Wednesday 4 March 2009

UKPR members: Time to jump ship!

Now is your time to jump over-board before this sinking ship full of 'freebies' you are all sailing on goes under and drowns you along with its 'Captain'.

This isnt about you, this is about how Vikky has been running UKPR at the complete detriment to the birds in her care, the foster carers who were duped into helping vulnerable birds that came in through the forum, and then subsequently abused by your 'Captain'.

You have been warned!!!

If you have birds in your care please sit tight if they are in a loving, safe environment, and contact us in the strictest of confidence if you are worried in anyway.

We do not care about any allegiance or friendship you may have with Vikky, this is not about her, this is about the birds signed into her care.


  1. Vikky is now moderating all comments being posted onto her 'UKPR The Truth blog'.

    What a suprise!

    Was good getting the truth up while it lasted.

    See how none of the current UKPR members dare comment on here other than Jamie the UKPR hench-man who started off with threats of violence and intimidation the first night this blog was up.

    That course of action might work with some people but Im afraid not here!

    This is same person who went around a poor ladies home mob handed to seize the fostered UKPR bird that was in her care. He at this present moment in time is her new owner and has her in his own home because we have seen her for ourselves. That was before knowing her story.

    The bird is still microchipped to its original owner too.

    Watch this space...

  2. Response to a comment from Vikky's blog before it gets deleted and mine never being published.

    claire ukpr aco said...
    I was the one who sadly did the home visit on caron, and I say sadly because she certainly had me fooled. You talk of your hate of breeding birds Caron, how is that? Dont you remember you little chat with me about a certain Black Palm Cockatoo that a breeder friend of yours has. Your friend sometimes has him and so do you, you said how desperate you were to get the 7grand you needed for your share in this bird with your friend. How can that be right to share a bird! What about the too you have that is so bonded to you, a truly lovely bird, however, you have a spare cage for him in the hallway that he can be put in when he get Too Much. You also told me you are doing a course at home, is that an acting course? You certainly do play a good role of being a poor inocent woman who was terrified of the THUG that turned up at your door demanding mylo, come off it caron, you and I both know that was totally untrue. Freebird, I worked in customer care for 5 years and have excellent people skills and certificates to prove it was I sad enough to have to prove anything to you all. I once, in the office, not on the public forum asked you to stop disagreing when I answered a question about a sweat shirt materiel being used as a play tent, you said they would get there feet stuck in the sweater material. As a team we dont make another member of staff look like an incompetent. Your words have suprised me the most to say the least. You were there for me when I had problems with polly and I thought of you as a friend as I did Caron, then you go and stab me in the back. Thats fine, but to all of you who think we are all sheep and followers, look at your site, what are you if not sheep and followers. But, I would only agree with something I think is right, and to hang onto a bird that does not belong to them is wrong, and to keep a bird away from its friend is wrong. But caron, must be you home learning course, you have a very good way of playing with words and making it sound very good. Dont tar everyone with the same brush please, I am with ukpr because I enjoy helping the birds. You are a very dishonest woman Caron and it saddens my sole that you have treated me this way.
    04 March 2009 05:18

    Caron said...Claire, There was no acting going on when you visited my home. I was happy to introduce you to my birds and the happy, healthy environment they live in. Nothing was hidden and nothing was lied about. You, yourself commented on the forum about how impressed you were. Did you not?

    As for my wish to share the cost of a £10k bird in order that she can stay in a loving home with an owner she adores... What is your problem with that?

    Lala the U2 is indeed a beautiful, special bird, as are all my babies. She was brought to me to care for as she displays some of the classical emotional problems that hand reared 'toos are so susceptible to. At the time of your visit she was becoming overwraught and was put into a cage in the hallway with treats to occupy her for both yours and her own safety. Your problem with that is what exactly?

    Yes, I have friends who breed and have no problem with responsible, caring, breeders (with the exception of Cockatoos) This isn't about breeders it's about amongst other issues, an organisation that takes on pet birds to pass on to breeders.

    I have never in my life, sold or bred a single bird and never will do but that is my personal ethics and I understand that others have theirs.

    As for 'hanging on to a bird that isn't mine' I have no intention of 'hanging on' to Mylo. He is here pending an RSPCA investigation into the best place for him to be reunited with JJ. I sincerely hope that will be as soon as possible and please just remember UKPR separated JJ and Mylo... NOT me. See my blog for details.

  3. Pathetic that she still feels the need to moderate comments. I don't understand, if Vikky has nothing to hide, why she feels the need to do this.

  4. This isn't about breeders it's about amongst other issues, an organisation that takes on pet birds to pass on to breeders.

    Where is the proof of the above???

  5. This is same person who went around a poor ladies home mob handed to seize the fostered UKPR bird that was in her care. He at this present moment in time is her new owner and has her in his own home because we have seen her for ourselves. That was before knowing her story.

    And what alot of rubbish that is too.... Yes Jamie went to the house in question and I know who else did, I was there!!!
    Yes the bird is in his care and what is the problem with that? The other as you full well know is with me.. Do you have an issue with me having the other bird as well? If so how about airing that one...

  6. Why was the bird seized from this ladies home in the first place ...............well because the lady had dared to work to keep a roof over her head and her beloved animals and didnt spend as much time on UKPR as Vikky wanted, this bird was in a loving home and being well cared for - so why seize the bird back from a loving home for Vikky's own ego and power trip thats why.....UKPR is not a rescue to me its more of a cult !!!!

  7. Response to Vikky's comment from her blog posted here because she blocks comments from being posted there.

    vicky1567690399 said...
    This will be my oppurtunity to give my side of the story with the questions being asked of me,and to put to sleep the rumours and the gossip of the wishfull thinkers,but first anyone reading this will need to understand that whilst being part of a rescue has many rewards,it also has pitfalls associated with freebie hunters,hoarders and those seeking self glory,unfortunately,in my short time of being involved in the rescue world,i have come across many of these who claim to have a love and devotion for birds and their welfare,sadly some do have us fooled,they have experience and knowlege,but underneath lyes a side to them that is prepared to do and say anything to get something for free,so sadly as we find these types of people out,and remove them from the rescue,they seek revenge in which ever manner they can,and i find it only practical for them that they have all chosen to congregate in one place,where all of their nasty and evil little thoughts and assumptions can bounce off each other at how they can seek revenge,well as you will see in this blog,i will answer one by one those who have questioned me,and i hope they will realise how foolish they have been in their remarks,as 1 by 1 i shall show them all that they are not only wrong,but worst of all,they have been malicious and deceitful with each other too,the truth will always out itself,and so the truth of inside UKPR begins
    please feel free to share on this blog your stories of UKPR as we know we have many very happy supporters......UKPR is here to stay,whatever the weather

    This woman truly is deluded.

    This has gone way beyond a disagreement where people have to defend themselves on a blog, it has gone into the realms of criminality, with one UKPR worker already with a harassment warning hanging over him from the police, and we have not even yet lodged the formal complaint with the relevant authorities, accompanied with all of the evidence.

    So defend yourself all you like Vikky but the truth is out there now because you cannot ban and silence the truth from being told on this blog.

    Just keep calling us liars it doesnt matter, the truth on this blog is very clear for all to see, even those sycophants you surround yourself with.

  8. Good grief, so by taking off the 'rescue' forum to which anyone asking any questions and not doing as they was told & by not allowing to post on her blog without it being checked first is allowing the truth to come out ????? Does she think really that everything is that stupid now they cant see through the lies & about trying to brainwash.....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The following posts have been made on Vikky's blog. As any response from myself will be deleted they are replicated here for everyone to see.

    spirit said...

    as i said before ukpr watch you are breaking a harasment warning as our the members of your blog by following you this is a criminal offence please refrain from anymore posts as prosicution shouldnt be nescersary.

    i am a member of this blog under spirit i was a member before you and your members joined you are breaking the harrasment order by following me this will be repoted to cleveland police as harrasment
    04 March 2009 18:41
    spirit said...

    ukpr watch you are breaking a harrasment warning on this blog by posting. you are soliciting your memebers of ukpr watch to post this is against the harrasment warning i have warned you once any further posts are a criminal offence by you or any members of your blog a hard copy has been taken and will be handed in to cleveland police and my solicitor i have warned you once
    04 March 2009 18:45

    'spirit' was obviously so impressed with his post that he felt compelled to repeat it!!!

    The fact of the matter is... NO harrasment warning has been issued against me. Yet again, ANOTHER BLATENT LIE!!!

    Perhaps in your state of agitation, you misunderstood the Police Officer who issued YOU with a written harassment warning outside of my house?

    If this is the case I suggest you contact Cleveland Police for clarification of the terms of YOUR warning.
    05 March 2009 02:58

  11. Oh Alan I love you, you are so predictable.


    Now and then a cocktail will have eggs that have produced young, as the baby will stay in my closed aviary (no further birds added to it) that is not a problem.

    Yes four years ago on the death of Wugger my beloved Macaw I was ready to give up rescue (I found the heartache too much at times) and was offering MY OWN TRITON FOR SALE this lasted a couple of days and I was back rescuing a GW Macaw and Sophie was no longer for sale.

    Sophie is not a "sulpher crested cockatoo" she is a Triton and I am sad to think that a breeder of cockatoos is unable to tell the difference.

    I am sorry you find my answers "vague" I tried to answer all the questions as clearly as I am able, unlike yourself who doesn't like to answer any questions put to you.

    Are you really being serious when you say, I quote, personally i believe this little exorcise was planned to gain trust from UKPR to get mylo and JJ and pass them on to june but when only mylo turned up it put a spanner in the works ! with all the talk of getting mylo and jj back together in a neutral place my bet is they are planning on suggesting junes, but probably not now LOL
    now that is one rescue that does need outing ! end of quote.

    I have 21 Macaws why would I want two more both needing long term veterinary care. Are you mad or do you think I am?

    Two days ago I had my RSPCA inspection and passed with no problems at all in fact they were very happy with my set-up and the birds and the treatment they receive here, I did speak to them about the UKPR "rescue" among other things and showed them the forum and the posts made by me and the posts made by yourself and others, these were all copied off so that they could have a hard copy.

    I can now point out that a member of the said forum is in fact one of my RSPCA inspectors and has been for some time.for all I know he could be a member of your forum!!!!

    I would much rather have people start out against me and then find Parrotcare to be an honest,truthful and trust worthy rescue that they can feel comfortable with, than have people start out fully supporting me only to feel the need to "out" me a few months down the road, wouldn't you??

    If the RSPCA feel that they would like to place these birds with me until the have finished their investigation then I have the room, love and veterinary treatment to care for these two birds or any others that might need a home.

    In the last two weeks we have taken in 114 birds and found brilliant homes for 97, so we are perfectly able to cope with large numbers of birds coming in at once.
