Wednesday 25 March 2009

June - Parrotcare

Comment taken from comments section

Website: Parrotcare

I have read though the UKPR watch blog and even commented twice, As a parrot rescue of many years standing I feel that the UKPR will be held up as "what not to do" in running a rescue organisation be it birds,cats dogs etc.

While the UKPR may have started out with the idea to rescue birds it soon became clear that the people who founded it did not have the people skills or the amount of knowledge needed to ensure the smooth running of a rescue,

People skills are very important as it is the members and general public that are needed to make a rescue work, banning members right left and centre instead of answering their misgivings will soon paint a picture of "having something to hide" whether true or not, it will make other members weary of voicing their own misgivings, taking and removing birds from homes that were meant to have been completely home checked before fostering birds to them, points to shoddy home checking or to a "do as I say or lose your birds attitude",

It is always better to take a long time getting the right home for the bird and fosterer rather than feel later that you have made a mistake.

Taking a bird from the home it has been placed in and moving it to another will cause the bird untold stress and if it has an under lying health problem (although it should ALWAYS to vet checked before going to a foster home and NO ill bird should be placed without veterinary care first) to surface and can even mean the death of the bird.

If at any time it is felt that the foster might be having problems then working with the foster to help improve the situation is always the first step to take.

Not only may they be glad of your help but you will go along way down the road to being a more caring "rescue" for both birds and people.

The most important part of a parrot rescue is understanding and knowledge of birds and this understanding and knowledge MUST lie with the people running the rescue, the people who will make the finale dissuasion on the birds welfare.

Sadly this knowledge was shown to be lacking in the Milo and JJ case, No one who understands parrots (especially Macaws) would separate a pair even for a day let alone the intended week.

First if the two birds were fighting then it is the carers job to find out why,

If it is down to stress then the stress MUST be removed (stress can kill birds) moving birds that are showing signs of stress is wrong and the two birds should have been settled back into their cage/cages the injuries seen too, given a good feed and sorted out before any move was planned,

This would give the carer (who had looked after the birds for 6 months) and thereby should know them well the time to plan their future travel arrangements better and would allow the birds to get over the stress/problems they were experiencing.

If someone takes on the job of moving birds then it is their job to know enough about birds to recognise any problems that might arise with the birds travelling and to ensure that they travel in the safest way (in this case that would mean each bird having a crate of its own with feed and water pots.)

If the new foster/carer is told there is a cage/cages coming with the birds then this MUST happen, other wise the birds could reach their new home and have no where in which to live, and everyone must agree that this would be unforgivable.

At the end of the day all the birds from a budgie to a macaw must receive the very best of care at all times.

The owner of Milo and JJ requested that these two birds stay together, they had spend years together and whether bonded or paired these birds were living together, it really doesn't matter about the arguments surrounding these birds, the birds do not know or care about them, While Milo seems to have settled into home life away from JJ happily it could be that JJ has not and this could have a long term affect on JJ.

So maybe it is time to really think about theses birds future and to bring them together so that they may get on with being a happy PAIR of birds.

How this can be done I do not know but the fact is it must be done and done as quickly as possible.

Further reading: They call themselves a “rescue”

Further reading: Why the change of Heart...


  1. Comment posted on behalf of 'elle'...

    I would just like to say that after reading June's comments - she 'has hit the nail right on the head' with what she has said and i couldnt agree with her more.

  2. i fully agree with thng i must ask did milo have food and water when he came to you.

  3. Yes mick-sue, Mylo did have food and water in the dog crate he was brought in.

  4. JUNE SAID>>>>>The owner of Milo and JJ requested that these two birds stay together, they had spend years together and whether bonded or paired these birds were living together, it really doesn't matter about the arguments surrounding these birds, the birds do not know or care about them, While Milo seems to have settled into home life away from JJ happily it could be that JJ has not and this could have a long term affect on JJ.

    Couldn't agree more but it looks to me that Caron is not prepared to allow Mylo to go to a third party or Adele and that the only home she see's suitable is hers.

    I find this very selfish, and not at all about the birds welfare.

  5. Why is there a third party?

    Where is best for Mylo & JJ to be? Here? Or in a rescue with over 60+ birds?

    You can keep hitting Caron with the selfish stick, but why settle for anything less than the best for Mylo now that he is happy and settled?

    You should be asking Vikky to allow JJ to finish the journey her and Mylo set out on 3 1/2 weeks ago, as your still on the UKPR forum (might get you banned though)

    Mylo is happy here so why send him to live in a back bedroom with a carer who is scared of him, to be with a sad bird? Doesnt add up does it?

    Why not allow JJ to go and be with a happy Mylo, with people who are not scared to handle them both, and where they will not be a part of a large 60+ flock?

    Think about it C.P!

  6. C.P would you dare tell Vikky that you think she is selfish over her conduct?

    Everyone knows why we are now in this situation and it was not Caron's fault, so go hold Vikky to account if you dare!

  7. June,

    I dont think we could have said it better ourselves, you've done the situation proud

  8. As far as I understood, a third party was offered and declined, I am sure someone who has 1 or 60+ birds and has time to give the best welfare to the birds is a suitable home.

    For what reason do I need to tell Vikky she is selfish. I think you will find that she was willing to rehome them with a third party.

    JJ is only sad because she misses Mylo, the videos of them together proves they have a strong bond, you have taken this away from them, as you are now saying you do not want Mylo to be with a sad bird, JJ is pinning for Mylo, can you not see that?

  9. C.P it amazes me that people like you choose to ignore the facts.

    We are only in this situation now because of VIKKY!!!

    Read this:

  10. I have read it all.

    I know all the facts, I am not ignoring anything, I just choose not to believe lies.

    Simple really.

  11. Oh the irony of it C.P...

    So you believe what is written in that post is a lie then do you?

    It will come out in the end.

    I wonder whether you have seen Cherry's PM? Or you just believe what you are told?

  12. what has cherry's pm got to do with my opinion of Mylo and JJ not being reunited, all I am doing is agreeing with June

    Again this is what June has posted>>>>> The owner of Milo and JJ requested that these two birds stay together, they had spend years together and whether bonded or paired these birds were living together, it really doesn't matter about the arguments surrounding these birds, the birds do not know or care about them, While Milo seems to have settled into home life away from JJ happily it could be that JJ has not and this could have a long term affect on JJ.

    All I want to see is the birds reunited, is this really to much to ask and not bring any other things up that I have not questioned.

  13. Read the comments agains C.P!!!

    You have gone full circle, and ignored the facts!

  14. I wonder whether you have seen Cherry's PM? Or you just believe what you are told?

    Oh dear someone continues to hang themselves, hey oh egg on faces springs to mind.

  15. flakeyboy...

    Read the post about Cherry and you will see that we have asked relevant questions.

    If we are wrong, prove we are wrong.

    If not please keep your opinions to yourself!

    Time will tell.

  16. It was UKPR that separated these two, people seem to be forgetting that Caron has the duty of Care for Mylo and that started the minute he arrived at her home. Caron has only done what has been the best for Mylo, provide him with the five freedoms and defend his rights for a healthier, happier life. I think you'll find given the situation, the majority would have done exactly as Caron has done - Protect Mylo. From all I can see the Mylo & JJ situation has turned into a hate campaign specifically aimed at Caron.

  17. Thank you Silent Shout, these people seem to forget the facts regarding this situation.

    Its nice to see someone with a bit of sense who knows the truth, and can see things clearly.

  18. OMG now it's flakeyboy how condescending...maybe just maybe I HAVE seen something today and was merely trying to save you further embarassment?
    Never mind all that is yours is coming to you. I too wish you well I have a feeling you are going to need loads of good wishes.

  19. Im just bored of you flakey...

    We look forward to seeing the PM then along with the specific avian vet that was used.

    Then we will apologise for asking our relevant questions and hurting peoples feelings.

    But as June has stated: "Taking a bird from the home it has been placed in and moving it to another will cause the bird untold stress and if it has an under lying health problem (although it should ALWAYS to vet checked before going to a foster home and NO ill bird should be placed without veterinary care first) to surface and can even mean the death of the bird."

    If Cherry is dead, then look at all of the reasons behind why she died!!

    seized from her former carer without warning by the UKPR heavies, then given to Jamie as a reward for his actions, possibly with no veterinary care, and now she is dead.

    I hope there will be a full and thorough investigation into all of the circumstances concerning her death, if she is dead. Then the people concerned can be held to account for her death and outlawed from ever being able to inflict the same pain and suffering on other defencless rescue birds placed into their care.

    I know people might think "its only a bird" but its a dead bird at the centre of a very serious complaint against UKPR practices.

    Do animals have rights? And should those who abuse those rights and cause death and suffering in the process be held to account for their actions?

    Mylo is now seperated from JJ, with JJ now suffering, for no other reason than because Vikky chose to demand him back because she was challenged over a cage.

    Vikky ordered the seizure of Cherry, and now Cherry is supposedly dead.

    You choose to ignore all of the facts though dont you flakey...

    And you say you only have the care of birds at the centre of all you do, bit of a joke really when you are aligning yourself with these people.

    This is only the tip of the ice berg!

    Oh and btw it was Caron who wished you well not me.

  20. Paul I have no interest at all in all your supposedly outcomes, again I see you backtracking first if cherry was dead then she must have been stolen but if she was actually dead you'd issue an apology, now you have a doubt that she might be dead and a PM was carried out, now you are saying it's UKPR's fault if she is dead, what next find fault with the avian vet that treated her and did the PM (if there was one)? I think people are now starting to see this blog for what it appears to be.. the ramblings of you and caron with no cohesive plan what so ever. Never mind, better luck in your next endeavour. Now I'm off, I done my bit I angered you and that was my intention, a person of God is slow to anger, but hey I guess you can blame it all on caron and she on you pmsl.

  21. Your last comment says it all really flakey...

    Cherry was seized by UKPR heavies as has been stated throughout the pages of this blog, now she is supposedly dead and we have questioned that.

    If she is dead prove it!

    June Edwards as a professional rescuer clearly ponted out some things today from a professional perspective. How rescue birds and their carers should be treated by a parrot rescue organisation that is taking birds in from the RSPCA.

    So no matter what has happened to Cherry, UKPR are accountable.

    You remind me of a silly little boy playing games because you have nothing better to do.

    This blog is fulfilling the aims and objectives for which it was set up for, its just people like you cannot see reality.

    I think thats quite right dont you?

  22. Heres your page 7 of the sun newspaper story.

    UK Bird rescue who are recieving birds from the RSPCA have attempted to sell an protected bird illegaly, and they have knowingly handed over other high value ones to a convicted bird smuggler and breeder.

    A bunch of bird breeders who knew the problems associated with their trade came up with a business plan to exploit the darker side of it.

    The business plan:

    This same group of breeders masquarading as rescuers know the countries top breeder who is also a convicted smuggler of endangered birds. This breeder has large facilities for his trade, and it is known that several high value rescue birds were given to him by UKPR.


    Harry Sissens:

    This bird rescue organisation have also been found to be trying to sell an endangered bird which is highly illegal in the UK. This bird was signed over to them by the RSPCA.

    Selling a Cites bird:

    Rescue birds are ending up in the hands of this group, and when possible they are sold on to foster familes, with the group always keeping ownership of the birds.

    Donation policy:

    They operate their rescue like a criminal organisation with threats of violence and intimidation against anyone who crosses them.

    UKPR heavies:

    How low will they go:

    Rescue birds having their rights and welfare trampled underfoot, dying in their care.

    Cherry the Eclectus:

    The majority of the population do not know about this world of parrot rescue, and that includes those who currently own pet birds who might at somepoint in the future need to rehome theirs with an organisation just like this one.

    UKPR business practices:

    A very nice Sun page 7 story.

  23. whats happening with the RSPCA INVESTIGATION ??
    you say you wont let go of mylo until the investigation has been done.
    in vickys blog its says there is no investigation at all
    is there or int there ?

  24. dartblack... If you are interested perhaps you should catch up on a bit of of reading here?

  25. if ukpr had not made a total balls up of moving milo and jj they would have been together at (carons)so let jj go to where she is ment to be.

  26. mick and sue fisher you are noone to talk about making a balls up if you hadnt then you would still be rescuing swans ukpr know they make a mistake but alest they were trying to sort it out

  27. dave... Although mick-sue have no need to defend themselves here, I understand they have explained their situation previously. May I remind you that this blog is about UKPR (clue in the blog name) not mud-slinging at it's commentors.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Furthermore, despite being given ample opportunity at every point, I see no evidence of UKPR either admitting they made a 'balls up' over the JJ and Mylo debacle or doing anything to put it right. All they have done so far is to lie, try to blame others for the sorry situation and deny any wrongdoing.

  30. if you call helping 6 ill swans by working with a different swan charity,than the one which i was a member a balls up,then there as got to be some think wrong with you.and in all my time working with birds and animals i have never exployted them and maid money out of them,same as some scum do at the cost of the animal or (birds).i think you could call me at that time a rescue not a fake rescue like ukpr least i can sleep at night unlike some.mind you where there is no sence there is no feeling.

  31. I agree. There's a BIG difference between doing the easy thing and doing the right thing.

    Seems to me, there's a few out there who would always choose the first option and think everyone else should too.

  32. so ukpr didnt agree to let them go to a 3rd partly and they didnt admit to letting you have the birds in the first place there is the balls up i think dear you will find they have and did to both

  33. Yes, UKPR did agree for Mylo & JJ to go to a third party. But in whose interest?

    Poor JJ & Mylo's?

    Or as a rather convenient Vikky damage limitation and face saving exercise?

    I think we all know the answer to that one.

    And the 'balls up' for letting me "look after them in the first place"?

    I think you will find that the standard of my suitability to care for the birds was never in question... I was deemed "100%" until... I dared to publicly question Vikky about a cage.

    So is it... "All about the birds"?

    Or... All about Vikky and her megalomaniacal ego?

    Yep, we all know the answer to that one too!
