Monday 16 March 2009

Rebuttal of a comment on UKPR's blog

Telegraph: 'Human imprinted' Parrots teach man to speak again

Anonymous said...

These two have gone against expert advice to follow what they believe is right for Milo.
They have put two fingers up at any help they may have been given.
Now they are banging on about how these birds should be allowed to remain within their home,amongst all the soft furnishings and central heating with windows and doors to protect them from flying free.
They are denying these birds the chance to feel natural sunlight and warmth,fresh air in their faces and a more natural way of life.
Milo and JJ did not choose to be handreared, nor their parents before them,neither did their grandparents choose to be plucked from the wild for an 'evil trade'.They were denied the chance of a free life and natural surroundings.They have been 'imprinted' by humans because they know no better.They also retain the instincts given to them by nature.
These two people despite the opinions of others who know better,to their own selfish ends.It is a sad day when someone who mentions 'welfare' in every post has no idea what is best for these birds.
They even have the cheek to belittle those who advise them and then think an apology will cover it.They have exposed themselves as stupid and confirmed the views of people waiting for them to trip over their own stupid argument.Nice one.

UKPR Watch said...

By expert, I expect you mean Greg Glendell? May I suggest that there are many other experts who do not agree with his view, who currently have ‘human imprinted’ birds presently in their care, who you could call "experts" because they are actually working with these types of rescue birds in their care as we speak.

There are always two sides to an argument, and Greg has been working on behalf of Wayne who has his own collection of exotic rescue birds to which Mylo and JJ would become a part.

Is Wayne a registered rescue?

Considering there is now such a legal entanglement over these two birds lives, if they were to go to a third party rescue, do you think the authorities would now sanction them going to another unregistered one, exactly what they have just come out of? Especially now there are many people watching what is happening and wanting the best for this pairs poor little lives (Mylo is very happy here at the present moment).

I think if the pair are to go anywhere under the direction of the legal authorities then they would have no alternative but to send them to our other third party recue which is June Edwards of Parrotcare. This rescue is a shining example for how all small to medium size rescues within Great Britain should be run. Someone whose rescue practices and motives are transparent for all to see, who is registered with all of the relevant governing bodies, and who herself has been on the receiving end of a year long hate campaign by the cowboys at UKPR.

Greg Glendell is not the be all and end all of the parrot kingdom; he is a fallible human being who has his own motives, agenda and opinions, who does not like his precious time wasted on ‘petty’ matters involving one or two birds.

He has bigger fish to fry, so in reality this is just a trivial matter, give the birds to Wayne, his friend, and then the end of this story.

You cannot turn back the clocks of time, and Mylo is now 'human imprinted' bird and that cannot be changed.

Take a look at NPS where 'human imprinted' birds are shoved in aviaries with other birds in the belief that they will come back to their senses one day and think they do not need human interaction anymore!!!

What a terribly sad sight it is.

They cling desperately to the fronts of their enclosure wanting that attention when they see people standing there.

You talk about exposing ourselves and tripping up, which says a lot coming from somebody who anonymously supports UKPR, who are proven to lie to get their own way, at the expense of the birds welfare, and is too scared to post his thoughts and accusations on this blog for it to be rebutted properly.

What a sad and weak coward and these birds supposedly have you fighting for their welfare!!!

What a joke and no wonder no laws have been change yet to protect them from just this exact type of situation in the lawless ungoverned world of parrot rescue!

It is stated that Mylo would not receive the sunlight, or air to his face, the more natural way of life as if he would be living in the rainforest. Come on, get back to reality! He would be living in a house in Essex as part of an exotic collection. There is an outside aviary here so when the weather gets a bit better, Mylo like the other birds here, will have the benefit of the sun and coastal air of the North East of England.

Sorry that we feel that going to Wayne is not best for Mylo since he has now settled here. Wayne’s was only ever offered as an emergency from the beginning because Vikky through her spite, demanded him back, and thus prevented him and JJ from potentially having a happy new life here together.

This is a human imprinted bird who has been hand reared, and he is exceptionally happy here now after over 2 weeks, so sorry if that does not bode well for Team UKPR and their fight to reclaim their property whose rights and welfare they themselves abused and trampled underfoot in the fist place.

He now has us fighting in his corner for his rights and long term wellbeing.

Mylo has stopped plucking, and his route tracing behaviour has disappeared, so he cannot be that unhappy anymore can he?

The apology was offered to Wayne because it was not meant to offend him, but reality is sometimes harsh, and now you "anonymous" do not like it!!!

You call us stupid which I find completely demeaning and offensive, and shows the self righteous superior complex you carry, whoever you are.

Superior self righteous coward, spouting off whilst hiding behind the bullies over at UKPR!!!

If the RSPCA decide that for Mylo to leave here is in his best interest then there will be nothing stopping him from leaving, until if and when that happens we will be defending what we believe to be Mylo’s rights and welfare.

Mylo is happy. He has free roam of the house pretty much all day, everyday, he has human interaction most of the time, so let’s see what the RSPCA now decide once they compile a report. In the meantime we will be obtaining our own expert advice on what other people believe is in the best interest of Mylo & JJ, and it will be these peoples thoughts, opinions and views that we will base any decision on.


  1. milo and jj did not chose this life .but most breeders still hand rear these birds to be kept in cages and inside no sun or fresh air.yet you still do some thing you say is wrong.ukpr get your priorties right rescue or breed you cant do both if you do you are dont pull people down who care about the left overs from breeding and money making.

  2. UKPR Watch said...
    I think if the pair are to go anywhere under the direction of the legal authorities then they would have no alternative but to send them to our other third party recue which is June Edwards of Parrotcare. This rescue is a shining example for how all small to medium size rescues within Great Britain should be run.

    Me again lol, why now are you inclined to let the macaws go to june edwards ? when she has twice as many rescue birds as mr watkins ? you said if they went to him they would be denied attention, you say mr watkins is not registered as a charity but should that matter when no doubt he can do more for their wellbeing with having only half the number of birds in his care, i doubt the courts will even consider june anyway as she has posted on your blog in support and also accused ukpr of the theft of a galah cockatoo, which so far is unsubstantiated and seems to have been forgotten about, that hardly makes her impartial and if no previous owner of the galah is brought forward to prove these claims it also makes her a liar ( not my personal opinion but will be that of the judge )

    again i will also post this on the ukpr blog as my post written last night was not approved on yours

  3. The point being PL member, is that June is a registered as a professional rescue with charity status, and considering the legal implications now concerning Mylo & JJ, I am pretty certain that the RSPCA are more likely going to want them going to Parrotcare due to the fact that it is a legally registered rescue, rather than someone who rescues birds.

    It was pointed out that this scenario would only be if the RSPCA decided that the two birds were to be seized.

    Where do you think they are going to place them both now all this has gone on over their welfare?

    Registered Parrotcare or unregistered Wayne Watkins?

    Read what was written and the context is was written in PL member, and i should expect that the Galah Cockatoo is in the hands ofthe people who have brought it to the attention of the authorities.

    Not everybody lies you know!!!

  4. mick-sue fisher... There are even heartless breeders who can laugh and joke about nest robbing parrot chicks from frantic parent birds trying to defend and rear their own young.

    Of course if they were left to be parent reared there would be fewer clutches and the profits wouldn't be quite so lucrative would they?

    Take a read of this...

  5. but the point still stands, mr watkins could offer more than mrs edwards can, doesnt matter in my eyes if one is a charity and the other isnt, its mylo and jj`s welfare that is important amidst all this point scoring, whats more important to you ? being in a registered charity or being somewhere they will get more attention than they will get mrs edwards ?

    i have read the links posted from 2007, correct me if i`m wrong, but ukpr wasnt around in tose days

  6. Hallelujah!!!

    At last the penny has dropped!!!...

    So being somewhere they will get more attention due to smaller numbers is preferable in your opinion?

    Somewhere like my home where Mylo currently is and where they were both supposed to be together from the beginning... ????

  7. UKPR Watch said...
    mick-sue fisher... There are even heartless breeders who can laugh and joke about nest robbing parrot chicks from frantic parent birds trying to defend and rear their own young.

    Of course if they were left to be parent reared there would be fewer clutches and the profits wouldn't be quite so lucrative would they?

    Take a read of this...

    Mon Mar 16, 11:34:00 AM 2009

    Once again caron showing only half the story with the hand picked links,


    Joined: 13 Jun 2007
    Posts: 3567
    Location: Having a clear out!
    Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:36 am Post subject:


    Some people (breeders) go into it as beginners without actually seeing the bigger picture and often see this bigger picture many years down the line.If i could start over knowing what i know now as a rescuer of birds i would have never taken my breeding greys and entered into parrot breeding period for my own reasons.However i did and now i have to deal with it,there is no wat out from what i can see,yes i could sell the birds but whoever took them would still breed from them that i am sure as a proven pair?.So they will live there days out with us atleast this way we know they are happy,healthy and get everything they need.Its a case for us of we made our bed now we are lying in it.Some may say remove the nestbox,withdraw breeding condition sups etc etc ......dont bother been there done that,the hen will lay on the floor and i dont do egg pricking.Anyway threads getting sidetracked jsut felt the need to clarify for the people who may read this comment;differently to how it is meant


    Joined: 13 Jun 2007
    Posts: 3567
    Location: Having a clear out!
    Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:54 am Post subject:


    like i said on my resolutions.........try harder to bond with ollie,parent rear my babies,and seriously consider my future as a breeder of parrots


    Joined: 13 Jun 2007
    Posts: 3567
    Location: Having a clear out!
    Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:08 am Post subject: Full term greys(for breeding stock not pets)?


    Hi ,myself and my partner have a few questions we need answers to b4 we can really make future decisions.We are planning with our next clutch of greys(depending on what we learn now)to let the parents rear them full term,no intervension from us (unless emergency)and not take part in the rearing process other words the babies will fledge and live with there parents for some time after too.What worries us are these points
    1.How easy will it be to sell these birds as future aviary breeding stock
    2.How can we be sure that unscrupulous people wont buy them and make them house pets(cheaper prices for full parent reared may attract these people.
    3.Are there many breeder that are prepared to take baby greys and wait along time b4 they are breeding ready
    4.Are there people who are making pairs from unrelated greys this way or are they usually proven mature birds that get the most interest
    5.What would be an acceptable time for these birds to remain in the aviary with there parents

    so i guess you comment on not being lucrative if parent reared is out of the window caron...................same as everything else you say 1/2 truths and clever editing

  8. No need to make up 1/2 truths or edit improperly, the links are there in their entirety for anyone to read.

  9. UKPR Watch said...
    No need to make up 1/2 truths or edit improperly, the links are there in their entirety for anyone to read.

    Yes they are...............but now in full,with from what i read, a frank and honest public opinion of how vikky herself feels about being a ''breeder'' and parent rearing.Your clever manipulation of quotes will mean nothing in a few weeks from what i gather.


  11. I believe that irrelivant and yet again in breech of copyright laws? But you dont seem bothered by that as the rspca banner and rspb banner both appear on here without there permission?,im sure if its pointed out to them they wouldnt appreiciate there logo being associated with a blog full of lies?perhaps they need asking?

  12. Point out the lies on here then???

    I think any contentious points have been explained.

    Say it for long enough and people might believe you!!!

    There is a full post on here based upon your lie isnt there Vikky?

    No explanation from you though is there?

    Would you admit it or would you dig that hole even deeper?

  13. if i remember vicki said she had only 1 pair of a-greys and as only had 1 i right or wrong.
