Monday 9 March 2009

The Vet - RSPCA Update & A Question for Adele

The Vet who is dealing with the analysis of Mylos respiratory condition has said that it could take anything up to a month for the results to come back, and the RSPCA called this evening for that information, saying they would call back.

For those people who want to see a happy ending for these two love birds (Mylo & JJ) that have been through so much already, please keep coming back and the blog will be updated with any new information as it happens.

Mylo is doing well, as you can see from the video above, he has been sitting on my partners lap enjoying scritches and tickles this evening.

This is not meant as a put down because it is not, it’s just the fact of the matter… But the Mylo you see here in this short video is a far cry from the Mylo the whole of the UKPR forum were told about, the Military Macaw living in Adele’s spare bedroom with her frightened to handle him – image 1 - image 2

It is a fact that Adele, Mylo’s previous carer has been diagnosed with the serious debilitating disease Alveolitis, which is why she needed to re-home the pair - image 3

Because of this, Adele and Vikky asked if I would take them both in, on a short term basis with the prospect of becoming their long term fosterer; to which I agreed.

In the end only one of the pair (Mylo) arrived because they had fought with each other whilst Adele and the UKPR driver tried to put them both in a small dog cage for their journey and JJ was injured.

I posed a couple of awkward questions to Vikky on the forum, with her then subsequently telling everyone on the forum that Adele had called her to say she wanted to foster the pair long term.

Why would a seriously ill woman decide to foster two birds she had just found a home for due to this illness? A home she herself stated would be the best place for them – image 4

It is at this point where everything went wrong – image 5

Who is lying here?

Scenario 1: Did Vikky lie by saying on the forum that Adele had called her when she hadn’t, thus forcing Adele into a position of having to support her initial lie for her, as if she did make that call? (We have all been backed into a corner before and done things we later regretted)

Or, Scenario 2: Is Adele wicked, vindictive and spiteful, someone who would sacrifice her own health and the welfare of Mylo and JJ just because Caron asked some awkward questions on the forum?

It just doesn’t make sense for someone to rehome two birds with a carer they believe to be the best place for them, because of a debilitating disease, to then two minutes later, ask for them back.

I hope you agree that there has got to be more to it than this surely, Adele cannot be that stupid, wicked and vindictive can she?

Those who know these two people, think about which is the most likely of these two scenarios because it can only be one of them.

Vikky lying about the phone call or Adele being a nasty bit of work.

As a safe bet, I know what my money is on!

As Vikky has banned practically everyone from her forum, and she is moderating her comments on the blog, I think the question should be posed to Adele to answer.

Adele was humble enough to come on here in her own name and show she cared about what is happening with Mylo, and she has my phone number.

I know that everyone in the parrot rescue community and beyond would have the utmost respect for you Adele if you answered that question for all of us truthfully tonight for the sake of Mylo and JJ.

Did you call Vikky or did she lie about it?

As June (Parrotcare) has stated in an earlier post, this is about much more than just Mylo and JJ now. These two have just been the catalyst.

I am sure that everyone just now wants to see an end to this part of what has been unfolding over the last week for the sake of these two poor love birds.

It is in your hands to now do the right thing and tell the people following this blog what they are waiting to hear Adele, and if there is anyone reading this who can contact Adele then please do so and ask her to answer the question being posed.

Is Vikky a pathalogical liar or are you a wicked, vindictive spiteful person?

Are you ready to come clean so that together we can clean up this mess over Mylo and JJ, or do you want it to get even worse for yourself because of Vikky, your so called friend?


  1. Apologies to anyone who commented on this thread but due to a technical glitch i have accidentally erased them.

    If you would care to reiterate your point here then please feel free to do so.

  2. Still waiting for an answer to the question posed though!!!

  3. From what i see therres a few questions your going to have to answer yourself very soon,the truth about what you really feel about parrotcare rescue is for all to see over on the other shameful

  4. Parrotcare is completely seperate from this blog Casper, June is just someone who has added her own information relating to UKPR.

    What was said a long time ago, and under different circumstances is absolutely meaningless to UKPR malpractices which is the meaning behind this blog.

    Your lies have no end though as i have never bred or hand reared cockatoos.

  5. Thank you so much for your comment and support Kali, and also thank you for the offer but i already know whats being said on the forum which isnt much other than the usual lies and Vikky/Alan propaganda.

    I agree with what you say about pride and the welfare of the two birds in question but i believe that sometimes things are meant to happen for a reason.

    Vikky's 'truth' blog was set up in desperation and is full of lies, which will be shown in due course.

    They are living in a delusion, i am just hoping and praying that Adele will come to her senses, and snap out of Vikkys world of lies and control and enter the real world with the rest of us.

    She is a good person and doesnt deserve what Vikky has done to her.

  6. Apologies to anyone who commented on this thread but due to a technical glitch i have accidentally erased them.

    If you would care to reiterate your point here then please feel free to do so.

    I have the whole thread on hard copy if you want to re add it?

  7. Yes please.

    Can you post it, that would be very much appreciated Casper...

  8. I can see no reason for Caron deleting that thread purposefully.Why are people so vindictive! I have also been awaiting Adeles post, as I too do not think she is a bad person, she obviously loves her birdies very much.Please Adele, see sense!

  9. "I can see no reason for Caron deleting that thread purposefully.Why are people so vindictive!"

    For the same reason the WHOLE of UKPR are under fire because of one persons vendetta. According to this blog everyone who owns a UKPR bird are bad owners and should be questioned by the RSPCA, and why would you be urging previous owners to come forward? What about the birds that are happily settled and being well looked after? What if they are up-rooted yet again to go to another home because of this blog? Is that really thinking about the birds? Yes, WHY ARE PEOPLE SO VINDICTIVE??? I have come over in my own name, Mandy, UKPR ACO - I know many people who have been here and not had a problem with my home or the condition of the birds I have here, and I can say the same about all the people in my area who I have homechecked and now own a UKPR Bird. Yet we are the people right in the middle of it who are now being classed as 'dodgy dealers'.

  10. Dont be stupid UKPR ACO, as if the RSPCA are going to uproot birds who are in loving homes, its only Vikky who does that sort of thing.

    If you are a part of the running of UKPR then i hope that the RSPCA will be calling on you soon, you can then tell them what you are telling me!

  11. I dont understand how or why you are dragging everyone into this? I have already had a run in with you over the ukpr heavies!! I have a ukpr bird here and I am not worried in the slightest if the rspca come to my home. I just hope that by visiting people who are giving birds loving homes they are not being pulled away from doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is, as I believe, dealing with abused animals. Or are you saying that ALL ukpr birds are now being abused????

  12. Teresa/Mandy, this has never been about people who have offered loving homes, and obviously care deeply for the birds in their care.

    It is about how Vikky has been treating birds and people.

    The stories on this blog are not isolated incidents, it just seems that people would prefer to ignore the lies and deceit rather than rock the boat.

    Everybody knows what happens when you rock Vikky's UKPR boat.
