Tuesday 10 March 2009

Time to Act

If you are a concerned bird lover and have had any dealings whatsoever with UKPR either as a fosterer, emergency carer or someone who has signed over your beloved pet bird into their hands, then now is your time to act for the sake of the welfare of the birds in question.

It is your responsibility whether you believe what is written on the pages of this blog or not, to make the RSPCA aware of your concerns, and notify them on record of the dealings you have had with UKPR. This will make any investigation into the day to day running practices of UKPR and where the birds placed into their care have ended up a lot easier for the relevant organisations investigating.

If nobody has anything to hide then there is no reason why the RSPCA should not know the facts at this stage.

It will then be the responsibility of the RSPCA to notify DEFRA of their findings that is of course, unless DEFRA decide to step in and take up this investigation instead of the RSPCA.

Hopefully Mr Tim Wuss, if he was made aware of the open letter on this blog yesterday, would have notified DEFRA considering what is being stated.

Considering the RSPCA have been signing birds into UKPR hands, you would think that they now have a legal and moral obligation to trace every single bird that they have.

Mylo & JJ, at the centre of this blog, are ex-RSPCA rescue birds, and there is currently an investigation going on over their welfare, so how many more are there out there that are not known about yet? That is why it is your responsibility to act now for the sake of their welfare.

Would you sit back if you were aware of child abuse? Of course not so why sit back if you know about the abuse of rescue birds?

If you do not do the right thing for these defenceless animals who are at the mercy of humans them then who will?

All it takes is one simple phone call to put your mind at ease and then let the relevant people take care of your very real concerns.

So if you are a pet owner who has signed their beloved pet bird over to UKPR or someone who has taken care or is currently taking care of a UKPR rescue bird, please call the RSPCA confidentially and ask to speak to the inspector covering your area.

RSPCA Free phone: 0300 1234 999

When speaking to the Inspector covering your area explain to them about this blog, giving it as a point of reference about what is going on, and notify them that it is an "Inspector Evans" of Northamptonshire RSPCA who is currently heading up the investigation.

RSPCA: Website


  1. Are you going to contact the dead then?

    Some owners have died.

    Have you been inside? To see Milo and JJ's owners? Oh and you could. try getting those who didn't give a stuff in the first place to contribute?

    Then there's the rest...I still have contact details for one of my bird's previous owners and she hasn't yet come forward cos she probably thinks/knows her bird is better off.Hence why she gave her birds up in the first place.
    Credit people with some sense.These people were not held at gunpoint and and were also given the option to join the forum and follow the bird's progress.
    They had the right to reply and most of them declined.
    One person who handed over her birds to me was quite willing to follow their progress then she never spoke to me again,even though she was invited to visit them in my care until such time as they were rehomed.She also handed me 2 birds which was strange considering she only had a problem with one bird.Two different species and 2 cages so no bonding here?
    Most people really don't care once the bird has been taken off their hands,it's not their problem anymore.You will be hard pressed to find anyone who really cares.
    At least 2 birds were handed over to Alan by private arrangement through a 3rd party,this person knew Alan's situation and still thought him a suitable carer.Is it really the fact that Alan is now branded a 'breeder with money signs in his eyes' or was this an error of judgement by someone who is now backpedalling?
    Maybe Alan was the best man for the job...considering how hard it is to rehome toos and macaws.Is it not considered best for the bird in these cases when they are rehomed with someone who knows how to care for them,rather than putting them with someone who is little known to the rescue and their knowledge is questionable.
    The birds' welfare was paramount in both these cases.As it was with Milo and JJ,Adele being the first choice for immediate care,the fact that no suitable owners came forward for these birds kind of proves the point.

  2. This blog(hate campaign of a freebie hunter)is loosing credibility everyday from what i and the dozens of people who have emailed me have to say.The investigating will be done and i for one welcome it just as everyone at ukpr does a a way of showing once and for all there intentions.Caron and her team of outcasts will be left with the name of mud and being remembered for a group who made a feeble attempt at closing something good............let them continue from what i see they have all the allies they are going to get and there only seems to be a few of he gang even bothering to post here anymore as they 1 by 1 abandon her as there so called facts fall away.

  3. The above comment has been made by ‘anonymous’ who obviously considers herself to be a rescuer in whatever capacity.

    Yes, there are going to be previous owners who have passed away, and ones who do not care, but to tar everyone who has had to give up a bird for whatever reason with that same brush is grossly judgemental on these people.

    I have several birds in my care whose owners keep in touch, receive regular updates and are welcome to visit any time they wish to, and do so!

    If there are any concerned people out there then they will hopefully be contacting the RSPCA for the sake of the birds in question, so lets sit back and see what their findings are, not your belief!!

    Other people have all of the evidence on Alan and his bird smuggler/breeder friend, and I am sure those with that evidence of his collusion with UKPR will be passing it onto the relevant organisations in due course if they have not already.

  4. This blog makes for some of the best reading I've had in ages! I've been a follower from the beginning but as yet have not commented much. Caron you are a credit to the small scale rescue community, and it saddens me to see people trying to tarnish your name over personal ill feelings and pride.

    Caron's birdcare is some of the best i've seen, so i can see no reason other than spite for withdrawing these two beautiful birds from her care.

    It has been commented on by UKPR that Caron is only out for freebies, perhaps it should be mentioned then that she not only take in parrot rescues, but also wild birds that members of the public have taken to the vets for after care untill they can be released. She offers free bird care whilst owners are on holiday. And she has also homed two grey's temporarily with herself whilst one half of an elderly couple is in hospital with terminal illness. All of this she does out of her own pocket, without the need for donations! Hardly the actions of someone out for everything they can get. As someone else has commented elsewhere on this blog, some people are in this purely for their passion of birds, as hard as that may be for some to comprehend.

    Personally Caron I think you're absolutely right to stand your ground, and I wish you all the best in reuniting JJ and Mylo (away from UKPR). I don't think you'll have to much of a problem, Vikky's blog has died on it's a**e, they've clearly got nothing on you, and have been reduced to trying to discredit your followers instead on YOUR blog....says it all really!

  5. This is not a hate campaign Vikky it is a truth campaign!

    Revealing the truth about "your" UKPR practice, at the expense of animal welfare.

    You talk about lies, just remember all of those silent watchers are now waiting for Adele to answer the question that was posed to her yesterday because this reveals the truth.

    You, me and Adele all know the truth dont we?

    The initial cause of this contention with UKPR that has uncovered so much in 1 week, started because of the abuse of two innocent defenceless birds (Mylo & JJ) at the hands of Vikky (UKPR founder).

    If Adele answers the question truthfuly, and considering she is a police officer she will know what lying on oath entails (perverting the course of justice and perjury), then what this blog has claimed will be proven.

    I already know the truth, and i am sure those people following the story can read between the lines.

    I just honour my word in not telling people what i have been asked not to say.

    So come on Adele, please answer the question we are all waiting for you to answer!!!

  6. Discredit 'your' followers?On 'your' blog?

    Well seeing as we were all invited to contribute to this blog to reveal 'the truth' (most of which has been held back) then we also have a right to our say....whether for or against.Some of us have been drawn in to these posts whether we like it or not.
    Some people could say a lot more than they have done,yet it wouldn't make for good reading then would it?

  7. well spoken raven-s i have no more to say but it dont mean i dont suport caron and her team.i am with them all the way .

  8. Good to see you back mick-sue-fisher...

  9. Can you tell us exactly what the RSPCA will be notifying DEFRA of?
    Only I didn't realise they concerned themselves with such matters?
    Maybe they'll be looking for foot and mouth amongst all the bullshit?

  10. Adele, we can explain to people why you said what you said to support Vikky's lies, failing that you are on your own.

    Oops i mean, your with Vikky, as her cannon fodder...

    We want to help you not harm you, for the sake of Mylyo & JJ.

    Its your choice now!

  11. Its called animal welfare 'anonymous', and UKPR is a prime example of what happens in an industry that is ungoverned.

    Harming animal welfare in the process.

    Isnt it time to clean this industry up for the sake of animal welfare, and make organisations like UKPR become regulated by the relevant Government bodies?

    Here you are RSPCA, your involved in this, and what does DEFRA as the government body charged with animal welfare have to say about it?

    UKPR, is a prime example of what happens when there are no rules and regulations!

    Take a look people!

  12. I've said my piece. With you all the way Caron and co.

  13. No Vicky/Scott we were invited onto your blog THE TRUTH, lol, to post questions, but some of us cant post and those that have dont get any response.

    I speak as an individual, not as part of a group, although I do back Caron and Paul all the way. If only half of what has been said is true, and I truly beleive that all the accusations are true, then you deserve what is coming to you, you are unfit to run an animal rescue organisation.
    I am sure that others can see as I do reading your ranting posts what a callous nasty individual is hiding behind the anonimity of a user name and that the same individual is running what should be a caring rescue.
    You have probably intimidated / bullied a few into silence as you do on your own forum, but there is still a lot of support for this campaign, not everything is done in the open,as well you know. Some have had their say and are now taking action.

    Vicky you are still using images of my own birds on your promo video, this is misleading and as asked of you twelve months ago I would like them removed. Thank you

  14. But none of this is about animal welfare.

    We as the superior race are supposed to be able to make judgements regarding animal welfare.When we cant there are organisations to help.The RSPCA is not the be all and end all of this procedure,they are not perfect either.Having worked alongside them I can tell you.
    The 'laws' governing animal welfare are there already, they have not been broken in any case you have mentioned.The RSPCA are not beyond reproach themselves in the 'decisions' they make on a day to day basis.(once again I know through experience)
    They are motivated by practicality,most of it being down to basic financial need.
    Most people involved in 'rescuing' animals will support this fact,if the funds aren't there to call from then decisions are made regarding life or death of an animal.
    If you did have a full investigation into these matters,where do you think the funding for this is coming from?
    Your needs would be best served by looking within yourselves and asking what really is the best thing for Milo and JJ? There is an answer there it just needs to be sorted out.I think everyone involved in this situation is looking for the same outcome.
    Any other 'problems' which have arisen from this blog should be addressed to ukpr themselves.
    The problem with that is for some people the truth is the only thing keeping them from speaking to ukpr direct because they have lied and know they will be caught out.

  15. This is about stopping someone abusing animal welfare from continuing to do so.

    Mylo & JJ is a prime example and is the reason for this blog, and the reason why everything is now out in the open.

    You can fool some of the people some of the time (especially when you ban them from speaking their truth) but not all of the people all of the time.

    We are just waiting for Adele to answer the question now so that we can clean up this mess and move on!

    Do you think its right that anybody can set themselves up as a rescue, milk the industry and have no accountability?

    If no, then this needs to change otherwise there will be more Vikkys and abused birds.

    Who can change it?

    The RSPCA and DEFRA!!!

  16. Any other 'problems' which have arisen from this blog should be addressed to ukpr themselves.

    And where would you suggest people with concerns should speak to ukpr to get their questions answered ?

  17. They just dont get it Dorrie, instead they apportion blame in this direction.

    It really is delusional!

    I feel sorry for those living in the UKPR delusion still, they are going to have a shock...

  18. UKPR Watch and all those followers who just want to know the truth behind Mylo & JJ's story, would like Adele to answer this one question.

    The question where this all started.

    Did you call Vikky to tell her you wanted to foster Mylo & JJ long term, or did Vikky lie to spite Caron at the expense of the two birds in questions welfare?

    It is a very simple question!

    Look up the terminology of perjury and perverting the course of justice.


  19. ukpr watch said......... Other people have all of the evidence on Alan and his bird smuggler/breeder friend, and I am sure those with that evidence of his collusion with UKPR will be passing it onto the relevant organisations in due course if they have not already.

    This statement is littered all over this blog,i dont know who you are refering to and what he has done but would like to......what is ukpr watches explanation of this further more your opinion of him/her/it??

  20. Its funny how you expect answers here Vikky when you decline to answer any on your forum or blog.

    The only issue that is relevant is the question being asked of Adele!

    It explains absolutely everything...

  21. Anonymous, i am all for reading and i'd welcome any information from either side. Quite frankly i'm disappointed people are holding back, it's because certain people are holding back that the truth isn't coming out. So feel free to share what you know.

    I commented on UKPR coming here to discredit Caron's followers as it's all so irrelevant. This blog was set up by someone who was banned from the UKPR forums after a fall from favour, their issue is with her yet an apparent lack of substansive material means they now attack her followers. Hardly in the interest of the birds to discredit all those interesed in their welfare. Though you've got to hand it to them they nearly always remember the token 'What about poor JJ and Mylo?' line at the end.

    As i say if people have information to share, then why hold back? I'm just bored of unnecessary bitching.

  22. You say over and over so obviously your statements re;bird smuggler are going to used by you in any investigations you initiate?From what your readers gather this person who is a convicted bird smuggler or so you say is obviously unfit to care for any birds ukpr alledgedly had sent to him? and that is why you keep reposting this?

  23. Yawn Yawn Yawn...

    Stop trying to deviate from the question being posed that EVERYONE is now waiting to hear the answer to.

    Make it easy on yourself and release that burden from your shoulders Adele!

    You and Jamie have been used as cannon fodder and this will be explained once you tell everybody the truth you told me.

    Everyone now knows, they are just waiting for you to say it!

    Then we can explain things...

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I will ask again !!!

    Anonymous said,
    Any other 'problems' which have arisen from this blog should be addressed to ukpr themselves.

    And where would you suggest people with concerns should speak to ukpr to get their questions answered ? ?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Which path do you choose Adele?

    The path of truth or the path of lies?

    It is your choice, but remember it takes a big person to accept they have made a mistake and then rectify it.

    Look at the dead end where other peoples lies have led you?

    Everyone following this blog who wants to know the truth will have the greatest admiration for you if you now do the right thing, not just for yourself but for these two poor little birds that you obviously care a lot for.

    Im here to help you tell people the truth...

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Blog Trolls reposting the same comment will be deleted!

  30. why has anonymous posts been removed by a blog administrator ?

  31. UKPR Watch said...
    Blog Trolls reposting the same comment will be deleted

    ok thanks your comment was not there when i typed this

  32. Seems ukpr watch is willy nilly deleting posts that she has no answer to or uncomfortable questioning says it all really

  33. The questions asked are irrelevant to the proceedings at this moment in time.

    So his reposting of the same comment was deleted.

    Alan and his misdeeds have nothing to do with Mylo & JJ, and the question being posed here to Adele.

    Those who have gathered information on you Alan will be passing it onto the relevent people.

  34. Adele, in answer to caspers psychological analysis for you, one question!

    Who is the manipulator?

    The one asking to help you tell everybody the truth, or the one manipulating you to tell a lie?

    Please see sense Adele so that we can bring closure to this, for your sake and for the sake of these two poor birds who have been caught up in the middle of all this.

    You are not a liar Adele, your just easily influenced because of your gentle, kind and caring nature.

    Please do the right thing...

  35. having watched this blog unfold,and been party to witness what has gone on on ukpr because they dont know who i am and as such cannot send me to the naughty step ;) I have to say, well done Caron for pursuing this matter. How ridiculous that this has all had to happen because UKPR will not put the welfare of two birds before their own pride. I find it very hard to beleive that Caron is a freebie hunter, those with birds know that a "free bird" is a fallacy. I have a big issue with people who breed, and call themselves a rescue.A very big issue. Cause and effect people! I know I for one as a frequent forum user would rather take the testimony of people like Dorrie and Midge than someone like Vikky who has been seen time and time again bullying and stirring the pot.Caron, if you would like my username and password to access the forum, though I understand they have put a blanket ban on anything to do with Mylo and JJ, feel free to ask and I will email it to you. For me, the final nail in the coffin was opening up their "truth" blog. How unprofessional, aside from the fact that you cant post anything any way because they have to approve it! I posted a comment about putting an unquaranteened alexandrine in with a bird that as far as I am aware belongs to another parrot rescue. Im sure the other rescue would be interested to know that there could have been possible infection of their own rescue birds.

  36. Thank you so much for your comment and support Kali, and also thank you for the offer but i already know whats being said on the forum which isnt much other than the usual lies and Vikky/Alan propaganda.

    I agree with what you say about pride and the welfare of the two birds in question but i believe that sometimes things are meant to happen for a reason.

    Vikky's 'truth' blog was set up in desperation and is full of lies, which will be shown in due course.

    They are living in a delusion, i am just hoping and praying that Adele will come to her senses, and snap out of Vikkys world of lies and control and enter the real world with the rest of us.

    She is a good person and doesnt deserve what Vikky has done to her.

  37. I am posting this here as posting questions on "THE TRUTH" blog do not get answered.

    I would like UKPR to know that the e-mail i received alerting me to this blog was not from Caron or Paul,but from within UKPRs own ranks.
    So if you want to get into abuse of data, may be you should be looking for a mole instead of making unfounded accusations.
    You seem to be digging a lot of dirt from Parrot-link. Two questions:
    Firtly do you have the permission of the said site to post information from there ?
    Secondly, you are quoting from private messages,surely this is confidential information isnt it ?
    But i have been told it is common practice for admin. to read members pms on Vikkys forum, so quess they think its ok.

  38. Well have read this through and thank god someone has had the nerve to take on Vikky and her few friends.I read first hand on parrot link how she would have[rung a pidgeons neck]and still laughingly calls herself a rescue.
    I hope everything works out for you Caron i take my hat off to you

  39. I too read all of that thread and vikki's comments were not nice and above all I got the impression she had real problems with a certain rescue. Well I visited that rescue and all I saw was clean cages, a woman devoted to the care of birds and yes there was another helper on duty, all the birds were happy and contented. Vikki does not answer any questions I know because I too asked some on her truth blog. All I can say is I have donated to june's rescue and if vikki could answer questions and show more people skills I'd donate to that too not to help vikki but to help the work she does, that was the reason I donated to june to help the work she does not because it was june but because she has been open and honest and shows people skills.
