Saturday 7 March 2009

Response to Alan.h of UKPR

Response to a comment from UKPR's blog.

Update: From Parrot Link (PL) below

Update: From June Parrotcare below

Alan.h said...
i see st june ( jebirds )has arrived at long last, i was expecting you much sooner, now i see where all this has come from ! anyone reading this blog will know i have spent many months questioning june on a well known parrot forum only to be answered with vague accounts or being stopped by mods and admin and threads being locked to stop me from gaining any truths, assisted by caron ( ukpr watch) but was i assisted ? or was i duped ? is this now PAYBACK ? for questionin mrs edwards, she stated she has never bred but upon finding posts that prove otherwise she changes her story, then she says she as never sold a rescue bird, i find a post offering a rescue sulpher crested cockatoo of hers for sale then she claims she had a moment of madness LOL, I have many correspondences from caron stating her real concerns of this rescue on PL encouraging me to try to get to the bottom of things, then all of a sudden here they are together, personally i believe this little exorcise was planned to gain trust from UKPR to get mylo and JJ and pass them on to june but when only mylo turned up it put a spanner in the works ! with all the talk of getting mylo and jj back together in a neutral place my bet is they are planning on suggesting junes, but probably not now LOL
now that is one rescue that does need outing !

UKPR Watch said...

How unscrupulous does Alan think we are to have a pre-planned agenda to obtain Mylo and JJ????

Its laughable. Paranoia or what!

Considering June has over 100 rescue birds, do you really think that she had a dastardly plan to obtain another 2 (JJ & Mylo), and then work for 6 months to achieve it? lol... I'm sure she has enough on her hands already, what do you think?

Making yourself look stupid here Alan... Again.

Being new to computers and becoming both a UKPR and PL member, I watched both forums over the time of first joining and commented where appropriate to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the rescue world. We all witnessed you unleash your full vitriolic force against June, and at the beginning, before I knew June, yes, I may have questioned things in talking to you on UKPR based on your belief. Wouldn't anyone question someone they were in contact with? (I am sure there are many people questioning each other about this blog and UKPR rescue service now, its what people do.) But everyone who has been following PL knows that June is absolutely transparent and has been able to answer every one of the questions posed to her in the increasingly desperate pathetic attempts to discredit her by the likes of you. That's why she has the respect that she does from people. She is still standing after everything you and other UKPR members have unleashed against her.

Unlike you on your forum who immediately ban people who start asking tricky questions... The naughty step is a running joke now with ex-UKPR members.

In the end your hatred towards June just got boring, same old, same old kind of thing, so I should expect that is why your threads are locked and posts removed now on PL.

Not banned though are you Alan? At least PL allows you to stay put on their forum, allowing you to post constructive comments while you are there, up until you embark on another degenerate hate June campaign.

If anyone disagrees with this please comment.

After speaking to June several times, and watching the threads with her comments clearly answering questions, when it comes to her rescue, I hold her in extremely high regard, just like many other people do.

If, when I set out in the online parrot rescue world I spoke to people I was in contact with and posed questions relating to their arguments, that was for nothing more than to understand what was going on, and who is out there within this community, based upon what people were saying.
I am sure there are many people who have posed questions and built perceptions based upon what others are saying, (human nature i think!!!), exactly what is happening between people here, with this blog.

The only difference is, is that usually UKPR members only get Vikky and her sycophants perception of things because everyone else is banned, and those perceptions are based upon lies which dupe the innocent, unknowing ones.

This is a fact as many people know!

This blog was initially set up so that I could speak about my side of things regarding my UKPR banning order for all those innocent unknowing ones, and for others with banning orders to share why they are now on the 'naughty step' too.

PL has not wanted their threads to be clogged up with UKPR rubbish so issued a blanket veto on everyone speaking about it on the forum.

This now is an independent forum so that the truth can be told for the sake of rescue birds and their fosterers, and if there is any illegal action or welfare issues that should be looked into then it will be. It seems that parrot rescue is a pretty much ungoverned, lawless world, where certain people can do what they like without a thought for the birds and the consequences of their actions. In my opinion and in the opinion of many others, that needs to change to stop something like this from happening again.

Nobody likes to have to go through what some of us have been through in the past, and what some of us are now going to have to go through because of those experiences, but for the sake of the innocent defenceless birds, we as humans, are willing to do whatever it takes to change things for now and in the future.

My present disagreement with UKPR (Vikky) is over the welfare of JJ & Mylo, and if there are any unknowing ones reading this, then please read the "facts" stated on this blog and nothing more, and allow them to create your picture of what has happened, not what people are saying.

Then put that all of that into the context of what other ex-UKPR members are saying.

Would the abuse of defenceless children be tolerated?

So why should abuse of these defenceless birds be tolerated?

Vikky was given ample opportunity to rectify the situation, as can be seen on the 'infamous removed thread' post but she declined, and forced both of us into the position we are now in. Now that she has, the whole truth is coming out, and it is a very ugly truth, with the innocent defenceless rescue birds, we all love at the centre of this, and that is what I and others are now fighting for.

Why be rescuers if we are not willing to fight for them to be rescued in the first place?

Jebirds rescue: Parrot care & Rehabilitation

Update: Parrot link

"I can assure anyone vaguely interested that alanh has had plenty of opportunity to interrogate June (Mrs Edwards) on my forum and, if any thread on the subject has been closed by Admin it is because we have decided that the majority of our members are simply bored with reading the same questions being repeated over and over even after June has answered them to the satisfaction of everyone apart from alanh and our mysterious visitor from The National Parrot Sanctuary."



Update: Courtesy of June - Parrotcare

Oh Alan I love you, you are so predictable.


Now and then a cocktail will have eggs that have produced young, as the baby will stay in my closed aviary (no further birds added to it) that is not a problem.

Yes four years ago on the death of Wugger my beloved Macaw I was ready to give up rescue (I found the heartache too much at times) and was offering MY OWN TRITON FOR SALE this lasted a couple of days and I was back rescuing a GW Macaw and Sophie was no longer for sale.


Sophie is not a "sulpher crested cockatoo" she is a Triton and I am sad to think that a breeder of cockatoos is unable to tell the difference.

I am sorry you find my answers "vague" I tried to answer all the questions as clearly as I am able, unlike yourself who doesn't like to answer any questions put to you.

Are you really being serious when you say, I quote, personally I believe this little exorcise was planned to gain trust from UKPR to get mylo and JJ and pass them on to june but when only mylo turned up it put a spanner in the works ! with all the talk of getting mylo and jj back together in a neutral place my bet is they are planning on suggesting junes, but probably not now LOL now that is one rescue that does need outing ! end of quote.

I have 21 Macaws why would I want two more both needing long term veterinary care. Are you mad or do you think I am?

Two days ago I had my RSPCA inspection and passed with no problems at all in fact they were very happy with my set-up and the birds and the treatment they receive here, I did speak to them about the UKPR "rescue" among other things and showed them the forum and the posts made by me and the posts made by yourself and others, these were all copied off so that they could have a hard copy.

I can now point out that a member of the said forum is in fact one of my RSPCA inspectors and has been for some time.for all I know he could be a member of your forum!!!!

I would much rather have people start out against me and then find Parrotcare to be an honest,truthful and trust worthy rescue that they can feel comfortable with, than have people start out fully supporting me only to feel the need to "out" me a few months down the road, wouldn't you??

If the RSPCA feel that they would like to place these birds with me until the have finished their investigation then I have the room, love and veterinary treatment to care for these two birds or any others that might need a home.

In the last two weeks we have taken in 114 birds and found brilliant homes for 97, so we are perfectly able to cope with large numbers of birds coming in at once.


  1. Alan said...

    06 March 2009 17:03

    Wondered how long it would be before the frustration started getting to him.
    Everybody stopped listenng on PL and got sick of Alan hiding behind a string of abuse against June. What makes him think anyone wants to listen now. Its called diverting the attention away.
    I think you will find Alan that there are plenty of people with balls. Maybe you will find out on Sunday, lol

  2. with all this arguaring has every one forgot about milo and jj .think we should have a up date on if they are being reunited.would be nice to know.

  3. My question would be;- is JJ now getting the veterinary care that he needed 6 months ago? and if not why not, and if he is would it not be a good idea to pass on the vets findings as they may well help Milo in his treatment,

    It is NEVER right that a bird should have breathing problems and/or a runny nose, considering that the birds came from a home where drugs were used and properly little care for the birds and their cage it would have been mandatory to get a full veterinary tests done before placing the birds with anyone.

    This is all about the birds and their health and happiness.

  4. "considering that the birds came from a home where drugs were used "

    sorry but what?
    trying to follow this on both blogspot sites and not sure what this comment above is about.

  5. Think you'll find that was referring to the home that Mylo & JJ came from before UKPR took them on.

  6. As Elle has said anonymous, the story behind JJ & Mylo is that they were taken by the RSPCA from a house where drugs were smoked.

  7. Sorry I thought everyonel would have been told their story, Vikky told me shortly after the birds were collected,
    but of cause not all on here are UKPR members or ex members so you may not have known where JJ and Milo came from.

    The birds had been living in what Vikky described as a "crack den" so I would have been very surprised if they were not ill in some way when first picked up and I would have expected them to go straight to the vets for a full check up.

    If not for the birds sake then for the person who would become their carer, the birds could have bitten someone in the "drug den" (Vikkys words) who had hepatitis B or were HIV positive etc and then gone on to bite the carer or family.

    I am not saying this has happened only that it were possible and so I as rescuer would have thought that the birds would have gone to the vets at once rather than risking (however slight the risk might be) the birds and the carers health.

  8. Sorry for any typing mistakes in the above but Sophie likes to help.

  9. I just want to say, that I have spoken to June on the phone many times, her knowledge on birds is quite amazing, her dedication is remarkable.

    she is devoted to the birds 100% she helps anyone who asks for her help, she gives her time free of charge, she does not sell her birds, she never refuses a bird.
    this lady in my eyes is a very special lady, she gives so much and wants nothing in return, she does it because she cares about the birds.

    June has my support always, as I know she has everyone else's

    it is only vicky and Alan that seem to be against June, the only reason for this I can think of is that because they are greedy, they think everyone is greedy.

    and becasue they have no love,or passion, they just dont understand that someone can work there ass off just for the love and passion within them.
