Thursday 19 March 2009

Contrary to Vikky’s LIAR!!!! Post yesterday

For 2 ½ weeks this situation was left in the hands of the RSPCA who we believed to be doing an investigation into this case.

Being two people with only basic understanding of the legality or governing bodies surrounding parrot rescues and welfare, we were thrown in at the deep end to hold UKPR (Vikky) to account for their disgusting behaviour. Not just over Mylo & JJ but to other people who had gone before and not had the ability to stand up to the bullies themselves.

Look at what happens when you do (the sensible ones out there), is it no wonder nobody has dared to challenge them before?

We received the call we had been waiting for from the RSPCA yesterday, who stated there were no ‘animal welfare’ issues in this case regarding Mylo & JJ so the matter no longer concerned them. After a lengthy discussion we were advised on the best way forward.

Just so those detractors are perfectly clear, this was left with the RSPCA and they returned their verdict.

Considering UKPR is accountable to not one single legal body it has become apparent that the only way forward to hold them to account is for us to contact each of the legal bodies whose jurisdiction they come under.

Mylo the Military Macaw is a Cities Appendix I listed bird which means he is an endangered species and has laws protecting him from explotation.

DEFRA the Animal Welfare organisations was contacted this morning over Mylo after a concerned bird lover notified us of some important issues regarding him. They were made aware of the situation with Mylo and UKPR, and the relevant information has been given to them.

They are now contacting the wildlife department of the police to investigate our claims, and Mylo’s situation.

The investigation is now well and truly underway now that the RSPCA have passed their judgment.

UKPR have put themselves up as a bird rescue. They have been taking birds in from unsuspecting pet owners, then selling those birds on like dealers, and receiving ‘donations’ and gifts from the general public in the process. If they have nothing to hide over their business practices now that some issues have come to light, then the relevant authorities will not find anything wrong will they?

No amount of hatred from the faithful few aimed at the authors of this blog is going to change anything, it is just going to show each of you up once the truth is revealed.

Like flies to a piece of fly paper all gathered for when the end comes, that’s why most leave their names anonymous while spewing their vitriol.

Those sitting and watching like ‘Silent Shout’ know what happens if they dare to share anything supportive of our actions. The disgraceful verbal offensive is unleashed in an effort to force silence, which has been UKPR’s objective from the start – How low will they go?

Read the comments on their blog and make your own mind up about these people.


  1. Madness!!

    I just knew that when you said - if the RSPCA have no issues I will have no choice but to return the bird to adele you were not telling the whole truth and you have proved it!!

    So now its a civil matter and you have informed DEFRA - and when they come back and say there is no issue to investigate what then!!

    Your word means nothing - you lie and accuse others of lieing to hide your lies and intent.

    Your intent is clear to me - keep the bird

    I think you were actually hoping that UKPR would back down under your empty threats - I for one am glad they have not.

    Its time for you to do the right thing now and return Mylo.

  2. Bill-top.

    The RSPCA have not told anyone that Mylo should go back to Adele's, so he will not be going back there any time soon, so keep your nose out of it!

    Why when Mylo is happy would we send him back to be in a spare bedroom, in a smokey home, with someone who is afraid to handle him?

    Not much of a life for the poor bugger thats for sure.

    Shows you're more interested in getting one over on someone than the bird in question's welfare.

    You're a sad woman with a wicked and vile streak who needs to get a life and stop sniffing out trouble to stick your nose into.

    Mylo is extremely happy, has stopped plucking, and his route tracing has gone. His right to a happy life will be protected from all those who want to deprive him of that, at all costs.

    Why when Mylo is happy should he be sent to JJ who is unhappy, shouldnt it be the other way around?

    Vikky is the sole person responsible for trying to deprive him of a happy life, along with her faithful few like you.

    All actions cause a reaction!

    Mylo now has us defending him from the likes of you.

  3. And by the way, Vikky and Adele have both been asked to do the right thing for both of these birds each step of the way, so any consequences now are of their own making.

    We are only defending the rights of the defenceless!

  4. So where does this end - So Defra have said they will contact the police animal welfare they investigate and say the same as the RSPCA their is no issue what then.

    I bet even then you will not hand the bird back!!

    You will have some other reason for not returning the bird - soon you will run out of authorities to go to and you will either have your day in court or do the right thing before then....

    and if it does go to court you better hope that everyone of your allegations and supposed FACTS on here are backed up with evidence cos otherwise it is going to look really bad on you.

  5. This is about much more than just Mylo & JJ now Bill-top...

    You can keep harping on about Mylo going back to Adeles back bedroom, all you like, it will not change the course of events now unfolding.

    Rescue birds have a right to be protected from unscrupulous cowboy outfits like UKPR, and this scenario with Mylo & JJ has very clearly highlighted this issue.

    This blog is based on FACTS and nothing else, facts that are supported by witness statements and hard evidence that the wildlife department of the police will handed as a part of their investigation into UKPR's shady dealings at the expense of rescue birds.

    You want to hope that you're not inextricably linked to them, if you are i imagine you will be getting a knock on the door sometime soon.

  6. I would look forward to it, I have worked closley with my local police animal welfare officer and RSPCA and have helped them rehome many animals.
    In fact I may give him a call this weekend as he only lives a few streets away from me - why wait i say, defra may take a little while after all!

    Still you did not answer me fully - if the police now say there are not any questions to be answred by UKPR is that the point you hand the bird over

  7. We are not accountable to you Bill-top.

    Go do what you have to do with your local police officer. There is nothing he can say or do to alter the facts of this matter.

    What happens now does not concern you!

  8. actually it does concern me greatly..

    There is nothing he can say or do to alter the facts of this matter.

    No you are right but he can investigate if needed and either prove or disprove your facts.

    And no you are not accountable to me - but you are accountable to someone and I reckon he will not be smiling

  9. If you are that concerned then inform him please, i am sure the police officer here would like to know who he will be liasing with.

    The police will be given all of the evidence that we have regarding UKPR practices.
