Friday 6 March 2009

An answer to some points raised

Posted on the frontpage in the interest of debate... A few points raised by 'Anonymous' (whoever 'she' is!!!)

Anonymous said....

Do you have an end game?A plan? What happens to the birds already rehomed...remember they are on a long term fostering contract.Who will take responsibility for these birds if you 'sink the ship'?Contracts have been signed and agreements made for these birds...I have 2 myself.I am sitting on the fence here,I have my own 'story' to tell but will not do so on an open forum.I just think that if you are setting out to do what you say,there is a bigger picture here.

I have read everything and have my own opinion about most of it...I won't comment on here about that either.I am not taking sides,just wonder whether you could 'complete' your actions and take responsibility for all the rehomed birds and fostered birds or do you walk away?

Having worked alongside the rspca let me tell you their view on life where an animal is concerned.If it aint what it should be it gets euthanised...end of.Some people will take on 'problem' birds they seek out rescues because they are bird lovers and just want to help birds.The rspca will not give any of these birds the chance of a home...this is why they hand them over to start with.

The animal welfare act is years behind where birds are concerned.The absolute most they can do is advise except in cases of extreme cruelty.

I would like to see what plans you have in place to deal with the fallout from this proposed action.Pass them on to other rescues?Well they are all full to bursting point and all equally flawed in their methods/practises.The best course of action will be to help UKPR to become what it set out to be....not finish it off.

Just to let you know I am NOT a member of ukpr,I was also 'banned' but even so there is a bigger picture here and I think it's been clouded by the 'Mylo and JJ' thing.

UKPR Watch response....

If you will notice this isnt a case of 100 birds suddenly homeless, this has been about the welfare case of JJ and Mylo. Who has control over the welfare and well being of each bird which currently resides in the hands of (Vikky) UKPR, who can rip the poor fellows and ship them from pillar to post on a whim which is exactly what has been happening, and to put a stop to the present UKPR criminality.

Now that the RSPCA will be conducting a thorough investigation it will be their responsibility to check every single UKPR bird and its foster home and it would be very logical for them to step in legally and sign over ownership of the birds in question into the foster families care.

I am sure that nobody here would disagree with this happening?

If there are any birds that they deem vulnerable, then over 3 1/2 days there has been over 8,500 hits on this blog so re-homing any vulnerable birds will not be a problem. There have been several private individuals offers to take JJ and Mylo in as third party carers, and 2 reputable rescue organisations known by the RSPCA who are also known by many people commenting on this blog.

No bird that is currently in the possession of UKPR will be in danger.

Look at how many bird lovers are watching... You really think they will just sit back if the need arises?

This isnt about gloating over sinking the pirate ship, this is about rescuing its cargo, warning other pirates out there of the consequences of their actions and working to put measures in place to protect this unseen exploited world of rescued pet birds. As you say, the 'Animal Welfare Act' IS years behind. Is it not now our opportunity to work together to raise the issues in question here and work towards having protective legislation put in place?

That is our next step anyway, after putting a stop to Vikky's abhorent conduct. Apologies for not telling you first about this though!

Those who are currently involved with UKPR and are not stained by Vikky, and those who have been rejected and banned have a prime opportunity now to take over and turn UKPR into what it was set out to be, just under a different name and leadership. All of the pieces are in place to achieve this through the network of past and present workers. However, it should not be or become a traders and breeders paradise, but a rescue service. Nothing more and nothing less.

Excuse me for saying this... But your comment is very condesending.

No issue has been clouded by this situation with Mylo & JJ. It is those two bird's situation that has brought everything out into the open, and as you can see on the blog, Mylo and JJ's well-being is first place in all of this. If it had not have been for them then this pirate ship would still be sailing and plundering the rights of innocent pet birds and bird lovers.

Nobody else has been willing to stand their ground (that we know of) for the sake of these rescue birds until now, and now it has happened, together we are going to do what is right for the birds currently in UKPR ownership and prevent any further tales of misery.

If somebody from UKPR's past wants to step forward and rebuild it from the ashes then this is their opportunity!!

Vikky was given ample opportunity to address the shortcomings and mistakes she has made but decided not to, because her ego has not allowed her to listen to anyone else, so now we find ourselves where we are.

Dont blame us!!!

Better a world without a Vikky UKPR than one with it!


  1. Two comments taken from another thread.

    pat has left a new comment on your post "How low will they go?":

    by what June said, UKPR should not have sold these birds, and by doing so they have got no right to claim any birds back.
    as was stated also, if you have a bird that vicky wants back, this is a civil matter, and vicky will have to take you to court to retrieve the bird.
    your side in the matter would be heard, and as vicky has charged for all the birds, including a home check fee, and in some cases other fees, she would not stand a chance of getting any of the birds back.
    lets face it, every bird vicky gets is money in the pot, all birds have a price on their heads, and they ARE SOLD!! to their new owners.
    she can not get them back.
    and if I had one of her birds and she tried, hell would freeze over before she got the bird from me.
    once a bird has a new home, it is part of that family, it is loved, how on earth can anyone justify taking it away.

    just recently on a post on ukpr a new member has a bird to give them, worried about if she is doing the right thing etc.... they told her no bird goes into breeding and no bird gets sold on, they failed to say how much each bird is actually sold for.


    DORRIE has left a new comment on your post "How low will they go?":

    If you are no longer a part of ukpr as you say,
    who is responsible for the birds in your care ?
    Has the birds situation changed since ukpr has not been there for you ? Do they still get the same level of care they had before ?
    I think you can answer a lot of your own questions here.
    You are quite correct in your description of the RSPCA, why else would they hand over birds to an unregistered organisation who would then use them to make money. UKPR is not imo a responsible rescue and because the people running the show will not and never have listened to others opinion then it is impossible to help ukpr to become what it set out to be.
    People have tried and been shunned.
    As for other rescues, yes they have their faults but most have learnt from their mistakes. I know rescues that would and could give a much better level of care without profiteering.
    I believe there are enough people who really care, to deal with "the fallout", after all the majority of the work done within ukpr is done by the unpaid volunteers, not the ones wanting the glory.
    One question more, why do you find it neccessary to be anonymous ?

  2. I thought the blog invited people to say things and they could remain 'anonymous'.
    I said my piece it seems this was wrong.
    Some of the people on here know me well,personally.There are also some issues on here which I have been personally involved with,just because I am not on here slagging off this person and that person it doesn't make me the enemy.As I said..I have my own opinions and thoughts.I was 'invited' by email to comment on this blog so i did,sorry i didn't say what you all wanted me to say.I just like to see the bigger picture,as I said in my closing speech when I 'invited' ukpr to ban me.I said my piece on the forum too,then to vikky's face.There is no ill feeling between us.....does this sound like the same woman?

  3. Anyone wishing to post on this blog has the right to remain anonymous if they wish.

    Hope this clears things up ~ Caron

  4. Anonymous,
    You came on here and asked questions which have been answered without any malise, i woundered if you could answer the questions that have been put to you.

  5. Anonymous,

    Everyone is intitled to an opinion and I agree that, just because you're not here to slag people off, it shouldn't and doesn't make you the enemy. We are here because we believe only in the welfare of the birds and believe that the way UKPR is run is wrong because it seems to be based around people's ego and pride which it should not. Yes, people make mistakes but those mistakes should be rectified, not brushed under the carpet by the banning of people with a different opinion. The birds, at all times, should be first priority.
