Wednesday 18 March 2009

Adele: More Contradictions

I suppose all people who lie are ‘contradictory’ by a clear definition of the term because what they state is the opposite of the truth, thus a contradiction.

Adele’s post titled: Can I have my say now please?

This all looks good for UKPR, having Adele come out in defence of them and their conduct over Mylo & JJ, but it is all an illusion.

Has Adele openly denied telling Caron about the “Great Big Lie”?

No. Then why not when this was such an important issue concerning her “the eye of the storm” and this is the first time she has spoken publicly?

If what was published was a blatant lie then wasn’t this the prime time to openly denounce it?

Ummm… Why not then?

Question posed to Adele: The appointment

Adele has titled one section of her public announcement “and to answer some facts”

Image: Some facts

Now here are the clear contradictions in Adele’s 'facts'.

1.) “mylo and jj were down stairs for the last two weeks he was here,as i wanted to spent extra time with them before they left!”

2.) “they wernt shoved in a back bedroom,what they had for the 1st 6 weeks was a lovely bird room which they could freeroam,cage and jave tree in there for them loads of toys and i spent many a hour with them everyday interacting and keeping them content untill the Quarantine period was up”

3.) “the 1st day after they finished Quarantine they were brought down stairs,to join my family,and to get them used to again to house hold living”

No. 1 says that Mylo & JJ were brought downstairs for the last two weeks of their stay there, which means they were in the back bedroom ('bird room') for the previous 5 ½ months. No. 2 says that for the first 6 weeks quarantine period they were in the back bedroom ('bird room'). No. 3 says that after the quarantine period they were taken downstairs to be with the family.

Statement No.1 is a complete contradiction of statement No.3

Was Mylo & JJ upstairs in the back bedroom ('bird room') for the period of their stay or were they downstairs with the family?

Image 1 - Image 2 - Image 3

What are we meant to believe if these people do not even know what they are saying when they make public statements? And they say WE have been lying, throwing mud and dragging UKPR's name through the mud.

On UKPR’s fostering profile concerning Mylo they have also stated that he will not have children anywhere near him, and that he will attack people and bite with no notice.

Image: Mylo's fostering profile

Enough to scare most people off from wanting to foster this savage bird don’t you think? And what an untrue description of Mylo the beautiful Military Macaw might I add.

Adele who was emergency caring Mylo was scared of him, and she has a young son, so was this fostering profile based upon her personal experience?

Image: scared of Mylo 1 - scared of Mylo 2

More contradictions…

This from a supposed rescue service, who are being given birds by the RSPCA, just like in the case of Mylo & JJ



  1. i got pics of my son with my bird but my bird dose not like kids at all and will bite if they move but yet i have pics of them together one thing that adel has said you only have mylo he is different when jj is around you have to remember that

  2. Everything is a contradiction Dave not just the pictures, please read the post properly and view the links embedded.
