Wednesday 11 March 2009

Re-posted: UKPR practices

Taken from: Time to dispel those doubts!

Courtesy of June - (Parrotcare)

QUOTE;you have taken on over a dozen birds through vikky and ukpr and actually paid nothing;END QUOTE

Vikky and Allen this is NOT a rescue you are trying to run it is a business, STEP ONE, get bird given to you for free, STEP TWO, put a price on the bird (GOD knows how much you charge for a teil)STEP THREE, get one of your "members" to pay you for the privilege of looking after,feeding and loving the bird, STEP FOUR,if you don't like something the "member" has done take back bird and sell again.

Why bother to breed this is a far easier and quicker way to earn money.

If you are able to find a kind and caring person who will run and around and collect the birds at that persons own expense, brilliant MORE PROFIT FOR YOU.

You do not even have to feed or care for it yourself as you have CARE HOMES to look after the bird until it is sold.

And I bet when you are taking a bird off of someone you will not tell them that you are going to sell it.

I bet you must have been gutted that you did not get this little Citron hen that was rushed to me so that you could not scare the owner into giving it to you, and what about the Galah that the owner wants back and you told him you do not know where it is,(I guess you will need to find it by the time that comes to court).

I can tell you now that a group of breeders have documented evidence regarding the things that you and Alan etc have been up to, (they have been collecting this for over a year).and they are really Pi**ed at what you have been up too.

As the S*** hits the fan Vikky I wonder how many of your friends are going to stay around to get spayed with it.

You do not need to run Alan the S*** has already landed on you.

This is not just about Milo and JJ now its about a group of people who started up a money making scam and called it a rescue.

How many poor people have you duped along the way.

Anyone who has birds from Vikky and Alan, you have brought and paid for these birds they are yours, the "agreement" is not worth a button.

How dare you call yourselves a rescue.
when real rescues are working day and night caring for birds and not trying to find ways to make money out of them.

A real rescuer will go without food to see that a bird is fed and care for not work out how much to sell it for.

White Van Man would be proud of you.

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