Tuesday 17 March 2009

Mylo's partner JJ

UKPR have posted on their blog that JJ has started plucking herself due to being apart from Mylo.

UKPR: JJ plucking

One question Adele which the RSPCA will verify with the veterinary surgery as part of their investigation.

"Was JJ rushed to the vets this morning as stated on the blog or was this the prearranged appointment that you told me about?"

We know you did not write the blog post, but once again you are being roped into the centre of it again if this was your prearranged appointment. Only you know the truth, and if this is another lie then now is your opportunity to do the right thing because this lie will be found out, there is no way around it, unless of course it is not a lie? (Time will tell)

Is JJ in a cage on her own in the spare bedroom as Adele stated? image 1 - image 2 - image 3

JJ was supposed to be here with Mylo but due to UKPR incompetence she was injured so didn't make it as planned. This was then followed by Vikky's dummy spitting and subsequent lie about Adele wanting to foster the pair long term. Adele then had to agree with Vikky's lie as can be seen in image 2 above.

Why these two are now separated: Perfectly clear

It must be heart breaking seeing JJ now plucking herself because she is missing her partner, so anyone with an ounce of compassion would put their human pride aside and allow her to finish the journey her and Mylo set out on 2 weeks ago.

Mylo made it... JJ didn't.

For the sake of this poor bird Vikky, please please swallow your pride and allow JJ to be with Mylo in the best home for them both which you, yourself organised in the first place, before being offended and demanding Mylo back.

Now is your opportunity to do the right thing Vikky.

Adele did not ask to foster them long term, it was thrust upon her by yourself, she is ill and has a family to think about. Mylo is happy here, his feathers are growing back, and his route tracing has gone. Both his and JJ's happiness could be complete if they were to be reunited.

UKPR arranged for them to come to my home, Mylo is here, he is just awaiting JJ.

The only option missing from UKPR's list is JJ going to where she was always destined for in the beginning.

It seems Vikky would agree to absolutely anything other than coming to me.

Please look at the facts and what is best for Mylo & JJ.


  1. ukpr watch said

    (It must be heart breaking seeing JJ now plucking herself because she is missing her partner, so anyone with an ounce of compassion would put their human pride aside and allow her to finish the journey her and Mylo set out on 2 weeks ago.)

    that goes two ways not just vikky and her pride but you too mylo could go back to jj you are both as bad as each other

  2. Have you not read anything that has been said, or the links embedded.

    Yes Mylo can go back to JJ, and live in a back room with a human who is scared to handle him!

    Not much of a life for him is it?

    Or he can go and live with 60+ other birds.

    Can you please give the reasons why JJ shouldnt come here and be with Mylo?

  3. I think UKPR Watch needs to go back and refresh themselves with some of the blog!

    Both UKPR and Caron should now be ashamed for keeping these birds apart. Now JJ is plucking area you all happy.

    How can commends be made on a mutual third party home when neither of you have even been there!

    My heart pours out for these poor birds, so far Mylo probably feels like he is on holiday as it's still been a short time. As for JJ I really hope he is not stuck in the small back bedroom on his own.

  4. Why dont people put their names to their comments?

    So Caron is now to blame for JJ plucking?

    I think you will find that Vikky has caused this situation if you look at the facts.

    We can comment on a third party because he has told us that he has 60+ birds.

    Doesnt take much imagination does it?

  5. I should imagine the RSPCA will move quickly now if UKPR have contacted them with regards to JJ plucking, and we will ask them to verify whether or not this was an emergency appointment yesterday or a prearranged booking.

    Then we can see if this is Vikky lying once again to get her own way.

  6. this is going follow ukpr where and whatever they do now.dont think people are going to forget you got yer name now you wont drop it.its a bad name.you may as well pack it in charity or no charity.who are going to use you now bad names stick look at me and swan rescue never got a look in after you playing with the wrong people the rspca.i never did a thing wrong and gone just like you will,and you will have deserved it.all for the sake of letting go of jj.

  7. Seems to me that the only thing that is happening now is point scoring. It don't matter about a bird plucking but what IS IMPORTEANT and must be known is whether Vikky is lying! Get real; please get those birds back together, as far as I can see if these birds need to be together it don't matter to the birds where that is!!!! Fed up of reading about who did and said what, point scoring is NOT what is needed here but human beings working together putting aside their differences and working for the good of the birds. And no doubt because I have had a rant this will not be posted!

  8. Flakeyrob - Gullible comes to mind!

    This has all been about not allowing Mylo & JJ to go to the home they were destined for which is the best home possible for them both. It is amazing how you cannot see it. Anything just so Vikky gets her own way.

    She does not care about these birds.

    You can lay blame wherever you like but it doesnt change the truth of the matter, and now Vikky is using the sympathy card to get her own way.

    Lets let the RSPCA do their job and if it is found that this is one more lie for Vikky to get her own way then they will have no alternative but to seize JJ and re-unite them both.

    We would hope here where Mylo is now settled where they were both destined in the first place before Vikky spat her dummy out and started lying at the expense of these two birds and their welfare.

    Once again Adele holds the key to the question!

    The pawn in Vikky's game.

  9. Again I now see what is being said, someone dares to disagree with you and out comes another name calling session, fair enough but 1 thing I know for sure from all I have read on here you aint in this for JJ and Mylo you're in it to get 2 birds no matter what. You must feel so secure in your ivory tower well no matter your reputation will preceede you no matter where you go as for me well am off to find the truth for myself and it won't be here where I'm subjected to daily doses of brainwashing and name calling.

  10. flakeyrob see where you coming from but its a case that milo is ill and under the vet,so dont you think its best for jj to go to milo.it just could be that jj may have the same problem as milo.the birds where destine to go to carons but evrey think went upside down when vicki showed her authority .this is about face on the side of vicki not the birds.this is not a one of it will happen again and again if vicki dont get her way. its a verry sad case but will get there in the end at a cost to the birds.

  11. Flakeyrob, I expect you to come back with an apology after your last comment when this is all over.

    Nobody likes what has happened, and there are 2 birds in the middle of it who deserve to have their rights protected, so that they can have the best possible life afforded to them.

    What would you have done in this siuation?


    You would have handed Mylo back the very first day, and Vikky would have been able to continue with her abhorent behaviour against animals and people.

    Everything is being twisted...

  12. flakeyrob if it was as you say caron just wanted the two birds for free ,dont you think caron could have as many birds as she wanted with out these two birds,has she as freinds that rescue parrots she could have as many as she wanted ,she could have sent milo back and had no trouble, but no she chose to fight for the birds and take a load of shit with it.why becase she knows if milo went to jj all ther problems will start all over again,from adels to where then.is vicki going to spit it out again and yet move them again and again just because they dare to say some think that she dont like.

  13. mick-sue fisher said...
    flakeyrob see where you coming from but its a case that milo is ill and under the vet,so dont you think its best for jj to go to milo.it just could be that jj may have the same problem as milo.

    if thats the case then jj cant travel see you just turning it around yet again and as said jj is under the vets

    dave just so you know my name

  14. Dave, she is plucking because she misses Mylo which is not an illness, and according to our knowledge but we might be mistaken, she was booked in for a microchip on this day.

    No mention of the injured foot though that happened when they attempted to move both birds into a small dog crate.

  15. dave if she has the same thing as milo at least at carons end she is going to see a vet,has jj been to the vet due to her foot are they getting the treatment that they need at ukpr.dont think so.if she has a under lying problem it needs shoting now .whey knowing that milo was ill did ukpr not have jj tested the same week.

  16. i wasnt talking about her plucking as sad as that is read it again
    mick-sue fisher said...
    flakeyrob see where you coming from but its a case that milo is ill and under the vet,so dont you think its best for jj to go to milo.it just could be that jj may have the same problem as milo.
    last line just so you dont miss it or try to hind it
    the way i saw that if jj has the same problem as mylo you are saying its ok for her to travel to you but mylo cant travel to adels .. and just to add the test the vets have done on mylo are taking too long and good vet would have the results back within a week so treatment could start

  17. flakeyrob... I fail to see where you were called any "names"?! I also cannot comprehend how anyone can construe a clear statement of facts and the truth as "brainwashing"!!!

  18. Furthermore... If you are "fed up of reading about who said and did what" May I suggest you find alternative reading material?

    Close the door on your way out chook but please don't slam it.

  19. Thank you Dave, I shall pass your recommendations on to the vet in question. But must ask why on earth you are wasting your time writing on blogs when you obviously have such distinguished avian veterinary qualification to be putting to better use?

  20. UKPR Watch said...
    Furthermore... If you are "fed up of reading about who said and did what" May I suggest you find alternative reading material?

    Close the door on your way out chook but please don't slam it.
    There ya go yet again! What's wrong with you woman? Can't take a knock but boy you sure love knocking ppl about. Don't worry I got past the slamming door stage years ago, I will close the door quietly on my exit, but you know what they say as 1 door closes another opens (wink). I won't wish you well as it appears this has been nothing more than a vendetta because a hormonal woman did not get her own way. Byeeeeeee

  21. Now, now flakeyrob no need for the bitchy tirade.

    Oh and for your personal information... I'm a bloke not a woman!

  22. Also why now is every comment being vetted ?

  23. Close UKPR for good... We are unfortunately having to limit the comments as the same questions are being repeated over and over despite being clearly answered in the articles and posts. Furthermore, as you have stated people do not want to read the personal attacks and insults that some parties have stooped to.

    Unfortunately there is a lot of material here for people to read and in an effort to cut this down somewhat we have felt it necessary to moderate the comments section.
