Sunday 8 March 2009

Time to dispel those doubts!

June: Parrotcare’s comment taken from ‘Stealing my finch’ below my post.
If there is any doubt in anyone’s mind over what this blog has been stating about UKPR over the last week then I hope this should dispel it and bring you back to reality and the real world where the rest of us live, and not the UKPR fantasy world that has been created with lie after lie by Vikky, Alan & Co.

All present and ex-UKPR members know that once there is a disagreement with Vikky on the forum, members are instantly banned and that person’s side of events silenced.

This happened to me last Sunday after I took into my care, at the request of Vikky, Mylo the military Macaw who is one half of a bonded pair. I posed a simple series of relevant questions concerning his well being which led to the attempted seizure of him. JJ his partner did not arrive as planned due to the incompetence of the UKPR rescue service charged with transporting the pair.

(Re-uniting them is now my primary concern)

I was then subsequently banned and my name blackened by the UKPR team.

This blog was then set up as my response to that blackening of my name, and to give other ex-UKPR members and fosterers who have been banned and their names blackened the opportunity to give their side of the story.

It was my belief that all that had happned to me could not have been an isolated case due to the catalogue of misdeeds that bordered on criminality and did, indeed, eventually end up in actual criminality with one of the UKPR team receiving a harassment warning.

I was proved right in my belief when stories started to flood in through email of the way other people and rescue birds had been treated by UKPR. Then during the course of the first few days we witnessed the attempted silencing of those brave people willing to stand up to UKPR with threats of violence and intimidation that has become synonymous with UKPR practice and now logged on this blog.

Being banned from the UKPR forum it was thought that it would make it hard to gather the information needed to prove what had been going on. But the moral of this story for those following it is that if you are a liar then nothing you ever say will ever stand up when the truth is eventually brought to bear upon it. Because it is false, unreal, a fantasy world based on lies. So, in the very limited communication Vikky has had with the outside world through her blog and this blog, we have been able to expose her lies at each opportunity that she has spoken - Last night was no different.

I have also had some very nice, genuine, caring people following all that was being said on the UKPR forum, who have kept us up to date and informed on what was happening on there – Thank you!

Last night was the first time that Vikky has decided to appear on this blog to answer her critics here. She appeared on the ‘Stealing my finch’ thread as’ anonymous’ to start off with but was soon found out, and then made no real attempt to hide the fact, to the contrary in fact, as you will see what she said here – image 1

(Anyone who knows anything about computers will know that all IP addresses are logged by the hosting companies to which the police have access once a criminal investigation is instigated)

It has been stated several times throughout this blog by people independently, that UKPR are handling rescue birds and in some cases selling them on. This has obviously been denied, but as you can see from what was said in the heat of the moment last night, UKPR birds are not viewed as anything other than property with a price on their head that should be “paid” for by potential fosterers – image 2

Nice little money making scam at the expense of rescue birds and bird lovers!

This should be the final nail in the coffin for all of those present UKPR members who are contemplating jumping ship, and coming back down to reality and into the real world with the rest of us.

Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence would have to agree with the point that is about to be made.

Vikky said this: proof please of it just makes the statement slanderous,everything posted within this obvious personal hate campaign is fabrication by its followers as a direct result is being exposed as untrustworthy on the ukpr forum - Image 3

Who is left on the UKPR forum to hear how this blog is “all lies” other than those members who have not been banned yet?

The outside world cannot view Vikky’s expose of our fabrication and lies because everything is said behind closed doors with only those left behind being fed her lies and if you are one of them I would think very hard about this post.

Rather than allowing the professional UKPR forum to be an open place for everyone to come and debate the issues at hand, where if there was nothing to hide, any sensible person would, the forum became a locked house with only those ‘yes’ people allowed in, with those posing awkward questions banned.

Then the poor attempt at a blog was set up instead.

The blog was stated to be a place where Vikky would answer questions, but within 5 minutes everyone was blocked from posting on there just like on her forum, with them having to then post their responses on here instead.

Not very open and honest if there was nothing to hide.

( I would like to point out that this blog has been an open house for everyone to pose questions and share opinions, with only 2 comments deleted due to their irrelevance)

What was written on the UKPR blog was swiftly refuted and the lies exposed for what they were as can be seen throughout the posts on this blog where their words have been used as evidence against them.

One of the people following events and supporting this blog has been June of Parrotcare.

Here is the comment she left this morning that needed to be put on the frontpage along with my article.

June Parrotcare

QUOTE;you have taken on over a dozen birds through vikky and ukpr and actually paid nothing;END QUOTE

Vikky and Allen this is NOT a rescue you are trying to run it is a business, STEP ONE, get bird given to you for free, STEP TWO, put a price on the bird (GOD knows how much you charge for a teil)STEP THREE, get one of your "members" to pay you for the privilege of looking after,feeding and loving the bird, STEP FOUR,if you don't like something the "member" has done take back bird and sell again.

Why bother to breed this is a far easier and quicker way to earn money.

If you are able to find a kind and caring person who will run and around and collect the birds at that persons own expense, brilliant MORE PROFIT FOR YOU.
You do not even have to feed or care for it yourself as you have CARE HOMES to look after the bird until it is sold.

And I bet when you are taking a bird off of someone you will not tell them that you are going to sell it.

I bet you must have been gutted that you did not get this little Citron hen that was rushed to me so that you could not scare the owner into giving it to you, and what about the Galah that the owner wants back and you told him you do not know where it is,(I guess you will need to find it by the time that comes to court).

I can tell you now that a group of breeders have documented evidence regarding the things that you and Alan etc have been up to, (they have been collecting this for over a year).and they are really Pi**ed at what you have been up too.

As the S*** hits the fan Vikky I wonder how many of your friends are going to stay around to get spayed with it.

You do not need to run Alan the S*** has already landed on you.

This is not just about Milo and JJ now its about a group of people who started up a money making scam and called it a rescue.

How many poor people have you duped along the way.

Anyone who has birds from Vikky and Alan, you have brought and paid for these birds they are yours, the "agreement" is not worth a button.

How dare you call yourselves a rescue.
when real rescues are working day and night caring for birds and not trying to find ways to make money out of them.

A real rescuer will go without food to see that a bird is fed and care for not work out how much to sell it for.

White Van Man would be proud of you.


  1. OK!!!!!!!!I am a member of most of the UK parrot forums, however quiet I may be on posting, I read ALOT.Since Joining UKPR, I have been disgusted at what I have seen. The amount of members on their "Banned" list, if you actually went through the members list, was HUGE!What does that say about a forum that has been running for only two years???? I have had dealings with Vikky only once, and wish dearly that I kept the PMs so people could see how bloody well rude she truely is. Funny how you dont see this kind of mutiny in other rescues. Following the threads on their forum,I hve counted about three people, who arent in the UKPR clique, who have expressed concerns over putting 2 macaws back in the house with someone with Alveolitis. It would seem that no one else minds that this is a degenerate disease, that WILL get worse, should Adele carry on with her birds she WILL have repeated trips to the hospital, lung biopsies, and the need for possible transplants, IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT, I HAVE WATCHED SOMEONES LIFE FALL APART DUE TO THIS ILLNESS, IT IS NOT PRETTY. Why does no one seem to realise that even if they do go back there it WILL NOT BE THERE FOREVER HOME. I pity the fools that can't see the trees for the forest, I would seriously be questioning the motives of BREEDERS WHO START A RESCUE. Bit like bombing Iran then offering help. Hypocritical.

  2. Here are a couple of links anonymous, that puts things into perspective.

  3. This is the exact moment that this present conflict with JJ & Mylo can be traced back to.

    Why did Adele suddenly call Vikky and ask her if she could long term foster JJ & Mylo when she had already decided she could no longer keep them due to being diagnosed with a serious condition?

    Adele has sadly been disagnosed with Alveolitis (which is no small thing) preventing her keeping birds so had found a home for the pair which she believed to be ideal, as the links above show.

    Then all of a sudden 'Send Mylo back'!

    It just does not make sense or add up!

    I think somebody is lying!!!

    You only have to look at the reasoning around this one crux point and the people involved.

    We know the truth, so i wonder whether those other people who know the truth will now do the right thing for JJ & Mylo, for themselves, and for everyone else who want to see a happy ending to this story.

    You will all be very shocked and very relieved when the truth comes into the light - Technology is an amazing thing!

    Jump off the 'pirate ship' to safety before it is to late and sinks taking you with it...

  4. quote: Technology is an amazing thing

    A new thing for me but agree 100% on that,its the one and only factual thing posted on this blog so far.

  5. Itis from you Alan

  6. has anyone thought of contacting watchdog or the likes of rogue traders? im sure this type of media would be most interested in Vicky's "rescue" lets give her the limelight she deserves.
    keep the fight against UKPR going...with such amazing people fighting them we can win it for the birds


  7. Thanks for the support emblimegreen

    Watch this space x

  8. All I want is a birds welfare to be top priority. I really hope Mylo and JJ are together soon.

    I still think both birds should be with Caron as she was deemed the best home. If these birds go to a middle man, will they eventually have to be moved on yet again? I do not want them to be pushed from piller to post.

    I am amazed UKPR still have any members left, whist Vikky is in charge I don't think Mylo and JJ will ever be together whilst she has any say in this matter.

    I am also appalled at the fact, Vikky has been using personal details to try and get PEOPLE SACKED FROM THEIR PLACES OF WORK to inhibit their freedom of speech.

    So UKPR members that are left I hope you don’t upset Vikky if you have a day job. Was Vikky really justified in this action? Was this in the best interest of a birds welfare too, surely there is not excuse for that behaviour, that is more like an act of desperation on Vikky’s part.

    Also a question on donations, yes Vikky can receive donations even if she is not a registered charity, but donations should not be mandatory, they should be given as a gift by people. (look it up in the dictionary)

    Example 1:
    Pebble the cockatoo was supposed to go to Caron for emergency caring with a view to fostering. I know for a fact that Pebbles the cockatoo, who I helped pick up and transfer to Vikky, for supposedly transferring to Caron never made it to her.
    Why: because Vikky told me over the phone Caron was not willing to pay £150 donation fee, until the emergency caring period/quarantine period was finished. So the bird stayed with Leigh for several weeks/months in the end until Pebbles eventually made it Alan. In Vikky’s eyes Caron was black listed from ever having Pebbles.

    Also I had in my emergency care a Meyers called Lola, now we had found her the perfect fosterer who I am pleased to say she is now with and doing extremely well. I would like to make the point that the fosterer’s were not allowed to take possession of this bird until they were able to give me the £50 donation fee, which meant me keeping the bird for another 2 weeks.

    Surely if a donation is a fixed fee, then it is not a donation (gift)? It is then a price for a sale instead? It certainly covers more than an admin fee. Plus the £50 Vikky made on Lola didn’t go to any of Lola’s up keep, that came straight out of my pocket. So the £50 Vikky received was pure profit which she received cash in hand from the fosterer.

  9. Freebird,

    Thank you for your testimony I would just like to clarify one issue regarding Pebbles. I never even knew of Pebbles existence until Vikky telephoned me REQUESTING that I take Pebbles on as she had nowhere suitable to place him.

    Now in my view, if you ask someone to do something for you as a FAVOUR... Do you then also ask them to 'pay' you for the priviledge???

    I think not.

    This was the exact same reason I refused to 'pay' Vikky for JJ & Mylo. She ASKED me to look after them as Adele could no longer do so and no suitable alternatives were available.

  10. Caron I spoke to you before Vikky and asked if you would take Pebbles on with a view to permanently keeping him. Then Corny did a home check.

    Then I arranged to pick Pebbles up from his old owner so he could start making his way to you?

    In the meantime Vikky has spoken to you afterwards, un be known to me asking for a donation fee up front, which wasn’t mentioned to me at the time.

    So after all my hard work with helping Vikky get Pebbles half way up the country only to find it was all a waste of time, I wasn’t too happy or impressed with Vikky’s decision.

    I am on your side, but this is the truth, it was a while ago so may have got a little hazy?

  11. I should also add I could have emergency cared for Pebbles, so he did have a temporary suitable place to go. Sorry for this.

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  15. I know exactly when I was first contacted about Pebbles the 'too... End Sept/Early October 2008, as I had just began extensive building work on my house and my degree course exams were imminent. It was for this reason I stated it would be difficult for me to take Pebbles at that time, but if the situation was desperate then I would manage to do so, for the sake of the bird.

    From my point of view I was asked (as a favour) to take Pebbles on and I was willing to do so 'as a favour'... But not, as Vikky is now suggesting, to 'pay' her for the privilege of looking after a bird that remained her 'property'. I was already having grave doubts about the UKPR 'donation' scheme and was not prepared to be party to that.

    My means are, as most people's, limited to whatever degree, I live a frugal lifestyle and every penny I have available to do so, is spent on the rescue birds already in my care and others, if and when the need should arise. I would not hesitate to find the cash in the case of an emergency to help a bird, but this clearly wasn't the case in this instance.

    It was blatently clear to me after the Pebbles incident that Vikky's primary concern was not that Pebbles was placed in a capable and loving home but rather using the price on his dear little head to fill her coffers.

    I would just like to say that at the time it was a little confusing that I was speaking with two 'Vickys' and perhaps the exact consequence of events is now a little hazy. However, the eventual outcome is clear to all concerned. In hindsight it is quite apparent to me which Vicky was concerned with Pebbles welfare and which was concerned with how much money could be made from him. No prizes for guessing which is which... That should be two '£'s instead of two 'k's I think!
