Thursday 19 March 2009

The Hyperbole

Could Vikky have shouted ‘liar’ any louder?

We would like to thank Vikky for the title of her post though! As was stated when she first started her poor attempt at a blog rather than allowing her forum be an open house for people - “imitation is the highest form of praise”

Vikky’s new subheading of the post has been called, ‘The truth behind the RSPCA investigation’, and when reading it you might think that they had just won the lottery, that’s why there has been such emphasis on the title and all the capital letters.

Sorry to burst that bubble so quickly for you though Vikky!

Let’s look at the FACTS here.

Mylo’s nares were running badly and he seemed to be very poorly within 24 hours of arriving here, so it was decided to take him to the vet immediately.

First thing on the Monday morning there was a call from Northamptonshire police saying that we had to give Mylo back to Vikky. The UKPR driver then arrived and was told that Mylo would be going nowhere with him. The police had said Vikky would be collecting him, so he would not be going anywhere apart from with her, and if you have a problem with that then get Northamptonshire police to call. The police were called and the local Cleveland police turned up to deal with the situation. Whilst we were waiting for the police to turn up Wayne Watkins called and advised us on the situation so we told the police that Mylo was going nowhere, and that this is now a civil matter. They agreed to leave Mylo here and before leaving issued the UKPR driver a harassment warning because of his behaviour.

Mylo’s vet appointment was for later that day and being aware that Mylo was an ex RSPCA bird we called the RSPCA to make them aware of the situation and events unfolding.

Now the RSPCA were involved and they knew Mylo was going to the vets over his nares, a log number was given for the payment of his visit so that everything was above board and on file.

An Inspector Evans from Northamptonshire RSPCA was put on this case at the very beginning. She called and I had a lengthy telephone conversation with her regarding Mylo, JJ and UKPR and this blog.

To my knowledge, based upon the fact that Inspector Evans called here, she was the officer who was investigating this case that the RSPCA had assigned to her. Why else call if she was not investigating something?

Believing there was an investigation into this case, this was stated on the blog.

Pretty logical based on all of this involvement by these separate outside organisations don’t you think? Police, RSPCA, and the Vet.

It’s not like Vikky would have you believe by stating ‘LIAR’ in the boldest letters available, as if we had sat on our hands and blatantly lied and did nothing about the situation.

Meanwhile, more information was posted onto this blog, with people asked to contact their local RSPCA office with any information they had about UKPR.

Not much we could do whilst waiting for Inspector Evans to call back other than write on the blog to keep people updated on what was happening and continue exposing UKPR. It was our understanding that Miss Evans was making further enquiries.

It was made perfectly clear to us that there were more people who had stepped forward and given information to the RSPCA, so we were sure in our own minds that the RSPCA knew what was going on and were aware of UKPR and this blog.

Based on all of the information which includes the involvement of the different outside organisations, how could we not think that there was an investigation underway? I think any sane minded person would think there was.

We received a call yesterday morning from the Cleveland RSPCA officer who had been given the responsibility of dealing with this case and he said that as far as he was concerned there are no problems with Mylo’s welfare, and that this is now a civil matter. After a lengthy conversation about UKPR and their practices he advised me on the way forward.

What was blatantly apparent is that there is absolutely no legal body available to turn to, to hold organisations like UKPR to account. They are a law unto themselves, and is the reason why it has been stated on here several times about this being a lawless ungoverned world where people like the cowboys of UKPR can do what they like to the birds in their possession, just like this situation with Mylo & JJ proves.

The RSPCA have now stated there is no investigation, but considering this has been played out in the open on this blog for everyone to follow, do they really need to do their own investigation?

The case has been presented on here, and all relevant action will be taken to stop these cowboys from abusing birds and people again.

I think it would be naïve in the extreme to think that nobody in authority has been watching events as they have unfolded, especially the RSPCA who have been giving rescue birds to UK Parrot Rescue. The majority of what has been written on this blog over the past 2 ½ weeks has been supported with factual evidence for any investigator that has been following.

UKPR and a couple of their faithful followers shout ’lies, lies, lies’ and insult the authors of this blog and those supporters who have been willing to put their head above the wall, with the most vile and wicked names which shows the type of people we are dealing with here.

Nobody likes to go through this, but Mylo and his rights as a living creature are worth fighting for. Part of those rights is for him to be reunited with his partner JJ who UKPR separated from him.

Vikky has called Caron a liar because the RSPCA have now said there is no investigation, when we have stated there was. I hope people can see why this was stated, and why the RSPCA do not need to do their own investigation. It has been done for them.

Logical conclusion based upon the facts.

The next step of the investigation that UKPR Watch has been conducting openly for all to see, is to contact all of the relevant organisations to whom UKPR are accountable and ask them to do their investigations based on the evidence presented, now we know that there are no animal welfare organisations governing them.

Hopefully this case with UKPR can be used to help introduce new laws and legislation to protect rescue birds from these types of charlatans masquerading as rescuers when in reality they are nothing more than freebie hunters selling the free stock given to them like an online pet shop.

What happens when cowboys enter the parrot rescue world is all documented on this blog, with certain evidence not presented to protect the identity of the people involved.

There are many people out there now who are stuck between a rock and a hard place themselves because they sit with a rescue bird in their homes that they love, which has a piece of paper accompanying it somewhere that has Vikky’s signature of ownership on it. They live in fear of what could happen if UKPR was to turn on them, so it is better to say nothing than rock the boat and unleash the fury of the leaders of UKPR as people have witnessed on this blog.


  1. Just one question..
    Is the vet you used an Avian vet?

  2. My avian vet is Matthew Brash who is a three hour round journey away from here. Careful consideration was that Mylo was too unwell to put through the further stress of that journey especially as it was suspected the three hour drive the day before with the UKPR driver may well have brought on his symptoms. The vet we used has extensive avian experience and was sanctioned by the RSPCA as perfectly suitable for sending our harvested swabs for analysis.

    Hope this answers your question satisfactorily Teresa.

  3. told you all the rspca has turned and run and left it to you to sort out.ukpr you dont think they are going to get involved with you again do you.had it with you same as it was with me you dont get a look in again.the end.
