Sunday 29 March 2009

Subtle threats

UKPR are accustomed to 'threatening and intimidating' women into silence, or to get their own way when it comes to the running of their 'cowboy outfit' bird rescue.

Below is a brief exchange between myself and Alan Hird, the Cockatoo breeder who hands rescue birds to Harry Sissens.

No disrespect to Mr Sissens, but you should choose your friends more carefully Harry, unless of course you are heavily involved with UKPR which will become evident in due course.

I am not going to write a long post here because statements from each individual in question will be taken by the relevant authorities. Alan.h and the faithful few on UKPR who must all be up to their necks in it, along with Vikky and Alan are continuing with their deranged UKPR circus show, and he has chosen to reveal HALF of our email exchange from yesterday.

I have nothing to hide so please read between the lines, which Alan.h obviously has trouble doing.

Alan.h is as thick as thieves with Jamie the UKPR driver who was the owner of what is now claimed to be a dead female Eclectus called Cherry. I have been in email contact with the original owner and have stated that a full and frank apology will be given once she has the original PM in her possession. Until then there are still unanswered questions and Cherry deserves us asking them, especially because she has become an integral part of our dealings with UKPR. We did see the poor little bird after she had been seized from her previous carer in Jamie's home after all.

Cherry was seized from a lone woman by 2 car loads of people, Jamie, Vikky's partner Scott, and several others, so we know their style!

We have also had information from people stating that there are a few Eclectus being passed around the country (for breeding, perhaps?) So this begs the question; how many more rescue birds have gone under the radar of UKPR members and are now in a breeding situation, and is Cherry really dead or paired up now with a male Eclectus as was Jamie's original plan.

It is a known fact that everyone behind this rescue are bird breeders after all so it doesnt take much imagination to work things out does it?

There are other cases of threats of violence conducted by UKPR that have also come to light in the process of writing to this blog, and there have been cases of people being intimidated into silence by UKPR calling up their places of work in an attempt to get them fired.

All of this information is on top of Jamie the UKPR driver's, actions that earned him a harrassment warning from the police.

A pack of of bullies who prey on women and people weaker than themselves, to enforce their business practices, whilst all along the birds in their care are being abused for their own selfish reasons.

You think we would sit back and send Mylo back into their clutches?? Think again people and that's why this blog has come as far as it has.

All it takes is one phone call Alan, and then you are in serious trouble. That is not a threat, it is a statement of fact.

I do not expect to be out, or not around, and thinking that you could arrive on Caron's door step trying to intimidate her, just like Jamie tried to, and your comment on UKPR's forum constitues a threat because it has left those thoughts in my mind.

So lets make things perfectly clear here!

The sooner the police shut you down and investigate you the better!

Rescue birds and innocent people should be protected from the likes of you, and coming in at this late stage, I can only imagine what type of torment you have put others through with your lies and twisting of the truth, amongst your faithful few.

You all disgust me, after watching your speil on the UKPR forum, and its amazing that people have been dragged into your world, believing the reality around yourselves that you help eachother create.

I just wonder how deep in the s**t each of the faithful few are, and that includes those two-faced people who currently have UKPR birds in their care.


Alan.h's subtle threat: I cant find that rob, she`s obviously embarrassed herself and has deleted it or maybe one of the PL mods has done the decent thing and removed it

throughout all this she has used the word fact countless times but failed to provide any.

the only fact she has proven is


sorry everyone 'Blush' i just needed to get that off my chest

i have only met Caron once but i`m looking forward to the day when we meet again, as it will be the day that i collect Mylo.

Alan.h's comment on UKPR: Poor Kayley STILL hasnt received an apology and it seems they are taking things to yet another new low, they now claim that poor cherry`s PM results are forged, i suppose it was expected they would come out with more assumptions and accusations, its all there intelligence allows them to do, we place yet more documented FACTS on their laps and they close their eyes to the truth, such is their mentality (documented facts? A piece of paper with no date or name on it from a group of well known and connected bird breeders. hhmm, I wonder if she is not dead, whether what you have done is a criminal offence? Kayley and her family will recieve a full apology when she has the original PM)

i also had a Private message from paul on another forum, in response to my comment on here which was i am really really looking forward to the day when i can collect mylo and reunite him and jj

apparently Paul is taking this as a threat but read the last line of his pm and then decide for yourself which one the threat is, i have also sent copies to the relevant people, and if i continue to receive them i will make them public on here

From: caron-j
To: alan.h
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:49 pm
Subject: threats Quote message

I have read several of your comments recently and I do not appreciate your subtle threats aimed at Caron about you turning up at her house, as you seek to make yourself look like a 'big man' amongst your little group by attempting to intimidate a woman.

I can assure you, that you will not be setting foot on Carons property as you keep stating, just like i assured Jamie he would not be taking Mylo when he started issuing threats.

If you cross the line one more time you will face the consequences of your actions.


my reply

i dont use threats Paul but it appears you do

thanks for that

Alan twisting the truth to sound like he is smelling of roses.

Statement 1. i have only met Caron once but i`m looking forward to the day when we meet again, as it will be the day that i collect Mylo.

Statement 2. i am really really looking forward to the day when i can collect mylo and reunite him and jj

Notice the difference in context?

Look at the people we are dealing with here, and these are the people who have set themselves up as a bird rescue and are having needy birds placed into their care, even ones from the RSPCA.

Alan.h: Subtle threat
Paul: Not a threat email 1
Paul: Not a threat email 2
Alan.h: UKPR comment


  1. sorry paul but the only one i seeing sending threats is you alan just said he cant wait to pick up mylo no threat in that but your reply was a threat and nothing more i know you are unlikely to post this but i know you will read it

  2. You obviously did not read what Alan said originally Dave.

    He said "im looking forward to meeting Caron again when i pick up Mylo"

    Subtle indirect threat.

    I have stated my position for all to see, no threats, just a statement of fact.

    You will notice that Alan did not post my following email either did he.

    You also choose to ignore all of the other facts concerning UKPR's intimidation and threats against people.

  3. paul if i was to say to you "i look forward to meeting you in the pub when i take the mother out " is that a threat forgive me if im wrong
    but "if you cross the line one more time you will face the conesquences of your action" and then the "you have been warned " sorry in my book and anyones book you would see that as a threat got ask a police man/woman if you dont belive me its called threatening behavior

  4. If you look at the whole context, it is a warning based upon the facts.

    One phone call and Alan would have a harrassement warning just like Jamie, because why should Caron sit with the worry of Alan turning up on her door step?

    This was what he was implying, and considering the police are involved, I am sure they would happily do what is necessary to stop the indirect subtle threats that are common practice from UKPR.

    He has been warned!

    He will face the consequnces of his actions if he crosses the line!

    He is lucky he was warned and didnt get a knock on his front door.

  5. Your all a bunch of bullies and the sooner you are shut down and banned from ever doing this type of thing again the better.

    I hope there are strict guidlines to protect defenceless animals from the likes of you.

    The parrot rescue community who are following these blogs are also waiting to see the missing components of that PM too.

  6. i am not a member of ukpr so the whole closing ukpr would not effect me at all so get that right will you not all that post are members of ukpr but you would have everyone belive they are . I cant help thinking wot will happen to all the birds ukpr have found homes for these birds are happy well i hope they are and loved by the ppl that have took them on, wot will happen to all of them and then wot will happen to all the birds that need a rescue ok so ther are others but i would have thought the more there is the better you shouldnt be fighting with resuces you should be helping to make them work . if you win and ukpr is no more what will happen to the next mylo and jj or the next too that comes along dont they need someone to help them too, if it wasnt for ukpr you wouldnt have mylo at the end of the day so you have to thank them for that

  7. Dave, with your thinking we might as well leave bank robbers and murder's on the loose because without them the police would be out of a job!!!

    This is not a group of people who have made a mistake.

    This is a group of bird breeders who know exactly the reasons behind why they have set up their rescue.

    The Mylo & JJ situation has brought it all out into the light.

    Anyone reading these blogs will know exactly where to send the next Mylo & JJ or the next too.

    And it will not be to a bunch of 'breeders' will it?

    You people amaze me, really you do!!!

  8. By the way Dave, go and press UKPR for the missing components to the PM they have posted, if not please do not waste my time trying to have an intelligent meaningful debate with me.

    There has to be a level of mutual respect, and you seem to choose to ignore the facts and come on here attacking me, so I have no respect for you.

    Go do your homework, and find out what everyone is waiting for, and then ill answer you again.

    Failing that please do not waste your time posting here because you have nothing constructive to say about the proceedings.

  9. Everyone can see what alan said,when ukpr win mylo back alan wpuld be the person collecting mylo i presume as he lives the nearest to caron?i see paul sending threats to alan h on pl nothing else,yes im sure alan is very much looking forward to meeting caron again as when he does he will be collecting mylo as instructed by the courts/

  10. Put it into context people with all of the other cases of factual threats of violence, documented by the police, and the documented cases of intimidation.

    Many people reading this know exactly what i am talking about.

    Nasty little people, and these birds need protecting from you, and thank God Mylo is here away from you lot, the beautiful little chap he is.

    Your even more deluded than you realise yourselves to think that a judge is going to order this bird back into your care. Look at you people, you disgust everyone in the parrot rescue community. You choose to forget (like you do with everything else), that you tried selling a Cites bird that is highly illegal within the UK.

    These people are always trying to wriggle out of their dirty deeds.

    I wonder when we are going to see the missing components of that PM? Or is this another one of your dirty deeds?

    The only people who believe their lies now are themselves, and those stupid enough to now be following them.

  11. You sound very bitter paul almost to the point of obsession?You have not documented evidence,if all that you state is happening/happened ukpr would be gone and everyone involved arrested,face up to the fact its not ever going to happen is it,this blog is based on lies and assumption by people who the whole bird world know to be trouble makers,caron had a reputation throughout the bird world as a decent lady once but the very people who have made untruths so easily believable to you are going to be the very people responsible for your downfall watch this keep posting asking for the full pm as evidence,where is yours?all i see is words.

  12. Casper, Mylo is a beautiful little man and there is no way he is going back into your dirty mitts if i have anything to do with it.

    He needs protecting from you, and no judge in the land would ever place him back into your care after hearing all of the facts to this case. Your just so plain stupid that you cannot see it through your air of invinsibility.

    Its a shame Adele did not choose the right path when she had the choice because she is in just as deep as you now.

    Well i have news for you, that that bubble of invinsibility has now been burst and we have all been watching the very public deflation of it for the past 4 weeks.

    Its not complete yet...

    Lies and assumptions you say, ha, ha, ha, ha, the only people who believe those words coming out of your mouth are those who are as stupid as you. Any intelligent reader of this blog can clearly see that everything is based upon facts, with embeded links for people to see those facts for themselves.

    You think that by saying those words over and over again people will believe you - joker

    Your days are numbered, and i can hear many people saying thank God.

    No longer will vulnerable birds be placed into your hands other than those you choose to breed yourselves.

    Lets hope those that do not belong to you and are now in a breeding situation earning your little group money, are all tracked down and placed into caring homes.

    Caron still has a reputation, thats why some good, respected and thoroughly decent people have stepped forward in her defence, and in defence of the birds in question.

    You keep saying downfall, ha, you are never going to be able to show your faces in the bird rescue community when this is all over because of what you have done over the past 4 weeks, that is just a matter of fact.

    Look people! Everyone is now waiting to see the missing components of that PM, even Cherry's original owner so that i can issue her with a full and frank apology, but still they will not produce it. Why???

    They say; where is yours? all i see is words.

    Where is our what? We never had to produce any PM or now any missing components.

    I really do hope that you are comletely stupid and forged that PM, i cannot see any other reason why you will not post the evidence now.

    I feel sorry for Kayley who is publicly in the middle of this. You can play on her emotions and feelings like you do everyone else, but all it would take is for her to have the original PM and i would apologies with my whole heart to the poor lady. But NO, you cannot give her that can you, instead you play your stupid little game, using people and their feelings in the process.

    Wicked and evil people, and you will not escape from your deeds.

    Your time draws near, trust me on that!

  13. Well i see two people posting thus far on this thread 1 you basically told to shut up and said you have no respect for and me you call a joker and stupid,very calm kinda guy arn't you paul,just back from the pub? late night ranting always seem to be after last orders dont they?

    Embedded links lol..............yes they are links........links to words not evidence,guessowrk if not i'll just randomly pick one of your so called pieces of evidence to disect

    Show me the proof here and now of the birds ukpr have sold to breeders names of birds and names of breeders and amount of monet exchanging hands? all you say is people have told us so erm perhaps they lied because they were banned from ukpr for being dodgy?i really hope your watching those closest to you.

  14. Casper, i really cannot be bothered with your stupid and pathetic games any more.

    If you want to gain peoples respect and some credability back, post the missing parts of the PM.

    Failing that, i am no longer going to waste my time interacting with you because you have nothing to say that is of any relevance.

    Your a bunch of bullies, whether through word or through deed, and i despise bullies, like most people.

    There is a body of evidence on this blog, a body of evidence not shown, and a body of evidence that other people have collected.

    Either we are all deluded to the point of schizopherina, wanting to bring such a nice reputable bunch of people down, or you are what we say you are???

    You decide.

    And by the way, i do not drink!

    p.s sleep well tonight while you ponder on things.

  15. Casper, who do you refer to as the trouble makers known to the whole bird world. That is a very far reaching statement, you must know some pretty influential people in this big bird world of yours.
    You seem to know a lot about peoples reputations and personal circumstances which I find very interesting. Perhaps you should spend more time worrying about your own reputations, you never know when you might need the support of these influential bird people who are looking on.
    The trouble makers who have been in evidence recently have emanated from your organisation, speaking on your behalf, as were the ones who were involved in the onslaught of a well respected rescue on another forum.
    So who are the trouble makers here, who are the ones issuing threats and intimidating people, who are the ones denying even posting on these blogs ???
    I know who I see as the aggressors and also know what the majority believe who are reading these blogs from the mail I have been reading.
    Caron still has her integrity intact, her actions have been taken for the right reasons and I applaude her for that.

  16. Casper perhaps you or a UKPR member can explain why i was banned from the UKPR forum before i ever made a comment? Surely I can't be deemed dodgy before i've even had the chance to speak! In fact i was banned within 10 minutes of signing up. When i tried again with a second email...well same again! So much for an open forum....

  17. raven-s Hope you're sitting down for this..

    According to Vikky's forum you have the same ip address as me!!!

    I was unaware I had a lodger.. Are you hiding in the attic???

    Banning people left, right and centre it seems


    Anyone would think they have things to hide wouldn't they?!!

  18. I dont think ip's lie .....there have been four people all with different ip's registering all with same ip caron used as caron,coincidence?i think not,some people are really really keen to register on ukpr forums i guess.:-)

  19. LOL, apparently not as keen as UKPR are to keep their dodgy dealings, lies and drivel away from public scrutiny!

    This blog is open for ANYONE to read as we have NOTHING to hide?

    UKPR obviously can't say the same!

  20. lol,yeas your bog is open to all to comment on unless its a post you dont like then its not approved is it?
    Can i ask,considering this thread is about bullying women and intimidation,why vikkys address has just been ''flagged'' by northamptonshire police,for those who dont know what this means its very simple.....the police have been and are following this blog very carefully and on thursday vikky recieved a phone call saying the police have flagged her address,she didnt ask it to be so they obviously think its neccessary.

    A flagged address is an address that recieves an instant response of property or life in immediate danger........doesn't look good does it.If the police consider this neccessary who do you think is being bullied or intimidated so the thread title is very apt

  21. Abusive and repetative posts have had to be moderated as they were cluttering up this blog. Any relevant and coherent comments have been approved and responded to.

    We are very aware and have been telling you for some time now that the police are following this blog...

    Oh and Casper... Perhaps you might like to do your homework on why an address might be flagged by the police ;)

  22. Casper,

    Everything that has ever been written on this blog you twist to make it look and sound like those either questioning you are the ones who are wrong, or those who are accusing you are the ones who themselves are under accusation.

    Anyone with an ounce of intelligence who has been following this blog and others will see this trait from all of the UKPR faithful few.

    You are stupid and pitiful.

    We have nothing to hide, we just sit with a bird in our care that came from your hands.

    You are the ones, a bunch of bird breeders who are running a bird rescue, abusing the welfare of birds in your care, claiming one is dead (we have not seen the missing components of that PM), passing them around breeders, and basically exploiting the industry for your own gain.

    You can continue posting your irrelevant comments, but just remember the truth will come out in the end.

    The evidence of your 'bully boy' tactics is all over this blog, and it would take a complete dim wit to believe you.

    Although i have to admit you are sometimes very convincing with your lies because they are just so far out there that you have to question "could they really be that blatant?"

    YES is our reply!

    Remember your the ones who sent your heavies around here, just like you have done to others, and we have photographic evidence to prove it.

    There are the FACTS you state we do not have!

  23. And by the way, your UKPR driver has breached his harrassement warning last night after the few comments exchanged on this blog.

    Read the ones from last night, and think; what could have been that serious that was stated last night for Jamie to have broken a police warning and possibly be arrested?

    Doesnt take a rocket scientist!!!

  24. For those reading these comments who still have doubts.

    Take a read of this post from one of the countries leading experts in parrot rescue, which includes their welfare and rights.

    This is not a couple of disgruntled people unhappy with UKPR, this is also about professionals who have been watching these cowboys for months.

    We are just the ones who have brought UKPR out into the open, because their forum is a closed house to anyone who disagrees with them or upsets them in anyway.

  25. Did you ever by any chance tell everyone that it was infact jay that called the police from your house not you?

    Vikky recieved a phone call from the northampton police saying he had contacted the vet and mylo was passed fit to travel,he then said to vikky mylo can be collected now and if caron wont hand over mylo for jay to ring the local force,which he diid once at carons,the order placed on jay was for his explosion of anger in the post on here where he blew a gasket,and anyone reading how you treat people would understand between you and paul your enough to make a saint swear.

    You picture it evry differently with your pictures of the police and clever wording,anyone reading it would assume that you rang the police on jay as he was outside your house threatening you.I doubt you will post this though........but no matter its on the other blog and ukpr open forum.

  26. Who are the ones at the centre of all of this?

    Innocent defenceless rescue birds who are at the mercy of humans!

    I should hope that by now the RSPCA have conducted their own internal investigation into what exact birds have been placed into UKPR hands from them, so that they can be traced.

    Mylo & JJ are the only two we know about at present, and Mylo was signed into UKPR hands who then tried selling him for money under the guise of a donation which is highly illegal because he is an endangered species.

    Tip of the ice-berg comes to mind!

    And everyone still waits in eager anticipation for the missing components to Cherry's PM.

  27. Casper,

    Jay rang the police himself because he was told he would not be leaving with Mylo by myself, and then ended up walking away with a harrassement warning.

    What dont you understand about that?

    We know your style of intimidation against women, and i wonder whether Jays work knows he uses his company vehicle for UKPR business? We have all of the evidence including photos to prove it.

    The more you carry on trying to dig yourself out of a hole, the deeper you make it for yourselves.

    Your time of abuse and exploitation is up! It might not be large scale abuse and exploitation, but it is none the less.

    The light now shines on you for the sake of these rescue birds, and i just wonder what has been going on that we dont know about, that the light is going to uncover to those looking through a magnifine glass.

    Carry on with your charade on here, and you will eventually bury yourselves alive with the digging.

    That is of course if you have not done so already with Cherry and the mysterious PM.

    Imagine what the papers are going to say about you and what you have done if she is not dead?

    We have just asked all of the relevant questions as a concerned third party, and have been willing the whole way along to issue a full apolgy to Kayley and her family if she has the original PM in her hand.

    It is her bird so why not give her the original PM?

  28. For Casper's information... Posted on behalf of a Police Officer watching the proceedings here...

    I am not posting my name or my force as UKPR are already know for trying to cause grief for people in their work place.
    Certainly where i work a flagged address or person is an address/person which carries warning markers. These are for the safety of officers not for the benefit of said person or address. These flags if present are given to officers when attending any call, they warn of thing such as dangerous dogs, firearms which are kept, weapons, drugs, and violence so that offices are informed and ca make risk assesments.
    Alternatively her address may have been "flagged" for passing attention. This means that offices or PCSO's may call by and offer reassurance, though this is usually done at their request because they feel vulnerable for what ever reason.
    The only other thing I can think you are talking about is if Vikky has had a force connected panic alarm installed. This will not be the case. These cost a few thousand pounds, can only be authorised by top supervision, and are used only in my experiece in extreme cases of domestic violence, or where said person has witnessed a crime were there is an extremely high chance of reprisals.
    Finally any call recieved by the police where property, or life is in immediate danger will be responded to immediately anyway. So unless you've missed something out this sounds like a letter of reassurance to me

  29. lmao,the officer wont give his name or force as he/she doesnt want to get in trouble at work ..................for doing what?

    Your daughter by any chance caron lol,take ukpr to the papers they have more money than you to cough up for the defamation /libel.....please do it please.

  30. Show us the missing components of the PM and then we are on a level playing field Casper.

    More money to cough up lol what a joke...

    I am sure the press are waiting in eager anticipation for this PM now, just like us, and just like the police.

    If we are wrong we have said from the start we will offer an apology, but considering Cherry has been an integral part of this blog, which is the reason why a female eclectus picture has been up since the beginning, we believe we are in the right to ask the questions being posed.

    If we do not then who will?

    And as for who the police officer is, its irrelevant, they have just added their professional opinion, not an armchair theory like yours always are. It is also well documented on this blog with witnesses that UKPR have a habit of ringing people's employers in an attempt to get them into trouble whether they have done anything wrong or not, as a part of their intimidation campaign to force people into silence.

    You will never silence us here on this blog!

    Your a bunch of bullies and cowards who pray on the vulnerable, and your time has come!

  31. Lol,i really hope sophie isn't abusing her position and pointing out ways around the law,that would be deemed highly unethical and land her in alot of trouble.

    I dont want to silence,quite the opposite,who needs this silenced the longer it goes on the better.The only people who are ever going to see the actual pm are the ex owner and whatever authority that ask for it,not you and not your deciples,you have been told it exists and seen it the only parts hidden contain addresses.If you choose to not believe it thats your problem.If the police etc are so keen to see it as you say why dont they knock a few doors and ask for it? simple really and they will be shown it,failing that all the police etc need to do is contact the vet who performed it,hardly rocket science is it.

  32. Casper:

    Show everyone the missing parts of the PM that have been asked for!

    Either you are playing a stupid game with people's emotions, and dragging this situation out here with us.

    Or she is not dead and this is your ploy to hide her from prying eyes once they start knocking on your frontdoor.

  33. Are you making accusations there about Caron's daughter Casper?

    You shouldnt judge people by your own standards, and you should be very careful about what you are saying.

    We need no advice on evading the law because we have done nothing wrong, it is you who sit up to your necks in it!!!

    Twisting reality yet again.

    It has taken you nearly a week to point out the most basic facts about finding out about the PM. We cannot call and find out, so it is logical that the police will have to.

    Doesnt take a rocket scientist to point out the most basic points there does it?

    Time will tell!

  34. Kayleigh will have the pm,thats all that matters and no she wont be bullied into handing it over to you so dont bother with the pre-assult buttering up.Like has been stated already,you wont ever be shown the original full pm nor will your deciples,you have been told it excists your failure to accept this is nobody elses problem but your own.Can you answer me this,if she wasnt dead like you think,why would ukpr or jay feel the need to hide her when the lady who handed over cherry to ukpr was more than happy with where she was? the bird wasnt stolen or mistreated so why would she nee to be moved ,who could have taken her and for what..............simple question with according to you a simple answer so lets here it.

  35. I just wonder what is your motivation to keep pestering this blog Casper?

    I wonder whether you envision sitting in a prison cell at some point in the future.

    If you have done anything wrong to any birds in UKPR hands, other than Mylo here and Cherry, then i will personally make sure the full force of the law and legal system is brought to bear upon you, for the sake of these defenceless animals, and the people you have trodden on and abused since you enter this world of parrot rescue.

    Each step of the way you have been asked to step down from your high and mighty position and do the right thing, and each time you refused, which is why we are now in the position we are now in.

    You people forget the story of the bully!

    His time always comes, because there is always someone bigger around the corner.

    You have threatened, inimidated, and abused people for long enough, and we have all of the evidence against you.

    It is all just a matter of time now, and each and everyone of those people involved with you know that.

    Now is the time to start covering your own a***s and not the a***s of the people who have forced each and everyone of you into this position.

    Go ask Harry Sissens what prison life is like, im sure those who threaten and intimidate women will not fair well in there, trust me on that one.

  36. casper said...

    lmao,the officer wont give his name or force as he/she doesnt want to get in trouble at work ..................for doing what?

    I see no mention of "not wanting to get in trouble at work" made by the contributor there Casper.

    The words used were "trying to cause grief for people in their work place".

    As in... employers having to waste time dealing with idiots like you!

    Changing the wording to suit yourself and hoping no one will notice again I see.

    Not everyone is as stupid as you are.

  37. Casper, where is Coco the male Eclectus?

    You are a bunch of bird breeders, being given rescue birds that we believe are ending up in breeding situations.

    Why else hand them over to Harry Sissens.

    High value birds going under the radar on the UKPR forum.

    A few pairs of breeding birds placed around the country is a very nice little earner dont you think? (just a though)

    Each bird selling for £1000+

    You ask about Cherry, you abused that poor bird, trampled over her welfare, abused her rights as a living creature, just lke you have attempted to with Mylo, and in my opinion have duped her previous owner.

    Her previous owner has been told our position, and we will offer her and her family a full apology when she has the original PM because at the moment she "believes you wouldnt lie to her".

    We know, based on the evidence, that you lie out of your back teeth, and then continue lying to cover for the initial lie.

    Ask Adele about that one!

    Also those people who have been on the recieving end of your lies, and abuse, many of them have witnessed it first hand.

    Criminal mentallity!

  38. I sence anger in your ranting paul,its going to be your downfall along with recorded threats to people you really do not want to be threatening..........prison lmao,you seem to know alot about it? done a ''bit of bird have we''?.I will bet everything i own that this year this decade or this lifetime i never see the inside of a prison cell,hope you can say the same.

  39. Not anger Capser, just bored of your stupid silly little mind games.

    I do believe you were the ones who started issuing subtle little threats against people you should not be threatening Casper, or should i say Scott or Alan.

    I am not some little woman home alone who is very easily intimidated by a bunch of bullies like you.

    I look forward to finding out the exact names of the people in the two cars who seized Cherry from her carer, and then placed her into the hands of Jamie, where she is now supposedly dead.

    I am not a betting man Casper, its against my religion.

    What i will say is that when you are sitting in a prison cell, you will remember this exchange, and remember what you have just stated.

    Nobody can predict what the future holds!

    People's lives can change for good and for bad in an instant, and you my dear friend have chosen the wrong person to think you can attack and bully.

    Let you and your friends and family rememeber this exchange.

    As for me, i am happy about what life throws at me, i grasp it with two hands, just like have grasped you and your abuse of people and birds.

    I am not the only one who has witnessed this, there are many many people, but they have been silenced through your threats and intimidation.

    Who really needs the hassel of having you cowboys on their back, aye BIG MAN!!!

  40. FAO mr/ms/miss/mrs police officer

    Please would you kindly point out the difference in policing regarding a flagged property/person/persons between England and Scotland?? As an officer of the law I do expect you will have gone through extensive training on this. The issue I have with your statement is that my home has also been flagged due to threats to the life of my and my family, the officer took both my landline and my mobile numbers so that for instance if I had to run and lock myself and/or others in the bathroom I could have my mobile with me and phone but not actually need to speak and it would make me a priority response. If there are several explanations for a flagged property then I am sure this would also have been made clear to vikky at the time of the call so unless you were that officer you wont really know will you??

    UKPR watch

    I have kept away from this blog apart from one post at the start when I said its best to sort it out asap before any bonding took place which has obviously happened and all I see now is personal attacks, ignorance, arrogance and downright disrespect for allies and foes alike! why make a public blog and then tell people to keep their opinions to themselves?? why DEMAND peoples personal details from a pm report??

    I have also been through small courts procedures and the things you have demanded will be available a short time before the hearing viewable at the sherrifs office so you needn't worry yourself with that at the moment. All you are doing is making yourself look bad, no I wont start with childish name calling because you seem to be doing a good enough job of that yourself and I deem myself to be a grown up so dont need to stoop to that level.

    Don't worry if you dont want to post this as I can post elsewhere, but I look forward to the response from said police officer because I will need to take the matter further in scotland if I have been lied to by my local force.

    I bid you and everyone reading a very good day.

  41. ohhh more threatening behaviour from paul there,keep them coming they tickle me beyond belief.Pictures speak a thousand words young man but alass your picture speaks nothing to me.When people read your rantings all the see is blah blah blah blah...words nothing more nothing less,words from a boy frustrated with no way out.Lets make it perfectly clear you threats do not scare me or intimidate me in the slightest,infact i find them strangly amusing,your constant babbling seems to be entertaining many people some you know some you dont but keep em coming its hilarious.Ive met people like you many times and funnily enough most were in the jesus army recruited hoping for forgivness as there time comes,your apparently a god fearing boy so will probably understand that

  42. So Casper is Scott.

    Words from a boy with no way out from a Big man who helps run a criminal network, in the exploitation of rare, and sometimes endangered, rescue birds.

    Good one Socttie boy me old muckka!!!

    I dont remember threatening you Scott, something obviously had you on the edge of your seat though.

  43. omg lol,keep going through all the options on who is posting as who eventually you may get one right.

  44. Only you and Vikky live in Northampton.

    You look like potential Jesus army recruits!

  45. Only you and Vikky live in Northampton.

    You look like potential Jesus army recruits!

    Mon Mar 30, 10:21:00 AM 2009

    HAHAHAHA only two people are you sure,googling the jesus army and finding it northampton based is how you came to this astouding conclusion or is it because you yourself are a member lol.

    I believe the jesus army fellowship has houses all over the uk dear oh dear,hardly magnum pi are you.

  46. Im bored of your irrelevant comments Casper, and the pathetic game you and your group are playing.

    Ive given up to much of my time already to you and Vikky, so Goodbye...

  47. By the way Scott, just wanted to make sure.

    This is you isnt it? The fat one with the bald head biting his nails?

  48. lol nice one paul did you get that from pl too its the same as the one we have.Not very nice calling people names is it? i think you look like a nonce but would never accuse you of being a pedo.

  49. Yvonne..

    Whether or not the police officer you address your question to on our blog will read your comment or not I can't say. However, I would like to point out myself that the issue was that people's addresses are not only flagged to protect that individual as Casper was trying to make out.

    Regarding this blog and any arrogance or disrespect you may feel the authors have expressed to commenters here I would ask you to read what has been written to elicit that manner of response!

    Furthermore, you will find that at no time have any "personal details" been "demanded" from anyone

  50. oohh scott, something has struck a nerve there hasnt it...

  51. I do appologise as it was stated in your post UKPR watch, I was under the impression that said police officer was actually watching the proceedings so maybe I just took it for granted they would read my post but hey ho it doesn't really matter a jot to me as I have in the meantime contacted my local force who have advised me that there are actually varying levels of flags, so maybe your "watching" officer should have actually checked which one was issued on Vikky's home before commenting, rather naughty I would think.

    In regards to the arrogance and disrepect comment I made, it looks to me that when someone disagrees with you, then they are accused of being stupid, idiotic, sheep, sycophants, etc etc I cant be bothered to look for more but there are plenty. Seems to be too that a lot of the regular posters from the start of the blog has disappeared??

    The personal details I refer to are those that have been blanked out on the pm certificate, but like I have said all of those will be available to view at the local sheriff office of the pursuer (presuming it works the same in England as in Scotland, I am only going by my own experienece)

    Anyway I have no further desire to post on this or any other blog as my time is taken up with my family, I will have a read to keep up to date.

  52. Yvonne, these comments are not going to change anything and they are time consuming.

    Everything has been said, and this now is arguing around irrelevant points that will not change anything one way or the other.

    Enjoy your time with your family.

  53. The following comment is posted on behalf of Marion.W

    Caron i am so sorry you have had such a rough time of it lately.I read Alans message as a veiled threat.I remember his post daring people to meet him at the stafford show in his UKPR teeshirt and i read that as provocative.Alan and Vikky will hopefully get what is coming to them and you and Paul will no doubt win in the end.If it was agreeded by all concerned that 4 weeks ago you were a suitable home for Milo and JJ them UKPR should uphold their part of the deal for the sake of the birds.Keep your chin up and keep fighting for these birds welfare.

  54. Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words Marion.

    It means a lot coming from good people who are truly passionate about the happiness and welfare of these wonderful creatures, as you and Lynne are.

    Truth will always prevail.
    God bless you

  55. Sorry I haven't been about Caron, as you know Ive had quite a few appointments.
    I echo what Marion says, and for the life of me cant see why the people at UKPR have changed there minds has to the kind of home Mylo and JJ would be best in ( your home )The home THEY chose, hopefully JJ will be with you soon.

    You are the type of person I would look for if I had to re home my birds, you have shown without question that you would put the birds first, because all of this must have been exchausting for you and your family.

    Caron, dont let these bullies intimidate you or make you feel guilty, you have done nothing wrong, everything you have done has been done with good intention. I can not believe some of the comments they have come out with and how long your patience lasted. As Marion says keep your chin up, we are with you all the way.

  56. Thank you Dorrie,

    Anyone who doesn't look on these birds in terms of monetary value would realise that NOBODY would put themselves through time, effort and angst of the past month for the sake of a 'free' bird as has been alleged.

    Mylo arrived in my care in quite a sorry state and then for reasons that are apparent to everyone, Vikky demanded him back. Mylo or any living creature deserves much better than to be used as a pawn in Vikky's game of malice.

    Nobody, least of all us, wanted any of this but unfortunately it has fallen on us to stand up to defend not just Mylo and ourselves, but also other people and other birds who have been on the recieving end of UKPR's vile behaviour.
