Tuesday 3 March 2009

Vikky & Her New UKPR blog

There is nothing to hide here because the truth always stands under scrutiny. It is only the truth that has been written by myself on this blog, and by all those people who have commented here with their own personal accounts because they have all added their names which proves they have nothing to hide.

This blog was set up to inform everyone about the circumstances surrounding the delivering into my care of Mylo the Military Macaw as I was gagged from speaking about my experience by being banned on the forum and the thread removed (sound familiar?) Also to give other 'voiceless' ex-UKPR members a place where they are able to speak out about their own mistreatment and the mistreatment of the birds in their care at the hands of Vikky (UKPR.) To be able to form a clearer picture of what is really going on for the sake of birds currently in their posession and to hopefully prevent other birds ending up in their hands.

If I myself, have witnessed and experienced these things at the hands of Vikky and UKPR then God only knows what others have too.

Considering UKPR have a professional forum with which to speak about who they are, you have to ask the question; why have they now set up an amateur blog?

Scared comes to mind!!

Why not just allow the forum to be an open house for some honest debate with change implemented when change is due?

They do say: "Imitation is the highest form of Flattery" (thank you Vikky) and shows just how worried Vikky really is about what is now unfolding.

If you read the thread that was removed from UKPR you will see that it never had to get this far if Vikky had accepted her mistake over JJ and Mylos well being and rectified it. But no, she could not find it in her soul to muster enough humility to do this, like with every single case before. So we had no alternative but to take the course of action that we have, because she demanded poor Mylo back and would not back down even though it was not in the interest of his long term welfare and she knew it.

Some things in life are meant to happen, not just for ourselves, but for the sake of others. We have stood our ground over our mistreatment and have called others who have experienced similar mistreatment to stand with us. This has never been about bringing anyone or anything down, it has been about getting to the truth for the sake of vulnerable birds and then letting things take their natural course.

As a rescuer, Mylo is now in my care, so it is my duty as a human to give him the care he is due, what his original owner would expect, so I will fight for his rights against anyone who I feel does not have his interest at heart - The removed UKPR JJ & Mylo thread speaks for itself

Either UKPR is a non-profit rescue service for vulnerable pets, or it is a business for bird breeders disguised as a rescue to milk the pet bird market - Judge that for yourself!

Vikky, a known breeder setting up a bird rescue and then abusing birds placed into her care by unsuspecting pet owners by allowing rescued birds that have been signed into her care to end up in the hands of other known breeders who are also UKPR workers so as to become money making machines for the pet bird market. That is what the facts clearly show.

So Vikky should be scared now that the truth is being brought out into the light, with people challenging the serious mistreatment of the pet birds that have ended up in her care, for the sake of those birds that cannot speak for themselves.

As bird lovers and rescuers it is our responsibility to defend the rights of the animals we are passionate about.

Please do drop by her blog and leave your comments because she cannot ban you from there like she does on her own forum. So go air your views and experiences for others to read or just ignore her and help us build our case for the closure of UKPR and endeavour for the birds signed into their name impounded and then rehomed by the RSPCA for their future welfare.

Here is: Vikky's blog

Remember that she still has her team of sycophants to defend her and her position on the blog though, exactly like on her forum.

She has now left herself completely exposed to the 'truth' that we all carry with her new blog, so lets see how this pans out and how long it lasts now that she can no longer silence and ban you. That is of course unless she moderates all comments posted.

The sinking ship analogy comes to mind and desperate measures are now being resorted to.

I will not rebutt everything Vikky writes but wanted to let any followers of this blog know about her blog so thought I would rebutt a few points in her first article in the interest of debate for those bird lovers who are still sitting on the fence here: UKPR: "Truth behind the slander"

Here are a few points taken from her post that highlights the type of people we are dealing with here. Please click image link to see the points in question:

JJ & Mylo and the injured foot
Image: slander - injured foot

As everybody knows, this has been a bonded pair of Macaws, so why after 6 months together without incident would they suddenly fight out to the point of blood drawn injury several hours before they were due to be transported?

Bit of an unbelieveable coincidence dont you think?

Isnt it more likely that in the process of the two nervous and harassed UKPR workers trying to catch the birds and place them both in one small dog cage that the birds started fighting due to being stressed and placed in one small cage together?

Which do you think is the most likely scenario of the two, without being there?

As these birds were an inseperable pair, why after the birds fought with one of them being injured did UKPR then split the birds up and transport one of them rather than keeping them both together?

Should they not have stayed together or be transported in seperate cages in the first place and not the one dog cage?

The issue of the cage
Image: slander - cage

From the start of this contention over the cage it has never been about my desire for a 'freebie' cage, I have more morals and integrity than that. This has always been about the principle surrounding the issue of the cage and how UKPR are lining their own pockets at other peoples expense and at complete detriment to the birds in their care.

Notice how Vikky is shouting over this point with her words written in capital letters!

The perfect story about scent
Image: slander - the scent lie

(This is the best of the three examples highlighted.)

Jamie the UKPR driver has stated that both myself and my partner were 'scented up' so this is the reason why Mylo was dripping profusely from his nares 24 hours after he arrived at my home.

This is the same Jamie who is the UKPR enforcer as can be seen on this comment thread, and the same person on this photo thread with him being cautioned by the police for his actions in the course UKPR business. He is also a bird breeder by his own admission the same as Vikky.

I have 14 birds of my own and have had birds all of my life so I'm perfectly aware of the importance of air quality and possible airborne contaminants with birds. To this end my birds are housed with a state of the art air purifier. So I would know if there was any possibility of scent making Mylo's nares water. That does not remove the fact that to say we were both scented up is a complete lie, considering I rarely wear perfumed products and had been waiting in all evening for Mylo to arrive and my partner had just travelled to York and back.

And if Mylo did have an allergy to scent, then why was there not once any mention of this to me when UKPR asked me to care for him?

This lie has been Vikky's weak attempt to try and cover up UKPR's serious misconduct over the failure to have Mylo checked over by a vet, and his aspergillosis condition cleared up before leaving the care of UKPR workers, and you will see that she states that this is FACT as if everyone should believe her.

Under this short paragraph of lies she has gone on to say: The above is all truth and nothing has been fabricated at all.

Why on earth would you say such a thing at that precise moment?

She knows she is lying through her back teeth and needs to write that to make even herself believe her lies.

You judge what is written for yourself.


  1. I hate to be the one to point this out but it has been stated on UKPR and their blog site that Mylo has a reaction to scent and sprays....which begs the question WHY was he being exposed to them in the first instance..??? Surely anyone with half an ounce of parrot/bird knowledge is aware of how dangerous such things can be to a creature with such an advanced and delicate respiratory system as these..???

  2. You would have thought this would be one of the first things mentioned in Mylo's profile when he was up for foster. It's quite unbelievable that they didn't. Even then, the potentional homes for Mylo should have been vetted to make sure Mylo wouldn't be exposed to damaging scents.

  3. where has the ukpr forum gone??
