Thursday 5 March 2009

How low will they go?

Update: Courtesy of a concerned bird lover

If people have concerns over acts of neglect or cruelty that they have witnessed concerning UKPR, then they should contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 - 24 hr helpline.

2nd Update: Below post, courtesy of Close UKPR for good

This should make it quite clear to everybody just exactly the type of people, we are dealing with here.

Several people (witness names on file) who are closely following what is now unfolding and offering their assistance have asked me to write this as a ‘warning’ for others for their own sakes because they have personally been threatened by Vikky and would not like to see any harm come to anyone else.

We agree and this is the reason for this post.


The question is; How low will they go to silence the truth?

Threats of violence, intimidation, threats of legal action and trying to destroy people’s livelihoods for speaking their truth, is the order of the day from the leadership of UK Parrot Rescue and it stops here.

Let me say this “None of these actions that have already been inflicted upon us the founders of this blog will work. We have not lowered ourselves down to their level, we are still standing, speaking our truth and compiling all of the evidence ready for a thorough investigation by all of the relevant authorities”

If we do not defend the rights of innocent vulnerable pet birds from unscrupulous human beings then who will?

Now is your time to act.

In my opinion Vikky is nothing but a bully and a criminal, exploiting innocent vulnerable birds, unsuspecting pet owners, and bird lovers. All for her own ill-gotten gains and is going to be exposed as such, to put a stop to the damage being caused to birds that are signed into her name, and the heartache and fear inflicted upon other bird lovers.

Several people stepped forward to share their stories on this blog and have ended up with Vikky using their personal contact details, that she had on file at UKPR HQ, to call their places of work trying to complain to their bosses that they had been using their work computer to comment on forums. Vindictively seeking to get them the sack, thus the loss of their livelihoods, and all for daring to speak about their own personal experiences at the hands of UKPR (Vikky). Intimidating people and trying to scare them into silence with threats of legal action. Thankfully, it did not work and no harm has been done, with those people involved now vowing to stand their ground and possibly bring legal charges against Vikky herself.

Vikky can no longer silence the truth from being told by banning people from her forum because this platform now stands, and she has absolutely no other way of silencing the truth from being told other than to resort to intimidation and threats of violence, aiming to scare people from speaking out against her and the day to day running of UKPR business.

Bully comes to mind!

These actions carried out by Vikky herself I believe constitute the criminal offence of harassment, the same offence that her driver Jamie has now been issued with a police warning for. So, in their attempts to intimidate us into silence one of them now has this hanging over his head, banning him from coming anywhere near or contacting in anyway, with the threat of arrest and possible imprisonment if he does. His Captain has left herself wide open to be arrested for the same charge.

We know for a fact, that this type of UKPR conduct of intimidation and harassment carried out by their driver Jamie is not an isolated incident because we have on file another person who has encountered the exact same thing from these exact same people. The only difference being that they got away with their conduct last time, and seized a much loved bird from a foster family that now sits in Jamie’s house, a little bird that has been passed from pillar to post because for whatever reason UKPR (Vikky) has decided that’s what should be done with the poor bird.

Jamie the UKPR driver has been used as cannon fodder by Vikky to do her dirty work for her. This can be proved by the fact that on the evening before he came around the house wanting to seize Mylo on behalf of Vikky he obviously wanted to stay well out of things and stated in black and white on this blog, that he no longer was a member of UKPR, and that he does not carry out "day to day" business for them.

So this being the case, why did he turn up at the house the very next day with another man expecting to seize Mylo if he was no longer a part of UKPR and did not carry out "day to day" business for them?

Evidence below, and please keep in the back of your mind when reading, how you would have felt at 12 o’clock at night with this person aiming these threats and subtle innuendos towards you, which also included a couple of phone calls threatening violence? It is no wonder people feel it easier to just give in and do what they say when they have this type of person threatening them, or sitting fearing the full force of Vikky’s wrath.

Violence: Image 1Image 2Image 3

No longer working for UKPR: Image 1Image 2Image 3Image 4

I wonder whether the seized micro-chipped UKPR Eclectus called Cherry that he now has in his care came into the equation?

If he didn’t do as he was told, then would he have had this bird seized from him at some point in the future for not carrying out Vikky’s orders? Or was his actions pay back for being given the UKPR owned Eclectus he had seized?

Quite a strong hold over peoples lives, and a strong motivation for them to do what they are told from the helm (Vikky) don’t you think? Thoughts of possibly having the bird they love that is in their care seized if they do not carry out her will.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Everybody knows, who now sits on Vikky’s naughty step (banned UKPR members joke), that if you upset her, the very first thing that happens is that she comes around your house and seizes back the birds that are in your care. If foster families do not comply with her demands then the usual threats of violence and intimidation from her heavies, and court action follows. She looks upon these birds as nothing more than her ‘property’ because ownership has been signed over into her name from unsuspecting pet owners that have needed a new home for their pets, or from birds that have been rescued by the RSPCA and unwittingly handed over and into her hands. When this happens there is no thought for the bird in questions welfare and well being, only of her desire to hurt and punish the person who has stepped out of line and dared question her. These people that do, are then banned from her forum so that they cannot tell anyone what has happened.

Do as Vikky says or else!!!

UKPR members and bird fosterers ruled with an iron rod!!!

(We know for a fact that there are other people out there now reading this who have had similar experiences of intimidation, threats of violence, and campaigns of harassment waged against them by UKPR.

If you are one of them please contact us, or have your story ready for the RSPCA/Police.)

Vikky is a known bird breeder, and is using UKPR and the birds that pass through the rescue service part of her business, to control and manipulate innocent bird lovers so that she gets her own way, while all along pilfering at the expense of rescued pet birds and those who donate to the organisation.

There are also claims of rescued birds that have passed through UKPR being placed into the hands of a convicted bird smuggler and breeder who spent time in prison for his actions. We know for a fact by his own admission that Alan who is another UKPR worker and has been a bird breeder for 28 years and is good friends with the person in question and also has UKPR birds in his care.

Work that one out for yourself.

The pet bird welfare, and the financial side of their lives is a lawless world, and is being exploited by these people at the expense of vulnerable birds, and people whose only desire is to give these wonderful creatures the life they deserve.

You have to ask the question; what do those UKPR people who are staunchly protecting Vikky with their lies and half truths, have to lose, or cover up?

The truth always comes out in the end, with the false realities that have been created with lies being exposed for what they are, and the truth breaking through for all to see as it speaks clearly to all those who are listening.


Update: Courtesy of Close UKPR for good

Under the Data Protection Act UKPR have failed to comply with the legislation the ICO [Information Commissioners Office]regulate, by using members personal details for their own gain, thus I would presume breaking the law. Below information is taken from the ICO website

Under the Data Protection Act, those who collect and use personal information have to follow rules of good practice for handling information (called the data protection principles). The Act also gives rights to individuals whose information they collect and use.

If necessary, we will look into your complaint. If we think the law has been broken, we can give the organisation advice and ask it to solve the problem. In the most serious cases we can order it to do so.Supporting evidence You will need to provide us with information in support of your complaint otherwise it may not be eligible for further consideration. Our complaint form explains the kind of information we need, but if you are unsure please call our Helpline on 08456 30 60 60.

Make your complaint By post: If your supporting evidence is in hard copy, you can fill in the Word version of our complaint form, print it out and post it to us with your supporting evidence. Data Protection Act complaint form (Word version for submission by post).

By email: If all your supporting evidence is available electronically, you can fill in our our online complaint form. Important: information included in the form, and any supporting evidence will be sent to us by email. Email cannot be guaranteed secure as email messages can be intercepted.

Data Protection Act complaint form (for submission by email).


  1. Hi.
    Please add this................

    "I can assure everyone, contrary to rumours circulating, that neither I nor the Moderators of parrot-link, have circulated any private details of any of our members. It is simply out of the question."



  2. I am rendered absolutely speechless at Vikky's malicious attempts to get people into trouble at their place of work. Just for daring to publish an opinion! However, it not only demonstrates overwhelming spite, but also the knowledge that she is in the wrong - there is no other reason for her to turn to such deceitful methods of 'paying back' people rather than simply arguing her case in the open. Did she really think she would not be found out???

  3. Do you have an end game?A plan? What happens to the birds already rehomed...remember they are on a long term fostering contract.Who will take responsibility for these birds if you 'sink the ship'?Contracts have been signed and agreements made for these birds...I have 2 myself.I am sitting on the fence here,I have my own 'story' to tell but will not do so on an open forum.I just think that if you are setting out to do what you say,there is a bigger picture here.
    I have read everything and have my own opinion about most of it...I won't comment on here about that either.I am not taking sides,just wonder whether you could 'complete' your actions and take responsibility for all the rehomed birds and fostered birds or do you walk away?
    Having worked alongside the rspca let me tell you their view on life where an animal is concerned.If it aint what it should be it gets euthanised...end of.Some people will take on 'problem' birds they seek out rescues because they are bird lovers and just want to help birds.The rspca will not give any of these birds the chance of a home...this is why they hand them over to start with.
    The animal welfare act is years behind where birds are concerned.The absolute most they can do is advise except in cases of extreme cruelty.
    I would like to see what plans you have in place to deal with the fallout from this proposed action.Pass them on to other rescues?Well they are all full to bursting point and all equally flawed in their methods/practises.The best course of action will be to help UKPR to become what it set out to be....not finish it off.
    Just to let you know I am NOT a member of ukpr,I was also 'banned' but even so there is a bigger picture here and I think it's been clouded by the 'Mylo and JJ' thing.

  4. To Anonymous:

    I would love to be able to 'help UKPR become what it set out to be' - I had high hopes when it started and it would be great to see these hopes realised.

    But there is no helping Vikky. If you offer any opinion the response is 'this is the way we do it - end of'. So we are left with the choice of stopping it or letting it carry on in the same way. I believe that the fosterers who have UKPR birds would all be perfectly content to be told that they legally own their birds. There is not an unmanageable amount of birds looking for new homes in UKPR at the moment, and some of those had willing would-be homes before their possible new carers were banned.

    I believe the events of the last seven days have merely made a lot of people realise that they are not alone in their experiences, and it's that fact, rather than just the Mylo and JJ saga, that is providing the impetus for this situation.

  5. If you will notice this isnt a case of 100 birds suddenly homeless, this has been about the welfare case of JJ and Mylo. Who has control over the welfare and well being of each bird which currently resides in the hands of (Vikky) UKPR, who can rip the poor fellows and ship them from pillow to post on a whim which is exactly what has been happening.

    Now that the RSPCA will be doing a thorough investigation it will be their responsibility to check every single UKPR bird and its foster home and it would be very logical for them to step in legally and sign over ownership of the birds in question into the foster families care.

    I am sure that nobody here would disagree with this happening?

    If there are any birds that they deem vulnerable, then over 3 1/2 days there has been over 8000 hits on this blog so re-homing any vulnerable birds will not be a problem. There has been several private individuals offer to take JJ and Mylo in as a third party carers, and 2 reputable rescue organisations known by the RSPCA and are known by many people commenting on this blog.

    No bird that is currently in the possession of UKPR will be in danger.

    Look at how many bird lovers are watching... You really think they will just sit back if the need arises?

    This isnt about gloating over sinking the pirate ship, this is about rescuing its cargo, warning other pirates out there of the consequences of their actions and working to put measures in place to protect this unseen exploited world of rescued pet birds. As you say, the 'Animal Welfare Act' IS years behind. Is it not now our opportunity to work together to raise the issues in question here and work towards having protective legislation put in place?

    That is our next step anyway, after putting a stop to Vikky's abhorent conduct. Apologies for not telling you first.

    Those who are currently involved with UKPR and are not stained by Vikky, those who have been rejected and banned have a prime opportunity now to take over and turn UKPR into what it was set out to be, just under a different name and leadership. All of the pieces are in place to achieve this through the network of past and present people. However, should not be or become a traders and breeders paradise, but a rescue service. Nothing more and nothing less.

    Excuse me for saying this... But your comment is very condesending.

    No issue has been clouded by this situation with Mylo & JJ. It is those two bird's situation that has brought everything out into the open, and as you can see on the blog, Mylo and JJ's well-being is first place in all of this. If it had not have been for them then this pirate ship would still be sailing and plundering the rights of innocent pet birds and bird lovers.

    Nobody else has been willing to stand their ground for the sake of these rescue birds until now, and now it has happene, together we are going to do what is right for the birds currently in UKPR ownership and prevent any further tales of misery.

    If somebody from UKPR's past wants to step forward and rebuild it from the ashes then this is their opportunity!!

    Vikky was given ample opportunity to address the shortcomings and mistakes she has made but decided not to, because her ego has not allowed her to listen to anyone else, so now we find ourselves where we are.

    Dont blame us!!!

    Better a world without a Vikky UKPR than one with it!

  6. by what June said, UKPR should not have sold these birds, and by doing so they have got no right to claim any birds back.
    as was stated also, if you have a bird that vicky wants back, this is a civil matter, and vicky will have to take you to court to retrieve the bird.
    your side in the matter would be heard, and as vicky has charged for all the birds, including a home check fee, and in some cases other fees, she would not stand a chance of getting any of the birds back.
    lets face it, every bird vicky gets is money in the pot, all birds have a price on their heads, and they ARE SOLD!! to their new owners.
    she can not get them back.
    and if I had one of her birds and she tried, hell would freeze over before she got the bird from me.
    once a bird has a new home, it is part of that family, it is loved, how on earth can anyone justify taking it away.

    just recently on a post on ukpr a new member has a bird to give them, worried about if she is doing the right thing etc.... they told her no bird goes into breeding and no bird gets sold on, they failed to say how much each bird is actually sold for.

  7. Anonymous,
    If you are no longer a part of ukpr as you say,
    who is responsible for the birds in your care ?
    Has the birds situation changed since ukpr has not been there for you ? Do they still get the same level of care they had before ?
    I think you can answer a lot of your own questions here.
    You are quite correct in your description of the RSPCA, why else would they hand over birds to an unregistered organisation who would then use them to make money. UKPR is not imo a responsible rescue and because the people running the show will not and never have listened to others opinion then it is impossible to help ukpr to become what it set out to be.
    People have tried and been shunned.
    As for other rescues, yes they have their faults but most have learnt from their mistakes. I know rescues that would and could give a much better level of care without profiteering.
    I believe there are enough people who really care, to deal with "the fallout", after all the majority of the work done within ukpr is done by the unpaid volunteers, not the ones wanting the glory.
    One question more, why do you find it neccessary to be anonymous ?

  8. can you tell me who hold all the paper work for all the cites birds which have past through ukpr becauce if i am not wrong i think mylo is cites.what about all the cockatoos.

  9. mick-sue fisher... As a Military Macaw, Mylo is an Appendix I. Who holds his paperwork is not information I was party to when asked to emergency care for him and JJ.

  10. yes but all the bird on cites when sold,have to go with the correct paper work if you see where im coming from.

  11. Under the Data Protection Act UKPR have failed to comply with the legislation the ICO [Information Commissioners Office]regulate, by using members personal details for their own gain, thus I would presume breaking the law. Below information is taken from the ICO website

    Under the Data Protection Act, those who collect and use personal information have to follow rules of good practice for handling information (called the data protection principles). The Act also gives rights to individuals whose information they collect and use.

    If necessary, we will look into your complaint. If we think the law has been broken, we can give the organisation advice and ask it to solve the problem. In the most serious cases we can order it to do so.
    Supporting evidence
    You will need to provide us with information in support of your complaint otherwise it may not be eligible for further consideration. Our complaint form explains the kind of information we need, but if you are unsure please call our Helpline on 08456 30 60 60.

    Make your complaint
    By post: If your supporting evidence is in hard copy, you can fill in the Word version of our complaint form, print it out and post it to us with your supporting evidence.
    Data Protection Act complaint form (Word version for submission by post).

    By email: If all your supporting evidence is available electronically, you can fill in our our online complaint form. Important: information included in the form, and any supporting evidence will be sent to us by email. Email cannot be guaranteed secure as email messages can be intercepted.
    Data Protection Act complaint form (for submission by email).

  12. Close UKPR for good... Thank you very much for your information and I'm sure those people affected by UKPR's lastest abhorrent behaviour will be extremely grateful for your efforts.

  13. mick-sue fisher... Yes I see where you are coming from. If you would like to email me your private email address it would be very useful to be able to contact you directly.

  14. "We do not fall under the duristriction of the charities commisiion as we have never claimed to be a "charity" we are a non profit making voluntary organisation as stated here in a quote from the front page of our website above the donations button"We are a non profit making organization of national volunteers, whose aim is to help with the rescue and rehabilitation of as many birds as we are able to take in"we are acting perfectly within the law by taking donations by either receiving them through the website or by asking for donations for our birds,no money taken through the website as website owner can be considered as a personal income as all money received is done so through the account in the name of the organisation,none of this is taxable as the donator has already paid tax,that is why the gift aid scheme is available for charities to claim that tax backi hope this clarifies some points raised,if i have missed anything out,please let me know and i will be happy to answer you "

    if this is true as quoted above, I do hope this voluntary rescue is Constituted within the law and has a proper management committee and accountant because I have been the treasurer of a group for 3 years and I DO know the proper way to run a voluntary group and from what I have read about UKPR they wouls find themselves in very hot water indeed if they hold no proper signed accounts, accounts credited by an independent person that has nothing at all to do with their organization. All it would take for an investigation is one person to aim a broadside at them by a misappropiation of funds accusation.

  15. We already have a misappropriation of assets, as with cages donated *to the rescue* being handed over to an individual for their private use.

    Vikky should employ a proof reader....she says "we have never claimed to be a "charity"" then later refers to the gift aid scheme which is intended for *charities* to claim the tax back.

    *Charities* Vikky, not private individuals....

  16. I agree Paulne that is why I pasted what she said. Only charities are allowed to claim tax on donations. As I said I do hope they have up to date books!

  17. Another thing bothers me. How are we supposed to ask them questions when they have closed their public forums but there are up to a dozen logged on, what are they doing staring at a blank web page or logged into their secret forum where they castigate people?
    I was tempted to try and join to ask questions but they'd reject me lol, I mean who knows I have 2 birds I may one day have to rehome them, how could I choose them if they can't be open enough to allow questions to be asked. Maybe the only question they like to hear is, "How much do you want"
