Wednesday 4 March 2009

The theft of my little green singing finch

In reading this post about my little green finch, please keep in mind Vikky’s accusation here on this link, of me being a ‘freebie hunter’, and Vikky doesnt have any UKPR birds herself because everybody else is looking after them for her!

Updated: below with a comment from the comments section of: Who are UKPR?

Several weeks back a local animal rescue charity I work with called me regarding an elderly gentleman who had two small birds that he needed rehoming because he could no longer care for them.

I went and collected them, returned them home and profiled the two as a Canary and Java sparrow. (I was later to find out that the Canary was in fact a Green Singing Finch.)

As someone who had been a UKPR forum member and sat back and watched what was going on, on the forum since my time of joining, I had watched many people sent to the naughty step (banned) by Vikky in that time. Because nobody is allowed to talk about UKPR experiences anywhere else on the net, and there was no other medium for people to share their stories no one ever knew what people had done to earn banning.

This situation with the little Green Singing Finch that had come into my care, and the situation with JJ and Mylo resulted in me being banned from the UKPR forum and the thread removed, thus silencing the truth from being told about my situation, just like all those times it had happened to other people before me.

I was appalled at the shady dealings and dodgy activities that I had encountered during my brief personal dealings with UKPR including their total disregard for the welfare of the rescued birds. I believed there was no way my experience could be an isolated incident so decided to set up this blog to provide an open forum where other people who had experienced similar things at the hands of UKPR could come forward and share their side of the story and together we could gather a clearer picture of what is actually going on with this ‘rescue’ organisation.

Through my short dealings with UKPR, it is my personal belief, based upon the facts, that the founder of UKPR (Vikky) has seriously lost sight of what UKPR was initially started for, unless that is, she knew all along, which would not surprise me. That being the case, the welfare of vulnerable birds that have been placed into her care as a rescue have become I would say, 3rd place in her list of priorities. 1st place is what her and her close UKPR associates can garner from their bird rescue forum and all of its caring members and bird owners needing to rehome their pets, and 2nd is her pride in never wanting to ever be wrong because she’s the boss of UKPR, even at the expense of the birds.

If we as bird rescuers and lovers, do not defend the rights of birds to be protected from unscrupulous human beings then who will?

As many people reading this blog know, the rescue birds in our care are our responsibility so we should defend their welfare if we are right, no matter what is inflicted upon us by those who profess to be rescuers, who in fact are professional breeders masquerading as rescuers, because it is a licence to print money with no real rules to hold anybody to account.

The only ones who lose out in all of this are the innocent, defenceless birds who become nothing more than money making machines and high value property for those whose signature is on the piece of paper stating ownership.

For instance, look at how UKPR ask potential fosterers to donate money for the rescue bird they are willing to give a new home to, and then they place a monetary figure on their heads, and not a small figure either. The bird is then always (Vikky) UKPR’s high value possession available to demand back at any time, which we are now finding out is a common occurrence with UKPR rescue birds. The foster family who takes on a UKPR bird has the sole responsibility of all costs for the bird for as long as he or she is in their care. So UKPR (Vikky) owns every high monetary value bird that is out there now which has passed through UKPR hands. A sentient creature that has a loving family caring for it, who I should expect after hearing some of the stories now coming out, is petrified of the knock on their front door from the UKPR heavies demanding the bird back who they have bonded with, has adjusted to their new home and is now living with them as part of their family.

The question is; where does all of that donated money go that foster families are paying for the rescued birds they are caring for?

I wonder whether or not you are allowed to ask for a donation towards a rescued bird if you are not a charity?

That was until the finch episode that played out across telephone and email away from the UKPR forum with Vikky, and the cage scenario that did.

Back to my little green finch:

He came to me with his Java Sparrow cage mate came in a nice spacious cage and settled in my home enchanting us all with his heartbreakingly beautiful song. For me he could happily have stayed with us but I noticed that he spent most of his day flitting to and fro from his little mirror brushing his face against his reflection which I found very sad and decided that a good home with others of his own kind would be the best situation for his happiness.

I posted on a thread on the UKPR forum to rehome the finch and sparrow, but sadly within 24 hours of the move, the little sparrow died so I was left with the responsibility of homing the finch alone.

I was contacted by Pauline, another UKPR member (also now banned from the forum!) who has an aviary and offered to take my little green singing finch in and give him a home with her finches. I agreed, hesitantly, might I add, because I had become very fond of hearing his beautiful little voice but knew the best place for him was in an aviary with other birds. I did say at the time that I would not let him go to a home if he was just going to be stuck in a cage somewhere because if that was the case I would have kept him with me because he was no trouble and settled in well.

This scenario with my finch played out on the UKPR forum at the same time as Adele and Vikky asked me to take in JJ and Mylo. So it was arranged that I would drop off my finch to Jamie the driver who lives close by and he would deliver it the next day to Pauline before picking up JJ and Mylo to bring him back with him.

So I dropped off the little finch last Friday night and spent some time at the home of Jamie the driver. At the same time Alan (ex UKPR) was there who had also dropped off a canary that was also going to Pauline’s.

Jamie’s first words when he set eyes on the finch was that it is a green singing finch and not a canary (because I had first thought it was a canary), and the second thing that came out of his mouth was that they are worth 60 or 70 pounds, and then I believe he said he used to breed them (don’t quote me 100% on that though).

We didn’t think anything of what was said at the time, it is only now that the real picture is emerging.

During the course of the conversations that night at Jamie’s house, we were told that the aviary at the back of the house was for breeding ring neck parakeets, which he himself clearly states here. We also got to see his badly plucked UKPR Eclectus hen called Cherry, who we now know, has her own sad story which mirrors my experiences on this blog, and the experiences of others posting here. We didn’t think anything more about it, and in chatting Jamie said that he is going to be getting a partner for her. He also told us how female Eclectus’ want to breed all the time, and that she keeps getting out of her cage trying to nest under the table below. Again we didn’t take a second thought over what he was telling us because at the time we never knew what had been going on.

Jamie has denied saying he was going to breed her and that he was going to get her a female partner, but it is my belief that it has been stated that Cherry will not tolerate other female Eclectus’ (can anyone confirm or deny this).

After the course of the conversation and now knowing everything that we do, what do you think our belief is about what Cherry is intended for? And what do you personally think yourself?

(Cherry’s story will be coming soon which adds credence to everything that has happened to me so far. That is if her previous foster carer is willing to tell her side of the story, so please keep coming back.)

We then left Jamie’s and waited for JJ and Mylo to arrive the next day.

Early evening Saturday night I received an email from Pauline (at the bottom of post) telling me that the little green singing finch hadn’t arrived with her. Vikky had met her to hand over the birds that were destined for her only to be told that she is keeping the little green singing finch for herself, that she would be putting it in a cage with another bird.

So Vikky had stolen my little green singing finch that was destined for Pauline, for herself.

Who knows what went on in her mind for her to decide to take possession of my property as if it was her God given right, considering her and Jamie are both bird breeders/sellers and they knew how much these little finches where worth?

Easy to sell a cheap finch for a quick buck than a 1000 pound parrot don’t you think?

Both myself and Pauline were furious at what had just occurred. Pauline because she was expecting my little green singing finch as arranged which had now been ‘claimed’ (stolen) by Vikky, and me because Vikky had absolutely no right to take possession of my finch. Furthermore, because she had no thought about the birds welfare and wanted to stick it in a cage in her front room which was not what I wanted, and the only reason he was on his way to Pauline’s.

I really have not been as furious as I was Saturday evening in a long while over how Vikky had believed it her right to do what she wanted without the slightest thought of anyone else. It was as if me and Pauline meant nothing, and because the bird I wanted in Pauline’s aviary was now in Vikky’s front room in a small cage.

I didn’t know what to do or what to say about what had just happened and JJ and Mylo were on their way so I did nothing and allowed myself to calm down.

As I had heard nothing all day, I emailed Adele to find out whether JJ and Mylo were on their way. I then received a call from her half an hour before Jamie (UKPR driver) arrived, telling me that Mylo would be arriving alone as he and JJ had fought resulting in a nasty injury to JJ’s foot.

Shortly after this Jamie arrived with Mylo but said there was no cage for him despite Adele reassuring me that morning she would had said she would sort one for him.

After Jamie had left I rang Vikky to let her know that Mylo had arrived safely and to ask about the finch. She told me that she had decided to keep the finch for herself and was quite put out and abrupt with me when I said that I wanted him to go to Pauline as had been arranged. Snapping “FINE, FINE, Pauline can have him then!!”

Five minutes later she rang back stating I had called her a thief, (obviously after speaking to Jamie) and that she would call me the next day.

‘It’s only a finch’ was Vikky’s attitude.

Yes it might only be a little finch and not a big Cockatoo or something similar, but it is still a bird (as I hope everyone agrees), whose welfare was my responsibility. This contempt for my little finch shows that there is no concern for the welfare of birds on the part of the founder of UKPR the supposed bird rescue service. They are just possessions with monetary value over their heads.

Then the next day on the back of this situtation I posed the question of the cage that played out on the forum and can be read here: The infamous removed thread

Pauline's account

Caron and I had arranged, on the open forum, that I would have her lonely canary, which turned out to be a finch, and also a lonely canary that Alan had.
Jay offered to bring these down when he went to collect JJ and Mylo, and I was willing to collect them from Adele's.

Then Vikky phones me to say she's got them and will drop them off, we were off to Northampton (needed to buy a new PC) so we arranged to meet outside PC World. When we got there she handed me a cage with just the canary, so I asked if they were caged separately. She said 'yes, but I'm keeping the other one as a friend for whats-his-name (she has a canary, can't remember the name)'. I was so gobsmacked that by the time I took it in it was 'bye, see you later' and they were gone (Shell was with her).

The last time I saw that canary it was still in a budgie cage - I don't know whether it has been put into a bigger cage since. Even though this bird was on a pre-arranged journey from its' owner to the new home its' owner had chosen, Vikky thinks she has the right to just decide she is going to take him. Even though Caron had specifically stated on the forum that she wanted him in an aviary with others of his own kind, not in a budgie cage. And Vikky's angry reaction the next day when Roy collected him - 'I don't know what all the fuss is about - it's ONLY a finch'. She could not see that what she had done was wrong..... And I believe it was because Caron phoned her Sat night and said that she wanted the finch to go where it was supposed to, that Vikky turned against Caron.

Vikky also said to me in her defence (re the finch) that she thought it was a UKPR bird - personally I believe that even if it had been, she still would not have had the right to take a bird that was on a pre-arranged journey to a pre-arranged home.

Update: Courtesy of Midge

Well how interesting is all this?

I only spoke to Vicky once, and that was enough. I had been approached by someone who knew I had Too's and experience with them. I can never agree with the white Too's being bred and reared as pets, they are way too needy a bird to be someones toy for a while. But when I was asked if I could take on Pebbles, a so called GSCockatoo, I said I didnt need another Too, but was willing to speak to the woman whose number I was given.

I spoke to Vivky and told her who I was, and she said she had been waiting to hear from me. She told me all about Pebbles and seemed happy that I knew what I was doing with cockatoo's. Then I said but I really dont intend to 'donate'£150' to take him on. My exact words were, 'I dont need another cockatoo, but maybe Pebbles needs me' a deadly hush came over the phone, and then,'Oh, well we need to discuss this with(the person who first approached me) and I will get back to you'

I am so glad I didnt hold my breath, I was worried where the bird would end up, so asked around,he was homed with a UKPRmod, who had already had to give up one Too because he bit her and scared her!! and then poor Pebbles went on to someone else, where I pray he isnt used to breed, how many tame cockatoos die because some grasping moron wants to breed from them? and interestingly enough, if Pebbles was a GS, I would eat my hat!! and not even a hybrid, he is a Triton through and through.

Sorry, I had no intention on joining in on this, but stupidity and incompetence and birds being put second to greed and vanity totally leaves me steaming!!


  1. oh god u didnt even know it was a green singing finch till i told you. you said there is the canary i said green singing finch you mean

    also the canary seed you left was in fact finch seed oh god so wrong

  2. Canary or finch it doesnt matter it still got half inched enroute to its new home!!!

    Didnt it Jamie?

  3. So Caron left some seed to go with the finch?

    I never got it!

  4. vikky that is apauling of you!!!!

    where is the bird now? did it eventually get to paulines?

  5. Pauline's husband travelled over to Vikky's to take the bird to his rightful owner. Glad to report that he is now happily esconced in Pauline's aviary with her other finches where he was intended to be.

  6. oh good im glad he is in an aviary with his own friends, not couped in a cage, if he was going to be in a cage caron would have kept the finch herself!

    but vikky that is theft!

  7. this Just proves, vicky does not see birds as the beautiful creatures they are, just the price they are worth, and what gives her the right to decide what she wants, she can have.
    they are NOT her birds.
    this is her mistake, she thinks everything is HERS!!
    on the her forum someone has just said to a new member who has a bird to give them, that no birds are used for breeding and none are sold on.
    so if its £100 for a grey, plus other costs, is that not selling them on.

  8. Exactly Pat, then seizes them back when she has an upset with the fosterer and can then charge another 100 pound to foster the bird out again.

    While all along it is 'her' property!

  9. I would have thought that if money changes hands then ownership of anything is questionable. Perhaps it needs someone who has paid money for a bird to stand their ground and let the law take its course, especially when we seem to be dealing with an unregistered organisation.
    I would question if anything is legal about UKPR

  10. Yes I agree Dorie, and it wouldnt suprise me if there is someone reading this now who is just biding their time.

  11. A tiny thought, when a 'donation' is made, is a receipt given? and in that case what does it state that the money is for?

  12. Vikky has now had long enough to concoct her unique version of events on last Saturday. I cannot comment on the parts of the story that took place in Birmingham, Middlesborough etc, only what happened and what was said outside Northampton's PC World. In case it is removed from her blog, here is Vikky's account of what was said :-
    "so when i get there,i said hi,as you do,i said heres your canary,whilst having a good look at his scaly foot,and i said "theres a finch in there to (pointing into the back seat of my car)but i can give him a home no probs with my canary at home" at which pauline replied "oh right ok""

    Notice the "whilst having a good look at his scaly foot".......she never even noticed that he had scaly, and it seems she also never noticed that his wing was drooping slightly too! This looks like a hairline fracture across the humerus which will heal by itself and was probably caused in transit - Middlesborough to Northampton is a long way to go in a tiny display cage. I mentioned the wing to Caron by email on Saturday or Sunday (I can't remember which) and deliberately didn't mention it on here - now you can see why!

    Perhaps Vikky would explain why, if I am expecting a bird that I have offered a home to, I would answer '...I can give him a home' with 'oh right, ok'???

    Vikky's actually words were 'I am keeping (him)'.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Pauline... I have read Vikky's pathetic attempt to whitewash and justify her actions last Saturday and it is laughable. When I rang her on Saturday night to ask where my Finch was as you had not received him as arranged. Her response was along the lines of "He's sat in my front room as a friend for my canary as Pauline was only going to put him in her aviary". I explained that "Pauline's aviary was exactly where I wanted him to go" There was no apology just a very abrupt "FINE THEN! Pauline can have him!"

    This sorry tale only goes to confirm the fact that the woman is indeed, a pathological liar.

  15. pauline said:Perhaps Vikky would explain why, if I am expecting a bird that I have offered a home to, I would answer '...I can give him a home' with 'oh right, ok'???

    So what was your reply may i ask you seem to be avoiding what your response was when told of vikkys intention.....i would have thought a simple '' the finch is coming with me as pre-arranged'' would have been the obvious choice,i also find it odd how the ''alledged''injury has taken nearly a week for you to mention,im also interested to know how many birds you have at your property and have you yourself ever been rspca checked?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I would just like to confirm that, as Pauline said in her comment (above), she did indeed, tell me the day after the canary arrived that he appeared to have a drooped wing as well as the scaly foot that she was starting treatment of.

    When Paul and I saw the bird in a small carrier at Jamie's house on Friday night, he certainly didn't look in the best of health to us either.

    Pauline also explained to me, in her initial PM about not receiving the finch that she was "so 'gobsmacked'" by Vikky's assertion that she was keeping the finch for herself, that by the time she had taken it in, Vikky was back in her car and away. Quite understandable I think... We've all been there and know how it feels to be stunned to speechlessness by somebody's overt and outrageous p*** taking.

  18. Thankyou for your fast reply i was pauline managed to do a visual check and diagnosis of scaley foot and limb fracture but didnt have time to say ''the finch is coming with me too''doesnt wash and anyone reading this explanation wont either,yes we have all been gobsmacked at some point for whatever reason but from what ive read/heard pauline always has plenty to say?.I dont believe this explanation for one minute infact its quite comical if it ever got to a court of law it would be laughed at.Hope your other "witnesses" are more believable.

  19. Er.....when did I ever say I saw the scaley and the wing damage whilst outside PC World? It was you Vikky, sorry anonymous, who was doing the quick diagnosis whilst handing the finch you said!! I saw the scaley once I was back in the car, and saw the wing damage when he was back at home.

    And by the way, I have not only been RSPCA checked, but I was visited a couple of years back by 2 avian vets who had become friends (trained by Neil Forbes) and they were very impressed with my birds and the way they were kept.

    Please be sensible - there is no way the episode outside PC World is going to court - the finch has now been returned, and the only winesses were Roy and Shell, no prizes for guessing what Shell will say.

    I do not mind you or anyone questioning me, but I have not ever been rude to anyone on this blog or on your forum. Please therefore afford me the same courtesy.

  20. Thankyou for clarifying that for me,so your response to vikky due to the shock of what was unfolding was nothing.Can i also ask, (irrelavant to you but not every reader)at what point did either yourself or caron tell vikky the canary was infact a finch?
    Be very interested to know also pauline how many ukpr birds you have and what was the total donation for them all?Just another point obviously paranoia maybe on your part but you seem to think i am vikky,wrong gender try again.It is unimportant who i am as a question is a question no matter who is anking it no different to using sudanems on a forum?
    I mentioned the the word court as everyone is under the impression that a criminal offence has been commited theft of my singing green finch i think the story goes?

  21. Why did Vikky need to know it was a finch?

    The finch which was believed to be a canary was dropped off to the UKPR driver who labelled it a finch.

    It was delivered in a cage to the UKPR drivers home, where he met his travelling companion which was a canary that looked half dead in some type of tiny little carrying box that had been dropped off by Alan.

    So two birds on their way to Pauline.

    Canary, finch, it makes no difference, the UKPR driver knew exactly whose bird it was and where it was going.

    Then it arrived with Vikky who snatched it for herself.

    A bird does not just appear out of thin air as some type of miracle. Would not Vikky have asked; where has this finch come from?

    To which the driver would have replied; Caron lol!!!

    Dont play the nobody knew anything card because it just does not wash.

  22. Thanks for the reply pauline sorry i mean caron,but whilst your here caron can i ask why if the canary at the transporters was close to death ''alledgedly'' and in unsuitable conditions why you were perfectly happy to let a healthy finch travel with such a sick bird and why if in paulines expert opinion and diagnosis of a broken limb did she fail to mention that the canary according to you was a deaths door?.If it was which i doubt it may have been suffering from some form of contagious avian condition thus infecting the finch and quite possibly pauline vast collection if not proberly quaranteed?

  23. Anonymous & for those following this thread of comments.

    Once you have dug your hole by lying, you can never get out of it unless you admit your lie and say sorry.

    That is just the basic fact of the matter.

    If Vikky was expecting 2 canaries from Jamie and when they arrived one was a finch, then absolutely everyone reading this, bar it seems Vikky would have quite logically asked; whose is the finch.

    By Vikky's own admission she asked Jamie if the canary was Alans, did it just slip her mind to ask about this other bird in the cage?

    She knew 2 birds were on their way, and 2 birds arrived, Caron and Alans.

    Vikky said, oh, i have a friend for my 'canary', if you had a canary, what would you put in the cage with it, another canary or a finch?

    Please view this image from Vikky in her own words.

    Lie upon lie upon lie, takes you further into the hole you dug for yourself in the first place because of your actions.

  24. Dear anon - thank you for making me smile! I do love your attention to detail.....

    Let me answer your questions in the order that you asked them:-

    1. My response to Vikky (I'll pretend it's not you) was no more than 'Oh...' or maybe 'Er...' before she said she had to rush off and indeed did so. The 'being in a tearing hurry' was mentioned in Vikky's account of the incident. I am sorry I cannot remember exactly whether it was Oh or Er - there really isn't that much difference if you say them out loud, they are both the normal response to being gobsmaked.

    2. I cannot answer for Caron but I did not mention the canary/finch to anyone other than those whose business it was, i.e. Caron (whose bird it was) and Jay (who offered to bring the bring down to me when he transported Mylo and JJ and who PM'ed me for my address). I had no idea that you, sorry Vikky, was going to be on the scene until she phoned me to say she had them and could drop THEM off to me. Notice she was going to drop THEM off to me so she was well aware that they were both destined for me. I am unable to understand your worries as to whether Vikky knew it was a canary or a finch....I have no idea on the going rate for either, but apparently Jay told Caron that green singing finches are about £70 nowadays (recession notwithstanding) - could that be why you are asking?

    3. I have 1 UKPR bird, which is the remaining one of the 3 elderly tiels. I was phoned back in November and asked if I would take this one, I have signed a foster form and I offered the donation that was current at the time and it was refused. I have some other birds that Vikky has called me and asked me to take because she knows I have suitable aviaries - finches, budgies - maybe half a dozen altogether. These never became UKPR birds. I also had Vikky's own pair of zebras, plus their baby - the parents had lost interest in him as they were laying more eggs so I had to finish off rearing him by hand, his name is Archie.

    And, just as an aside - I am NOT using a pseudonym, as you very well know.

    I have taken time to answer your questions in minute detail. I will soon be going out to drive my taxi - some of us have to earn a living. Therefore if there are any more questions that you have for me please ask them quickly, or you will hve to wait until tomorrow.

  25. Thank you for that link Caron..... in it you will notice that Vikky actually says

    "I then rang Pauline on route and told her I would deliver *THEM* to her"

    How many more times does Vikky need to admit she knew TWO small birds were coming to me!!!

  26. 'Put down the shovel and step away from the hole'... Comes to mind

  27. Definitely - a hole that deep could do some damage if it was fallen into!

  28. Image amended to highlight the 'them' point!

  29. Thanks for the long detailed reply,so you have a dozen birds that in one way or another were rehomed with you via ukpr? you alos state that the donation offered was refused but everywere on the blog it states how ukpr and vikky are just purely money motivated,to end i think everybody now understands you have taken on over a dozen birds through vikky and ukpr and actually paid nothing.....says it all to me and im sure has enlightened may others thankyou

    Caron you still have not answered my question regarding you being happy to transport the finch with a so obviously sick canary.

  30. Anonymous.

    The finch had its own cage, and the canary was there in its own box, they were seperate.

    Simple really!!!

  31. Oh i see,so one possibly contagious bird in the same van as a healthy one within feet of each other is acceptable in your eyes?Would you also consider the same synario acceptable if it was two birds in a lounge aslong as they were in seperate cages? seems you must, judging by your own words.

  32. Goodness me, it's a good job a have a lot of patience!!

    I said I had had maybe HALF A DOZEN birds that DID NOT ever become UKPR birds. Five budgies were rescued from a neighbour of Vikky's - I actually went with Vikky to the neighbour to collect them. Another budgie was in a local pet shop - Vikky called me and I went to the pet shop to collect him, by no stretch of even a lying imagination could this be classed as a UKPR bird! There was also a canary, who had been thefriend of the canary that Vikky now has. When I collected this canary, I was also shown the one that Vikky has and told the story of how it had been in someone's care and had lost its' eye whilst there. I looked at this canary and told Vikky that it had not lost the eye, I could actually see it, although the feathers around it were sticking up at odd angles. I told her that it should be taken to the vet to get eye drops as it looked like some kind of eye infection. I do keep a fair amount of medication here but eye drops are only good for 28 days once opened, so you need to go to the vet afresh for each new eye infection (if you happen to have more than one..). My observation would appear to back the story of the lady who previously had both of these canaries, although I obviously knew nothing of what had happened at the time.

    Then there were Vikky's 3 zebras, as I said, plus the UKPR tiel.

    Now let me go through these very carefully again for you, anon:-

    5 x budgies directly from neighbour
    1 x budgie from pet shop
    1 x canary from Vikky that she had seized from the previous carer and I did not sign any form for
    1 x UKPR tiel that I DID sign a form for.

    Now, anon - use your fingers if you have to - I think you will find I have ONE UKPR bird!! OK?

    I also did mention the fact that Shell (who brought the UKPR tiel to me) did refuse payment for him, no doubt with the blessing of Vikky, because it is the truth. I could have refrained from mentioning it, but I want all the truth to be told, not just those incidents that blacken Vikky. It is only fair.

  33. As Jamie, had made it quite clear that he was knowledgable about smaller birds, i trusted his judgement at that moment in time regarding the transport of the two birds together.

    Now perhaps we can stop attempting to detract from the issue at point here which is the theft of the little green finch by Vikky that was on its journey to Paulines.

  34. Keep using the term theft as much as you like everyone can see it for what it was including your obvious lack of knowledge when it comes to quaranteen issues with sick alledgedly birds.

    Pauline thanks for compiling that list it must have taken some thinking about,now before i pass links PROVING this to be not the case,infact i have documentation of you having 15 birds through ukpr i'll give you a while to compile the true ammount? accepted are the 5 male budgies,1 petshop budgie,1 canary and 1 teil who you did actually sign for even though they were still given over to you care from the founder of ukpr,i can account for 7 other birds you have taken through ukpr so can anyone else reading the rehomed birds section on there forum.I can understand with the ammount of birds you own it must get difficult to keep track once you get past 200 but to loose 7 is more than absent minded?All i can say is its a good job ukpr have records on everybird that has passed through there organisation or these 7 may have been ''lost'' forever..................over to you

  35. Ooh, this is getting interesting - please do tell me which other birds I have been deemed to have had? This is beginning to sound just a little dodgy..... I hope you have my signature to prove what you say?

    If you count all the birds above, you will find they come to 11. If you take 11 from 15 you get 4, not 7 - a mistake that's understandable for you to have made since I guess you only have 10 fingers.

    Even so, 4 birds is a lot to lose - I'll start looking under the bed and behind cupboards.

    Be very careful that you are talking about UKPR birds, offered on the UKPR forum for fostering, and not just birds that have been brought to my attention by non-administrive members on the forum and who I have driven hundreds of miles to collect and paid out for?

    Take your time thinking about this, I would hate for you to look totally stupid yet again, although you really don't seem to realise that you do!! You have plenty of time to mull it over as I really am going to drag myself away from all this now and go out to work.

  36. Keep trying to divert the flak to Pauline all you like Vikky..

    No one is forgetting that this is about YOUR wrongdoings so please take your own issues with any of the commentators here elsewhere and stop littering this article with them.

  37. Just checked my records - I bet you didn't know, Vikky, that I keep records of all the 2 million birds that I have, and I bet they are more comprehensive than yours.

    I had forgotten one - Reggie the blue ringneck, who we collected from Vikky's house on 12th September 2007. This certainly was not a UKPR bird as UKPR did not even start until November 2007. Vikky rescued him and, as in so many other cases, she knew I had a suitable aviary and so asked me to take him.

    You have 3 birds to find now, Vikky.

  38. pauline wrote:If you count all the birds above, you will find they come to 11. If you take 11 from 15 you get 4, not 7 - a mistake that's understandable for you to have made since I guess you only have 10 fingers.

    oh dear and your how old?

    Do your maths again your obviously including the finches if i did the same that would make 18 birds to you via vikky still 7 missing.You also seem to have lost a few tiels,how are benny and teddy and the old teil doing,is the moustache parakket ok,how about pinnin and her friend.

  39. sorry that should have been pippin but typing is difficult with so few fingers

  40. OOOPS missed the ringneck too thanks for pointing that one out so 19 birds and you actually paid for 1

  41. A bit of beer always brings out the bravery in people, it took them long enough to pluck up the courage to get here didnt it?

    Adele and Vikky both on the same night, yawn yawn yawn, all the evidence speaks for itself so there is nothing they say that can change the facts.

    She cannot silence people here though can they?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. "PAID FOR"????... As in 'bought'...What happened to 'donation'???

    We have your IP address 'anonymous'

  44. Im actually t total,what evidence have you got pray tell,hearsay,sourgrapes suppoted by lies and speculation,show me some facts please do,apparently ukpr uses birds handed in to there care for breeding....proof please of it just makes the statement slanderous,everything posted within this obvious personal hate campaign is fabrication by its followers as a direct result is being exposed as untrustworthy on the ukpr forum. Hope your not planning using my ip address for your own personal gain

    ukpr watch said:We have your IP address 'anonymous'

    AND? is that some sort of poor attempt at public intimidation as from what i can see i have posted nothing that isnt fact unlike yourselves

  45. No, not intimidation, just the proof that you are selling rescue birds for once all the evidence is presented to the relevant people to have you investigated and UKPR shut down!!!

    Exposed on the forum that no one can get on to see what is being said because they are all banned... lol Can you not see how stupid that makes you look by saying that?

    It is Vikky's place with her version of things based upon lies for those who still want to listen her.

    We know of several ACO's who witnessed rescued birds going to a convicted bird smuggler and renowned breeder.

    Get out of that one!!!

  46. You and your followers witness so much but you keep using the excuse of all the evidence being in the hands of the relevant people as your reason for not letting all the blog readers see any? like you say over and over the truth WILL come out,and please try to understand that ukpr is bigger than just 1 person and i last time i looked was infact a male please do not keep refering to me as vikky.

  47. Yes the truth does come out Vikky thats why people are coming forward on a daily basis.

    People have just been scared of you because of the hold you have over them.

    This blog is not about followers, we are all in this together, those who want to do what is right have now been given the opportunity with this blog.

    Everyone else is watching the story unfold.

    Watch this space...

  48. a different anon -
    green singing finch - have I read right here somewhere, who knows where as so much is being lifted and reposted that the blog is becoming ever harder to follow.

    Did I read right that it went straight into one of pauline's aviarys or flights alongside other birds?

    Quarantine springs to mind.

  49. QUOTE;you have taken on over a dozen birds through vikky and ukpr and actually paid nothing;END QUOTE

    Vikky and Allen this is NOT a rescue you are trying to run it is a business, STEP ONE, get bird given to you for free, STEP TWO, put a price on the bird (GOD knows how much you charge for a teil)STEP THREE, get one of your "members" to pay you for the privilege of looking after,feeding and loving the bird, STEP FOUR,if you don't like something the "member" has done take back bird and sell again.

    Why bother to breed this is a far easier and quicker way to earn money.

    If you are able to find a kind and caring person who will run and around and collect the birds at that persons own expense, brilliant MORE PROFIT FOR YOU.
    You do not even have to feed or care for it yourself as you have CARE HOMES to look after the bird until it is sold.

    And I bet when you are taking a bird off of someone you will not tell them that you are going to sell it.

    I bet you must have been gutted that you did not get this little Citron hen that was rushed to me so that you could not scare the owner into giving it to you, and what about the Galah that the owner wants back and you told him you do not know where it is,(I guess you will need to find it by the time that comes to court).

    I can tell you now that a group of breeders have documented evidence regarding the things that you and Alan etc have been up to, (they have been collecting this for over a year).and they are really Pi**ed at what you have been up too.

    As the S*** hits the fan Vikky I wonder how many of your friends are going to stay around to get spayed with it.

    You do not need to run Alan the S*** has already landed on you.

    This is not just about Milo and JJ now its about a group of people who started up a money making scam and called it a rescue.

    How many poor people have you duped along the way.

    Anyone who has birds from Vikky and Alan, you have brought and paid for these birds they are yours, the "agreement" is not worth a button.

    How dare you call yourselves a rescue.
    when real rescues are working day and night caring for birds and not trying to find ways to make money out of them.

    A real rescuer will go without food to see that a bird is fed and care for not work out how much to sell it for.

    White Van Man would be proud of you.

  50. Anonymous......

    Here I am, back again. Busy night last night, helped by the rain. So, to continue.....

    Quote - OOOPS missed the ringneck too thanks for pointing that one out so 19 birds and you actually paid for 1 - End quote

    I thought you had records, how come you missed the ringneck??

    Which one have I paid for? Have a bit of sense - you are doing yourself down by trying to prove I have paid for one when I haven't!!

    Quote - how are benny and teddy and the old teil doing,is the moustache parakket ok,how about pinnin and her friend. - End quote

    Benny and Teddy are fine...I have them down as coming from Lorna in Sussex on 2nd May 2008, as I recall she took them in. I cannot remember but I thought it was she who took them in off her own bat but I could be wrong, I don't have the benefit of being able to read all the old posts. Any posts in fact. Jay delivered Benny and Teddy along with Fred the grey, we met him in the Northampton motorway services and we took Fred to Mandy the next day. No forms were signed...

    Moustashed.....I have 3 moustashed - a male that I've had for about 10 years, a female that I got locally a couple of years ago, and a young one that I collected from Shrivenham in Wiltshire (round trip of 140 miles) on 30th March 2008. Now if I remember correctly, Jane Doe brought this bird to my attention - again, I could be wrong but she will remember, she has a very long memory. I believe - yes, it probably was mentioned on the UKPR forum that I was collecting him, so I suppose in your eyes it does constitute a bird that came to me via you......bless.

    Pippin......I have Pip the cockatiel who came from Luton on 18th May 2006, Pippin the female lutino Princess of Wales who came from Bruno's on 21st February 2002 (my birthday, so probably a birthday present), and Pippa a disabled cockatiel who is right here in my office with me, she came from Cirencester on 15th June 2004, via the vets at Stroud as a matter of fact. I have no other Pippas, perhaps I changed the name of another Pippa, but certainly no other birds are recorded as having come from you or via you. But then you claim the most tenuous link.

    Notice something about most of the birds that I HAVE taken that have been mentioned on your forum.....they are mostly budgies, canaries, tiels - not much monetary value, no-one else was interested. But they are of value to me. However, look what happened every time you had a grey up for rehoming - you couldn't keep track of all the offers for it, everyone practically wetting themselves in order to prove how they were the best home etc etc.

    Now, Vikky, let's play a little game, just you and me - bring a bit of levity into the proceedings. Let's pretend I have had 100 birds that have been mentioned on your forum. No - let's make that 200. I'll let you choose the rules - you can make them paid for or not paid for, collected by myself or delivered to me, it's up to you. OK?

    Now......where does this get you? How does this put you in a good light, because this is what this is all about, this is what ANYTHING you do is all about. How you can look good. And since it's impossible for you to look good per se, then you have to resort to trying to look good by making others look bad. So, just how does this make me look bad? And, Vikky - do I care???? I am blessed with not caring whether I am universally liked or not, I have my family and my birds, and that's all that's important to me. Better people than you have slagged me off for their own reasons, one was a real expert! But not you....
