Wednesday 11 March 2009

UKPR’s list of re-homed birds

The list: UKPR the Truth

Definition: Propaganda

This blog has not once stated that every single bird that has passed through the hands of UKPR has been abused. It would be ridiculous to state such a thing because it is plainly untrue.

UKPR as a concept for helping vulnerable rescue birds is a good thing, a hub where like minded people (bird lovers/rescuers) can come together and network with one another. A place where pet owners can look to offer a suitable home for the beloved pets they are now needing to re-home for whatever reason, and a place where rescued birds like from the RSPCA can be found new homes.

The concept is not in question, only other than the fact that because there are no laws governing bird rescues like UKPR, and they do not need to be registered by any Government body, any Tom, Dick or Harry can set one up today and then use this business concept for his/her own ends which is what is now in question with UKPR.

The list of re-homed birds listed looks quite impressive and it is good that these birds are now in loving long term homes, but if you look at the list more closely you will find that most of the birds listed are not UKPR property, meaning Vikky’s signature is not on their ownership form. They are birds were people have used the forum to network with another person to place their birds in new homes.

Take the example of my little green singing finch, which is not listed, and also each of the birds listed for Pauline who has stated on this blog that she only has 2 UKPR birds in her care.

If anyone knows the history behind any of the other birds then please can you confirm them in the interest of debate?

When myself and Pauline used the forum to network with one another to re-home my green singing finch, after Vikky had stolen it and told to give it back, she then subsequently said to me that if in the future UKPR members want to do this type of networking on the forum then they will have to pay for the privilege.

Why should people have to pay for the privilege of using the forum to network and help these poor birds? That is not in the small print of using the forum.

A donation is a donation, and a payment is a payment, there is a distinction!

On the list it also states about a pair of love birds being re-homed, please correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Dawnie withdraw her request of re-homing these two birds immediately after witnessing the Mylo and JJ debacle? Maybe the situation was rectified so it would be good if someone could clarify this - Image

Also Pebbles the Cockatoo who finally ended up with Alan, was offered to two suitable fosters previously, but because the £150 payment/donation was not forthcoming for him, he was then given fre of charge to Alan, who works for UKPR – image

All long term forum users know, that if you have a disagreement with Vikky you are immediately removed from the forum and banned from entering again. Even worse if this does happen, if you have a UKPR (owned) bird in your foster care, then Vikky sends heavies around your house to seize her property back or starts legal action using donated money, even if that means disrupting the birds welfare by removing him/her from a loving environment.

(Donated money being used to protect Vikky - image )

Most UKPR fosters live in fear of this happening because they love the birds in their care, who become additions to their families.

The leader of the UKPR house (Vikky), has been ruling the forum members (rescuers/fosters/bird lovers) with an iron rod that is made up of human emotions and rescue birds.

Please leave a comment if you disagree.

Lastly Vikky points out that the money donated for these birds goes back into the rescue to pay for petrol, veterinary bills, and the micro chipping of the birds amongst other things - Image

We know that not to be the case, and here are just a few examples based on visible facts.

Jamie the UKPR driver who drives all over the country delivering and picking up birds for them has stated that he pays for all of the fuel costs himself – image

We also know through information that has been emailed that in most cases, if not all cases, all fuel costs are paid for by forum members out of their own pockets.

So no donated money that we know of goes to fuel.

Mylo who is currently in my care is an appendix I cites listed bird which means he is a protected species, he was signed over and into the hands of Vikky (UKPR). The first thing any reputable rescue organisation would have done, if they have donated money in their coffers for this exact purpose would be to have him immediately micro chipped. The donated money is also stated to go towards veterinary costs for the birds, which includes the Chlamydia testing.

Mylo: Profile

Mylo was placed into the emergency care home of Adele (UKPR), who after 6 months can no longer home the birds, and he still has not been micro-chipped or chlamydia tested!!!

Mylo and JJ’s foster profiles both state they come chipped and tested (also with a donated Pallace cage). As their new carer I was told that I would have to go to the vets and sort this out to which I agreed as most people who loves these birds would, but 6 months and UKPR not doing it??!!

So where does all that donated money go?

Adele herself, has told me she paid for everything concerning Mylo and JJ whilst they were in her care, and that she now has JJ booked into a vets.

I wonder who will be footing the bill, Adele or UKPR (Vikky)?

After the events of the past week, I am certain it will be Vikky but only because the spotlight now shines upon her so she has to now been seen to be doing the right thing regarding these birds.

In Vikky’s fostering agreement she also states that fosters ‘must’ and under no uncertain terms use her insurance company to insure the birds being signed into their care which begs the question;’Why’? Some might have the opinion of possible back handers???

I never paid a donation to UKPR for Mylo and JJ because they had nowhere else in the immediate short term for these hard to home Macaws there was no alternative but to send the birds to me, until such time as a fosterer (buyer) who would be willing to pay the donation could be found. Due to the fact that money was central to the possession of Mylo and JJ for UKPR, and Vikky was not getting any from me for them, in my opinion she decided to keep the Pallace cage which had been donated for them both. I am not that desperate to cause problems because I want or need a cage, and I have one for Mylo now anyway. My point as Mylo’s new carer which has led us into this position now, is that if this is a rescue that is being donated things for birds in UKPR care (Mylo in this instance) then those things donated should go to the birds in question for their welfare and well being. If not then you have to ask the question why not?

UKPR stated themselves that Mylo and JJ would be coming with a new cage, along with being chipped and tested of course.

There will be a post going up later today with information for all those people who have donated money to UKPR, and who they should be contacting at Trading Standards.

If you set yourself up as a business disguised as a rescue organisation appealing for money from he general public then you should have nothing to hide once the tax man comes knocking on your front door.

P.S when you look through Vikky’s list of re-homed birds do not be surprised if most of the birds that haven’t been sold have been homed through the networking of one member to another. The birds owned by Vikky all have price tags on their heads, and the e/c carers are only looking after them until they can be sold (donation received).


  1. No mention whatever your opinions of anything good been done by ukpr even though there is a huge list of successful happy rehomes and in your opinion 1or 2 discrepancies,why is that from what i can see these success stories together with all the info have been public knowledge since ukpr was founded,hardly the actions of a group with things to hide

    Thought i better comment just to get you off the mark

    no one is listening caron,obvious by how busy ukpr forum is and the lack of interest here,give it up girl before its too late rofl

  2. You obviously did not read the post properly, and you are here reading it!!!

    Listen to the rofl part of that comment.

    Wait until Adele tells everyone the truth, and then remember this part written along with every other part that Vikky has written.

  3. Can I ask what's happening about Mylo and JJ getting re-united?

    Surely they won't have to wait another month for Mylo's test results?

    Can they not go to a third party now so they can at least be together again? Sadly it's not ideal to move Mylo but it has to be better than keeping these 2 birds apart if there is no other alternative?

    Is there any update on re-uniting them, maybe a date in mind??

    Come on guys lets get them together then carry on with all the other banter afterwards?

    I don't know if it's because you are still waiting for the RSPCA to get in touch, but in the best interests of these birds surely both Caron and UKPR can agree on a mutual home in the meantime to get these birds together sooner rather than later?

    Its been too long already ;o((((

    P L E A S E!!!!!!

  4. Public knowledge only to those members who are not banned from the Vikky UKPR cult!!

    Why not open your forum up so that everyone can come and listen to you Vikky?

    Rev. Jim Jones comes to mind!

  5. Agreed,but it seems to me caron wants to handpick the 3rd party herself?

  6. UKPR Watch said...
    Public knowledge only to those members who are not banned from the Vikky UKPR cult!!

    I believe this section was available to the banned members before they were banned so your point is?

  7. It's in the hands of the RSPCA anonymous, if you read the blog you will see that a third party home is available.

    On another note, Adele has told me that she would like JJ to come here as first arranged but she cannot let her at this moment in time because she is in Vikky's ownership.

    You should be pressing Adele for the answer to the question people and then these two birds will be re-united.

  8. UKPR stated themselves that Mylo and JJ would be coming with a new cage, along with being chipped and tested of course.

    I will be along later to show

    a.the cage was offered to you and you refused it?

    b.You were told that the birds were not chipped tested etc and had a vet visit booked for this but in your desperation to get them that day said''dont worry i will get all that done when they are here''

    You really are guessing,are you 100% sure ukpr do not pay vet bills out of the rescue,what would you say if they had proof to show they did?Would you admitt you were wrong no you would gloss over the fact that 99% of your so called facts are guess work or lies handed to you by the very people ukpr banned for being dishonest.

  9. I have 2 birds from that list,I willingly without question handed over donations for both of them.I also emergency cared for ukpr and was 'banned' I have been invited back to the forum.
    I also experienced Vikky's 'attiude' towards people who 'piss her off' and quite rightly too why should she trust people?
    Why should anyone trust you?
    You banned me from posting yesterday 'anonymously'which is my right..your words not mine.
    One of those birds in my care was also one of my e/c birds which I had fed and cared for, for 4 contract was amended to suit my cicumstances with regard to insurance and other causes.I also read the contract prior to signing it...if in doubt don't sign for it.We are dealing with adults here.
    You have also removed your 'threat' to Adele I notice.
    By insulting the judgement of Vikky and her team you are insulting all of us,implying that birds have been placed in 'the wrong hands'
    I give you an open invitation to come to my home and see my birds,discuss this with me and I will tell you all the details that have been missed from your posters' accounts.
    The priority has been and still is the case that all birds,particularly difficult cases be homed asp temporarily/permanently to give the bird the best possible care.The judgements are made based on experience and facilities initially,should the bird be rehabilitated and be more suitable to go to a new owner then this should be a bonus.
    The case of Mylo and JJ is proof of this,in 6 months nobody has stepped forward and said they can provide everything these birds need.In the meantime they are given the best care in temporary homes.The 'missing' birds are not 'missing' they are lucky enough to be given immediate homes with knowledgable owners.Whether they be breeders or shoesalesmen it makes no difference.These birds also have a mention on the forum,have you questioned any other rescues to ask how many 'missing' birds are not made public knowledge?The forum is there to ask for help and help comes in all forms,to be lucky enough to rehome a bird is a bonus.If anyone has questions about money or contracts or anything else then they should question their own motive for applying.
    I had the same questions as most of you,I also had the same 'treatment' by Vikky and I talked to her,it is her rescue at the end of the day and if people dont like it they can vote with their feet.We are not discussing 'normal' birds here,we are talking about birds which are extrememly difficult to rehome in the right home.
    All rescues have a problem with these birds,the RSPCA are known for not being able to accomodate these birds which is why they hand them over to begin with.
    In your ideal world where rescues are closely regulated and watched over all the time it would stop 'anyone' rescuing birds but it would also hand power to the RSPCA and other organisations to make all the decisions,I have worked alongside them and believe me you do not want the situations i have found myself in.Where animals are put to sleep on a daily basis cos they are considered 'non rehomable'It does happen.Also closely regulated organisations are flouting the law to make 'a few quid extra' in some places I have worked.So it all comes down to trust in the end,who trusts who and how far can you go before you have to act.

  10. A) I initially stated that a cage was not needed,

    B) Whether you had an appointment or not is questionable, the fact of the matter is that Mylo and JJ had been in your hands for 6 months and you did nothing.

    I am not saying that you never ever use the vets for birds brought into your care, what i do know for a fact is that there are instances where you havent and should have.

    Let's let the tax man trace all that donated money because arguing the point here isnt going to change anything.

    Banned for being dishonest lol

    The question Adele, the question!

  11. Anonymous:

    I wonder how many people with UKPR birds have been invited back to the forum over the past week?

    How many people Vikky has been on the phone to trying to cover her a***?

    No one is questioning you are the birds in your care, what is being questioned is the running of UKPR at the expense of animal welfare.

    Thank you for the long comment though, and there is no post removed, and it is not a threat it is a matter of fact in the interest of getting to the truth.

    You might want to gloss over the lies but many people do not.

  12. I am not glossing over anything.
    I have invited you to come and see my birds and I will discuss the posts on here which I have been party to and tell you the truth.
    Sounds fair to me.
    Oh and I didnt get a phone call.I was merely wondering which 'group' you want to lump me in with cos not everything is black and white.
    I apologise for saying you removed the post, It was there earlier then apparently invisible to me.
    I believe you are questioning the judgements made by ukpr so this would make them incompetent?
    So by saying that you are questioning every decision they have made,thus my original point.Come and have a look.

  13. QUOTE:
    "UKPR Watch said...
    It's in the hands of the RSPCA anonymous, if you read the blog you will see that a third party home is available."

    Yes I have read this blog, so if a third party home is available why do you have to wait for the RSPCA????

    Surey both Vikky and Caron are adults??? Do you have to wait for an ok to get these birds to the third party??

    Both of you can let the RSPCA know where the birds go so they can check this third party instead. I'm sure if you are both happy with the third party, it must be a suitable experience place for the birds??

    Come on, argue afterwards, get the birds together, it's not that hard.

  14. Anonymous.

    This blog was started up to tell the story behind Mylo and JJ, and a place where other ex-UKPR mebers could put their side of the story across.

    In the interest of truth everyone watching is now waiting for Adele to answer the simple question that has been posed to her.

    Do you yourself want her to ignore this or answer it?

    Simple question.

    Believe me it will answer so much!

    If you live near me, then i would not hesitate to come to your home and discuss any points in question with you.

    I do not question how happy your birds are!

    This is about how Vikky under the banner UKPR is abusing birds and people to get her own way, and in the process breaking the law, which is abhorent.

    I hope you agree?

    If Adele will answer the question, i think you will change your mind very quickly about things...

    We are all waiting now!

  15. Anonymous.

    Seen as though you have decided to come onto this blog in defence of Vikky (UKPR).

    For the benefit of all those people watching, i will reiterate the question to you so that it cannot be glossed over or ignored.

    Do you want Adele to answer the question?

  16. I believe that this is possibly Linda (2cay2) posting now, it is intelligently put together, if it is not coud some one ask her to read this because I have a specific question for her with all the contradictions

    Quote Anonimous...
    By insulting the judgement of Vikky and her team you are insulting all of us,implying that birds have been placed in 'the wrong hands'.

    By your own admissions, birds have been placed in the wrong hands and have been taken back, some have been taken back simply because there have been differences of opinion, and you have hit the nail on the head by saying:
    "I had the same questions as most of you,I also had the same 'treatment' by Vikky and I talked to her,it is her rescue at the end of the day and if people dont like it they can vote with their feet"
    Vicky was not the sole founding member of ukpr, it was set up by a group of people and the original idea came from more than one person on Parrot-links. It was to be set up with a proper commitee,as a voluntary group should be run, so as to stop anyone running away with their egotistical decisions and so that questions about finances could not be questioned.
    I dont rightly know, but would guess that only one or two people know the real truth about the finances of ukpr, until accurate accounts are submitted and made public, if they ever are, we will not know, and the taxman WILL uncover any dodgy dealings.

    Linda, seeing as you back Vickys decisions and see no wrong, answer me this.
    Your little Jendaya Conure, Rainbow was one of my rescue birds, who we rehomed with you on the 28th January 2007. If I now do not like the way you do things would you think it fair for me to ask for the bird back after he has become a loved member of your family? I hink not. You in my opinion have put his little life in danger by taking in unquarantined, non vet checked birds. This is fact and can be seen on your forum regarding Pepe the Amazon and the Hahns Macaw with Aspergillus.
    This is something I would not do as we trusted you with Rainbows welfare,if it was an error of judgement then that is our error. You may think this is unfair of me but ask yourself how many have been unfairly treated by ukpr.
    We have been rescuing birds a lot longer than your group, at our own expense but have never felt the need to seek recognition or financial gain. Caron, Pauline, June, there are a lot of us. We are just the tip of the iceburg

  17. Lol what are you talking to thsi person and calling her linda,makes most of the post a waste of your time,i know linda personally and she is far to busy and no inclanation of posting on this or any other blog

    get your fact right paulie/dorrie oh sorry my mistake you hav'nt managed that so far have you

  18. UKPR Watch said...

    Quote: "This blog was started up to tell the story behind Mylo and JJ, and a place where other ex-UKPR mebers could put their side of the story across."

    I thought it was also to help get JJ & Mylo back together a.s.a.p?

    I don't know about anyone else but it breaks my heart so much to see these guys apart, the longer it takes the harder it gets.

    Ex members can still put there points across, Adele can post and tell her side if she dare.

    Can we not put Mylo's and JJ's welfare first though? How long do both sides plan to keep them apart??

  19. What are you doing here then casper?

    I wonder whether you will answer the question i posed above to the anonymous commentor?

  20. Casper, Please re-read

    DORRIE said...
    I believe that this is possibly Linda (2cay2) posting now, it is intelligently put together, if it is not coud some one ask her to read this because I have a specific question for her with all the contradictions

    That rattled your cage didnt it Casper, LOL

  21. Simple send him back to the home he was happy in for 6 months.............problem solved and both birds together.Now that the rspca are investigating,the only way milo wont be going back is if they deem adele unfit as a bird keeper we all know this isnt the case and as soon as they see her set up the decision will take 2 minutes

  22. Yes your really gettting to me off

  23. I am not Linda...I have invited the author of this blog to come to my home and see my birds,he has also recieved emails from me and knows my name,stop guessing who people are so you can have the next cheap shot Dorrie.

  24. Send Milo back to a woman who has openly stated she has allergic alveolitis. Mmmmmmm !!

  25. Isn't that Adele's decision?
    I thought this was about Milo and JJ's welfare?

    Adele can make an informed decision based on their temporary care, with a view to permanently rehoming them which is what started all this if I'm right?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. A woman who also smokes (Mylo has a respiratory condition that is surely exacerbated by this fact,)is frightened to handle him and intends for he and his partner JJ to live on their own in a back bedroom.

  28. What a joker anonymous...

    No wonder you back on that forum.

    Yes it is Adeles decision but i asked you a simple question, on whether or not she should answer it or not.

    You know the answer thats why you have skirted around answering.

    Says it all.

    This is about Mylo and JJ's welfare, and the sooner Adele answers the very simple question, then the sooner these two can be re-united.

    I am sure the police will be very interested.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Isn't that Adele's decision?
    I thought this was about Milo and JJ's welfare?

    I personally dont think it is Adeles decision, as the birds supposedly belong to ukpr.

    What responsible rescue/organisation would home a bird/birds knowing those birds will have to be re homed again in the near future.
    In my eyes that would be irresponsible of the rescue/organisation.

  30. I thought moving birds into emergency care was a joint decision by UKPR staff not just Vikky's??

    Vikky I know we don't see eye to eye anymore but i do have the birds best interests at heart and always have done. Deep down you know that!

    I know you would never let JJ go to Caron, over your dead body springs to mind.

    Please consider letting JJ go urgently to a 3rd party just so these birds can be together. There the inocent's in all of this.

    Caron is the third party willing to say something on this blog to put vikky and everyone else's mind at rest as to where the birds would go to?

  31. I'm not back on the forum...and i don't know who Matty is?

    I really don't.

  32. Anonymous said...
    I am not Linda...I have invited the author of this blog to come to my home and see my birds,he has also recieved emails from me and knows my name,stop guessing who people are so you can have the next cheap shot Dorrie.

    It is a shame you people have to stay anonymous, you obviosly have your reasons, lol. No cheap shots, FACT !!

  33. There are two third party rescues willing to take Mylo and JJ in if Vikky and Adele do not want her to join Mylo with me.

    I very much doubt that they are going to want to post their details on this blog consdering the abuse people receive from UKPR.

    It is in the hands of the RSPCA to determine what is in the best interests of both these birds now, and what their next step is.

    If either of the third parties are following this thread and would like to post here then you are more than welcome to do so.

  34. Caron the RSPCA are busy people and they have a lot of urgent cruelty cases to deal with sadly.

    Are you and Vikky really willing to wait for them to make this decision?

    Has Vikky got the third party details? If not at least get the third party details to her so she can speak to them independly if she hasn’t already.

    Lets at least try to get these birds re-united sooner rather than later.

    Please prove to me that you both have the birds best interests at heart! If you both do then these birds won’t spend another week apart.

  35. The above comment says it all Freebird.

    I spoke to Adele who said she wanted JJ to come to me and be with Mylo as fist arranged but because of Vikky couldnt.

    If Vikky does not want JJ to come to mine to be with Mylo who has settled in here then the RSPCA will take the relevant action.

    It is in their hands now!

  36. thik the rspca geting pissed of this.if you carnt let jj go to its mate who is not well and to be fare carnt travel.its not making a good imprestion on ukpr and i know them they will not forget that being the rspca.

  37. Im sure nobody considers june a third party in this,yes shes on the birds side always but also one of you blog followers who has openly sided with caron......not milo caron and accues in writing ukpr of stealing a galah when infact ukpr has never yes never had a galah through its doors in any shape or form,perhaps the person passing this info on to june should come and expalin who and when and what and what was involved with this galah............june cannot be classed as athird party by anyone reading this blog so what third party is being refered to?

  38. Vicky posted on her own forum that she had offered a third party, so she must know of one.

  39. I can confirm that Vikky has never once offered a third party to me despite having stated she has on her forum.

    Another blatant lie!

    Here it is along with several other lies thrown in for good measure.

  40. She offered a 3rd party to the rspca officer outside your home on the day in question over the phone and it was refused,check yourself caron.........ask the officer from the rspca and the police it will all be on record so yet again you try to cover the truth with are fast loosing credibility here both with ukpr posters and your own followers.I shall pm the fact that you posted another lie(on hard copy) to vikky and perhaps she will contact the people she offered the 3rd party and get a statement proving this 'FACT''

  41. Your idea of a 3rd party is another rescue.
    Another rescue would be ultimately responsible for rehoming them.
    So isn't that the reason for them not going back to Adele? Have I missed something?
    Or is it that another rescue is just a 'collector' in the guise of a rescue,will you do a full medical exam on the proprietor?
    Will they fulfill all your criteria?
    Did Adele spend all this time getting them used to seperate cages and living in a home environment where they were loved just to put them into a 'rescue centre' where they will be just another pair of mouths to feed and another cage to clean.?

  42. Vikky in her desperation told the police she had a third party on the morning Jamie was sat outside of the house just so they could leave with Mylo, thus back in UKPR hands.

    This was flatly refused because the whole point of this excercise has been to protect Mylo's welfare from UKPR (Vikky).

    There was no mention of who the "third party" was, just a vague assertion that she had one.

    Seeing as though this has detracted from asking Adele the most important and relevant question that has been posed at this time, the article will now be written and posted when finished.

    Adele for whatever reason has chosen not to divulge the truth.

  43. No anonymous, Adele found a new home for them both with me due to her illness but Vikky decided i was no longer suitable because i dared to question her over a cage and a little green singing finch.

    Vikky then told me that Adele had contacted her to say that she wanted to take Mylo and JJ on full time WHICH WAS A BLATANT LIE!!!

    Adele BY HER OWN ADMISSION to me did not even know Vikky had said this until after Vikky had posted it on the forum.

    The woman has been diagnosed with a serious condition that prevents her from keeping birds so why on earth after finding, in her own words, "the best place for them" would she for no reason at all then ask for them back.

    Look back at the "infamous removed thread" and you will see the blatant lie, which was cast at the expense of Mylo, JJ and an innocent woman, Adele.

    And all because i dared to question Vikky!!!

  44. The lie that started all of this off!

    The post asking the question to Adele

  45. So were you offering them a permanent home then?
    I am confused,I read it as you were taking them on with a view to giving them a permanent home?

  46. UKPR Watch said...
    I can confirm that Vikky has never once offered a third party to me despite having stated she has on her forum.

    Another blatant lie!

    Here it is along with several other lies thrown in for good measure.

    Wed Mar 11, 11:08:00 AM 2009

    UKPR Watch said...
    Vikky in her desperation told the police she had a third party on the morning Jamie was sat outside of the house just so they could leave with Mylo, thus back in UKPR hands.

    This was flatly refused because the whole point of this excercise has been to protect Mylo's welfare from UKPR (Vikky).

    UKPR Watch said...
    There are two third party rescues willing to take Mylo and JJ in if Vikky and Adele do not want her to join Mylo with me.

    Can everybody not see who is lying here,tripping over herself every step of the way

    Vikky said she offered a third party,you flatly refuse without even knowing who it was says it all folks

  47. Vikky, everybody who has had any dealings with you will know you are a pathalogical liar, whether they are small 'white' lies, or blatant lies that throw other people into your madness, like this with Adele.

    It is just amazing how these people can still stand with you after you have done so much to them.

    You are like a cult leader with followers who will do anything for you...

    I just hope and pray that Adele breaks free from your madness, and the curse you have placed over her life.


    Mylo who is currently in my care is an appendix I cites listed bird which means he is a protected species, he was signed over and into the hands of Vikky (UKPR). The first thing any reputable rescue organisation would have done, if they have donated money in their coffers for this exact purpose would be to have him immediately micro chipped. The donated money is also stated to go towards veterinary costs for the birds, which includes the Chlamydia testing.

    Mylo: Profile

    Mylo was placed into the emergency care home of Adele (UKPR), who after 6 months can no longer home the birds, and he still has not been micro-chipped or chlamydia tested!!!

    Mylo and JJ’s foster profiles both state they come chipped and tested (also with a donated Pallace cage). As their new carer I was told that I would have to go to the vets and sort this out to which I agreed as most people who loves these birds would, but 6 months and UKPR not doing it??!!

    first of all,this is carons opinion of adele as their carer......

    caron Wrote:

    I've followed JJ and Mylo's story from the beginning and so sad to hear they are still looking for a forever home. I'm astonished that no one suitable has come forward to take them on.

    My budget for rescues this year has been stretched beyond it's limits or I would put my name forward for consideration in a heartbeat. They would fit right in with my little lot and be able to happily have free run of the bird room with my three other macaws.

    From what I've seen on the forums you've done a wonderful job with them so far and I really do hope these two little sweethearts find their permanent home soon.

    Kind regards

    So where does all that donated money go?

    Adele herself, has told me she paid for everything concerning Mylo and JJ whilst they were in her care, and that she now has JJ booked into a vets.

    I wonder who will be footing the bill, Adele or UKPR (Vikky)?

    After the events of the past week, I am certain it will be Vikky but only because the spotlight now shines upon her so she has to now been seen to be doing the right thing regarding these birds.


    Mylo who is currently in my care is an appendix I cites listed bird which means he is a protected species, he was signed over and into the hands of Vikky (UKPR). The first thing any reputable rescue organisation would have done, if they have donated money in their coffers for this exact purpose would be to have him immediately micro chipped. The donated money is also stated to go towards veterinary costs for the birds, which includes the Chlamydia testing.

    Mylo: Profile

    Mylo was placed into the emergency care home of Adele (UKPR), who after 6 months can no longer home the birds, and he still has not been micro-chipped or chlamydia tested!!!

    Mylo and JJ’s foster profiles both state they come chipped and tested (also with a donated Pallace cage). As their new carer I was told that I would have to go to the vets and sort this out to which I agreed as most people who loves these birds would, but 6 months and UKPR not doing it??!!

    adele wrote:
    just rang vicky and shes happy with the arangements re mylo and jj

    my vet is still off sick but vicky said its ok she can sort out the chipping at a later date with u if thats ok,if u take them to be done vicky will pay with her card over the phone to the vet

    cage wise it will be armarnis as its massive for them

    caron Wrote:
    That's fine Adele, I'll sort out an appointment for them to get microchipped when they arrive.

    Caron x

    thats brill hun, thank you

  50. ????? And again... Your point is?

    Please re-read the article above as you are obviously having trouble grasping the facts here.

  51. said...
    UKPR Watch said...
    I can confirm that Vikky has never once offered a third party to me despite having stated she has on her forum.

    Another blatant lie!

    Here it is along with several other lies thrown in for good measure.

    Wed Mar 11, 11:08:00 AM 2009

    UKPR Watch said...
    Vikky in her desperation told the police she had a third party on the morning Jamie was sat outside of the house just so they could leave with Mylo, thus back in UKPR hands.

    This was flatly refused because the whole point of this excercise has been to protect Mylo's welfare from UKPR (Vikky).

    UKPR Watch said...
    There are two third party rescues willing to take Mylo and JJ in if Vikky and Adele do not want her to join Mylo with me.

    Can everybody not see who is lying here,tripping over herself every step of the way

    Vikky said she offered a third party,you flatly refuse without even knowing who it was says it all folks

    Wed Mar 11, 12:07:00 PM 2009

    Anyone reading this can see who the liar is?you are actually contradicting yourself in that post of quotes are you not?


  52. Wow, after 10 days you finally think you have something lol

    Ok Casper, this is getting very tedious so I shall explain in the very simple terms you obviously require in order to understand.

    1. Two separate independent third parties have approached me to offer their services.

    2. Vikky has never offered ME a third party for Mylo to go to simply told the police that 'she has a third party' whose identity the police did not know when I asked.

    No lies or contradictions here. Just the facts.

    My explanation of what Adele told me will be presented shortly.

  53. My explanation of what Adele told me will be presented shortly

    no doubt yet more lies im sure everyone is waiting with baited breath

    Your loosing focus caron,you did well to make it look like it was for the welfare of the bird/s at the start but over the last 10 days it has become more and more obvious to everyone that your only motivation is winning a war between yourself and ukpr and woe betide anyone who get in the way of that eh?

  54. UKPR WATCH SAID:1. Two separate independent third parties have approached me to offer their services.

    and yet again no mention of who they are lmao

  55. The two independent third parties know who they are and that is all the matters at this present moment.

    If they choose to reveal themselves to you then that is their choice!

    Watching you trample the welfare of Mylo and JJ under foot is what started this off, and it is not an isolated incident as everyone banned and silenced from UKPR knows.

    Just look at the onslaught if you dare question Vikky!!!

    You have done well to last so long, but the truth will be revealed in due course.

    I feel sorry for Adele now who is at the centre of this because you made her lie for you in the first place. She knows it and those closest to her know it to. How wicked a person must you be to do this to someone like Adele. I just wonder what bully tactics and manipulation you have used on her to buy her silence.

    There is no malice towards her, she is just an innocent who is caught up in this just like Mylo and JJ, but thats your style, picking on people weaker than you.

    Adele is a good person who is caught up in your tangled web of lies and deceit.

    The 'Sword of Truth' is soon to swing down upon you!

  56. ukpr watch said:Adele is a good person

    The same person who you have spent 10 days trying to intimidate into your way of thinking and in the process made ill,you have tried to discredit her as a suitable home for mylo and jj and this is one of the reasons you refused to return mylo to adele,in your opinion shes not a fit carer...........hypocrite! you've tried the good cop bad cop routine once to often caron and nobody is buying it.

  57. Oh dear oh dear...............get a grip girl i actually am starting to feel sorry for mylo having to live in the same house as someone so obviously unwell,the hate stress and tension is oozing out of you now caron and im sure your birds can pick up on that mylo included,the 16 odd birds you have must be getting heaps of 1on1 you spend your whole waking moments posting your sickness?

  58. She is ill because you have placed a curse on her life by forcing her to hold onto your deep dark lie within her heart no matter what the cost to herself.

    You know that for her to admit that lie means the end of you!

    Adele has no choice now but to release that truth for all to see. In doing so she will gain the love and admiration of many, where as with you they will see the truth.

    You were given a choice at the beginning to do the right thing, but you refused, and now you are reaping what you have sown, it is a truth that cannot be altered.

    These last 10 days have not been about Adele, only the last couple because she shared the truth.

    Its game over Vikky!!!

    "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

  59. It has been quite comical watching you over the past couple of days casper, Vikky's re-inforcements, how sad.

    You know Rev. Jim Jones even had his disciples kill for him, at least with you it is only lies.

  60. Tell that to vikky not me,the game as you call it is no game well not to everyone else,bad phrase to use under the circumstances dont you think?Just goes to show that to you thats all it has ever been imo.Im off now to spend some time with my family and pets i suggest you do the same they obviously need some.Whilst i away i'll find my own sinking ship image as now its appropriate i think................but for you.............night xx

  61. In answer to Vikkys good cop bad cop analogy.

    Some pointers.

    1. Adele needed to re-home Mylo and JJ because she has been diagnosed with an illness.

    2. She found a home for them that she stated to be the best place for them.

    3. Mylo has a respitory condition so should not be in a smokers home.

    4. Vikky lied and said Adele had called her saying she wanted to foster them long term.

    5. It took 10 days fighting for Mylos welfare to get to the bottom of the truth.

    The truth is that Vikky lied and forced Adele to support her in the lie.

    How many more people are there out there who have been on the recieving end of Vikky's delusions and lies?

  62. Yawn yawn yawn...............

  63. The 'Game' is a term casper and im sure we will all miss you as you have brought such entertainment to people here over the last few days with your feeble attempts to discredit...

  64. Nothing else to say Vikky?

    yawn yawn yawn...

    Things have just gotten interesting!

  65. You dont need me to try and discredit you gal,you doing a smashing job yourself,hence the lack of replies from any of your followers since late afternoon,they are here i have no doubt but just reading and watching you reveal yourself and your sole motivation,now off you go and email them all like you have before just so it looks there actually interested in your rantings of imo a mad woman.

  66. To think there are no legal bodies to govern the parrot rescue industry, so the likes of Vikky can do what they want unchecked with no accountability.

    Its like giving a bank robber a job in a bank!

  67. you guys still at it!

    Step right back and look at this as a whole - really read the blog and then imagine it being played out face to face in a bar - it would look childish!! It does look childish.

    I see the scrap though has pretty much moved away from the bird and is now a slangin match or a pissing contest on who has got the wittiest retort!

    If this was ever about the birds (10 days later!!!!!) they would be sorted - i suspect it is not and the posturing on this site and continual threats of this and that are nothing more than delaying tactics!

    Play your cards if you have any - get this over and done with and all sorted.

    I did phone the RSPCA today and asked them how long they were going to let this continue and guess what they said to me?? they knew nothing about it!!

    So I suggest the following:
    Vikky/UKPR - arrange yourselves to have the birds old carer homechecked so it is done - if she has passed the bill of health then UKPR WATCH has already said that then the bird will returned - now I do not think that can take long!

  68. LOL so casper... when all your pathetic attempts at proving me to be a liar have failed you resort to personal insults as the only ammunition you have to hand? Grow up.

  69. Anonymous, here is a quote from somebody else.

    "This is not just about Milo and JJ now its about a group of people who started up a money making scam and called it a rescue."

    There are a lot bigger people now watching and involved in this situation, so criticise this blog all you want but nobody else has been able to challenge Vikky's behaviour before have they?

    Mylo's care is in hand, he is getting all the love and attention he could wish for (watch the video), and i am certain it is the same for JJ.

    You're sadly misinformed about the RSPCA as they most certainly are involved as will become apparent over the next few days.

    I would just like to say that i am very suprised that you of all people are now defending Vikky.

  70. Here is part of a comment from another contributor, added for the sake of anonymous who believes the RSPCA know nothing about this.

    Two days ago I had my RSPCA inspection and passed with no problems at all in fact they were very happy with my set-up and the birds and the treatment they receive here, I did speak to them about the UKPR "rescue" among other things and showed them the forum and the posts made by me and the posts made by yourself and others, these were all copied off so that they could have a hard copy.

    I can now point out that a member of the said forum is in fact one of my RSPCA inspectors and has been for some time.for all I know he could be a member of your forum!!!!

  71. Sorry UKPR you clearly have a very black and white veiw "if you are not for me you are against me"

    I was not defending Vikky I am sure she can defend herself if she wishes too.

    I was only suggesting a method to resolve this to Vikky - one which you have already said you would stand by if the RSPCA agreed the previous carer was a suitable home for the bird to return too.

    In my simple world - this resolves the issue of the 2 birds being seperated.

    If you then have further issues with UKPR that you want to take forward with the appropriate authorities then you can do so without the 2 birds being stuck in the middle

  72. Anonymous, a bit of logic for you.

    No disrespect to Adele, but would you send a bird who has respiratory problems back into a smoky environment? A bird who clearly enjoys human contact back to a home where the carer is afraid to handle him? And where the carer has just been diagnosed with a serious illness exacerbated by keeping pet birds?

    Not hard is it?

    The RSPCA have no alternative but to investigate Mylo and JJ's situation because they were the ones who signed them over into Vikky's hands.

  73. sorry it is not about what I would do it is about what the RSPCA say is acceptable and the fact that we stand by that!

    Is her house smokey? does she smoke in the garden - some people do!

    We are guessing and making broad statments that do not hold up to scruitany until the RSPCA do their work.

    So someone either you or Vikky get the RSPCA onto the homecheck so at least the birds can be sorted out!!! PLEASE!!

  74. Well, as Mylo arrived with his feathers stinking of cigarette smoke it was quite obvious he had been living in a smokers home.

    A clear breach of UKPR rules.

    What about the other two points you missed?

    The serious illness and the fear of handling him.

    You say about the RSPCA doing their work, but previously you stated the RSPCA didnt even know about this case.

    Maybe you should keep your nose out of it and let the RSPCA do their job, your words on here are not really going to change anything or help anybody are they?

    Everything has been said already!

  75. Thank you at least I know where I stand - I will as you say try to keep my nose out of it and leave it to you to sort it all out.

    My words indeed may not change anything but as all i did was post an opinion and what I had hoped would be a solution.

    Everything has been said already...and I am sure it will be said again.

    Good luck to the birds i hope someone sorts it all out for you and sooner rather than later.

    If anyone wants me I will be on the UKPR WATCH naughty step in the corner

  76. No naughty steps here anonymous!

    But if you want to stay silent because you do not like the response then that is your choice.

  77. People cannot keep their noses out when you invited them to stick them in.
    Or did you just email the people you 'thought' would support you and hope everything would swing your way?
    The RSPCA are clearly in no rush to do anything about this so it can't be on their list of priorities,but then again there are real cases of suffering going on out there.Some of us have had the misfortune to witness these and it's a far cry from the 'neglect and cruelty' you are having us believe about this incident.
    If the words spoken on here by 'anonymous' and everyone else are not going to change anything then why don't you close this blog?As much as it's a source of entertainment for us all it is getting boring now.If you have all the evidence and stories you need then why persist with it?
    Why not put your money where your mouth is and take out your own prosecution which you are entitled to by law.
    Have you consulted a solicitor and put all the facts before them?
    I can only think not,as you wouldn't even be carrying on with this if you had.
    Please summarise what this blog is hoping to achieve so we can all know what it is we're all arguing about.
    So now you are having a go at smokers?
    You've already said sick people shouldn't have birds...anyone else?
    I also don't want to handle one of my you think he should be with me?
    I did ask you to come and visit me and mine,maybe you should?Then you could report me to the rspca for having a cough,smoking in my own home and not being able to handle my own bird.
    It must be lovely in your perfect world.

    'Everything has been said already.'..amen to that.

  78. 1. The authors of this blog did not email anybody to support it.

    2. If people want to smoke that is their perogative, but a rescue bird with breathing problems should not have to share the habit.

    3. Nobody said sick people shoudlnt have birds, quite the contrary in fact, but in this case the sickness is made worse by the birds and is the reason why they were both being re-homed in the first place.

    4. Abuse and neglect comes in many forms and should not be tolerated, even though perhaps you would?

    5. As much as this is a "source of entertainment" to you some of of us hold the serious issues being spoken out about here dear to out hearts, with Mylo and JJ at the centre of it. Not exactly "entertaining" is it?

    6. Why take out a private prosecution when there are the relevant government bodies in place to do this against rogue traders and criminals?

    7. This blog is far from finished yet and if you are finding it boring here then please close the door on your way out.

    8. Look at Adeles own reasons for re-homing Mylo and JJ and ask what is the reason behind the immediate change of heart.

  79. I can 100% confirm that adeles house does NOT smell of smoke in the slightest. She doesnt even smoke inside her house so this is not even possible.
    I have visited adele and spent time in her house and with her birds i didnt even get one waft of smoke!

  80. Well a pattern is starting to emerge. All the supporters of Vickys ukpr are anonymous posters apart from one (Casper). WHY ?
    The big majority of anti ukpr posters all have some kind of traceable identity.
    I know who I would rather believe
    If someone rang you and refused to give you their name would you take them seriously, would you even talk to them.I very much doubt it.
    If the rescue want to come here and defend themselves,why not come here with a face, I see two other organisations have not been afraid to speak their minds - David from Parrotlink, June from Parrotcare.
    What is it you think you are gaining from coming on here and being insulting, are people going to take you seriously after all this nastyness. As a rescue you may need to ask the help of people in the future.
    You ukpr by your own actions are doing more damage to yourselves than Caron or her followers could ever have done without your help.
    If you want to be taken seriously,and as you say have nothing to hide, put someone here to speak for you and put the record straight.
    Nothing has been answered from ukpr to press.

    To put the record straight,I do know as fact that the RSPCA have been informed and complaints logged on more than one occasion this last week.

    I have chosen for now to be in the anonymous camp, the reason will become evident later.

    A N Observer

  81. This is not an attack on Adele, this is just a statement of fact.

    Mylo arrived stinking of cigarette smoke, he came from an home of smokers, so 2 + 2 = 4

    I think anyone reading your comment Bella will take your confirmation with a pinch of salt all things considered.

    Why dont you meantion anything on here about Vikky lying, and then forcing Adele to lie for her?

    We cant get onto your forum to pose the question, and you all seem to skirt around this point as if it doesnt mean anything.

    Ignoring the Big Lie!

  82. Thank A N Obsever you for adding some clarity to the proceedings for those people reading the thread.

  83. Mylo arrived stinking of cigarette smoke, he came from an home of smokers, so 2 + 2 = 4

    He also spent 8 years living in a house being used as a crack/weed smoking den,where many many people ''dossed down'' and smoked whatever.Ukpr once rescued a pionus from an old couple,he stank of smoke when he was sprayed it left stains on the perches from the nicotine,he was in emergency care for a long time and left still smelling of smoke even after constant spraying and baths.Macaws are big birds so i would have thought a bird subjected to years of being surrounded by lots of smoke/chemicals may well take along time to wear off,logical to me but seems no one mentioned the fact of were he was before adele had him...............convieniently

  84. Oh dear... Are you HONESTLY suggesting that a bird would still smell strongly of smoke SIX MONTHS after leaving a smoky environment?

    Strange that... Because after just TEN DAYS of being here in a smoke free environment... He smells like a Macaw!

  85. Unlike some people on here im not going to comment on things that i dont know for a fact so why should i comment about vikky!
    As for the house of smokers there is one smoker who smokes outside.
    I KNOW for a fact that adeles house doesnt smell of smoke ive been there i have no reason to lie!

    You refer to ukpr as 'my forum' so me being a member of parrotlink does that 'my forum' too?
    Im not going to get into a debate of who is and isnt lying when i dont know the facts why should i?

    It seems that you are being very hostile towards anyone who is a member of ukpr is this because i have my own mind? and dont follow you like a sheep and delete my account because you say that ukpr is bad.

    Like you said this is a site for the truth i come on here showing my name telling the truth and look how i am greeted!!!! If members choose not to believe me then so be it i have no reason to lie i have nothing to loose nor gain.

  86. I dont know if he smelt of smoke or not i havnt sniffed him,but it is possible for smokers to own birds and the birds not smell of smoke the whole argument is ridiculous.How many millions of bird owner smoke? any caring parrot owner who smokes would not dream of subjecting an animal with airsacs to there chemicals and smoke outside.

  87. Bella,

    Mylo arrived smelling of smoke for several days.

    So if he came from the house of a smoker, you would obviously assume this is the reason why he smelt as he did.

    You know for a fact that Adele's house doesnt smoke, also that she IS a smoker.

    2 + 2 = 4

    Considering we have been waiting for the truth from Adele and had Vikky on here blatantly lying, when you come on in defence denying a fact that is being stated it is quite obvious there is going to be hostility.

    You are saying we are wrong.

    Why now is there disagreement over this point?

    Apologies if you feel offended in the way you have been greeted but the lies from those behind UKPR have come in a tidal wave.

    If you are a friend of Adele's as you state, then you should find out the facts that i have asked.

    Please do not ignore it!

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. In the interest of keeping this thread on topic, casper the troll's comments and any similar will be deleted.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. You dont offend me far from it to be quite honest i just dont think you will get very far with that kind of attitude.

    Ive read through this blog and can honestly see why some member are starting to not believe you. You remind me of a politician you get asked question but sorta dont answer them with the truth but you manage to always turn it back to some other subject that is getting very boring now.

    Now a question i would like you to answer in a straight to the point way without all the topic changing and long winded side tracking.
    Are you going to appologise to all the people you have offended if and when ukpr has been cleared?

    "UKPR Watch said...
    Considering we have been waiting for the truth from Adele and had Vikky on here blatantly lying, when you come on in defence denying a fact that is being stated it is quite obvious there is going to be hostility."

    How is this in any way related to me? i have not come on defending anyone i mearly corrected you and told the truth.

  92. Bella,

    I think you will find that it is UKPR who refuse to answer ANY questions, all they seem to do is lie and attack.

    Humility is accepting you are wrong when you are wrong and rectifying it.

    If the contributors to this blog are proven wrong then i will be the first to apologies to any offended party.

    But do you think this blog would have been set up if there was any thought that we might be wrong?

    You have asked a question to which i have answered truthfully, now here is one for you, one you believe is not related to you.

    Seeing as though you are a friend of Adele, please ask her if Vikky lied?

    The answer to this question will prove whether those behind this blog are right or wrong.

    Surely in the interest of knowing right from wrong, you will find out the answer to this question.

  93. I certainly do know right from wrong but im not going to discuss adeles business thats not for me to talk about.

    I have another question. Why are you taking the word of a member who has been proved to be abusing birds by keeping them in filth? Surely its clear that she has no regard for any birds welfare and is just interest in trying to destroy ukpr?

  94. UKPR style.

    Ignore the question posed and expect their question answered.

    You say "been proved". Have you seen the proof yourself Bella about this ex member "abusing birds"?

    The authors of this blog know the lengths UKPR go to with their lies, so nothing can be believed without facts.

  95. Do not catagorize me! address me as an idividual not as a group that im a member of! This is simple respect that you seem to lack.

    I have not seen the pictures myself YET but there are people who have. Like vikky has stated you can request to look at the pictures yourself.

  96. Quote: Why are you taking the word of a member who has been proved to be abusing birds by keeping them in filth? Surely its clear that she has no regard for any birds welfare and is just interest in trying to destroy ukpr?:End Quote

    To make statements like that dont you think you should personally check the facts rather than listen to peoples word?

    Especially the word of those who seized the bird.

    You could be spreading lies couldnt you?

    Its exactly the same as UKPR are doing against this blog BLATANTLY LYING!!!

    And the fools believe it!

  97. And you dont think to check its a lie before you let her post things? I AM going to check this myself but i believe it is the truth.
    I just cannot understand how you can let her post such things without checking this yourself?

    And do not call me a fool i am far from it.

  98. Oops you believed them before checking, my apologies.

    Its the same as believing what UKPR has said about this blog too.

    We have witnessed first hand the blatant lies spewed out by Vikky, Alan and Jamie, and we also know they seized Cherry exactly the same way they tried seizing Mylo, so who would you believe if you were us?

    We know Vikky to be a pathalogical liar.

    Please let us know your findings, and no hear say, just facts like has been stated.


  99. Caron i would have thought you would have asked within your own followers if anyone has actually been told the ''story'' in question re:removed birds from an ex member possible one of them may have actually seen the pictures themselves and admitted that the whole affair has been confirmed by everyone who was actually present


    Once you have and i know you will if you that keen on truth,that will be another one of your lies proved wont it,if you dont i can help out there and gain access to the pics and the corespondance confirming this as the case..............

  100. One definite fact, both Mylo, JJ and Oscar the Mealy Amazon did not smell of smoke when they were picked up (they all came from the same house, all living in a living room with no cages, also sharing with a cockatoo and African grey who went elsewhere).

    I had Oscar for 2 days in my house and there was not smoke smells coming from him, just the normal Ammie small ;o).

    I also very briefly met Mylo and JJ in the back of Vikky's car and they didn't smell of smoke either.

    The guy these birds where seized from as far as I understand rescued these birds himself as birds were also his passion. I know there are a few people on Parrot_links that knew this guy.

    Very sadly he ran into some bad luck, became depressed and met the wrong people that took him into the world of drugs. He only went down hill in the last year, so these birds didn't suffer 8 years of this life.

    Also Mylo did have this infection at the time, I remember Vikky asking me if I knew an avian vet by the name of Alan Jones where he had recently been treated. Why Mylo didn't see another vet later on in Adele's care if this wasn't clearing up who knows?

    I would also like to add I have been a smoker for many years, although now I'm pleased to say I gave up in early December and now smoke no more ;o).

    I've never smoked in my house, even as a smoker I couldn't stand the smell of it lol. My house and my birds have never smelt of smoke, and if you say well as a smoker you wouldn’t notice, my by boyfriend has never been a smoker and he will back me up as will my other friends.

    Now where is this third party that can take both birds, the one that isn’t June, it doesn’t sound like anyone has mentioned them to Vikky? Mylo hasn’t been at Caron’s long enough to settle too much (at the moment). These birds have been together for some time, yes I’m sure they will make the most of being on there own, but they do need to be together again soon.

    What is kinder, keeping them apart for a long period of time whilst you wait for the RSPCA to make the decision for you? Thus making it harder to move the birds and settle them again. Or getting them together where they can enjoy each others company again a.s.a.p.

    Don’t forget the one stable thing for these birds has been each other NOT humans, they are most familiar with each other, not Caron and not Adele.

    Mylo have already travelled across the country with his infection so I’m sure another small journey isn’t going to harm him.

  101. Anonymous:

    Why not send the pictures across if you are that concerned about proving something to be a lie.

    I have told no lie, only reported a story that somebody came forward with.

    One story of several!!!

    The person who was employed with seizing the bird now has the bird. Work that one out?

  102. I agree with freebird(now theres a first)the thought of how these two birds feel inside is keeping me from sleeping,i have first hand seen how 1 bird from a bonded pair behaves when its companion is no longer around,this happens through death of one of them and the outcome is the same,i guess its similar to us humans when forcably separated lets try and remember ....the most important thing here is getting these to on the same playstand again,this week not this year.

  103. The person who was employed with seizing the bird now has the bird. Work that one out?

    They needed to go somewere didnt they caro? are you suggesting they were left there and that jamie isnt a suitable carer of birds?

  104. ukpr watch said:
    I have told no lie, only reported a story that somebody came forward with.

    As the publisher of all this content are you not responsible for making sure you post facts not fiction, i wonder if down the line your apologies will be as public as your attempted lynching

  105. OH MY GOD!What is happening! Poor Milo and JJ! Regardless of anything else, lets look at what we DO know to be fact.
    1)ADELES HEALTH.She has a dehabilitating illness, which will get worse!Worse case,but realistic scenarios, are regular lung biopsies, irrepearable damage and POSSIBLE ORGAN TRANSPLANTATIONS.If you do no know anyone with this disease, and are relying on google, then you have no idea of the seriousness of it! The bottom line of it is people with alveolitis find it VERY difficult to keep birds. As these ARE NOT ADELES BIRDS, THEY BELONG TO A RESCUE WHO SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE, they should not be putting them in a home with a lady who will find it difficult to care for them, and most likely have to rehome them further down the line.
    2)They will be living in a bedroom. Might as well put them in an aviary.
    3)Adele, HAS admitted she is scared to handle milo. Hats off, macaws can be scary birds, but it is unfair on the bird to place it in that environment.
    4)It was stated that Carons was the best home. Stated, fact.
    There are no lies in the above, all can be refuted. THIS is what we are looking at folks. No more of the "well shouldnt we put them back in the home they have been happy in for the last six months"...No, because that home is NO LONGER the best home for them.

  106. Changed tact today I see casper!

    You will see that re-uniting Mylo and JJ has been our No.1 priority but not for him to go back into the clutches of Vikky (UKPR), thats what this has been all about.

    We do not have to explain who the third party is, that is the person in questions perogative, along with the RSPCA.

    The ethics of giving Cherry to the person given the job of seizing her from the previous carer is very questionable. "Go and get her Jamie and you can have her". Quite strong motivation dont you think?

    Using Jamie as your cannon fodder will be explained later today along with how you have used Adele!

    As has been said in a previous post, if there is anything wrong on this blog, then those writing it have the humility to apologise.

  107. Thank you Kali,

    Despite the repeated attempts by UKPR cronies to distract from the real issue here over the past ten days, it has been glaringly obvious to anyone following this blog the best interests of Milo, JJ and Adele have no place in Vikky's handling of the situation.

    Vikky cares about one thing and one thing only... Her ego and getting her own way, regardless of whoever gets stepped on in the process be that her 'friends' or the poor birds she professes to care for.

  108. Vikky cares about one thing and one thing only... Her ego and getting her own way, regardless of whoever gets stepped on in the process be that her 'friends' or the poor birds she professes to care for.

    agree entirely.

  109. Anonymous said...
    ukpr watch said:
    I have told no lie, only reported a story that somebody came forward with.

    As the publisher of all this content are you not responsible for making sure you post facts not fiction, i wonder if down the line your apologies will be as public as your attempted lynching

    My point exactly! Thank you.

    UKPR Watch said...
    Oops you believed them before checking, my apologies.

    Its the same as believing what UKPR has said about this blog too.

    Its not about believing anyone else like i said before i have my own mind and make my own descisions. I believe my gut feeling not what other people tell me.

  110. I will ask this question to you Bella,if you can not answer it may be one of the bosses of your organisation can.
    Posted on your " THE TRUTH " blog 5 days ago.

    I will not be holding my breath.

    Many thanks.
    Bella Said :
    I have another question. Why are you taking the word of a member who has been proved to be abusing birds by keeping them in filth? Surely its clear that she has no regard for any birds welfare and is just interest in trying to destroy ukpr?

    Was this Ex members home checked.

    If not, why not ?

  111. Casper, thank you for agreeing with me, we do have something in common ;o).

    Anyone else??? This is getting tiresome.

    UKPR Watch - did you read my last post?

    One main question - please can you answer this?

    Quote from my above post
    "What is kinder, keeping them apart for a long period of time whilst you wait for the RSPCA to make the decision for you? Thus making it harder to move the birds and settle them again. Or getting them together where they can enjoy each others company again a.s.a.p.

    Don’t forget the one stable thing for these birds has been each other NOT humans, they are most familiar with each other, not Caron and not Adele.

    Mylo have already travelled across the country with his infection so I’m sure another small journey isn’t going to harm him."

  112. Bella,

    You comment here from a position of believing this blog to be all

    Quite a feat if it was i hope you would agree?

    Im really sorry if this sounds repetative to any readers, but Bella herself has commented that she has been to Aedel's home, and is good friends with her.

    The most simple thing she can do now to find out who is lying or telling the truth is pick up and phone and call Adele asking her for the truth about whether or not she called Vikky to state she wanted to foster Mylo and JJ long term, or whether Vikky stated it and then told her, thus roping her into the lies and deciet.

    If she does not do that and skirts around the issue like she has done since being here, then it is glaringly obvious just how stupid this person is, and has no problem living in Vikky's UKPR delusions.

    Which is it Bella?

    You can keep coming here trying to point out that this blog is wrong, but to any one with an ounce of intelligence they can see straight through you.

    Nobody likes to know they are wrong and have been led up the garden path, but sadly that is what Vikky has done to you all!!!

    Those still sitting on deck watching the storm approaching...

  113. You will have to ask her anonymous, we just dont appreciate someone playing games and doing UKPR's bidding for them, disguised as concern for Mylo and JJ.

    Most people who carry out Vikky's bidding seem to be rewarded with a 'free bird' so who knows!!!

    Look at Jamie and Alan!!!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. As ive stated before im not prepared to discuss someone elses business i certainly wouldnt like them to discuss mine!

    I have not said that this whole blog is a lie i couldnt possibly say that as i dont know im not in behind the scenes am i? I mearly corrected you on something you said which i believe to be a lie. Like i said before i have no reason to lie.

  116. Dorrie,

    People soon switch allegiances when their own a**** are on the line.

    The question is; why has Freebird now changed her tune?

  117. Have you been offered a Free Bird 'Freebird'?

  118. Maybe she is starting to see the truth?

  119. Omg,can you not all see caron is now turning on the very people she''used'' to help her vendetta,one by one she will turn on you all if you dare question her and her motives,post up the sinking ship image again,i didnt quite get the name of the boat on its stern,was it the bounty?

  120. All I've ever wanted is what's best for the birds.

    I've not said anything against you Caron, just asked a simple question, i've been on your side all along.

    Have anyway, now I'm not so sure.

  121. Im sure freebird had every opportunity to take on ukpr birds herself she only needed to make an application the same as everybody else,seems she never did,so appears personal gain was never her motive whilst being a ukpr volunteer?

    How sad to have one of your own followers question you for you to come back with a personal attack and accusations that she had been ''paid off'' with freebirds.......unbelievable

  122. The UKPR wolves have smelt a little bit of blood...


  123. Freebird,
    Why was the "simple" question done on open forum
    when all of carons allies know you are very good at pming on certain parrot forums?So all you people reading make your own minds up.

  124. If you choose to pick sides and come onto this blog voicing your opinions then you should accept the consequences of your actions!!!

    This diversionary tactic is UKPR's final attempt to discredit this blog.

    Truth always stands in the face of lies!!!

    The truth behind Vikky and Adele will be here for all to see later on today, then let people make their own minds up about UKPR.

    Rev Jims Jones disciples could see no wrong either, or they did but chose to ignore it.

    How sad when you call yourself rescuers who profess to have the welfare of birds as your No.1 motivation.

  125. Thank you anonymous, and if you read the comments you can see what was being implied and the change of allegiance.

    "who needs enemies with frieds like these"

  126. This is getting way too personal now, if people have proof of wrong doing then post it, if the RSCPA is involved get them to act asap, the main poor victims in all this are the 2 birds, now all we have is people arguing for the sake of it. Time to dispel all doubts and post what is needed or close the blog, simple really but it is the same old story 2 ppl locked in battle having an open air battle of words where the main issue (those 2 birds) are lost in the fog.

  127. Anonymous.

    One question; why dont you go and ask Vikky (UKPR) some questions?

    Oh yes "You cant" its a locked house with no way in and no way out, not for those involved in the criminal acts anway!!!

    This blog has been an open forum from the start with everything being posted about Mylo when relevant.

    Just because things are not happening today does not mean that things are not happening.

    No one has ever climbed Mount Everest in a day have they?

    So why should fighting for the welfare of Mylo and JJ against Vikky be an instant thing which you all hope for?

    No wonder none of you have ever pulled her up on her abhorent criminal behaviour before.

    This will take time and people will be informed of everything as and when.

    Go pose your questions for Alan and casper to answer over on their blog.

  128. UKPR Watch said...
    Thank you anonymous, and if you read the comments you can see what was being implied and the change of allegiance.

    She did the same thing last nite and started a slagging match.
    Differant anonymous

  129. I notice dorries question asking ukprwatch ''i thought freebird was an allie'' and also the comment from ukpr watch ''re:freebird being the one who mass emailed'' have been deleted along with some others,if you regret saying things dont say them as every page of this blog is on hardcopy and one of ukpr's followers has been printing everything since day one as instructed to do so ........delete till your hearts content


  130. Can you define 'criminal acts' please?
    I am having trouble making out what they have done to break the law?

  131. You will find that there have been no lies told on this blog so having hard copies is meaningless!!!

    (saved) lol

    Your abuse of people and vulnerable rescue birds is over Vikky...

  132. Dont worry anonymous we have them on file, but people live in fear because they have UKPR rescue birds in their care.

    Everybody knows what happens if you cross UKPR!!!

    Birds ripped from their loving homes.

    Better for people to stay silent at this point in time than risk losing the bird they love who has become a part of their family.

    It is all on file and will be presented in due course.

    It does not matter whether or not you believe what is being stated here, the only thing that is important is that those people who need to know the truth do.

    Those individuals watching know who they are.

  133. There have been lies told on this blog...I have been party to some events as I have already told you and have also offered to meet with you and discuss the points raised.
    In the interest of fairness to those involved including myself,as I watched this blog as a lurker and then found 'myself' in some of the posts.

  134. i know whats going to happen in the end,the rspca is going to take these birds and rehome them ther selfs .and they will not use any of you then.remember i did nothing wrong when i ran swan rescue and when tails wher told they blanked me.and i can see it happening in this one is going to win this one.and at the end of the day its the birds who is going to loose big style.remember the rspca is a power to them selves.its like looking at kids at play group reading this lot. you all want to grow all for caron but way things going on thers not going to be a winner on this one.

  135. Where do you live then anonymous, we are not mind readers, there is an email address on the blog USE IT!!!

    Then state your weak point!

  136. Also I can tell the truth and still hang on to my birds,ukpr have had ample opportunity to take my birds but they haven't.
    Does this tell you anything?
    Maybe they are loved and it's in their interests to stay with me.

  137. I know your concerns mick-sue-fisher and those concerns for these poor birds from the very beginning has shown through, but nothing is going to happen to Mylo that is detrimental to him, that i can assure you.

    This past 10 days has not been for nothing.

    Defending and Protecting Mylo's welfare!

    "A bird" who most people dont give a stuff about so push them from pilar to post on a whim.

    Sound familiar?

    Oh yes, those at the top of the helm running UKPR

  138. I will consider your point,and decide the best course of action,I have emailed you but obviously not to the right person.
    Whoever sent me the 'invite' I suppose.

  139. I agree with Mick sue fisher on this one...the RSPCA do not make decisions based on sentiment,they go with money and facilities every time.The best they can expect is a private aviary...but then nothing could be found for them originally so why think they would try now?
    If you want to be their 'hero' why don't you scour the country and find them a home?
    Even ukpr would be impressed with you if you did this.The rspca would save a few bob and everyone will be happy.

  140. Hang on!!! you denied knowing who sent out the emails before, then you confess that you know it was freebird then delete your post? VERY VERY FISHY.

  141. This isnt just about Mylo and JJ now!

    Let the RSPCA and all other relevant authorities now do their job in investigating UKPR.

    If they have done nothing wrong then they have nothing to hide.

    Read the blog and you will see some respected people stating that the RSPCA have information on UKPR so its not just those behind this blog who are saying there are problems.

    UKPR have done absolutely everything in their power to stop the truth from being told and failed.

    The truth behind Mylo and JJ will be posted later, then make up your own minds!

  142. Bella, go jump back on your ship because once the next post is written you along with everyone else who have clung onto UKPR with dear life will have lost credibility with the whole of the UK parrot world.

    You names on forums that are left will be like dirt, and it will have been all your own doing for protecting your captain.

    Vikky's disciples!
