim Mylo behind the scenes were set in motion.

This blog was then set up to tell the truth about this side of the story, invite others who had been banned to share their stories, and that has all been written over the last 2 weeks for anyone interested in the story as it has unfolded.

When people did start speaking out they were swiftly intimidated into silence, either through the blackening of their names through lies and fabrication, or attempts to have them sacked from their jobs. Others live in fear of having the bird’s in their care taken from them so it’s easier to stay silent, and just be an observer rather than a participant and lose what has become precious to them, which is the love of a UKPR rescue bird.

We know for certain that information has been passed to the RSPCA regarding other situations concerning UKPR.

Should a parrot rescue being given birds by the RSPCA, be using threats of violence and intimidation to silence any critics of their conduct?

UKPR say its all lies, like everything else which is said they say is lies, but the evidence is here on this blog, and we are in contact with some of the other people involved.

There are no banning orders or silencing here on this blog, this is an open platform for all people to read our writings and comment when relevant (moderated now because of the relentless barrage from UKPR), unlike UKPR’s forum where all their day to day business activities are run from, that is now a closed house to anyone other than the faithful few.

Mylo who is now in Caron’s care has rights as a living creature, rights which are to be protected by us as responsible humans. He is currently in a loving safe environment and is exceptionally happy.

Vikky views Mylo & JJ as nothing more than ‘her property’, that she can do what she likes with irrespective of what’s best for them both.

To my knowledge Vikky has never once had these two birds in her care for any amount of time, they have been with Adele and now with Caron, so how on earth can Vikky judge what is best for them both if she has never taken care of them? She doesn’t even know them, they are just her property that other people have been looking after, to do what she likes with them, because the RSPCA signed them over to her. They signed them over in the belief they would be looked after and cared for, not abused like they are now being.

All Vikky cares about is that her name is on the ownership form so she can do what she likes with them.


That’s not how it works with ‘Animal Rights’

These two were placed into her care by the RSPCA because they believed UKPR to be a reputable rescue with bird’s welfare their No.1 priority, and as this situation proves beyond doubt, that is a long way from the truth. Mylo & JJ’s rights have been abused by Vikky and the faithful few have rallied in defence of their leader, even knowing she blatantly lied in the first place, and has roped a sick woman into her web of lies and deceit.

What does this say about those faithful few? Those like Bella who come onto this blog accusing the authors of it, as liars etc etc etc

These people ‘together’ call themselves a bird rescue, charged with defending and protecting the rights and welfare of rescue birds!!!

‘Scam’ it has been aptly named by others.

Over the course of the 2 weeks, Vikky finally agreed to a third party taking Mylo & JJ in so that they could be together, this gave her a get out clause over her abhorrent behaviour over the lives of these two innocent birds. But after 2 weeks of Mylo being here, he couldn’t be happier, only other than if JJ was allowed to be with him. He has stopped plucking with his feathers growing back well, and he arrived with route tracing behaviour which has completely stopped.

If Mylo could speak what would he say? “ I want to stay here with you where I am happy so please defend my rights”, or “send me away again to a place I don’t know, to people I don’t know”?

He is incredibly happy and loves the human interaction he gets here.

UKPR’s attempt to reclaim Mylo is now based upon the RSPCA going to inspect Adele to see if she is a suitable home for them both, believing that if they say yes then Caron will have no alternative but to let Mylo go back to Adele’s where he has just come from. This is true if the RSPCA do say this, but it is extremely unlikely after knowing all of the facts. Not hearsay or accusations, just the cold hard facts of this matter.

There are several reasons why Mylo should not go back to Adele’s that have been highlighted throughout this blog, and not least the one that she is seriously ill, with a condition made worse by keeping pet birds.

Vikky’s point to reclaim Mylo and remove him from where he is now happy, for the RSPCA is that Adele wants to foster the two long term and Caron is preventing that from happening. As we know from speaking to Adele, she never asked for this in the first place, Vikky told her she had said this, and then forced Adele to support the lie.

To think that Vikky & Co would now want to use Adele even though she knows she is seriously ill, and has a young son, just to take Mylo back from the home where her own organisation had deemed the best possible place for them both. It is disgusting to be using and abusing someone in such a way. They are bullying someone weaker than themselves to do their dirty work for them.

These actions by Vikky & Co of using a vulnerable woman who is ill for their own personal vendetta against Caron that started over the questioning of the cage, sums up completely the type of people they are. They have absolutely no concern for anyone else other than themselves, and definitely not in anyway a concern for the birds in their possession.

Each step of the way Vikky has been pleaded with to do the right thing, and each step of the way she has refused.

Let others judge what is right and what is wrong here, and let the authorities take the responsible action for this pair of Macaws Mylo & JJ who just want a happy home to live in which they have got here with Caron, where Mylo is currently sitting.

Vikky has now put forward a mandate for change on UKPR which is based upon everything this blog has pointed out over the past 2 weeks. When seeing this, the initial thought was that she had obviously seen the error of her ways and was wanting to rectify them. How wrong could I have been, when she was pleaded with once again to do the right thing for Mylo & JJ by allowing JJ to be released from Adele to be with her partner here. This is the one thing at the centre of the contention over the last 2 weeks, a contention where she is clearly in the wrong, and is one thing that she will not change, no matter what, even though the facts are staring everyone in the face.

It beggers belief, it really does, and whatever happens now is of her own doing because like has been stated, every single step of the way she has been pleaded with to do the right thing and each step of the way it has been flatly rejected. What more can be said or done? NOTHING

We reap what we sow…

In closing, all the talk of third parties is Vikky’s way of getting out of what she has created, and achieving what she set out to achieve which is to stop Mylo & JJ going to Caron’s. This is not for the good of the birds, this is for the good of someone who has abused these birds and kept them apart for over two weeks now.

JJ should be with Mylo at Caron’s home where they were originally destined for before Vikky created this mess by lying, if she hadn’t lied in the first place then they would both be here now and you would not be reading this.

Third parties etc are second best for these two birds because they were not even in the picture before the LIE.

Vikky has no alternative but to allow Adele to let JJ go and be with Mylo along with their Pallace cage, and if she does not then she will face the consequences.

Caron has done nothing wrong; all she has done is protected Mylos’s rights from unscrupulous humans out to abuse them because they mean nothing to them.


    UKPR’s attempt to reclaim Mylo is now based upon the RSPCA going to inspect Adele to see if she is a suitable home for them both, believing that if they say yes then Caron will have no alternative but to let Mylo go back to Adele’s where he has just come from. This is true if the RSPCA do say this

    Glad to hear this UKPR WATCH I hope Vikky gets on and sorts out this homecheck so we can end this asap
    I only hope that once done if the reult is that Adelle is a suitable place for mylo to go to you will honour your word

  2. You say there is no banning orders or silencing on here so why have 6 or 7 of my posts been stopped? I simply pointed out lies made my caron on this blog but yet i was stopped why is this if i have a right to speak?
    Maybe if i cant question caron about the lies on her own blog then maybe i should go to ukpr blog maybe they will be allowed there and i wont be silenced.

  3. Shows your mentality Bill-Top, for some reason you want anything other than JJ to be where she is meant to be.

    You choose to ignore the truth and deny the lies.

    Sad Sad man...

    Read the images and then wonder whether the RSPCA would want to send both birds back into Adele's care? No disrespect to Adele, its just the cold hard facts of the matter!



  4. A few video's of Mylo, the Macaw that Adele was scared of for 6 months and had handled only 3 or 4 times.


  5. I have read them, I know of a few people who have respiratory illnesses and still sucesfully keep and rescue parrots - in fact a name i have seen on this blog comes to mind.

    I have also known the RSPCA who i have worked with closley many times in the past to rehome over 100 animals, rehome animals to people who are disabled and the need for oxygen every hour.

    It is not the health of the person they look at in the first instance but rather the ability of an individual to give the care required with the appropriate facilities.

    Your responses are becoming quiet typical now - a comment is made and you attack the person "sad sad man...."
    this can be seen across this blog - you profess to be a religious man and quote scripture many times, but your overall persona is of a very angry individual - not angry over the issues in this blog - just angry - your first defence is your offence, peoples opinions are not taken at face value and responded to, rather you attack anyone daring to disagree with you.

    My recommendation is to learn humility and sometimes to turn the other cheek when dealing with other people

    the following may help
    The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy - Psalm 145:8

    Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. - Ecclesiastes 7:9

  6. Your in good company because God can use anyone to speak his word, look at Balaam and his donkey.


    One thing has become very clear.

    You have a wicked and vile twisted side to you. We know exactly who you are and it has been quite hard to comprehend.

    Pure Evil i would call it.

    This matter over Mylo & JJ does not concern you now.

  7. By the way Bill, when i stated sad sad man it was because of your reluctance to accept the truth.

    How can you stand behind a BLATANT LIE?

    And defend that lie?

    What does that mean?

    A sad sad person who would do such a thing.

    And you are not a man you are a woman!!!

  8. Bella, your comments are peurile and repetitive which is why they havent been published. So if you want to talk about lies then yes you should go and comment on UKPR's blog, or their forum as your one of the deluded faithful few.

    There have been no lies told here, although the accusations have been thrown, these remain unsubstantiated.

    Its funny how the faithful few ignore the "Great Big Lie", and work together to detract people from it.

    We would not be here now if it wasnt for this lie, it is the crux point of everything.

    Call in the police and see what they say, and whether Adele would tell the truth.

  9. Ephesians 4:31

    "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

    And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

    Corinthians 13:4-5
    "Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered..."

    I hope you can change your attitude into one for productivness not destructivness as it is now!

    I forgive you your comments

  10. Hebrews 12:6 - 11 because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
    and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."[a]

    7Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! 10Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. 11No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

    I hold no malice towards anyone, it is just peoples actions.

    Should we give up fighting for Mylo's rights when we are in the right?

    It is Vikky (UKPR) who have been asked over and over again to rectify this situation and they have refused.

    We can quote scriptures backwards and forth all night but it will not change anything!

    There is no hatred here, just the willingness to defend the defenceless...

    For as long and hard as need be!
