Wednesday 18 March 2009

The Bottom Line

For Goodness sake!!!

I’m sure I must speak for everyone when I say that we ALL must now be thoroughly sick and tired of the slanging matches, the insults, the accusations, the “he said” and “she saids” over the Mylo & JJ situation.

Am I wrong?

Surely people, the very bottom line here is that these two unfortunate birds who have been through so much for the last year or so can at last find peace and security in a loving forever home that can provide for all their physical and emotional needs?

So where is this place?

Perhaps with Wayne Watkins whose dedication to these wonderful creatures is plain for all to see?

Wayne’s passion has brought him to the position now of currently having 60+ full time rescued parrot residents. Does he really need or want yet another two large individuals to add to these numbers and potentially take the place of two future birds who are in dire need of his care? Especially when you consider that JJ and Mylo ALREADY have a fantastic home to go to, where Mylo is currently settled and very happy, a home that was deemed “100% suitable” by UKPR’s own evaluation.

Perhaps with the kind hearted Adele?

Adele who is suffering from a serious medical condition which will be worsened by having Mylo & JJ living with her?

Adele who is also afraid to handle Mylo?

Anyone who keeps Macaws knows that being scared to handle one of them can make things very difficult, getting him into a carrier for trips to the vets for example, to take him outside to enjoy the fresh air, or to get him back into his cage in an emergency. The list is endless…

Adele who has stated that Mylo & JJ can live alone in her back bedroom?

Is this what any of you reading this who love their own pet birds would want for them at some point in the future?

Or perhaps here with me where they were originally destined for in the first place?

I would ask Vikky… What’s important here?

Mylo & JJ being reunited and living their lives happily with the person you yourself deemed most suitable?

Or attempting to send them packing again to a ‘third party’ as an emergency measure because of a stupid petty disagreement.

Who are the ones losing out in all of this?

Do they not deserve to have their rights to a 'happy fulfilled life' protected at all costs?


  1. All i see is a macaw sitting on a knee of an obviously nervous lady,hands well out of the way,how about posting a samll video clip of you interacting caron after all you managed to post one with paul interacting,and from what ive heard he has only had a few months of bird experience....feel free to not publish yet another post as it will be published on the ukpr blog......

  2. This just shows the mentality of the faithful few.

    Try and discredit people for as long as possible then the stupid from amongst them will start believing it.

    Another pictured added in the interest of the above comment.

  3. I believe i asked for a video clip,real time not a staged picture taken just after youve been bitten

  4. Does that look like a bird that bites?

  5. What would have happened if ukpr had chosen to rehome them with someone else as it was only agreed that you would be emergency carer for them with a chance to have them full term. Would you have kept them anyway if they had found them a 'forever home' that wasnt yours?

  6. Bella, one of the faithful few who just cannot keep herself away...

    It has gone way beyond your simple analogy now!

  7. I wont make a judgement on your confidence and his until i see a 60 second video clip,pictures mean nothing really caron do they,they show minisecond,not behaviour before or after the snap was taken,the press also have a skill of clicking just at the ideal moment but they usually do it to show the negative?....if mylo is fine with you thats all good but im sure everyone would want to see real time as you posted with pauls interaction,i understand you cant take video yourself and interact if your alone at the moment but im sure we can all wait.

  8. I suppose you can read whatever you want from a photograph, however I can assure you that I am most certainly not "nervous" of Mylo in the least and interact with him as much as Paul does.

    The lack of video/photographic evidence of this is down to nothing beyond my notorious camera shyness!

    Perhaps you might like to ask Jamie who commented on how well and confidently I handled Mylo in comparison to Adele!!!

    Furthermore I would just like to make clear that I really have neither the time nor the desire to engage in petty, meaningless squabbles or to read your personal insults so please try to keep your comments relevant if you wish for them to be published.

  9. Of course a short video can be taken but could you please clarify what this is meant to achieve beyond satisfying you "anonymous"?

  10. See how the comments have once again been turned into an exercise in distraction?

    Perhaps you should identify whose "judgement" i should deem important enough to obey the orders given to post a video?

  11. UKPR Watch said...
    Of course a short video can be taken but could you please clarify what this is meant to achieve beyond satisfying you "anonymous

    Im sure it wouldnt just satisfy me,it would show everyone including the rspca that you are as confident with mylo as he is with you,if such a thing was asked of me in your situation i would happily post a 10 minute clip just to shut people up?

  12. Im sure the RSPCA can make their own decisions in person "anonymous".

    This blog is not about satisfying your judgement!

  13. Same old story with those who run UKPR.

    They say jump and expect people to say how high!

    Look at Adele and Jamie as a prime example of this.

    Adele forced into the eye of the storm because of Vikky's lies, and Jamie declaring himself no longer a part of UKPR, and not involved in their day to day running after witnessing their abhorent conduct, one night, only to be knocking on the front door the next morning to seize a bird onbehalf of Vikky & Co.

    Bullies who think they can force people to do their will for them, whatever and whenever that is.


    The sooner you are shut down the better.

  14. Anonymous comment facility has been removed, so that those wishing to comment can put a name to their remarks so that we can address you in a civilised manner.

  15. me and my wife sue says if caron is afraid of milo she must be a verry good can see that they are verry comferatable with each other.all it his is a pull down again.can you see adell doing what caron has dont think carnt afford to show fear with any bird or animal from the begining if you do you may as well call it.they dont forget and they will get you and do a good job too.i have had some bad birds picking parrots up but never backed of and never had a bad doing well caron keep it up,you can see he loves you.

  16. thank you mick-sue... Mylo is getting along famously with all of my family, including my 11 year old son. Mylo is a typical bolshie Military Macaw and he will dominate if given the opportunity. As you so rightly point out, gentleness, kindness, respect and no demonstration of fear are key to mutual understanding with a bird like Mylo.

    Here's a photo of Jacob and Mylo...

  17. he is not a bad bird,to be with a young 11 year old boy they have trust in each other.if you let any bird take control you have lost it.i can see young jacob is in control and got no fear of milo.can adell give as much love and time to these bird has your family can.knowing she is a poorly woman.and not knowing what is in the future for says on ukpr that they will fined all birds long term homes,so they dont have to be moved about,what i see in you is a long term home.and a verry good one are in the same boat as have your family to look after the birds when we meet our maker and kick the bucket.and that is one thing we carnt beat.the old box and its as i say you carnt take yer money with you vicki and the gang.
