Friday 13 March 2009

UKPR (Vikky) & “The Great Big Lie”

Sir Winston Churchill fought for what was right and for what he believed in and helped save our World from the Nazi's. If you ever fight for what is right, and stand upon the truth then you will never fail.

Daily Mail: Churchills parrot

Adolf Hitler penned the "Great Big Lie" and then went on to exterminate 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. (read the "Used in Hitler's psychological profile" part of the embeded link)

Whose footsteps would you rather follow in?

Those of Truth or those of Lie's...

Ephesians 6

This whole sorry state of affairs concerning this blog and UKPR started over the welfare of Mylo who is currently in my care and his partner JJ who is still with her previous carer.

During the short life of this blog it has become apparent what happens when cowboys masquerading as bird rescuers are allowed to set up these types of rescue organisations that have no accountability whatsoever to any governing bodies, and are thus a law unto themselves and woe betide anyone who gets in their way.

We humans have many legal restraints within our society which protect us from the abuse of others in whatever form that abuse comes in. Sadly animals, in this instance birds, are not able to create laws to govern and protect themselves so are at the mercy of we the human race.

It is the responsibility of people that care, to stand up and defend and protect the welfare of these innocent defenceless creatures, because if we do not then who is going to?

It has been mentioned several times throughout this blog that if we were to witness the abuse of children we should immediately notify the authorities and have that abuse stopped, so why should it be any different for defenceless creatures? It shouldn’t, only it seems there are no real government authorities to turn to who are willing to act on their behalf.

Animal welfare is a grey area.

This situation with UKPR has had to be played out in an open forum over the past nearly 2 weeks because there has been no other way for the story to be told. Some people have criticised this but all that can be said is that no one has brought the concerns regarding UKPR out into the open before. There have been cases when this should have happened, so now that it has and we all find ourselves in this position. So why criticise the only action available for the welfare of birds past and present?

Those people who have wanted to help when this first started but then decided to change their position because it suited them at that moment should learn never to play games in such serious a matter. Some may see the welfare of these birds as irrelevant so can say and do as they please, but others do not and will fight their corner to the very end. So take heed.

Vikky (UKPR) and her colleague Adele have both been given ample opportunity every step of the way to do the right thing with regards to Mylo & JJ but both have refused to do so, so please do not condemn the authors of this blog for our actions. Everybody knows that Vikky will not back down and accept she made a mistake over this affair or any other affair so it has then been placed upon me by others, to give in, just like people before me have done. I am afraid that’s not happening this time. Mylo is getting all the care, love and attention any bird could wish in my home with my family so there are no welfare issues from this side of things. I am currently awaiting the results of the swabs from my vet and for my local RSPCA inspector to come and write a report for their investigation into this matter. The only thing that I believe is upsetting Mylo is that he is probably missing his partner JJ, and if you have been following this story you will know that the only reason JJ is not here is because of UKPR’s bungled attempt to move these pair of two large Macaws, and then Vikky’s refusal to allow JJ to follow him here.

Instead Vikky (UKPR) for her own personal reasons has fought tooth and nail to get her ‘property’ back, at the expense of Mylo’s welfare, and at the expense of Mylo’s previous carer (Adele) who still has JJ.

I have had the threats of violence, intimidation, legal threats, (supposed) heavies and police at the house and then the online attempted blackening of my name by Vikky and her cohorts through their blatant lies.

Mylo is still here and his welfare is still being preserved at all costs, because in my opinion based upon my experience and the facts, to go back into UKPR hands would mean me willingly compromising his welfare. I am not prepared to do that, and I will fight at all costs as the person who now sits with the responsibility of his care in her hands to prevent that from happening.

If I don’t do this for him then who will? He will just end up on the UKPR merry-go -round, when he does not need to because he has a good home with me.

This blog, for good and for bad, has shown the battle over Mylo & JJ’s welfare for all to see. All those ex and present UKPR members know that if there are any disagreements like this with UKPR birds then members like myself are banned and nobody is ever able to hear the other side of the story, with Vikky’s actions to seize the birds then conducted behind the scenes.

With no laws in place and no government bodies to be accountable to, these scammers are able to continually get away with this abhorrent behaviour, abusing the welfare of the birds placed into their hands, and the genuine, caring people wanting to help them.

This isn’t to say that all birds that have passed through UKPR hands have had their welfare trampled underfoot, but this is to say that it is happening like with this case concerning Mylo & JJ and it must STOP so that it cannot happen to any more birds or people in the future.

My encounter can be read here: Mylo & JJ

You will see when reading the story behind Mylo & JJ’s welfare, that they went from going to what was unanimously considered the best home possible for them both, to being returned to their previous carer who was rehoming them due to being diagnosed with a serious illness which is made worse by keeping pet birds. This carer, by her own admission was afraid to hold Mylo and intends for both he and JJ to be shut in a spare bedroom.

In reality looking at this situation it was not only the birds welfare that was at stake but also that of their previous carers (Adele) welfare.

So why on earth after finding the best home possible for the pair, would Adele suddenly decide to call Vikky asking if she could now foster the pair long term?


This is where the “Great Big Lie” came into play.

I posed some challenging questions to Vikky regarding Mylo & JJ’s long term well being on the open forum regarding their cage. This was of course after her attempted theft of my green singing finch the previous day.

Vikky was offended that I dare question her over these issues so stated on the forum that Adele had just called her and now wanted to foster the pair long term.

I now know by Adele’s own admission after she called me and we had a lengthy phone conversation, that she never said such a thing, that it was Vikky who said it and then called Adele to tell her what she had done and then force her to lie for her.

Adele being stuck between a rock and a hard place obviously felt that she had no alternative but to tell a few white lies for Vikky to cover her leaders tracks. She had too much to lose and had no alternative but to go along with the great big lie.

It has been said that Adele has been ill over the past 10 days concerning this affair, and it has been blamed on me for causing it. I put a question to you; Would someone be ill for telling the truth or holding onto somebody else’s lie for them?

I gave Adele ample opportunity to tell people the truth but she has declined. Two emails and then several appeals through the blog and still silence. Considering this is about Mylo & JJ’s welfare I have now had no alternative but to come for ward with the truth and post it.

Now all those people following Mylo & JJ’s story from the start can see the truth.

If you knew of a gross injustice, would you stay silent if you knew the truth? Of course not and is the exact reason after much pleading why I have no alternative but to come forward with this truth.

Adele never called Vikky. Vikky blatantly lied and then used her (supposed) friend to cover it up for her.

Vikky for 10 days has vilified the people behind this blog and its supporters as liars etc, telling people not to believe what is written, when in fact this point in question proves to everyone beyond doubt, just who is the liar and who is not.

Many present UKPR members choose to ignore this fact, and have done so for a long time now, not just with this situation here with me but also with others, so it begs the question of what type of people are these who would choose to support a blatant liar? Especially you Bella, who was advised to find the truth before attacking people, but declined. You are just as bad as Vikky because you are complicit in her lies, and to profess to have the welfare of these birds close to your hearts is a joke. You have to wonder how deep in the dodgy activities of UKPR are these people to decide to blatantly lie and ignore the glaringly obvious to defend their leader Vikky.

Mylo & JJ’s welfare was not in Vikky’s mind when she lied by saying Adele had called her to foster them both. The only thing that was in her mind was to spite me by demanding Mylo & JJ back, and she did not care how she did it or who she hurt in the process, including and especially the future well being of Mylo & JJ who have been rescued from a bad environment and were going to be given a possible long term home with me.

Are these the actions of someone who should be in charge of a bird rescue?

Vikky was given the opportunity to rectify the situation on her forum but declined, and she has had over 10 days to tell the truth but still declines to do so, and instead calls me and those supporters of this blog’s aims and intentions the’ liars’.

This situation with me is not an isolated case, there are more, but true to style the threats of violence and intimidation have prevented many from sharing their stories openly. Thankfully these people have gone direct to the RSPCA with their personal accounts, and I would hope that all those other people slightly worried about these events would also themselves have contacted the RSPCA.

The control Vikky has over people to do her dirty work for her has not been limited to just Adele in this instance concerning Mylo, she also used her driver Jamie and forced him into a position of having a harassment warning issued against him by the police.

The previous night before his warning he stated several times that he was no longer a part of UKPR and that he did not carry out their day to day business for them. Then the very next morning he is knocking on my front door with his dog crate wanting to seize Mylo.

He called the police and then ended up himself leaving with a harassment warning.

This presently ongoing case with UKPR over Mylo & JJ is a prime example of why bird rescues like this should have no alternative but to be registered with governing bodies so that they can be held to account for the sake of ‘animal welfare’.

If you know of cases of abuse similar to this with UKPR then you have a duty and responsibility to the birds to tell the RSPCA exactly what you know. This might seem like an irrelevant situation but I wonder how the birds feel being shipped from pillar to post on the whim of Vikky?

All of the facts concerning this case concerning Mylo & JJ are listed throughout this blog.

Further reading: Time to act


  1. I really do find it funny that you dont allow me to post after lying saying that i have denied to find out the truth! (which i have done) Im so glad that people are starting to see through you now for what your really are a compulsive liar and theif!
    Why name me in a post then refuse to allow me to post? is it because i know the truth about you but you dont want your little sheep to find out?
    Come on have the guts to allow me posts if you have nothing to hide and allow my other 5 or 6 other posts that you stopped from appearing!!! I know you wont tho because you are scared to lose your last couple of followers arent you?

  2. Bella, every single person who has had any real dealings with Vikky will agree that she is a liar, whether a big lie or a small lie they are still lies.

    So each of them people will now look at you and think what a stupid ignorant woman to be stating such nonsense.

    Are you saying that Adele did not say what she did then? As is what is written in the post above?

    You should look up the definition of theft too, you might learn something.

    And you talk of sheep, your and your co-horts are like the blind leading the blind.

    What a sad state of affairs to have poor birds in your hands being passed about.

    To be honest Bella, it is only those people who are in contact with us whose opinion over Mylo and this situtation mean anything.

    Your just a disgruntled UKPR employee!
