Wednesday 18 March 2009

Adele and her appointment

Blackmail and slander are serious accusations, and so are perjury and perverting the course of justice when you are standing in a witness box 'under oath'.

We all know that Vikky lied about you asking to foster the pair long term, and if this was done online through UKPR's backend server, or any of the main messaging services then the records to prove this point will be logged in a data bank somewhere (all traceable).

You then lied and supported Vikky's initial lie, which you then told Caron on the phone when you rang her twice that weekend.

This is turning into another round of "you said" "he said", and Mylo & JJ are still separated with you now digging your heels is on behalf of UKPR, when you could have been the one who brought closure to this for the sake of those birds.

One thing.

Was JJ rushed to the Vets as has been stated on the blog, or was JJ pre-booked for the visit?

Image: The point in question

This one point will prove who is lying and who is not, and if you would lie over this simple point and then use it to create an illusion in people's eyes, for people to all be sympathetic towards you just to get Mylo back then what else have you lied about for the exact same result?

Using these innocent defenceless birds

The truth always comes out in the end no matter how long or how hard you have to fight for it because those who lie and deceive always make mistakes, it is an unwritten rule of life.

We are now stuck between a rock and a hard place again!

You have been pleaded with each step of the way for the sake of these two birds and have now shown that you are not willing to do the right thing, instead you have chosen to continue on your path of lies and deceit.

I am sure that the police will get to the truth of each individual point in question once they start investigating considering there are quite serious accusations now being thrown around.

Yes people are now going to be upset that Mylo & JJ are not going to be back together some time soon, but why should these 'cowboys' get away with what they are doing.

Crunch time always comes at some point, its just sad that Mylo & JJ are at the centre of it!

Had to be someone though didnt it?

Mylo the Military Macaw has 'rights' as a living creature, and as humans whose care he is in, those rights will be preserved and protected, no matter what.

The RSPCA were involved in Mylo's case from the beginning so offered to pay for the treatment which was an impartial position on the situation so no one could claim that the vet in question was impartial.

Who paid for JJ's treatment? You or UKPR?

We have spoken to the RSPCA who have advised us on the situation.

So Adele, which one was it? A prebooked appointment or an emergency visit as has been stated?

It all hangs on this point now that CAN be proved!

I would welcome you contacting the police over your blackmail accusations, because they could do a much more thorough job of investigating every single point of this case than the RSPCA ever could. So if you accuse me then I will present my case against you to them.

What are they going to find once they start investigating you? There is only one bird here to lose, but you have over a years worth of UKPR business practices, are they going to all stand up when the light shines upon them?

I already have something on file with email correspondence, that is awaiting police involvement so as to protect the identity of the person in question.

Someone protecting the rights of the bird in their care.

Isnt it about time this lawless ungoverned world of parrot rescue where operations like UKPR are running, is brought under the control of the State for the protection of the defenceless birds who are at the centre of it.

How can anyone in the parrot community disagree?

If you want a test case then here it is!

Investigate the points in question those that are watching and care about the rights of rescue birds and want to bring about change in this industry. There are no legal bodies for people to turn to to hold these 'cowboys' to account, thats why it is lawless and ungoverned. The birds and general public involved in this industry deserve to be protected in a Civilised 21st Century society.

The only point in question from this side of things, that is not disputed, is that we refuse to give Mylo back to UKPR because of their lies and deceit which are at the centre or our reasoning behind why he should not go back.


    we refuse to give Mylo back to UKPR because of their lies and deceit which are at the centre or our reasoning behind why he should not go back.

    Ah so are you now saying that even if the RSPCA say it is fine for mylo to return to Adele you will not relase the bird?
    If so this is what I asked you before and you said that you would if the RSPCA said so?

    Please confirm your intent

  2. Out of context there Bill-Top!!!

    If we were not 'refusing' for Mylo to go back to Vikky and Adele then he would be back there now wouldnt he?

    We have spoken to the RSPCA today who have advised us on the way forward and as far as they are concerned the matter doesnt concern them, its a civil matter.

    Would you send one of your birds to Adele to live in a back room? Adele who is ill and afraid to handle him?

  3. Just to make sure you all know I am commonly known as Rubytoo, or Ruby.
    I cannot believe, and I am sick and saddened that after all this time Mylo
    and JJ a bonded pair, have not been re-united.

    A mistake was made by Adele..she sent one without the other...She should
    have kept both until they were able to travel together, albeit in separate
    travel cages....
    How could you separate these birds Adele:-(

    A mistake was made by Caron for not sending Mylo straight back, despite the
    journey and everything involved.
    To accept, take receipt of one, knowing that this birds sole mate was left
    behind. I would not have had the heart to separate them, better a drive of
    an hour or so back than a few days apart causing them goodness knows what
    anxiety and stress...
    But two weeks of separation...:-(

    Yes it is possible that with having Mylo and being able to get him to a vet
    and let the RSPCA know of the situation, that any bad practice could be
    brought into the open more easily.
    But that could still have been done, and an investigation started, even
    sending Mylo back to be with JJ.
    It could have been fought and made known anyway, you have plenty of
    evidence and support if this blog is anything to go by.

    Mylo seems to have settled well, and happy for human company..but is that
    because his loved one is not there and he like many other parrots make the
    most of things?
    And Mylo's re occurrence of the problem could have been brought on by the
    stress of moving and not having his girl with him.

    Not necessarily to do with the accusations flying back and forth of the
    people involved...

    I cannot see now that it matters where Mylo and JJ reside, until it is all
    Except a logical one is for the moment at Caron's, if Adele does have AA.
    As "authorities" are now involved, as long as the birds are together it
    does not matter where....for the stubborn ones.
    Lots of people will know their whereabouts?
    And the "authorities" can be told..

    Just do the right thing by the birds and get them together. Tomorrow is not
    soon enough.

    It would look like I am being harsh and judging you all. Even Caron who's
    blog this is. Sorry but even with all the complications this is how I see
    Just sick for Mylo and JJ that humans have caused them separation and
    illness or who knows what else.

    All of you, including the other blog site owner who could not use
    punctuation or paragraphs, if her life depended on it.
    Get your act together, get these birds back together.

    Does not matter where it is for now.
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
    You are all using them.
    They are innocent.

    (Since writing this yesterday I have now seen that poor JJ has started
    plucking.) What else has to happen before anything is done.

  4. There will be a post going up tomorrow asbowitch that will explain all that you have written.

  5. Maybe you should be reading this and working out what you next move is!!

  6. What ever happened to principles? Why are the people defending UKPR ignoring the FACTS?

    Adele submitted these two for re - homing due to being diagnosed with a SERIOUS condition; Caron and her home had been deemed the BEST place to re house them.

    So please Vicky or anybody who is brave enough to answer me - WHY as soon as this all began was Carons home not good enough?

    Adele you're attitude towards your own health is awful, WHY would you simply not care if your condition deteriorated and you were unable to take care of your birds or even your family? How is that RESPONSIBLE?...Its isn’t is it Adele.

    If Carons home was good enough in the first place why is it not now? And if Caron was not everybody's choice or she just happened to be default then shame on you UKPR, there should NEVER be any second best, default or umming and arhhing when it comes to an animal’s life. It was a crucial decision that needed to be made, if you couldn’t make it properly then the blame rest solely upon your shoulders. I am sure you will have now learnt from your mistakes, we all do.

    This whole situation deeply concerns me, i just really don’t get it, Caron is very obviously not a freebie hunter and to say such a thing was ridiculous. I do not know Caron, nor have i ever met her, but her case is stronger than stone.

    What you have done UKPR is very wrong, Vicky stop being so stubborn, it will get you NOWHERE. I really urge you just reflect on this WHOLE situation and ask yourself - If i could have done things differently what would i have done?

    What really gets me is how would this have panned out if Caron misjudged the situation in the beginning and returned Milo to Adele, what would have been said? would this have all been swept under the carpet, would you have refined your principles, up'd your game? tightened those ropes?

    And taking this to court...these are not PROPERTY, this is a single dispute due to your own stubbornness. What are you hoping for, front page news " Internet Parrot Rehoming forum wins back bird"

    Its a joke, you are wasting your own money and time. I would be surprised if you won, really i would.

    It does not matter if you and Caron don’t see eye to eye, all that MATTERS is that Caron can offer them a loving home, what can you offer them considering you could not offer them anything when you first knew about their need to be rehomed? Would a surgeon refuse to perform an operation on a patient because he didn’t like that person... NO so swallow your pride and look at the bigger picture.

    I urge everybody to look at the facts when times of judgement may be called upon.

    Caron you are doing a brilliant job! Never give up hope and stay strong, we are all behind you

  7. Silent shout... Thank you for your comment and it's heartening that people are keeping sight of the catalogue of shameful UKPR behaviour that brought about this situation and seeing straight through all the UKPR rhetoric and hackneyed accusations of people being "freebie hunters" and "liars".

    It frankly astonishes me that the glaring irony of those exact accusations are completely lost on the likes of Vikky & co!!

  8. Teresa... Maybe you should be reading it and waking up to the fact it's another pile of Vikky bullshit. I have lied about nothing.

  9. Paul, I am reading it, I am reading both sides of it...
    Please before you even start with the calling me a follower or brainwashed, I am an adult, I can and do make up my own mind.
    IF Vikky is making all this up, would she be stupid enough to post on a public blog? I very much doubt that, as SHE could then be accused of slander and deformation of character.

    No matter what else is said and done, Mylo and JJ are the ones in the middle of all this. They are the ones suffering... What is the answer? To hand JJ over to yourself and Caron? We all know the answer to that one, like it or not, its not ever going to happen is it?
    You to hand Mylo back to Adele? Again the answer is as above. Isnt it?

    This has to be resolved.

    You had the option of the third party in Wayne Watkins, but YOU didnt want to go ahead, as you thought that Mylo and JJ would be in an aviary. Did either of you think to ask Wayne where they would be kept? I really dont think you did or you would have known that there was an indoor area with access to the outdoors if they wanted to go.

    Sorry but there is no easy answer to this now, no easy way to deal with it. But another question I would like to put to you is..
    How much longer are Mylo and JJ going to be apart? You say that you have Mylo's best interest at heart and I dont doubt that either, but is Mylo and JJ being apart in thier best interests? I dont think it is, do you? And no I am sorry I dont have the answers either...

  10. Vikky clearly IS stupid (or is that 'desperate' enough) to post bare-faced lies on a public blog, the same as she did on a public forum.

    Our point regarding Wayne was that he has 60+ birds in his care already and by the simple rules of basic logic Mylo and JJ would not receive the level of human interaction they would in a smaller flock.

    This fact, plus the reasons for our unwillingness to return Mylo to Adele are now well documented on the blog so please take the time to read them.

    It's hugely sad that JJ and Mylo are apart but please remember who it was that separated them.
