Monday 9 March 2009

An open letter to the ‘Head of the RSPCA’

Website: RSPCA

Dear Mr Tim Wuss,

I am writing to you with regard to UK Parrot Rescue, involving an outstanding investigation by one of your Northamptonshire Inspectors, an inspector Evans, and the malpractice of the rescue. This organisation is abusing the welfare of rescue birds signed into their ownership which includes RSPCA birds like the poor little fellas involved in the investigation concerning myself.

I have written an open letter to you on this blog in the interests of transparency for the benefit of all of those good people who have been following events as they have unfolded over the past week with regards to UK Parrot Rescue and the bonded pair of Macaws at the centre of it. This is so that they know exactly what has been stated to you, the head of the RSPCA, and what is being asked of you, in the interest of bird welfare, a subject dear to all their hearts.

Many followers of this blog have their own testimony and witness statements regarding UKPR, and not just animal welfare issues but also acts of possible criminality at the expense of bird welfare. It is of the opinion of many people that you have an obligation to investigate what is being claimed.

The truth of UKPR practices have been silenced by themselves for too long now, so this is our opportunity, as members of the public who have been on the receiving of their abuse along with the vulnerable birds in our care to have everything out in the open.

If we, as humans, do not stand up for the welfare of these animals then who will? And you at the RSPCA are the Government body charged with the responsibility of animal welfare in the UK, and investigating any claims brought forward.

It is quite clear from my case which your Northamptonshire Inspector is now investigating, that UKPR have abused the welfare of these two birds who were originally signed into their care by yourselves. This begs the question of how many more birds have had their welfare trampled under foot by UKPR that the RSPCA have unwittingly signed over and into their care.?

If you look through the pages of this blog you will see the details of my case and that of several others. Those now involved with this blog and supporting it, know that there are many more out there, who are at this present moment, concerned about stepping forward because they know the consequences of doing so, instances of which have been highlighted on this blog, and because of the welfare of UKPR birds that are currently in their care.

UKPR have no problem seizing birds from loving homes if anyone disagrees with them.

It is the belief of many people, that the RSPCA now have an obligation to investigate UKPR and trace every single bird that has been placed into their care by your organisation or by innocent members of the public who have been duped.

There are witness statements stating that rescue birds have passed through UKPR hands and been placed into the ownership of a convicted bird smuggler and breeder. We know for a fact by his own admission, that a UKPR worker who is also a long time breeder, has taken into his care UKPR rescue birds. We know for a fact that the founder of UKPR is herself a breeder. There is a very well respected and reputable bird rescue (Parrotcare) that has been supporting this blog from the beginning who has a group of respected breeders that have been gathering evidence over the past year of UKPR practices.

What are the legal implications for RSPCA to have signed rescue birds into the grubby hands of UKPR, who are now using them as money making machines for their new owners?

I personally, am not saying that they are. Only that it must be your legal and ethical duty to investigate whether or not they are, considering you have signed birds into their care.

There is also evidence that UKPR birds are being sold on for monetary gain, so again, what are the implications for UKPR if they have sold on RSPCA rescue birds that you yourselves have signed over to them?

There are several known cases (the rest unknown as of yet) of birds welfare being abused by UKPR which includes Mylo and JJ who were signed into the hands of UKPR by yourselves who are now at the centre of this investigation concerning myself.

Along with the animal welfare issues that are being raised here with you at the RSPCA, there are other issues being pursued with the relevant authorities and also possible criminal matters which we are hoping will be investigated by the police on behalf of the complainants so that the malpractice of UKPR can be stopped for good and the welfare of past and present rescue birds protected.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Your sincerely,

UKPR Watch

UKPR members/fosters: Time to act


  1. I don't care what organisation or person is involved. Somebody has to sort this out urgently now, please?

    It's now been over a week since Mylo and JJ have been separated?

    It it really that hard to get these birds re-united?

    Maybe some one following this thread could offer a suitable middle home for these birds? Where both Caron and UKPR would be more than happy for these guys to go?

    I'm sure the RSPCA would be grateful of a suitable middle ground home for these birds if they do not have someone in mind already?

  2. UKPR will not be happy unless these birds go to someone of their choice though will they?I for one would not be happy to see them go to someone suggested by them. The best way forward would be to hand these birds over to an unrelated, independant rescue, who have more than ONE person with macaw experience (which was limited to say the least in Adeles case)whilst this sorry mess is being sorted.
    I notice the distinct void of silence over questioning of where the money goes, no one offering books to be checked, no answers at all in fact. I hope every penny can be accounted for. The more Vikky posts, the more she comes across as a bitter, twisted, vengeful piece of work.

  3. want a independant rescue ask safehaven parrot refuge she as moore than macaw experienced.but if you want to do it propely leave mylo where he is and get jj to him,you must not forget he is hill and not going to help him if you stress the poor bugger by mooving him again,its not wise.chris is completly independant.

  4. Im sure your recommendation mick and sue fisher is valuable to this blog after all in your own words you were once yourselves a registered charity but was dismissed and closed down by the very rspca you want investigating ukpr......pot kettle black comes to mind dont you think

    mick sue fisher

    Posts: 166
    Group: Unregistered / Not Logged In
    Joined: Dec 2008
    Status: Offline
    Post: #17 | RE: swan rescue by mick-sue

    right i will tell you.i rescued for a sanctuary at that was at eghan.we had around 6 swans that needed treatment,we had transport but verry little fuel no spare wheel.was intouch with the sanctuary and was told they would get in touch. as they was skint as well .we waited and got no phone call,by this time,a young cygnet needed urgent i got in touch with another swan rescue toled them the problem an they agreed to come and meet me on the m1 at nottingham which they did.they then 2weeks later the brought 4 of the swans back so i could release,wich i did.around 4or5weeks later my wife had a call from egham and was asked what hapend to the 6 swans,she told them whare they had gone and she told them.the person hit the roof and she told my wife that we were sacked.and that is about it.but we tried to carry on but ther were bad tales spread about the rspca never used us again and and we really never recovered from then.that is why i try to work with not just one rescue but should all pull together and not pull apart.after all the swans were treated and returned to the wiled,what diffrence does it make how tret them as long as they got tret.same as i say if 1 rescue helps just 20 birds and another helps 200 its still helpt 220 birds no matter whos who.but now its worked out for the best.due to me not being and my wife loosing her hearing and part of her tell me did i deserve to be tret in that way for helping 6 swans.and that is gods honest truth.

  5. Seems sometimes allies can do more harm than good?

  6. if you look into what you said you will find we worked under the natinal swan santury and it was them who was a regestered charity.and we where not closed down at all.we got run down with bad mouthing skum like you.if you read it right it was just becauce i asked for help of some other charity i was blanked not for doing wrong or breaking the some one commented the ones that care and the real rescues will have to borrow to help these animals and ican say i have done.when picking birds up for the nps i used £5000 of my own money which came out of money which came from my farthers death compensation from he worked down the pit.i put this on your forum but you have not put this bit down have you .just as evry one on ukpr watch say show what you want but wont show the truth.i got them swans treatment and got theme back in the wild where they belonged.and got into trouble for it,why becauce we went to some one else for help.remember £5000 and much more,if you dont beleave me just ask steve nicoles at the national parrot sanctuary or as it is known now(zoo)i dont need to tell lies.remember i dont breed these poor things i help them unlike some.

  7. Why is it that all you can do is try to discredit others.You tried with June, you tried to discredit people in their workplace, and now mick-sue. You put a lot of effort into trying to dig dirt on people. You even tried with me, making accusations because I wouldnt agree with the way you wanted to set up this organisation Vicky, and now it looks like I was very close to the truth even back then.
    These people were good enough when you wanted them, but hey let them dare have an opinion of their own, but this seems to be a recurring theme with ukpr (vicky)
    Why not for once answer some questions and face your accusers instead of running away or trying to divert the attention to others, but oh I forgot, you cant because its a legal matter, we will all face the music in court for daring to question you lol. You are going to need a lot of donations for this legal action!!
    Try acting like the professional rescue that you want people to believe you are.
    On more than one occasion you have invited questions to be asked on your blog, how many have you answered ?
    Time to stop playing games Vicky, Alan, Scott, Teri, Linda whoever you are. There are still two birds who need to be reunited, get it sorted.
    You disgust me !!!

  8. Anonymous.

    The day UKPR's driver turned up to seize Mylo i recieved a call from a known and respected rescue in the south of the country who gave us legal advice concerning Mylo's welfare.

    It is this person who is closely associated with the RSPCA who offered to act as a third party place of refuge for both Mylo and JJ so that they could be back together, and then let us humans sort out our disagreements.

    After watching this story unfold June at Parrotcare also then stepped forward and offered to act as a third party refuge for the pair.

    All everybody (except Vikky, and it seems Adele) wants is these two bonded Macaws back together so people are offering their assistance.

    mick-sue-fisher has also stepped forward offering assistance, so why the criticism of someone who only wants to help?

    Before anything happens to Mylo, it will first be discussed with the RSPCA to determine what they believe is the best course of action that should be taken.

    To move and unsettle Mylo once again I believe would be cruel considering he has settled in here and is just now missing his partner JJ.

  9. To move and unsettle Mylo once again I believe would be cruel considering he has settled in here and is just now missing his partner JJ.

    Because this has gone on so long Caron, I think this is the way forward, getting the birds back together is priority. Where they end up in the distant future is another matter, for now they need to be settled together.

  10. Dorrie,

    I agree that moving Mylo again would be cruel and yes, he is missing JJ.

    Please watch for my article, due to be posted a bit later this evening concerning this issue.

  11. if you check up with the charity commition you will not find no trace of us having a charity.we have allways put our own mony into helping any animal.i have just got a bill for £340.00from my vet we have to pay monthly to clear up our bills.we dont have money or luxareys,we live from day to day,dont talk about what you dont know about vicki.only you low enough to do this sort of thing.told you that i would not be on the ukpr forum again.and tell you now you wont see me on this blog again,just carnt stand the shit from you ukpr you show what you are by hollding poor jj from his mate dont care about the birds just your selves.

  12. Leave them to do and say as they like mick-sue-fisher, its all diversionary tactics to get people away from focusing on the core issues at hand which is re-uniting these two love birds and shutting down UKPR.

    Everyone watching knows who is who, remember that, and you have our respect, and i should i hope the respect of many others.


    May do well to read things like this before posting lies on this hate campaign.

  14. you all make me sick you say ukpr dont give a dam for these bird or they would have gave you jj but at the end of the day caron in her own words said she didnt want to keep them full time so again the birds will have to move on, if you really did care you would be finding a forever home for these two (not a rescue)together, but instead you are finding ways to make each other look bad you are all as bad as each other and its the birds that are suffering because of you so called bird lovers

  15. Caron everybody knows the core as you say of the issues is vendetta supstantiated with hearsay,lies fabrication and slander not the welfare of the birds,if you were taht concerned about the birds they would have been back together the day after mylo arrived,but you stopped that didnt you?you keep posting on how cruel it would be to move mylo again as hes settled so well with you after a week,bet he was even more sttled at the home he came from for 6 months.

  16. You must have scanned the internet long and hard for that "anonymous", shame its American law and not English, so it means absolutely nothing here, but if it makes you feel better...

    Perhaps Mylo was settled in the home where he was but the fosterer (Adele) has a serious illness so had no alternative but to rehome them... That's why you asked me to take the pair!

    Either Adele was blatantly stupid or vindictive to say she wanted to foster Mylo & JJ permenantly considering her illness... Or someone is lying somewhere.

    You answer that one... Because i know the answer to it, and im not the only one!!!

    Confidentiality persists though.

    How stupid must those people be to defend you Vikky?

    Defending your lies and digging their own grave in the process.

    It is about time they stepped forward and told the truth for all to see. I am sure they would gain everyones respect if they did, but the further this goes the worse they are making it for themselves.

    I also never said that I would not keep them long term, but in your mind because I wouldnt pay your 'donation' they were only going to be with me short term, until someone else agreed to step forward with the 'readies'.

    Then this happened, which is the crux point when things changed and that everyone is now waiting to be explained to them.

    In your delusion you can continue believing this is all lies and fabrication etc but the sane people reading what is going on here can see the truth based on the factual evidence presented.

  17. UKPR Watch said...
    You must have scanned the internet long and hard for that "anonymous", shame its American law and not English, so it means absolutely nothing here, but if it makes you feel better...

    As a so called student,and lets say have legal connections i find it hard to accept you think deformation law is an americanism,the link may well be but sadly for you its allowed is good old blighty too

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. In law, defamation (also called calumny, libel, slander, and vilification) is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image.

    Before you started intimidating people with threats of legal action and defamation suits, one would have thought you would have been able to spell the big word,, or is that the american spelling ?
    Also if you have taken legal advice as claimed you would know that the written word is libel and not slander as you keep claiming.

  20. Nice one paulie,the sad thing is my information comes from my solicitor your is from google,but nice find anyway........doesnt really matter what its termed does it the outcomes the same.

  21. We are not on any forum now Alan, please call me Dorrie.
    You see Im not afraid of identity. LOL

  22. Oh btw there is a web link called libel for idiots, look it up.

    You might want to show that to your solicitor then he will know the difference between libel and slander.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous, here is the link for you, Im feeling generous.

    There is also a law covering abuse of anonimity lol. you can look that one up yourself

  25. Alan dear, I would have thought your time and resources would be better spent on the legal defences you are going to be needing than wasting them trolling this blog!

  26. Just a quick question about the macaw, what will happen if the RSPCA do say that there is no reason for the bird to be returned to the previous carer?
    Will you abide by this decision?

  27. If the RSPCA deem that Mylo is safe to go back into UKPR hands then there is no alternative but to let him go back...

    First though they are going to have to conduct a thorough investigation and wait a month for the samples to be returned.

    Read this blog and see what we uncovered in a week, what are the RSPCA and other relevant authorities going to find in a month, and what evidence have those breeders that June mentioned gathered over the past year.

    You remind me of Charles Manson and his cult!!

    You just cannot see reality through the haze!

  28. I am in no cult! In fact I do not know anything about birds at all!! (and before any sarcastic comments are made I am no member of any forums either!)
    Just intereasted in your blog thats all - no need to jump down my throat.

  29. ^^^^^^^ Apologies if you have been caught in the cross fire so to speak, so many Anonymous posters at the moment.
    Unfortunately some do have agendas


  30. The RSPCA are not a government body..that is DEFRA.
    They are not funded by the government,they take out 'private' prosecutions which anyone is entitled to do so under the animal welfare act.
    Once they sign the birds over they are the responsibility of the rescue/individual involved,until such time as they break the terms of the act or sign them back over.The act allows for 'reasonable' measures to be placed on anyone found needing advice for the correct husbandry of their animals.This will initially come in the form of an improvement notice.
