Thursday 5 March 2009

UPDATE: Mylo The Military Macaw

A short update on Mylo, who is at the centre of this controversy.

He is a beautiful Military Macaw who just wants love and attention which he is now getting from all of my family. He is fine with all of us and has formed a particular bond with my partner, who he follows around the house, and riding about on his shoulder at every opportunity.

He is a typical Military Macaw, a boisterous and bolshie little fellow full of character and … an absolute darling.

Mylo and JJ’s care and welfare is at the centre of what has started this fight with UKPR (Vikky), after she demanded him back because he was their 'property'. This is now being shown to be a common occurrence with UKPR rescue birds signed into their care and their fosterers.

Birds being shipped from pillar to post with no real thought of the bird’s well being, on the orders of Vikky because of any perceived slight against her.

As Mylo is in my care, his welfare is all that's important and is one of the contentions we now have with UKPR (Vikky). Mylo is part of a bonded pair of Macaws and was supposed to arrive with his partner JJ last Saturday evening. As everybody knows, he didn’t arrive with JJ because of the incompetence of UKPR workers and their handling of the transportation of these two birds. Is it any wonder one of the birds was injured in the process, with two people who were, by their own admission, scared of these big birds, trying to squeeze them both in one small dog crate? So because of this, a long time bonded pair were split up. (Links embedded are of the UKPR driver and fosterer charged with moving JJ & Mylo)

My only desire is to have these two birds re-united for the sake of both of their happiness so that they can be together once again, after all that they have been through. However, I am unwilling for Mylo to go back to where he came from, for all of the reasons stated on my previous post.

If JJ had arrived as pre-arranged then we would not be having this now.

I am currently liasing with the RSPCA and Police over this matter and in the first instance working towards what’s best for Mylo and JJ. I have decided that in Mylo’s best interest, if viable he should be placed into the care of a third party who is neutral in all of this, and work with the RSPCA to have JJ join him.

Arguments and squabbling aside there is a bonded pair of Macaws now separated and that fact breaks my heart.

We have been contacted by a well known and very reputable rescuer who has agreed to take Mylo and JJ into care until the RSPCA and Police have done a thorough investigation into this case and decided what they believe to be the best course of action for the well being of these two birds.

The big question is… Will UKPR (Vikky) be prepared to allow JJ go into the care of a third party under the guidance of the RSPCA?

As rescuers, the birds welfare and well being of each of the birds in our care should be paramount to each of us, and not the ownership of these defenceless animals.

I would like to stress that I do not want to keep these two birds apart which is why I want nothing more than for them to both to be re-united in the hands of a neutral third party.

If anyone disagrees with this then please leave your comments below.

As most people will be aware, Mylo has come into my care with what is suspected by the vet, to be Nasal Aspergillosis which is now another one of the reasons why I will not allow him to go back to the environment where he came from. Vikky has blatantly lied by stating that I wear perfume which has inflamed this respiratory condition. As a bird lover who has cared for rescue birds for a number of years I am acutely aware of the importance of the condition of the air surrounding birds, which is why I use a state of the art air purifier in my home and ensure that they are not exposed to toxins or irritants of any kind.

Mylo came from the home of a UKPR worker who was a heavy smoker, as was perfectly evident from the smell of his plumage when he arrived here. so God only knows what damage and distress this caused the poor little boy.

I have now harvested some swabs of the mucus that runs from his nares and handed them to my vet for analysis so as to be able to treat this poor little fella’s breathing condition.

I will keep you updated with developments over JJ and Mylo as they happen.

Caron x


  1. In answer to Alan h.


    my name has been mentioned many times as being a breeder, i fact that i have never denied, i have been a breeder for 28 years which is common knowledge around every forum you and i frequent so why try to convince people it is something i hide ?

    ""I have not tried convincing people of this? Although you did deny on Parrot_links once lol, the thread is still there for all to read. UKPR in general have hidden the fact that most of there staff are breeders ;o), only bringing it to light early this year!""

    secondly, you ask about jasper and ollie, jasper is still in the rescue, residing with the person the owner wanted him to remain with ( fact )

    ""I’ve not asked about Jasper or Ollie??? Huh??? Not me Alan you got the wrong person? Although shame you never mentioned Ollie was going to Harry Sissens at the time, just a wonderful friend who have a huge aviary for him to live in.""

    thirdly, ollie the bare eyed too is residing at the place YOU YOURSELF requested him to go to, i merely transported him on your behalf ! ( i also have pm`s to prove this )

    ""I never requested this, it was your decision on behalf of UKPR that this would be the best place for Ollie, I agreed trusting your judgment, stupidity on my part! I would never have agreed to Harry Sissens being the best place for him, you kept those details quite.""

    lastly you mention that a breeder is advertising for a female bare eyed too and a female greater in Durham, sorry sweetie i dont live in duram i live in the county of durham ( its a big place lol )so your accusing me of trying to find mates for ollie and pebbles, has anyone tried to make contact with that person ? i doubt it, as you would be proven wrong in thinking it is i, so that would be one less lie you could post to try and deceive people into believing your fabricated "truths"

    ""I’ve not mentioned anything about this? Again you have the wrong person, Alan try to get your fact right. Although I must admit it’s quite a co-incidence!""

    so in conclusion your basis for accusing UKPR of breeding from rescue birds is jasper, supposedly missing but living wit mandy Didn’t know anything about Jasper lol???

    ""Wrong person! I was talking about Apple?? lol""

    ollie living in the place you specifically asked him to o to ( pm`s to prove )

    ""Already answered this one too lol, like your repeats don’t you!""

    and some breeder advertising for birds living in the same county as myself

    ""Very interesting but this didn’t come from me?""

    ohh and why would i advertise for a female greater ? when infact i believe pebbles to be a greater x triton hybrid

    ""More repeats!""

    if we bred from rescue birds would we not have kept mylo and jj ? after all military macaws are expensive birds, why would we waver any rehoming fees and transport costs, which would supposedly have lined our pockets, your accusations dont make sense and are falling apart for everyone to see the more we are openly answering your questions

    ""Again not my accusations lol but must admit you do look very sus! As UKPR is not a registered charity you are not allowed to take donations for birds, the only thing you can do is ask for an administration fee ;o).""

    04 March 2009 13:49

  2. Mylo is really gorgeous. Hopefully Vikky won't be petty about handing JJ over to the third party carer. At the end of the day our main interests should be in reuniting this bonded pair in a loving home. People's pride and control issues should come into it.

  3. as i say this aspergillose could have been aunderlying problem.the move and being caught could have trigerd it off.i have picked birds up that show no sighns of being ill but next day you are at the vetts.its the stress that is the cause not perffume.the birds must have had it befor hand.

  4. Travel is stressful for birds. It's not something that they're used to doing and so brings out any underlying illness. I have to agree with mick sue - Mylo probably had this before he was moved. Probably the smoking that didn't help. You have to wonder is JJ is suffering from the same illness??

  5. i dont think they should be moved or at least mylo if its aspergillose he or them will need nebulizing at least 2 times a day .i think jj should be taken to mylo, or you will loose one or even move mylo now the aspergillose is showing is mad.

  6. you must get the rspca to make vicki releas jj and take her to mylo.and if poss get your vet to help by backing you.if i had the same problem i am a 100 pecennt sure my vet would get least give the rspca and vet atry.for gods sake dont move mylo.if he has aspergillose you can bett its in air sacs and lungs

  7. A question from someone with a concern over 3 birds that have been in the hands of UKPR.

    """ what happened to the 3 elderly tiels from ukpr that were advertised and then withdrawn without explanation even though a few people asked """

    Any information would be very much appreciated.

  8. There is a description by Vikky over on her blog of the recovery of several birds from an ex-ACO's house. In it there is mention of 3 tiels who had been together for 18 years - 2 of them had apparently been given to a friend to 'start off' a new aviary and the third one had been put into a cage on his own. I now have this little tiel who came to me with a very overgrown beak. He has twice been to our vet to have it trimmed and shaped, and will continue to go on a regular basis until it is as near normal as possible so the mandibles can hopefully wear each down as they should. He is now flying around with friends of his own kind in a birdroom which is heated in winter, and which has an outdoor flight that they can use when the weather is warm enough.

    I guess these are the birds the enquirer meant - I don't know of any other elderly tiels.

  9. One thing puzzles me in all this debate. If Vicky of UKPR is as she claims a non profit making organisation? purely interested in the rescue of birds for their welfare?? Why does she charge people who wish to foster the birds in her "care" large sums of of money to foster them. and the fosterer pays for all vet bills, all expenses for the birds whilst in their care.The sums paid to UKPR I assume are not returned to the fosterer when the birds are rehabilitated? So it beggers the question in my mind what happens to these sums of money ???
    Maybe Vicky or any UKPR member can answer this question ??

  10. Another Anon, I have asked on their blog but that too seems to have 1) been ignored and 2) gone the same way as the forum very closed and secular.
