Saturday 21 March 2009

Silent Shout speaks again...

Another blog has been set up by another concerned bird lover who has sat back and watched the proceedings over Mylo & JJ unfold from the very beginning.

This is an objective view for any people linked to UKPR who are still unsure about what to make of the events of the past 3 weeks, and each post written on 'And the Truth shall set you Free' will be published here in the interest of bringing clarity to the situation for any followers of this blog.

This is about bird welfare, bird rescuers and bird lovers who are a part of this community within Great Britain, for the sake of the future!

Thank you for taking the time Silent Shout, whoever you are?

God bless you

Previous silent shout post: Making sense of the madness

A Light in the Dark

I have been watching the madness that is the 'Milo and JJ situation' from it's birth, i for one am appalled and ashamed at the way this whole situation has been handled.

UKPR for those who do not know are an Internet Parrot forum that are 'handed' birds to re home through their chat forum. An idea, which in its purest form is of good and light, the Internet is a fantastic way of reaching people who may or not be looking. Their 'Leader', the individual in charge is a 'Vikky', i cannot comment from real experience on Vikky as i have never met her, but as she is the 'leader' of UKPR then all responsibility rests solely on her, such is life.

I am an ex member of UKPR, who made the choice to leave UKPR over the 'Milo & JJ' incident, Having worked for a number of Animal rescues, i am fully aware and awake to the 'Darker Practices' of Animal Rescue, leaving me vigilant ever more so. UKPR's decision to re home Milo & JJ with Caron, was probably the only realistic decision they ever made in my eyes, Caron was not what you'd call a 'buzz member' on the UKPR forum, which the majority of birds are 'awarded' to, Caron's life wasn't on display for everybody else to see, she always answered my open questions with great knowledge and confidence when nobody else would, which is a rarity on the forum, basically Caron has been the catalyst to make things happen, i truly believe that the majority of 'members' on UKPR feel as i do, inside they know that what has happened with Milo and JJ is wrong, simply due to Vikky, But are choosing to stick to the crowd, choosing to follow, following the Shepherd, and why...because they 'feel' they know Vikky, she's always about on the forum, she is the great leader, whereas they do not know Caron as she simply kept herself to herself, commenting only when she felt necessary. People are afraid of what they don't know, like the darkness,what you must see is that Caron has been a light, a shining example of morality, care and love.

Lets turn the tables on the whole situation then maybe those who are still unsure of which way to look may find the answer -

Continue reading: A Light in the Dark

1 comment:

  1. I have read though the UKPR watch blog and even commented twice, As a parrot rescue of many years standing I feel that the UKPR will be held up as "what not to do" in running a rescue organisation be it birds,cats dogs etc.

    While the UKPR may have started out with the idea to rescue birds it soon became clear that the people who founded it did not have the people skills or the amount of knowledge needed to ensure the smooth running of a rescue,

    People skills are very important as it is the members and general public that are needed to make a rescue work, banning members right left and centre instead of answering their misgivings will soon paint a picture of "having something to hide" whether true or not, it will make other members weary of voicing their own misgivings, taking and removing birds from homes that were meant to have been completely home checked before fostering birds to them, points to shoddy home checking or to a "do as I say or lose your birds attitude",

    It is always better to take a long time getting the right home for the bird and fosterer rather than feel later that you have made a mistake.

    Taking a bird from the home it has been placed in and moving it to another will cause the bird untold stress and if it has an under lying health problem (although it should ALWAYS to vet checked before going to a foster home and NO ill bird should be placed without veterinary care first) to surface and can even mean the death of the bird.

    If at any time it is felt that the foster might be having problems then working with the foster to help improve the situation is always the first step to take.
    Not only may they be glad of your help but you will go along way down the road to being a more caring "rescue" for both birds and people.

    The most important part of a parrot rescue is understanding and knowledge of birds and this understanding and knowledge MUST lie with the people running the rescue, the people who will make the finale dissuasion on the birds welfare.

    Sadly this knowledge was shown to be lacking in the Milo and JJ case, No one who understands parrots (especially Macaws) would separate a pair even for a day let alone the intended week.

    First if the two birds were fighting then it is the carers job to find out why,

    If it is down to stress then the stress MUST be removed (stress can kill birds) moving birds that are showing signs of stress is wrong and the two birds should have been settled back into their cage/cages the injuries seen too, given a good feed and sorted out before any move was planned,

    This would give the carer (who had looked after the birds for 6 months) and thereby should know them well the time to plan their future travel arrangements better and would allow the birds to get over the stress/problems they were experiencing.

    If someone takes on the job of moving birds then it is their job to know enough about birds to recognise any problems that might arise with the birds travelling and to ensure that they travel in the safest way (in this case that would mean each bird having a crate of its own with feed and water pots.)

    If the new foster/carer is told there is a cage/cages coming with the birds then this MUST happen, other wise the birds could reach their new home and have no where in which to live, and everyone must agree that this would be unforgivable.

    At the end of the day all the birds from a budgie to a macaw must receive the very best of care at all times.

    The owner of Milo and JJ requested that these two birds stay together, they had spend years together and whether bonded or paired these birds were living together, it really doesn't matter about the arguments surrounding these birds, the birds do not know or care about them, While Milo seems to have settled into home life away from JJ happily it could be that JJ has not and this could have a long term affect on JJ.

    So maybe it is time to really think about theses birds future and to bring them together so that they may get on with being a happy PAIR of birds.

    How this can be done I do not know but the fact is it must be done and done as quickly as possible.
