Friday 13 March 2009


Team UKPR & Greg Glendell

UKPR did not sort this out with Greg Glendell as they have stated as if to create the illusion that we are wrong in all of this. Just remember they are the ones who would have preferred that Mylo & JJ go and live alone in a back bedroom to start with, and now to a small scale rescue rather than stay here in a loving family home.

For the past two days we have been speaking with Greg Glendell regarding the sorry state of affairs that UKPR have put Mylo & JJ in.

Wayne Watkins who contacted us on day one when Jamie was sitting outside of the house waiting for the police to arrive on behalf of Vikky, was our third party who was willing to take the pair in as an emergency.

When people were calling us to reveal who this third party was, we did not in respect of his confidentiality.

We emailed Wayne yesterday after receiving an email from an ex-UKPR e/c mentioning Mr Glendell, Wayne then subsequently had Greg call us to discuss what was going on.

All issues regarding Mylo, JJ and UKPR practices were discussed.

Greg emailed us today to tell us that he would be speaking with Alan this afternoon to see if he could get Mylo & JJ’s ownership transferred out of UKPR hands.

We received an email tonight saying that UKPR were willing for ownership to be transferred to Wayne Watkins. He was sent a lengthy email in which we raised some of our concerns, and received a call from him to discuss those concerns.

We found it quite amazing that UKPR had handed over ownership of Mylo & JJ so quickly, it seems any option other than Caron having them in the home they deemed “perfect”.

Our only hesitation from day one has been that Wayne already has 60+ birds to care for. Caron has only 14 full time residents, so the harsh reality is that Mylo will be going into an environment where, with the best will in the world, there will be a drastic reduction in the level of interaction he receives.

Every morning Mylo wakes the house up so that he can be lifted from his cage, he then spends at least half an hour being played with, scritched and tickled whilst the family are getting ready for the day. He has human interaction all day long with people in the house while sitting on his playstand and is free to roam.

This is a Macaw that has obviously been hand reared who has not been handled for many, many months because the previous carer (Adele) was afraid of him. You can see him sitting on my lap being tickled here in this video: Mylo

It was pointed out to Greg that we felt that going to be in a rescue with 60+ other birds perhaps wasn’t ideal for Mylo having witnessed his very obvious pleasure at being in a home environment.

Greg said that it was best for Mylo to be with other birds, but this is clearly a hand reared bird who loves human interaction as can be seen in the photos, and there are 3 other Macaws here for him to interact with.

What would you think is the best option for him?

Go and be in a flock of 60+ other birds or in a home with a family plus other Macaws where he gets plenty of attention?

If UKPR are willing for Mylo & JJ’s ownership to be handed to Wayne, then why could they not have drawn a halt to the events of the past two weeks by allowing them to be reunited at their original destination???

The destination that UKPR unanimously agreed was the best possible home for the pair.

We are willing for Mylo to leave here and be with JJ but feel that it is not best solution for his future well being which has simply been compromised by Vikkys pride. As you can see from the pictures he is very happy here. His welfare is worth fighting for, and it is believed that being here is the best place for him, along with JJ.

Yes we have agreed for a third party for him to go to so that he can be with JJ as has been written before, but after 2 weeks of him settling in here we feel it would be cruel to uproot him again and knowingly place him in an environment that would be detrimental to his well being.

We are awaiting the RSPCA Inspector to come and write a report for the investigation, they have already told us that Mylo must stay here until the results of the swabs have come back, so we are now the ones stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Allow Mylo to go and be in a rescue with 60+ other birds or continue fighting for what we believe to be in his best interest.

Please could those good people who have supported this blog, email us and tell us what you believe we should do?

Your thoughts and opinions are very much appreciated and any decision we make will be based upon them.

We are willing to carry on fighting for what we believe is right for Mylo.


  1. You know in your heart of hearts what is right for him, you have shared your home with him for the last 2 weeks without his partner, so i beleive you can make a good enough judgment on his future. I can empathise with your situation as it is similar to ours, note it is not to do with ukpr but it is similar. The fight can be long and hard, but if you know being with you he will be happiest then never give up.

    sending support to you all

  2. So now ukpr think it is right that two birds that have always been in a home environment and are so obviousy imprinted shoud be placed in an aviary environment.
    All this has saddened and sickened me, how an organisation who call themselves a rescue have no feeling for the needs of these two birds.
    There is a loving caring home with Caron and Paul which is obvious to a bind man but Vickys ego is bigger than the happiness of these birds.
    This home was good enough for ukpr two weeks ago, why not now ? because there has been a petty disagreement and Caron has dared to question Vicky over a cage ! So what is best for the two birds is no longer important, as long as Vicky gets her own way.
    This has gone on long enough and if ukpr is willing to legally sign over the birds to another rescue then why not just sign them over to Caron and the Home where Mylo has settled over the last Two weeks.
    This should be about what is best for the birds welfare and it needs to stop now.

    As has been posted above, Caron you know in your heart what is best and Mylo has settled there, just stand your ground and dont let these bullies put Mylo and JJ through any more upset.

    If these people want to take you to court, we will gladly sit at the side of you, we support you all the way

    Nil illegitimi carborundum.

  3. There may be 60 birds ,can I ask would Mylo and JJ live in this persons house??? As I imagine most are outside.????

  4. i agree with dorri we will be with you all the way.even if it means court.caron you did all you can have now up to you and what your heart says.

  5. Amazing how this was an open forum and now only your select few are able to post replies..

    Please could you answer my question? Why when this man WAS YOUR third party have you changed your mind and wont allow Mylo to go now???

  6. Read the post Teresa, it seems you have trouble understanding.

    This is a blog and not a forum, and due to the relentless barrage of stupidity from UKPR members it was deemed that comments should be moderated.

    You cant please all the people all the time.

    Our thoughts and opinions will be expressed in the posts published on this blog.

  7. I would just like to add that it's astonishing that the people from an organisation that are notoriously reluctant to answer ANY questions put to them feel they have a God given right to demand answers from whoever they wish, whenever they wish and wherever they wish!

    The following link is a perfect example of UKPR's refusal to accept answers when given and their continued repetative interrogation of people who have nothing to hide.

  8. I completely agree with what Dorrie has stated above, it is beyond comprehension WHY these two beautiful creatures should be placed into an aviary?!? They are imprinted. We have our very own 'product' here of what happens when a bonded bird is separated from its companion and 'shoved' into an aviary because 'its best he's with other birds' and let me say this, with regards to psittacine behaviour it creates what I believe is the avian equivalent of heartbreak. It can lead to and even be the root cause of emotional/trauma related behaviour which can never be rectified or modified within an aviary environment, these birds crave our attention, after all we took it upon ourselves to domesticate these animals, bringing them into our homes, altering their innate instincts for then place them into an aviary because we feel like it, so they can be and do what exactly? = Constantly call out to their 'true' flock, develop stereotypical/non stereotypical behaviours, become withdrawn, become a victim to true 'wild' behaviours of other birds and live out the rest of their lives always missing apart of them, alone. No I don’t think placing two imprinted psittacines into an aviary is in the TRUE interests of their welfare, it is nothing more than a 'quick fix' to a situation which I can honestly say is ridiculous. The scenario whereby children are used as 'tools' of manipulation in a divorce comes to mind, not on your side Caron, but with ukpr. For an 'organisation' that addresses themselves as the United Kingdom Parrot Rescue, there is no 'real' unity, only with themselves.

    Stay strong

  9. you got to just think who parted the birds in the first place.why because vicky spit the dummy out and wanted the birds back.must have been a spoilt kid.stand by yer guns caron and paul.we know the truth and so does him up got to remember when its over we all go the same way in a box you carnt take all yer money with you but we all meet the maker him self that is when we all have to worry.

  10. Agreed mick-sue-fisher and He judges us on our actions in just these types of situations.

  11. i was under the impression Mr Watkins has both inside and outside accommodation available for mylo and jj, if not Mr Watkins would you deem Mrs June Edwards suitable to care for these two majestic parrots as i see from reading your blog she has also been named as a possible 3rd party

  12. Please read the "they call themselves a rescue" article PL member.

    We can allow these majestic parrots to go into an environment with a large collection of other birds, but can you honestly hand on heart, say that this is the best thing for them both when they have a home where they would get the human interaction that they have become accustomed to as hand reared birds.

    We are in contact with people who know the previous owner, so we know the environment these birds were brought up in, and it wasnt an aviary environment.

    They roamed freely around the house with other birds, with the owner also taking them outside with him, and never lived in cages.

    He adored these birds before becoming ill.

    What type of life do you think he would want for them?

    What type of life would you want for them?

    Yes we can agree to send Mylo to a third party so that he and JJ can both be in an aviary together where they will not get the same level of human interaction as they get now, and then live out their lives there, and all because Vikky will not admit she is wrong in this and rectify the situation.

    So these two birds will miss out on a life that has been offered to them both, because one person does not have their best interests and long term wellbeing at heart.

    How can that be right?

    Mylo deserves much more than that, for his sake and for the sake of his original owner who doted on him, and we are going to fight for what we believe to be right for him whether people like it or not.

    Why should someones pride get in the way of a happy fulfilled life for these two human imprinted birds?

    I am sure that both June and Wayne would agree, that Mylo & JJ would have a good home here with me, and that they would both get all the human interaction and love their poor little lives need.

    This is a forever family home and not a forever aviary where birds go as an emergency.

    Everyone deemed me the best place for them both at the start. I questioned Vikky, who then blatantly lied, and now they are trying to paint me as the bad one for doing what I believe to be right.

  13. but i suppose thinking logically thats not really an option as june has well over 100+ birds and Mr watkins has about half as many, so if you think Mr Watkins has to many you must think that doubly of june
    just ignore me lol, i want to see mylo and jj reunited sooner rather than later, but it also seems to me that the ukpr lot are bending over backwards to achieve this goal and it very nearly happened, are you sure this is about mylo and jj as a lot of other allegations have been made, you said somewere that if both birds had been given to you there would have been no need for this very blog, does that meen you wouldnt have made those allegations or chose to forget them in return for the two macaws ???????

  14. honestly caron, if you made those comments and accusations against me then demanded the other bird be placed wit you also obviously i would have trust issues too, and no way would i hand over another bird,
    sorry if this offends you, its not meant to, its just the way i see it from the outside looking in

  15. This takes nothing away from what June or Wayne do, they provide an amazing and invaluable service with their available resources within the bird rescue world.

    The 'allegations' were hoped to be addressed in a civil manner on the forum where day to day UKPR business is carried out, but when they were brought up I was subsequently lied to and then banned.

    All dissent silenced, the truth ignored, and then the attempted seizure of the bird in question went under way behind closed doors, only this blog gave the platform for me to speak about that what usually goes on behind closed doors.

    UKPR practices.

    Knowing this behaviour was not isolated, and knowing there were other stories out there that had been silenced through the banning process, this blog was deemed a suitable avenue for those people who had been silenced, a place where they could share their personal stories.

    Many people live in fear of the UKPR cowboys though because they have witnessed their abhorrent behaviour, which includes the seizure of birds, so its easier to stay silent, or just tell the relevant authorities.

    Sometimes things in life are meant to happen for the bigger picture. If this situation had not have happened with Mylo & JJ then just like every time before, it would have all been hushed up and ignored, with UKPR free to continue doing what they have been doing since their inception. Walking over people and animals at the expense of their welfare. This situation has brought everything out into the open for others to then judge for themselves.

    When it is said that this didnt need to happen, if you read the 'infamous thread' you will see that there were several pleas by different people for Vikky to do the right thing concering Mylo & JJ. She declined, so the injustice over their welfare was fought, and is still being fought now, and will continue to be fought until it is over and there is a happy ending for them both.

    Mylos welfare and wellbeing is all that matters now, not what people think.

    In the course of these proceedings, so much more about UKPR practices have come to light, and like i have stated, some things are meant to happen for the sake of the bigger picture.

    This sorry situation proves that these types of 'rescue organisations' need to be accountable to governing bodies otherwise they are a law unto themselves, as we are now finding out with no real governing bodies to turn to willing to take immediate action to do a thorough investigation. The RSPCA are on the case but very slow in moving because they obviously have much more immediate cases in hand. Mylo is happy here and they know that, and i expect JJ is happy at Adeles, so there is no rush for them, it is only us who want this to be a quick fix.

    Read the 'Business plan' post

  16. Nothing has been demanded, only the case in question presented, which is that my home after all the checks was deemed the best place for Mylo & JJ, and then because Vikky was offended she blatantly lied to me and then subsequently attempted to prevent Mylo and JJ having a happy life here.

    This is what this has all been about.

    What you say doesn't offend in the slightest. It is very logical reasoning, but when you sit back and think about it do you not believe that it would only be your human pride preventing these birds from going to a new life, and not what is in the their best interest?

    Our disagreements as humans are between us, they should never involve the welfare of these voiceless animals, this is what 'animal welfare' is all about.

    If you were to prevent the birds going to their new life, and what was unanimously stated as the best place for them, and then denied the birds their right because you own them, then do others not have the right to question? It's only when they question, rthat the layers of truth are revealed.

    Nobody has wanted things to go this far, but look at what has been revealed in the process.

    A real can of worms...

  17. i dont think i want to post anymore on here caron, neither will i post on ukpr`s, but i would like to say, i have had a single encounter with ukpr and i must say it was a happy one for me, i must also mention that no money changed hands and that none was asked for

    i hope mylo and jj are back together very soon

  18. A few questions for you PL member.

    Would you like to get up and have to go through all of this every day for 2 weeks?

    Would you personally do it for the sake of the birds in question or would you have given up by now?

    Is Mylo & JJ's long term wellbeing worth fighting for?

    They might only be animals, but they have rights to be protected by humans, and offered the best possible lives that are on offer. Anything less than this is a failure to them.

  19. Until the health of Mylo has been determined I do not think he should be going to any other enviroment!
