Sunday 1 March 2009


  1. Well one story out of many that springs to mind is a lady who got banned but at the time was e/c’ing 2 birds in her care that belonged to UKPR.

    One needed urgent vet treatment; she was told she was not allowed to take this bird to the vet! She did so anyway, and out of her own pocket before returning the birds to UKPR.

    One of the birds had an eye infection and could have lost his sight, all he needed was a little wipe on the eye with a cotton bud just for a few days to cure it. (Report from the vet can verify this).

    When Vikky the founder updated their post she told everyone one of the birds came to her with only one eye! Also that one was believed to be female was attacking the other which had caused injuries to the other bird including the eye. Now vikky was made fully aware that the injuries were caused by a cat. But on the thread she made everyone believe is was the other bird.

    Before Vikky took them away, they used to sing everyday and loved eachothers company. Now they have been separated, since Vikky post about the one with only one eye, apparently he may make a recovery after seeing another vet. Although there has been no updated since 22-1-09? That’s if he is still around after pinning for his friend ;o(.

  2. will be honest with you.i dont know the woman but i dont like her.i once spoke about not being a beleaver in breeding,and hand rearing.and was told if i was going to upset the breeders she would ban me off the forum,i think all the birds should be put stright in to there new home.and its a load of cobblers all this emergancy caring,you just get the bird settled in,probabely after 6monthes the poor buggers start all over again move and hope they settle again with out the bird suffring,tricky vicki makes her own rulls as she needs em.

  3. I got banned for asking questions. Heres a link: -

  4. A thread by Shell about a nanaday and cockatiel that came into UKPR for rehoming.

    They came in together but the e/c person was told they must be kept separate as the conure would attack the cocktiel.

    Yet another case UKPR not listening to instructions given.

    When UKPR took them for another now ex member who was e/c'ing them they were kept in separate cages, so did whoever form UKPR take them put them together again??

    Post on UKPR website by Shell Post: #43
    RE: Oscar~Nanday conure

    that's a difficult one...he was in a cage with Dillon the cockatiel-but we decided to split them up-not because of any problems in them getting on-but as Oscar was so loud,poor Dillon was a bit intimidated!

    He does love human contact,and gets incredibly possesive over "his human", although i suppose if he had a little birdie friend, he may switch is affections to them?

    and as for competing with noise,well he is in a house at the moment with alot of birds,amazons and macaws and such like (not with them of course) so that's a really difficult one to say-sorry Jenny, that's really not much use as an answer to you, is it?

  5. Please also note the main team members of UKPR are also breeders.

    I believe this to be a conflict of interests.

  6. What happens to the birds that they have seized back from people? They dont seem to reappear back on the forum for rehoming.

    2 female eclectus spring to mind.

  7. what happens to the birds that carnt be rehomed are they put back to breeding?????????????????? nowt against breeding its the hand rearing all they are doing are adding to a never ending problem that we are trying to stop by adopting these poor birds.and they are creating moore.but at £1100for a green wing macaw or cockatoo.or a grey at £700 what have they got to lose.or lets be honnest what have got to gain.a lot of spandulis,more they breed and hand rear the bigger the profit.excuse my spelling.

  8. 2 cockatoos that came in to UKPR, one Lesser Sulphur Crested Male in April last year and one bare eyed cockatoo that came in around november last year were given to Harry Sissens in Yorkshire.

    After so many requests for updated and photo's nothing is ever given.

    Some interesting news on Harry Sissens.

  9. it says it all.harry sissens some will not know of harry .

  10. Thanks for the input peeps x

    Angelwings... Rehoming vulnerable pet birds with breeders seems to be common practice at UKPR. Hardly surprising when most of the founders are breeders anyway!! I totally agree that it is a conflict of interest but look at it from their perspective... A win/win situation... Pour cute little baby birds into the pet market for £££££££s and then scoop up the sad outcomes as freebies and possible future breeding stock...

    mick-sue.fisher... You obviously have vast experience and a professional attitude towards transporting birds and their welfare being paramount at all times. Unfortunately for some the bird's well-being is a secondary consideration way after convenience and cost.

    brooke... look forward to hearing your experiences.

    Ultimately any rescue should be about the birds and their wellbeing FIRST and FOREMOST.

  11. i will tell you i have just told ukpr to deleat me has they dont deserve help,and that its the same old tail the bird suffer.i will tel you i ham a aco and transporter for safehaven parrot refuge.and i can tell you chris has the birds in mined all the time.she allways has a home for the bird to go to as sone as the birds ar picked up.and 9times out of10 that is there forever home no swapping the poor buggers.i was willing to help them as well has safehavn but they dont care at ukpr will keep with you and if you want to turn to helping these parrots i ham willing to help you.i think you could start your own parrot rescue up with all our help.we can turn to realy helping them insted of pretending to same as ukpr.

  12. just been on ukpr ther forum you can still get on and look at all the s--- that they say about us but carnt defend yer shellf.

  13. Whats making me laugh is the ones that are sticking up for them are the ones that didnt get to read the thread before it was deleted. If they had read the thread and knew what was going on im sure they would be thinking differently!!! lol lol

  14. too know what i told em all when i was nearly band was that the truth hurts.but they turn things around so they look in the right.its sticky vicky that rules at that place.remember we are all for the naugty step you know lol.i think alot of them whant to grow up.and we might all have a spell put on us.hhhhhhhhheeeelllpp

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have been getting a few PM notifications in my email accout from my old banned UKPR account. I was banned back in November last year. Please note anyone wanting to contact me on UKPR please don't as I can't respond.

    For some strange reason UKPR don't want there members to know I am banned as I now show as a posting freak???? You can contact me on parrot links under Tory.

    Maybe there are very few members left on UKPR, I suppose it would look bad if they showed this on the forum?

  17. I was also a banned member and they still have not removed me off their members list. I would like to know why not, despite me sending an email to their admin requesting to be removed. My email was not replied to and my details were not removed.

    They really need to update their admin records as they are showing myself and Harrys Mummy as transporters, which we obviously are not as we are both banned!!!

    Sort it out UKPR!!

  18. Yep, I'm also banned but show up as a current member. Guess a long list of names all with little lines through and 'banned' does make people wonder what kind of a set up would have so many detractors!!!

    As for the sycophants, blissfully ignorant or too deluded to see what goes on and still harping on about how great UKPR is while it slowly sinks.... Words fail me!

  19. they have wiped their open forum clean of absolutely everything but never mind they can still bitch in their private sections that only the chosen few and the gullible are allowed to see

  20. Good evening.

    I am one of those people who have only been able to see the positive things that UKPR want the world to see.
    I wanted a lovebird for my lonely bird and within a few weeks I had one. Lucky me for it all going right.

    Did anyone copy the thread that was removed to protect people? I am sure many people would like to read it - how are we meant to form an opinion if we can only see half of the message?

  21. Might be helpful if we knew who supports them and who is also a member of P/L as I have no idea who to trust.

  22. oH it's flakey (rob) I'm using an account that was Steve's

  23. "Did anyone copy the thread that was removed to protect people? I am sure many people would like to read it - how are we meant to form an opinion if we can only see half of the message?"
    = yes please!

  24. i also would like to read the thread
    cant support either if we only know half the story

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The deleted thread will be available for future investigation. In my opinion it was removed because it made Vikky and UKPR look bad (obviously, as if that wasn't the case it would have been left for everyone to read!)

    The full, open and honest account of my personal experience with UKPR will be posted by the end of this evening I hope you will all read it and draw your own conclusions.

    Rob, I think we are all on the same side here and no one is going to be banned or deleted for speaking up.

  27. Well, it appears that I have been banned too, and I was never other than polite.

    It just so happens that I have the last 10 pages of the thread in question saved, and these are the ones of interest. Always a good thing to do if you know people are going to want to hide what they have done!! If this site can get me the email addys of those who would like to read it, I will send it to them.

  28. Pauline, please could you email those 10 pages over to me and I shall post them up for everyone to read. Thanks x

  29. I was an ACO for UKPR, I joined in April 07, was an ACO from August O7, and asked to stand down as ACO in October then banned in November 07.

    I was given hardly any information of what to expect when becoming an ACO, a little shocked when I got into the office section of the forum. How new and old members were being ripped to pieces behind the scenes.

    Whilst I was an ACO with them, I spent many hours helping advertise UKPR. Giving advice to people on the phone, picking up birds and also emergency caring birds.

    In this short time I was with them it became more and more apparent that a birds welfare was not given top priority. The last straw being when they bullied a child on the open forum, things behind the scenes got extremely unpleasant. I am not a mini me and without being rude will state what I think is right, which obviously alienated me from the rest of the team.

    I knew things were never that professionally run, but being a young rescue I hoped things would improve all the time. Where I thought I could make a difference I soon found out anyone with a little knowledge would not last.

    Vikky even told me over the phone before she asked me to step down as an ACO “If all my staff did as much as you my life would be so much easier” I rest my case.

    I finally got banned for supporting one of the emergency carers in my area who has Oscar the Amazon. Vikky wanted to move him into an unsuitable home, so I tried asking relevant questions under another identity as I knew I would get banned, even though these questions were perfectly relevant? Then sadly the emergency carer was banned too, for having the birds welfare as her top priority. She was abused by Vikky and publicly called a liar on the open forum by Vikky, which Vikky has now deleted surprisingly, her normal practice. Funny I got the blame for turning this e/c person against Vikky, she could not see that publicly humiliating a person might be the cause???

    I am just so happy Vikky asked me to stand down when she did, a lot more things became apparent after I left and I certainly do not want to be associated in any way with any of there dodgy dealings. They also hide the fact most of them were breeders too, and had buried any threads about this extremely well into the site so people wouldn’t find them easily and read them.

  30. Thank you for your willingness to share this freebird and in due course we will put this on the front page for all new visitors to read.

    (No, this will be going as an update on the post now)

    The story of Oscar and his owner sounds exactly the same as Mylo here, demanding the bird back to go to an unsuitable home and then removing the relevant threads.

    You can never fully remove the threads, they are always in the system.

    We have another exact same story of a UKPR bird who we have personally observed.

  31. I have never hid my feelings for Vikky on PL or UKPR - however when I joined UKPR at the beginning I did say that I would put the past behind and start a clean slate then once the forum became more and more established I have to say I became more and more wary of having dealings with them and took myself away from the volunteer side as I didnt want to be connected with them on the rescue side.

  32. I started to ask questions about rescues and how they was handled and never got any answers.....

  33. Funny now how you can not see a single thread on UKPR !!!!!!

  34. Final reason I got banned was I dared to say on on PL when they was slating another rescue that I wanted no association with UKPR.

    I have a rescue bird but they are unable to take him away as this was not a direct rescue from UKPR - otherwise I am sure they would have been here with their heavies to take him away....

    I dont have any personal expereinces with rescues with them, so therefore the only things I have are what other members & ex members have told me, which I am sure will be here - some wont post as they dont want their birds taken away on a surprise visit from UKPR - now does this sound like a professional and respected rescue ?????? I THINK NOT.......

  35. Hi Close UKPR.

    It would be really helpful if you yourself have direct contact with some of these carers because the police and RSPCA are now involved.

    What we want is what is best for the birds, nothing more and nothing less.

  36. what we want is that poor macaw at adels,to be taken to her mate.not just case she is pining but allso os she can be taken to the vets.

  37. it looks like sticky vicky is comming unstuck.about time i think it might be her on the naughty step?????????.
