Monday 23 March 2009

Cherry the Eclectus – Gone to Rainbow bridge

Update: Postscript below post

Is this a coincidence?
All followers of this blog will have been greeted with a picture of a female Eclectus each time you arrived here because as the saga unfolded that led to this blog being started, it was brought to our attention that there was a female Ekkie called Cherry who had been seized in similar circumstances to the attempted seizure of Mylo.

UKPR have their side of the story to Cherry’s seizure along with photographic ‘evidence’ for their reasons behind it, which we have seen. This as far as we are concerned based upon all of the factors involved concerning the seizure and where the birds went is fatally flawed and proves the disgusting attitude of UKPR, and their abuse of birds and people.

Is this poor bird really dead or has it been hidden now UKPR know the police are involved? (Read the evidence below and judge that for yourself)

Jamie the UKPR driver/’heavy’ was one of the group of people who seized Cherry from where she was living, and then became her proud new owner.

We met Cherry in situ at Jamie’s home, and then, when the situation with Mylo unfolded we were then ‘coincidentally’ given all of the background information about her seizure without anyone knowing we had just seen her with our own eyes.

During our introduction to Cherry at Jamie's home, no mention was made of any illness whatsover and beyond the obvious plucking she appeared in decent health. In fact, as already stated, Jamie was enthusiastic about his plans to introduce a partner for her.

Her story is another story to share that has been central to our exposure of UKPR practices and is the reason why a picture of a female Eclectus has been up since the beginning. UKPR have intimidated her previous carer into silence with the photos mentioned, ones that can be explained away.

How many bird keepers do not at some point have dirty cages and bowls?

We have offered to tell Cherry’s previous carer’s story but it has been declined so I will not go into it now.

It just seems very coincidental that now that the police are involved… Cherry is “dead”.

How long after her death was her initial owner who had her micro-chipped, notified of this sudden turn of events?... Four days??? Think about it, why four days???

Are there any independent parties who have seen her body?

Have UKPR organised a post mortem examination? Image - Alan (no answer on forum as yet)

Why, as a UKPR rescue bird, if she was sick from plucking did UKPR not pay for her to see a vet? Would that not be an appropriate use of those ‘donations’?

Has anyone heard of a bird dying from plucking alone?

All very strange!!!

Cherry is dead.
Images: KayleyJamieAlan - Vikky
(How remarkabley fortunate Alan was there when Cherry died)

Jamie and the story behind his seized Eclectus Cherry from 3 weeks ago
Image 1Image 2Image 3

UKPR Watch: The police are now involved

Make your own mind up based upon the evidence, and when you do remember Jamie was warned about the police at the beginning, and now they are involved Cherry has gone. Gone where is the question; rainbow bridge or into hiding until this all blows over?

There are many more stories of shady dealings at the expense of innocent rescue birds and caring bird lovers.

It seems some people just do not want to believe the truth that is staring everybody in the face.

UKPR bringing the parrot rescue community into disrepute.


Update: Postscript

We as bird lovers, are all acutely aware that the sad death of a much loved pet is a very emotive subject. For those reading this blog who do not wish to confront this upsetting but none the less, very real issue then we can only say “please feel free to click the little red cross at the top right hand corner”.

For those who are still reading… I would ask that whilst judging whether it is right or wrong to discuss this subject, please remember that the key purpose of these articles and the comments are to raise the questions that before now have been silenced on the UKPR forum by banning orders and deletion of posts.

Within a very short time of posting the ‘Cherry’ article, we have been challenged with the outraged “how dare you” and “how insensitive” comments from Team UKPR. This was totally expected and absolutely true to form… Vikky and her UKPR cronies like to play heavily on the emotions of genuine people who have true care and concern for their feathered charges rather than viewing them as a ‘nice little earner’.

Up until now, the order of the day has been “Shhh, don’t talk about it”. Or perhaps, in Jamie’s very own words on the night we visited his home and he noted the monetary value of my green singing finch in comparison to a ‘mere’ canary… “keep quiet about it”.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that here.

Questions WILL be asked and whether the answers are forthcoming or not will be evident for anyone watching.

If there is nothing to hide then why not answer the questions in an open and honest way as June Edwards of Parrotcare has on each and every occasion she has been publicly ‘interrogated’ by alan.h on the parrot-link forum.

Perhaps as a final thought… I would just like to borrow silent-shout’s previous analogy of turning the tables and ask people to ponder the following scenario.

Just imagine for a moment if I had posted an announcement on this blog stating that (and God forbid) Mylo the Military Macaw had very sadly flown to Rainbow Bridge four days ago…

What questions might have been very rightly posed and answers demanded then???

If our worst suspicions regarding the Cherry situation are wrong then we shall be more than prepared to write an open and sincere apology. I think the majority of people following this blog would agree that under the circumstances the questions posed are extremely valid.


  1. How dare you.. Why have you felt the need to not only upset everyone who was involved with Cherry but her original owner too?
    But I will anwer your questions.

    Yes Cherry is dead.

    Yes Cherry was seen by a vet.

    Yes Cherry has had a pm done..

    Her owner was contacted as soon as we could give her information as to why Cherry died.

    Alan was NOT the last person to see Cherry alive, he infact was the person who took Cherry to the vet for the pm.

    Cherry did not die through plucking alone, and if you had bothered to do your homework, you would have found out that Cherry was an ill bird BEFORE she even came to ukpr.

    You really have turned this into a sick vendeta. Do you really really believe that ukpr would make up something like this? Well yes knowing you you would.

  2. If everything was carried out properly regarding Cherry's death then nobody has anything to worry about do they?

    We only have your word for that though dont we?

    And if Cherry was ill before dying, was UKPR paying for her veterinary treatment as per what donations are given to UKPR for?

    You cannot hide all of this now people want answers.

    Agreed it is not nice when somebodies animal dies, but it has died in your care under very questionable circumstances, whilst being a part of this blog.

    You can shout and scream and call this blog and its authors everything under the sun for daring to write such a thing, but until people see the truth i.e who did the PM on her, then the questions posed are very valid ones for those who see through your shouting and screaming.

    We all know UKPR blatantly lie and make things up as they go along to create an illusion in peoples minds so why should this be any different?

    Have you seen the evidence Teresa or are you just taking people's word for it?

    Why was her original owner told about her death 4 days after she died?

  3. For any followers of this thread.

    Please do not believe anything until you see the evidence.

    Words are very easy to say, but hard to back up if they are lies.

    After watching these people for 3 weeks we know there are no limits to how low they will stoop.

    Factual evidence from UKPR will dispel any doubts, and when that comes we will publicly apologise for this post.

    Calling us names and saying how dare we are very empty words considering the nature of the situation.

  4. I guess this was brought to light by my posting on Silentshout's blog?
    Why do you think an apology for asking questions is neccessary?
    Do you think you are above reproach?
    You UKPR are a public national organisation as your name states.

    Teresa said
    "Cherry did not die through plucking alone, and if you had bothered to do your homework, you would have found out that Cherry was an ill bird BEFORE she even came to ukpr".

    I am unable to do anymore homework and ask questions quietly on your forum, I am unable to access it anymore. I can only assume that I have been banned because someone thinks that I am Gem. You are bringing on public questioning yourself UKPR.
    The only thing I have read is that poor Cherry was depressed after her owner had a baby, is that the Illness you are talking about ?

    If you read your own forum, there is no indication of Alan h taking the bird to the vet ??
    Has there been any mention of Cherry needing veterinary care for her illness ?

    If you choose to be in the public eye, expect the public to ask questions.
    Again instead of answering questions openly, you come on here on the defensive, why is that ?

  5. How sad,why do you think ukpr is answerable to any of you fighting to see its demise?

    None of you are contributors to ukpr,your just sad people who yearn for power and to be listened to.

    I hope ukpr do not show you evidence of a pm on cherry its not your buisness,keep calling them,keep doubting everything the say,because they are going to have there day,when the produce evidence on all subjects in this blog not just the latest one,i suggest they do it in court because ar'nt you all going to look silly?

    Why would jay or anyone at ukpr need to hide any bird,none are stolen or being mistreated the whole idea is ludicrous,you really need to re think your whole strategy,robert is just delusional and caron,well do i need to say,read this crock for yourselves.

  6. Welcome back Casper. Wondered how long you could manage to keep away for.

    No one is suggesting that UKPR is answerable to the authors of this blog. However, I think you will find there ARE people that you are very much answerable to, including those forum members that are invited to ask questions and promptly banned when they do so.

    Of course people are going to doubt everything Team UKPR say now... They are proven liars.

    Keep up your rhetoric for as long as you like Casper...

    The truth always prevails.

  7. Yes the truth always prevails but it seems now that its not the truth you want its ukpr gone?

    If ukpr do post the post mortem results and you apologise as stated who will the apology be aimed at?

    Ive seen the alexandrines whereabouts questioned,the too known as pebbles and the allegations that the bird is in a aviary being bred from,now its poor dear cherry whos actually exsistence is in doubt.....what bird is next because every time an individual bird is mentioned,its accountability is proven but ive seen no apologies regarding those?

    Get used to apologising caron,because over the next 6 months i feel you will be doing it alot.

  8. UKPR as a concept is a good one. However, the power hungry, egocentrics at the helm have made a sham of what should have been a great service to the cause of parrot rescue.

    You seem to have a problem Casper, differentiating between a straight forward, valid question and an "allegation". It's this exact 'ask no questions' policy that has lead to the farcical ever-growing banned forum members list.

    Jasper's whereabouts was queried by a commentator I believe and was answered, as I understand?... An apology from the authors of this blog would be required for what exactly?

    Pebbles... No doubt about his whereabouts! And reading over our blog article.. Hmmm.... No allegations there... So again, an apology required for what?

    Now Cherry... A few questions have been posed that would have been posed to any individual reporting the sad death of a bird that was in UKPR care.

    If there's nothing to hide... Why so defensive?

  9. Why would jay or anyone at ukpr need to hide any bird,none are stolen or being mistreated the whole idea is ludicrous.

    No answer came the stern reply?

  10. Casper,

    Please go back over the posts and read the links embedded.

    If there's nothing to hide... Why so defensive?

  11. I have seen a post by the original owner of Cherry, she seems to be aware of the Post Mortem and the results. She also states her support for UKPR, and also stated that Cherry had illnesses that UKPR would not have been aware of until after a PM, so if UKPR are aware and this owner now knows the results what is the problem? So if it is good enough for her I suppose that's all that matters?

  12. 1.) Has the original owner seen the PM or has she just been told over the phone by UKPR? (Very important)

    2.) Flakey Quote: Cherry had illnesses that UKPR would not have been aware of until after a PM: End quote

    Teresa (UKPR) Quote: Cherry did not die through plucking alone, and if you had bothered to do your homework, you would have found out that Cherry was an ill bird BEFORE she even came to ukpr.: End quote

    Looks like someone is lying flakey?

    3.) There is an ex-UKPR fosterer who was on the receiving end of their intimidation, who had this bird seized from her home by two car loads of people which included Jamie who was then given Cherry to keep.

    He was warned that the police would be notified about this, as the links embedded on the post point out, and now the police are involved, Cherry has gone.

    If we are right then this just goes to show UKPR's contempt for rescue birds and people, if any still have doubts.

    If there was a PM done then I am pretty sure UKPR would be the first to try and shame their detractors with it, don't you think?

  13. In the interest of any newcomers to this blog, here are a couple of comments taken from the first day of this blog re-posted

    CRAZY said...

    Hi Everyone,

    First let me say I think your all MMMAAAADDDDD(I do say that in the nicest possible way)

    Im not a bird person, never have been and never will be.

    However I am very close to one of the people on this forum and who is now an EX member of UKPR.

    I also know various other EX members, and by experience from days out and over hearing conversations, I have never come across such dedicated and determined group of people who have but one care, the wellfair and happiness of birds.

    All these people as all the other members on this forum should be commended for the work that you do.

    From an outsiders point of view from the very beginning I was never fully sure on the running and the people from UKPR, even though I was told that they were upstanding people!!!

    The amount of griping, backstabbing, bitching and general nastiness that I have witnessed from these people beggars belief, seems to me they have truly lost the idea about what a rescue is.

    Had there been just one EX member with a gripe you would think thats its just sour grapes, but to have so many people who have been banned for asking very valid and genuine questions, you start to wonder what the bigger picture is.

    Unfortunately I have had the miss pleasure of meeting some of the "clicky" group of UKPR and Im not impressed.

    They have sunk to great depths when they upset a potential carer in the form of a young lady.

    The heavy handedness when trying to retrieve birds from emergency carers.

    I could rant and rave for much longer, but I just wanted to say to all new and old to this forum and even existing members of UKPR be vary wary of them, there is an alterior motive and has a darker side to what should have been a rescue for the welfare and upkeep of mistreated/ill and birds that need rehoming.

    One final thought, im sure accusations will be made and Im sure that UKPR Nazi Death Squad members will make assumptions but the truth always hurts and I for one wont loose any sleep if this forum and other things bring down the speedy and deserved demise of UKPR thus allowing the real work to be done!!

    Tue Mar 03, 06:17:00 AM 2009


    D said...

    Im not afraid to use my name, why should any of us be, we are all entitled to an opinion,well away from UKPR anyway lol.
    I was known to ukpr as Dcbirds ( early days )and was one of the founder members of this group.
    It was a very short lived relationship and i was one of the first people to be banned for airing my concerns on how thing were to be run. It became obvious very soon that this so called rescue was going to be run to benefit the people running it and the first priority was not the birds.
    One of my majar concerns was the involvment of breeders and that rescue birds would end up with breeders, and it seems that this has happened with higher value/rarer birds such as the cockatoos, which I truly believe have ended up in the hands of people like Harry Sissen and Alan H, COCKATOO BREEDERS.
    My opinion is the majority of people posting on this blog ARE the peole who truly care about these wonderful creatures.

    If you go to ukpr promo. video, most of the rehabilitatd birds at the end of this are my birds, not even rescue birds.I asked for these images to be taken off when I left ukpr due to there missleading nature, all I got was one of Vickys not too polite emails lol. Vicky Imo wants to take all the glory and do none of the work, how many rescue birds has she got in her personal care ???
    Their rescue seems to have degenerated into a very nasty bunch of people, employing bullying thugs and I am glad I am no longer part of it.
    You true rescuers keep up the good work, we are behind you all the way.

    Dorrie XX

    Tue Mar 03, 07:26:00 AM 2009

  14. LMAO.......why do you think it is caron that the only people who have gripes about ukpr are all ex members,no active members seem to be posting do they,the banned members where banned for good reason and this blog just helps to fuel the reasoning behind them being banned............they were/are all devious individuals as you will soon find out to your cost,please do not be naive enough to trust those closest to you ;-)

  15. Newsflash Casper... Some of the people posting and emailing us ARE active members ;-) Suppose you had better ban a few more now you know that... Though the pickings must be getting pretty slim!

    As someone else pointed out... If there were one or two disgruntled people stepping forward, then this could all be written off as sour grapes. Unfortunately for UKPR the sheer numbers of people with all too familiar stories paints quite a different picture doesn't it?

  16. Now come on caron play fair!

    1.) Has the original owner seen the PM or has she just been told over the phone by UKPR? (Very important)

    2.) Flakey Quote: Cherry had illnesses that UKPR would not have been aware of until after a PM: End quote

    Teresa (UKPR) Quote: Cherry did not die through plucking alone, and if you had bothered to do your homework, you would have found out that Cherry was an ill bird BEFORE she even came to ukpr.: End quote

    Looks like someone is lying flakey?

    Teresa could make that statement AFTER A PM because they had the results, results that you do not know about. Play fair caron plz, do not always look to twist what someone is saying and this was confirmed today by the original owner of Cherry. Now a little grace might be in order here, stop this vendetta with regard to Cherry and let those that loved her and lost her have a little grace and do their grieving.

  17. casper said...
    LMAO.......why do you think it is caron that the only people who have gripes about ukpr are all ex members,no active members seem to be posting do they,

    My question, how would you know if active members are posting or not? LOL

  18. Forgot to say, keep your friends close and your ENEMIES closer still.

  19. Flakey (Rob)

    Why are you even bothering here? Have you nothing better to do?

    Isnt it easy to play on the emotion side of this Flakey, just like you are now: "let those that loved her and lost her have a little grace and do their grieving."

    You know absolutely nothing about this situation. We have presented FACTS, you are presenting an emotional plea to STOP questioning valid points based upon, what people, you know nothing about, are telling you!!

    If we are wrong then present the FACTUAL evidence to prove we are wrong, then we will apologise.

    Until then you should keep out of a situation that doesnt concern you because you are being used as cannon fodder.

    Anyone in their right mind would not defend someone without knowing the FACTS.

    Wake Up Boy...


  20. By the way Flakey...

    If I am correct, this is the same Teri who was present when Cherry was seized along with several other birds, who was then given one of the birds herself.

    Please read this flakey and then think to yourself why Teresa could be manipulating you.

    She is up to her eye balls in UKPR's shady dealings.

    You should not believe anyone unless you see the proof!

    Sleep with dogs you catch fleas flakey, and all your PL friends are now watching you defending these people's crimes against people and innocent rescue bids, on this blog.

    Please think about your actions!


  21. Here is another reason why the question over Cherry is relevant.

    3 weeks ago Jamie himself stated how well she was looking.

    Now she is supposedly dead.

    Considering everything concerning Jamie, his actions on behalf of UKPR, and the situation we were made aware of regarding her seizure along with several other birds, are we not allowed to question what is being stated?

    Let us all hope that the authorities now investigate and trace all known rescue birds, and the financial aspect of this supposed rescue.

    If there is nothing to hide then people would not have been banned and silenced from the UKPR forum, this blog would not have been started in the first place, and all of these questions would not be being asked.

    It is very strange how some people ignore the facts.


  22. Here is what one of the founder members of UKPR stated earlier on, on this blog.

  23. ukprwatch said: Here is what one of the founder members of UKPR stated earlier on, on this blog.

    Tue Mar 24, 04:00:00 PM 2009

    oh really please,and you believe this because dorrie told you she was a founder of ukpr?

    Sorry to shatter your illusion,but she was'nt a founder of ukpr for the record,she was a member and a poor one at that,first sign of work and she ran a mile.....please get your facts right before posting irrelevant links.....oh and by the way im posting everything you refuse to on the other blog,atleast she allows freedom of speech

  24. In the interest of clarity over the people we are dealing with here, for those who are taking a concerned interested in this supposed bird rescue.

    Please read the factual evidence in the links, and the ones embedded in the post.

    This is about Cherry's new owner Jamie who is also UKPR's driver/heavy

    One evening he is saying this about his involvement with UKPR.

    Then the very next day he is doing this for them.

    Imagine whats going on behind the scenes now within UKPR, since this blog has been started?

    Trying to cover their bases if you ask me!

    This blog is information based upon what we do know, what about what we dont know, that only a thorough investigation will uncover.

    Mylo the Cites listed bird they tried selling, along with his partner JJ who he is still seperated from, and now this with Cherry is the tip of the ice berg.

    Read the factual evidence, and not the UKPR name calling.

  25. Casper,

    Tell that to the police after they have taken witness statements from the people in question.

    Animal welfare and rights are extremly important to some people that is why we hope there will be a full and thorough investigation based upon all of the evidence that has already been presented.

    You think that taking Caron to a civil court over ownership of Mylo because you have a piece of paper with a signature on it is going to make everything go away.

    Think again!

    UKPR have broken the law on more than one occassion, and they have trampled the welfare of several birds that we know of underfoot, and in the process you are selling rescue birds for profit.

    Your a bunch of 'charlatans' masquerading as bird rescuers, and its about time your scam came to an end.

  26. As per your comment "Sleep with dogs you catch fleas flakey, and all your PL friends are now watching you defending these people's crimes against people and innocent rescue bids, on this blog.

    Please think about your actions!

    I thought I'd just like to say, I do not care who on P L is watching me. I am my own person, I do as I please and I say as I please. I did not join P L to gain favour but one thing you have accused me of is not reading posts properly, well I have news for you, over on PL I read all the posts regarding Abez and his illness, not one comment from you, but you had the gall to PM me when I posted on the 10th march saying I was a little down, I still have that Pm and it alerted me to you and the type of person YOU ARE, on the 10th March I was posting on this blog and you tought you had an ally in me Doh you got that one wrong sweetie. Now with regard to all these eminent people investigating for you let me guess they must all be called GOSSIP.
    Get real get over yourself and lets get to the point shall we. HAND BACK MILO SO HE CAN BE WITH JJ!!!!! Bet ya dare not let this be posted?????

  27. Oh dear Flakey, Caron here. Firstly, may I say how regrettable it is that you would appear to have taken such grave offence at my never having passing comment on Abez and his illness on the PL forum and explain why that was... Both yours and Steve's posts were made on the 'topics & chat of general interest' and 'soapbox' boards and, as I am not a subscriber, I was unable to post on there to publicly offer the sympathy I, like everyone else, obviously felt at the time. Perhaps I might point out that not all of us are given to personal outpourings and I did not feel that PM'ing either you or Steve, was appropriate at that time as I was a relative newcomer to the forum, a stranger to both of you and would have simply felt 'intrusive' doing so.

    When I PM'd you on the 10th March the situation was slightly different... You had commented on this blog and so I felt, established 'contact' of sorts yourself. Yes, I read your thread on PL about feeling down as Steve's birthday approached and felt compelled to offer my condolences, for no other reason than simple human compassion. How on earth you manage to take offence to that is completely beyond me but I can assure you that I have no need whatsoever to garner favour or create 'allies' by that or any other means and it takes a pretty warped imagination to construe it that way!

    I wish you well.

  28. For Flakey... Seems Hell hath frozen over..


    Joined: 04 Aug 2008
    Posts: 561
    Location: Between here and there!

    PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:01 am Post subject: Reply with quote
    I have been struggling with this thread not because I had nothing to say but finding a way to say something without getting banned.

    Alan h sorry but whatever you do or did for that rescue that can't be mentioned here, you have done that rescue no favours, I'd freeze in hell before help/assist it with the attitude you have shown, no place is worth supporting if it has workers or volunteers like you in its ranks.
    I’m not afraid of dying; it’s something we all do
    But I’m scared to death of living –
    The rest of my life without you.

  29. Oh come on less of the personal insults on here please ????

    What I want to know is what's happening about getting JJ & Mylo back together?
