Saturday 7 March 2009

Another update on Mylo's situation

Response to mick-sue fisher's comment on the "Response to Alan.h of UKPR" post.

with all this arguaring has every one forgot about milo and jj .think we should have a up date on if they are being reunited.would be nice to know.

Following on from Thursdays update

We spoke at length to the Northamptonshire RSPCA inspector who is dealing with this case on Friday (yesterday).

We made it quite clear that Mylo and JJ's welfare was our primary concern, and that meant them being reunited. As Vikky would be unwilling to allow JJ to join Mylo here, we had a third party rescue who was willing to take both birds in as an independent care home for them until the RSPCA had investigated this case and decided what they believed to be the best course of action for the pair.

This is a bonded pair of Macaws who have been together, through thick and thin for many years now, so uniting them is our No.1 priority, just not on UKPR (Vikky) terms, on the terms of the RSPCA who are the authority on animal welfare in the UK.

It was advised that Mylo should stay where he is until the swabs taken of his nare discharge have been analysed and sent back to the vet who checked him over so that we can all determine what his exact condition is. The first thing the RSPCA inspector said on the phone was that they knew Mylo had an allergy before they signed the pair over to UKPR.

It was then pointed out to the inspector that Vikky (UKPR) then allowed this bird with a known respiratory condition to be placed into a smokers home, thus leaving poor Mylo (RSPCA rescue bird) exposed to unclean (chemicals) air, which was clearly a breach of her own rules and regulations laid out governing the care of birds that have been signed over to her.

The concern was raised with the inspector that there could be the possibility that JJ too could now have a respiratory condition depending on what is exactly wrong with Mylo, and that JJ was still in the foster home that Vikky initially placed both birds in ie a smoky environment

It was pointed out that due to the fact that the RSPCA had signed over a rescue bird into the care of UKPR with a known respiratory condition, and that UKPR as a supposed rescue service had then knowingly, placed this bird in an environment with damaging chemicals in the air, then it must be the RSPCA's responsibility to seize the bird now this has been brought to light.

What steps the RSPCA have taken over this situation at this present moment is not known by us. Please rest assured that as soon as we are made aware of developments they will be posted on this blog to keep people informed.

We are to call the Vet on Monday and the RSPCA inspector dealing with this case will be calling us.

What happens with JJ in the meantime is in the hands of the RSPCA.

Mylo meanwhile has settled here wonderfully. He happily tucked into a bowl of warm scrambled eggs a short while ago and is currently having a good groom on his T-Stand beside me.


  1. Mylo is stunning, he looks so settled perched on one leg resting, it makes you wounder how much he is missing JJ to have settled so quickly and if they are acctually a " bonded pair " or just companions, from past experience macaws can be real cry babies when stressed.
    Lets hope things can be sorted sooner rather than later for JJ and Mylo

  2. Sounds like Mylo is happy, love the pic of him on the stand aswell.

    I hope that hes able to be reunited with JJ soon :0)

  3. thank you very very mutch for the imfo.and keep up the fight allways remember there is a old saying what goes around comes around.and god dont pay is debts in kind. what a verry nastey person that vicky is to take it out on 2 defencless just go to show what she thinks of all the parrots.££££££££££

  4. Adele my heart goes out to you.
    Please let this be resolved as soon a possible.

  5. Sorry Dorrie, i deleted the previous comment, because Mylo cannot read or reply - Paul

  6. i hope so dorrie,that was my 1st post on any blog, all i want is for mylo and jj to be happy,im not interested in tit for tat...

    me and caron spoke last night on the phone,and i can relax now in the fact that both of them are reciving loads of love and cuddles untill we can sort this sad sad situation.........

  7. why just cause i sent mylo my love from me and jj???????????

  8. Adele please forgive me but if all you wanted was for Mylo and JJ to be happy then we would not be in this situation now.

    If you did, then you would have pressed for JJ to be in the place with Mylo that you all deemed to be the best home for them both.

    This situation with them has highlighted UKPR practices and brought everything out into the open, now we see it is not an isolated case.

    You, Vikky and others do not really care about what happens to these birds or those who have gone before Caron and been in a similar situation.


  9. For whose benefit was that Adele?

    Yours, or those watching?

    You forget what you have doen to this poor little fella over this past week!!!


  10. i havnt done anything to to him ,remember hes not in my care?

    if i was doing things for those watching i would have posted right from the start,like i said im not into bitching i was just sending mylo my love ...

    does no one care how jj is?????????

  11. If you wanted what is best for JJ and Mylo then you would get on the phone tomorrow and arrange for them to be back together either here where they were destined to be before Vikky was offended over being questioned over a cage, where Mylo has now settled, or with the third party rescuer under guidance of the RSPCA as we have offered.

    If you will not do this then how can you say you love them?

    This is what you said yourself!!!

    As i have said, this situation with these two poor birds has highlighted so much more which we now have on file.

    Our No.1 priority is to unite JJ & Mylo but not in UKPR hands.


  12. funny how i get dirty phone calls and emails due to my personal details been posted, but not once has anyone asked how is jj?

    yes caron did last night which made me feel better and i felt better knowing mylo was ok too,i have no issuse with anyone only to get these birds sorted.

  13. People care very much about how JJ is thats why they are here following her and Mylos story, but she seems to be presently residing in the UKPR prison awaiting rescue by the RSPCA, while Mylo sits here with us not knowing where he is going next.

    The blog post above says enough about JJ's current situtation for those reading this, if you read it properly.

    You can play the sympathy card on here Adele but it wont wash with us.


  14. Adele - on your own admission you have only just posted on here - so who could we ask? But now you are here - how is she? We all certainly do care, which is why it's rarely 'Mylo' or 'JJ' who is mentioned, almost always it's 'Mylo and JJ'.

  15. im not after sympathy at all,just the same as you all want.... regarding these 2,a happy ending

  16. Read this post and then listen to what this woman is implying!!!

    Do you really think we need to stoop to their level?

    Nobody asks about JJ here because there has been nobody to answer until you arrived here tonight Adele we are all banned remember.

    Until you called Caron last night she was unable to contact you by telephone as she didnt have your number.


  17. If thats the case then Adele, pick up the phone tomorrow morning and make arrangements to re-unite them.


  18. i just feel stuck between a rock and a hard stone,wish i could go back to last sat,and change things,and we could all be sitting here thinking that went well and they were both happy at carons...

    pauline shes fine thanks,i think the same as dorrie said maybe they are more companions atm,mylo seems happy with caron and paul and jj is fine atm here,but im not saying that to suggest kepping them apart at all,just saying how they are coping atm

  19. Adele, I can promise you categorically that any "dirty phone calls or emails" you may have received have nothing whatsoever to do with either Paul or myself. I can only speak for myself when I say that it breaks my heart that JJ and Mylo have been parted and of course, as I said when we spoke on the phone last night, I care passionately about how she is doing without her companion.

  20. Why O why Adele, cant JJ and Mylo be reunite with an independant 3rd party ? surely in the interest of the birds that is the best thing to do at this moment in time.

  21. Im just here as a bystander Adele watching you abuse these poor little birds because they cannot speak for themselves, and the one whose care you had arranged to place the pair with, which is Carons.

    The blog says it all really onbehalf of those two birds and the others out there now in UKPR hands!!

    If you are not willing to climb down from your UKPR high horse and sort this out so these two birds can be back together, then there is no alternative but for the RSPCA to step in for their welfare.

    They will take one look at that whole of that removed thread which includes your new illness and by your own admission the unsuitable bedroom, plus your smoking around an exRSPCA bird with respiratory problems, then the awkward question bit over the cage that turned you against Caron and placed the future welfare of these two birds in jeapordy, then what do you think they are going to say?

    It is all there in black and white, along with all the other instances of abuse by UKPR.

  22. Agreed Dorrie, in the interest of these two birds that have spent most of their lives together.

    Then let the humans sort out their differences of opinion over their welfare.

  23. caron im not saying it was you or paul,i didnt think that at all, it just one of your links posted my name home telephone number and postcode?

    so at 8000 and odd hits it could be anyone...

    its out of my hands now dorrie,remember im there e/c ,its in the hands of the police and rspca to decide now i think, dont quote me tho,just from what ive read

  24. Not one of the links on this blog has given anybodies personal details out to anyone, so you are sadly mistaken there Adele.

  25. not sure where it is but you posted a vivstreet add for ukpr that had my name postcode and home number on,because i posted the add my details are on it

  26. I would have thought Adele, if Vikky was this most caring compassionate person she likes people to believe she is, she whould be keeping you informed step by step.

  27. You should be more careful using your details for UKPR business then, those images used are all over the internet.

  28. One thing i meant to ask Adele, why is it that UKPR (Vikky) are still saying it is Caron that has refused a 3rd party, when it is obvious here now that Caron is very willing to a 3rd party taking Milo and JJ ??

  29. Dorrie,

    Because, as is abundantly evident to everyone... Vikky is a liar.

  30. dorrie ive only come on tonight to see how mylo is doing and to send him my love,you will have to ask vicky about that,as ive stated im not getting involved with tit for tat,and i dont know all the answers hun

  31. Adele, you could have read the posts or picked up the phone like you did last night, so how can commenting on here see how he is, or send him your love?

  32. Yes I know Vikky is a pathological liar, Sadly I've had dealings with her in the past.

    Adele, I know you wont have the answers as Vikky seems to make it up as she goes along.

  33. Here is the proof of Vikky's lies Dorrie.

  34. paul/caron i have the right to post same as you do?

    im not been nasty or anything am i?
    maybe i didnt feel up to a phone call 2night after the day ive had?

  35. No one says you dont Adele, just dont play games like you tried to do with your first post that was deleted.

    Maybe you should sleep on things tonight!

  36. it wasnt a game at all,it was me saying what i felt at the time....

  37. i could have come on and said this and said that under a different name, no i didnt i used my own name and all i asked was how was mylo,is that playing games?

  38. You will get no sympathy for what you have done here Adele.

    You take the right path and rectify this situation with JJ and Mylo then people will step back and respect you for your actions, failing that the consequences are of your own making.

  39. Your initial comment that was deleted was a blatant attempt to garner sympathy from people, instead of Mylo, he can neither read nor type so it was obvious who your comment was aimed at!!!

  40. OMG - you are all as bad as each other!!!

    UKPR - you come across just as much of a bully as those you are accusing!!

    I'm posting as anonymous as that option is available and as stated right back at the beginning of this whole debacle we were welcome to do so!

    Six of one and half a dozen of the other comes to mind.

  41. adele "not sure where it is but you posted a vivstreet add for ukpr that had my name postcode and home number on,because i posted the add my details are on it"

    UKPR watch" You should be more careful using your details for UKPR business then, those images used are all over the internet."

    pah - you should show more respect towards other's personal details as I'm sure if your details were all over a certain other bolg you would not be very happy either.

  42. Anonymous:

    Six of one and half a dozen of the other does not come to mind, because this is not a petty squabble over a pencil case in the school playground, this is about the care of rescue birds, in this instance JJ & Mylo, and all those other birds out there that are in UKPR (Vikky's) hand.

    If those who are responsible for all of this are big enough to come on to this blog then if they believe that have done no wrong, they should be big enough to defend themselves.

    How can simply standing one's ground and defending one's position be construed as bullying? No threats are being issued from us just a statement of the facts.

    You will find if you read the blog, that UKPR have conducted a campaign of bullying and intimidation to prevent other people from speaking about their experiences.

    If you can see any bullying in the above comments then i apologies if it has come across that way. The continued pleas to Adeles better side came from different people.

    What was pointed out to Adele was that she should not come on here seeking to elicit sympathy from people after what she has done.

    Why should she be allowed to?

    If she rectified the situation then I am sure people would think differently of her, instead she believes she has done no wrong.

    Adele had already posted the advert for UKPR online for anyone to see we simply copied it to illustrate a point that was addressed.


    For all of those people who have been on the receiving end of UKPR's practices, it is amazing the lengths they will go to, to get their own way to prevent and silence the truth from being told. They play absolutely every card in the pack from the banning of people off of their forum, through the threats and intimidation, and then finally the sympathy card. It is no wonder you have found it hard to do anything about it in the past.

    We have several different cases on file now and would ask that others who are reading this to come forward for the sake of the birds in their care and to prevent others suffering at the hands of Vikky.

  43. I would just like to say that I actually admire Adele`s courage in coming onto here and posting, esp. in her own name.
    Adele, I really hope that JJ is ok....and Im sure that you feel as awful about this situation as Caron does. I hope that something can be sorted for the sake of this beautiful pair of birds.
