Thursday 19 March 2009

Vikky's UKPR donation policy

Following on from: Something to think about

Update below

In Vikky's defence of people claiming that she is selling rescue birds, including trying to sell a Cites listed bird which is highly illegal within the UK, she has stated the following:

Vikky's quote: B. No ukpr bird is sold, people pay a minimum donation if they want to to cover costs,its not a case of if you dont pay you dont get.

Image: Rules regarding UKPR's donation policy

It is clearly stated that it is not a case of if you dont pay you dont get!

This claim is completely contradictory to what a former UKPR ACO has stated about the 'donation' side to rehoming rescue birds.

A Triton Cockatoo named Pebbles was offered to Caron on an emergency care basis with a view to long term fostering, but because she would not pay the £150 'donation' fee for him, Pebbles was prevented from reaching his destination and had to stay with his present carer.

If my memory serves me correctly, it is my belief that Pebbles was offered to another person as well who also would not pay the 'donation' fee for him (correct me if I am wrong).

So Pebbles the expensive Triton Cockatoo then ended up with one of the UKPR founders who did not have to pay the 'donation' fee.

This same ACO shared another similar story where another rescue bird was prevented from going to its new home until the £50 'donation' fee was paid.

Image: Pebble's and Lola's fee

ACO's quote: Surely if a donation is a fixed fee, then it is not a donation (gift)? It is then a price for a sale instead? It certainly covers more than an admin fee. Plus the £50 Vikky made on Lola didn’t go to any of Lola’s up keep, that came straight out of my pocket. So the £50 Vikky received was pure profit which she received cash in hand from the fosterer.

Does this sound like, as Vikky states concerning UKPR's 'donation' policy, that "it's not a case of if you dont pay you dont get"?

When in reality, is it not really a case of "if you dont pay you dont get"?

How many other past and present ACOs are there who know of similar stories where rescue birds have been prevented from going to their new homes because the 'donation' fees have not been paid?

These are not isolated incidents, they are just a couple of incidents that someone has been willing to come forward and share.

Further reading: UKPR practices


Vikky has tried to rebuff the above situation with Pebbles the Triton Cockatoo by presenting an email where Caron removes herself from being a potential home - Image

How long was Caron left waiting with no word from Vikky after being initially asked to home him?

From the ACO who was dealing with this re-home's own words "In Vikky's eyes Caron was blacklisted from ever having Pebbles" - Image

Are people supposed to wait indefinitely with no communication about what is happening?

You can see why Caron never heard anything - She was blacklisted for being unwilling to pay a 'donation', and how could Vikky then publicly state that Caron was removed from having Pebbles?

She could'nt so left her hanging on!

At least Caron had the courtesy to draw a line under it and withdraw herself from the picture of offering Pebbles a home.

Whilst Caron was left in the dark hanging around not knowing what was happening about homing Pebbles, unbeknown to her he was offered for sale to another person 'Midge' who was again, willing to take him in, but unwilling to pay for the privilege - Image

Because neither would pay for the privilage of fostering Pebbles, and there was no other suitable candidates to try and sell him too, he eventually went to one of the founders of UKPR... Alan.... The Cockatoo breeder... No 'donation' was paid.

Image: Pebbles

Further reading: The business plan

Further reading: UKPR business practices


    When in reality, is it not really a case of "if you dont pay you dont get"?

    Hmm no i do not think it is - I know of a good number of birds who have gone through the process of rehoming free.

    You labour under a self inflicted misunderstanding - you assume each and every bird has a price tag and it does not - you said earlier that your blog was based on fact that is backed up by hard evidence and yet here is an example where it is clearly your perception that you want to word in such a way that others will believe it it has no facts at all that would stand up to scruitany - other than a couple of examples of people who at the time believed your cause was right.

    I have seen the evidence with my own eyes and I know the truth and this is not it!

  2. Read this earlier post Bill-top!

  3. ukpr watch said..
    In Vikky's defence of people claiming that she is selling rescue birds, including trying to sell a Cities listed bird which is highly illegal within Great Britain, she has stated the following:

    I think you should be very careful coming out with statements like that, unless you have infallible evidence to back it up.

  4. You obviously did not read the post: Something to think about

    A payment disguised as a donation is still a payment, and that is illegal to do with a Cities listed bird.

    The evidence is on Mylo's profile which is now in the hands of DEFRA and the police.

  5. Pebbles definitely had a price-tag

    Midge said...
    Well how interesting is all this? I only spoke to Vicky once, and that was enough. I had been approached by someone who knew I had Too's and experience with them. I can never agree with the white Too's being bred and reared as pets, they are way too needy a bird to be someones toy for a while. But when I was asked if I could take on Pebbles, a so called GSCockatoo, I said I didnt need another Too, but was willing to speak to the woman whose number I was given. I spoke to Vivky and told her who I was, and she said she had been waiting to hear from me. She told me all about Pebbles and seemed happy that I knew what I was doing with cockatoo's. Then I said but I really dont intend to 'donate'£150' to take him on. My exact words were, 'I dont need another cockatoo, but maybe Pebbles needs me' a deadly hush came over the phone, and then,'Oh, well we need to discuss this with(the person who first approached me) and I will get back to you' I am so glad I didnt hold my breath, I was worried where the bird would end up, so asked around,he was homed with a UKPRmod, who had already had to give up one Too because he bit her and scared her!! and then poor Pebbles went on to someone else, where I pray he isnt used to breed, how many tame cockatoos die because some grasping moron wants to breed from them? and interestingly enough, if Pebbles was a GS, I would eat my hat!! and not even a hybrid, he is a Triton through and through. Sorry, I had no intention on joining in on this, but stupidity and incompetence and birds being put second to greed and vanity totally leaves me steaming!!

    So you dont pay,you dont get

  6. Thanks for that Robert, we just posted the same as an update.

    Its nice to know other people are watching and seeing through all the b******T.

    God bless you

  7. Again...
    Could you clarify something for me and other members who may not have trawled through pages and pages of information..

    Are you saying that Pebbles has gone to Alan (a well known breeder) for breeding? Or as a pet bird, to someone who has alot of cockatoo experience?

  8. Make your own mind up Teresa, you're a big girl now, i presume?

    Read the link:

  9. I know the answer, I was asking you to clarify it. After all, you seem hell bent on bringing up the fact that Alan is a breeder...

    Oh and just to clarify something, yes I am a big girl now :)

  10. A question for you Teresa.

    Is Alan a close associate of Harry Sissens?

    You can choose to ignore the question like the faithful few always do, ignoring the truth and facts because it infringes on your UKPR lives, but if you do then you cannot expect us to answer any of your questions can you...???

  11. Heres the answer for you Teresa, and for all of those other interested parties who are now reading the comments section here.

  12. Teresa could you clarify a few things for me ?
    You are another breeder from ukpr, arent you ?
    And Vikky once made a meal out of you cage breeding on a Pl post, as it being a cruel practice.

    Now is Allen a Cockatoo breeder first or a keeper of Cockatoos ?
    This is the guy who paired up his own pet cockatoo of... cant quite remember how many years and put her out into an aviary to breed.
    So to put it past him to breed with a rescue cockatoo, no I wouldnt, would you ?
    Interestingly enough the picture that he staged of pebbles and him on your forum a couple of weeks ago, I dont think the bird looked very comfortable being indoors. And why did Allen have a fleece and a hat on ? mmmmmmmm

  13. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Angus.

    Is this a coincidence?

    There is a dispute about the species of Cockatoo, but Alan believes him to be a GS

  14. For any sensible people reading this, i would just like to ask a pertinent question here because it substatiates much of what has been said about UKPR (Vikky)

    UKPR said...

    I would actually like to thank caron/paul for there blog its been so helpful in ways they will never know,even down to making ukpr more busy than its ever been,like the saying goes all publicity is good publicity,we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing.

    Would any sane minded person ever leave a bird in the hands of UKPR whilst this is all going on with them?

    Are they lying AGAIN?

    The only thing the ever comes out of their mouths is something to make them look like smelling of roses.

    They can look like smelling or roses but they could never smell of roses because the truth is the truth.

    Its all a delusion and people believe it!

  15. ukpr watch, you asked if Alan was a close associate of Mr Sissons? No he isnt... If you ask is Alan a friend of Mr Sissons, then I must say that he is. He is someone that can be called upon for advice, after all in Caron's own words.. His knowledge should not be lost or dismissed because of is past

    Angus, you asked.. If I am another breeder from ukpr, well, I suppose if you call selling 1 baby celestial in the last two years breeding, then yes I am...
    Also you asked about the cube breeding thread. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions on things dont you agree?
    I cant answer your last question I am afraid, as I dont know. I do know however, that Pebbles or no other cockatoo, has been used for or will be used for breeding.

  16. Does Vikky view UKPR as a business or a rescue?

    You decide!

    Anonymous said...
    Quote: I would actually like to thank caron/paul for there blog its been so helpful in ways they will never know,even down to making ukpr more busy than its ever been,like the saying goes all publicity is good publicity,we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing: End quote

    This goes to show your mentality, most rescues would be saddened by the fact that there were "so many birds being offered", a stange term to use, but not you, you celebrate this fact and are happy that your forum is buzzing and thank caron and paul for their help. This is nothing more than a glory trip for you VIKKY
    If what paul/caron have done has made you lift your game, then that is something that has been achieved. If you get a few more like them along the way you might reach a standard where you can call yourselves a rescue and stand alongside the likes of jebirds- Parrotcare.
    This blog is not about milo and jj, its a big ego trip and your last post just proves that

    21 March 2009 12:19

    This blog has stated in earlier posts that the UKPR concept run by the right people is a good one.

    Run by the wrong people, this is what happens!

    So no disrespect to all those UKPR workers who are doing a good job at what they do, and staying well out of the way of this very public expose of those who are presently behind running your rescue.

  17. Well, Well, Well,LOL

    Some person called anon. who pretends not to be anything to do with ukpr LOL complained about you here censoring posts and guess what

    "Your comment will be visible after approval."

    looks like the leader has spoken

    No solution being sought now I guess

  18. Same old story: Vikky's way or the highway, and any disagreement means silencing at all costs.

    First the banning on her forum, and now the censoring on her blog.

    Due to the meaningless barrage of repetative questions from UKPR that have been answered time and time again, it was decided to moderate them to stop them from clogging up the threads.

    Any intelligent comments posted, whether pro or anti will be published.

  19. A question Teresa, and please think carefully before answering.

    Has Alan H ever arranged for rescued Cockatoos to go into the hands of Harry Sissens?

    "I dont know" is not a sufficient answer because you have the means to find out the answer to the question properly.

  20. Teresa said...
    UKPR watch. If you have any more questions about myself or my breeding, I would very much like to go through it with you, however, this isnt the place to do it. You know how to contact me, please feel free..

    21 March 2009 16:05

    UKPR Watch have not been asking you about your breeding Teresa, i think you will find that it was Angus asking you the questions.

    My question above still has not been answered, and you were the one who came her for the debate?

    Please can you answer the question...

  21. All throughout this blog's comment section, UKPR have been asked to answer very simple relevant quesions.

    Once again those questions have been ignored!

    Teresa said...
    I am sorry ukpr watch, it wasnt you who asked.. But no strange as it may seem, I didnt come for the debate. This really has nothing at all to do with the original reasons for this blog..
    I will happily get involved with things that I can answer truthfuly, you yourself surely couldnt ask anyone to do more than that can you? But of course if the truth always seems to manage to get twisted to suit whatever the issue is at the time.
    One other point. As soon as I get the answer you require then I will give it to you. Although I am not aswerable to you or anyone else.

    I think Teresa & UKPR will find that the question is very relevant to this blog.

    It seems i will have to answer the question for them, seen as though Teresa is unwilling to answer it.


    This man is obviously a person with a vast amount of experience and knowledge, but should a bird rescue organisation who are being handed birds from the RSPCA, be giving rescue birds to him?

    Harry Sissens


  23. A statement from Vikky.

    You have to ask yourself the question; how does she view UKPR?

    A rescue for defenceless birds who have found themselves in need of human help and protection.


    A business making money from birds who need help and protection.

    When reading this i had images of a call centre switchboard going manic, trading and selling.

    It fits perfectly with what this post has stated and was written yesterday, 2 days after this post went up.
