Saturday 18 April 2009

Mylo: A short video

He can be a little grump, sometimes, but who knows what this poor little fella has been through for the past few years. We know what has happened over the past 6 - 7 months, and that includes being separated from his long term partner JJ who is currently totally plucked and still in the hands of UKPR.

I wonder whether the RSPCA believe their is a welfare issue now concerning JJ the Macaw which they themselves placed into the care of Vikky (UKPR)?

If Mylo doesn't like something he will tell you, but he never means any malice or harm, its about mutual respect between an animal and human. He is a lovely bird with his own character, who just wants to get on with his life, preferably with his partner JJ, in a safe and stable environment which he is now living in.

These two birds have been through enough already, and the only one who is now unhappy is JJ, but she is still being used as a pawn in Vikky & Adele's game.

Look at all of the facts people and if the Police & RSPCA are still keeping abreast of developments, please take note about the state of JJ's welfare, and what, and who, has led her into her present condition.

Thinking out loud, I wonder whether anyone can be sued for sitting back and allowing this to happen to JJ, especially considering the RSPCA declined to investigate this case properly after they were made aware of it. I wonder who made that decision? That person is now the one who is now part culpable for JJ's present condition. The RSPCA are also the ones who placed these two birds into the hands of UKPR in the first place and we already know they tried selling Mylo for money without the relevant A10 certificate, which is illegal.

(As a side note: The RSPCA Officers who failed to check the story behind these two birds, failed to even pay a visit to both of the homes where these birds were staying, after being given all of the relevant information at the beginning which included police involvement, and paying for a vet's bill, are responsible for this blog post by Vikky (UKPR): Liar!!!!

If they had of done their jobs properly at the beginning and investigated these two ex-RSPCA rescue birds, there would have been at the very least, a home visit and statement taken from both parties just in case there was a welfare issue in question (which there was), and in case anything arose in the future like it now has.

They did neither, only telephoned to say this isnt an animal welfare issue which resulted in that blog post.

I wonder what they think now when looking at JJ?

Before: Happy

After: Plucked

Futher reading: Open letter to Head of the RSPCA

If there was ever a time for the authorities to act for the welfare of JJ, it is now, especially as everyone is watching their story unfold, and waiting for the right outcome for them both.

Does JJ as a bird not have rights to be protected from unscrupulous humans?

We will have to wait and see, one thing is for certain, Mylo will be protected for as long and as hard as need be, now he is happy and content in a safe, loving environment.

Adele should do the right thing and do what she was meant to at the beginning of this which is to send JJ to be with Mylo along with the cage that was donated for them both. Failing that, I would assume the authorities will wrap this case up for the sake of these birds and hold each person to account for their actions.


  1. i love it he is back to being a male macaw again.he loves some one there,he keeps wanting to feed , now you and paul and your family are doing a marverlous job with milo.they say they know all about parrots yet they are all scared of macaws and cockatoos,if that is so they should not be doing what they are,and rescueing parrots.milo is a great little man and has a misscheves part and that is what it is about.i love a bird that will tell you when they have had enough.why should they behave like robots and do every thing we want them to,they are live intelegent creatures ,they feel think and suffer just like we humans have rights its time animals had the same sort of rights.good job paul is yer got to laugh ant ya.

  2. Apart from one hard nip to Paul's arm because Mylo didn't want to get off it and on to his playstand, no one has suffered a nasty bite from him.

    As you so rightly say Mick, it's all about understanding his character, knowing what he likes and what he doesn't like and mutual respect. Mylo's favourite place in the world is sat on Paul's knee while he works and he will happily sit there for literally hours!

    Mylo is Mylo and we all love him for his feisty character which makes him the bird he is.

  3. just like my joede.i love em.miss my joede a lot

  4. Now that is what I call a happy little chappy LOL
    A bird with spirit !!
    He looks in wonderful condition, very contented and cbvious he's in the hands of people who understand him.
    Ive seen the video of JJ and Im equally saddened by the birds stress and poorly condition.
    How these members on ukpr can applaud JJ's progress is beyond belief. Surely anyone who has experience with parrot keeping can see in that video how stressed poor JJ is.
    I will be contacting the rspca because that video clip has upset me.Somebody in the rspca needs to acted concerning JJ's welfare and act quickly.
    Can someone explain why JJ is still on Metacam

  5. Dorrie,

    Regarding JJ being put on medication with the prospect of hormones too... As another concerned observer emailed me to say, "I feel anybody with an ounce of intelligence would have tried alternative therapies first, such as through her diet, exercise, play, enrichment and bonding, rather than pumping her full of modified chemicals. Absolutely outrageous."

  6. OMG - i thought i'd look on here and see if there was any update on the situation. I cant believe how much JJ has plucked herself! That brought tears to my eyes seeing that. Have also just watched the video of Mylo and he looks like a contented birdie. Please, please can someone at UKPR not see some sense and reunite JJ with Mylo as was the original plan. I dont think anyone expected it all to come to this and it is so sad. Its obvious that JJ is the one thats unhappy. Please can people put whats happened in the past behind them and just reunite JJ with Mylo. Im sure there would be a massive improvement in JJ.

    I havent agreed with everything on this blog and ive tried to keep out of it and just observed, but at the same time i saw how it all started on the UKPR site on that Sunday. I really do think that UKPR were in the wrong to start with. I just wish that they would do the right thing now for the sake of JJ. Its heartbreaking to see how sad JJ looks now. Someone PLEASE just do the right thing now!!!!

  7. What a beautiful boy, looking a picture of health and obviously very relaxed and feeling right at home if he’s on the floor! Well done guys :)

    Its a tragic shame that JJ is not allowed this lifestyle.

  8. What is happening to JJ is ANIMAL CRUELTY. All those involved in her holding should recognise this as FACT.

  9. thers a old saying where there no sence theres no feeling.

  10. mick-sue fisher said...
    thers a old saying where there no sence theres no feeling.

    I agree Mick.Poor JJ has feelings but they are not being met and watching the video JJ couldn't wait to get back to her cage where it would seem she feels secure,also it is obvious Adele doesn't have the space for these wonderful birds,as I understand it she has 2 B/G macaws, 2 cags, it also sounds from the video that there is a smaller bird as well,then of course JJ, do these birds have flying space ? and do they have access to an outside area ? if the answer to any of these questions is NO then Mylo and JJ should NEVER have gone to Adele's in the first place. Are you at ukpr really so ignorant to how distressing the video of JJ is ?
    If you continue to deprive JJ of the care she should be getting with Mylo at Carons YOU as an unregistered rescue should, and perhaps will be taken to court for animal cruelty.

    Remember its been brought to your attention by parrot owners who perhaps have many more years of experience in the parrot world than most of your members and thats no disrespect to anyone ! so please do something about it.

  11. Just one of the problems of ukparrot rescue is that it was set up by people who's knowledge of parrots could be written on the back of a fag packet! I think all rescues need to be checked and licensed. Anyone can set up a website or even just put an advert on the free ads stating that they are a rescue and will take on unwanted birds, not good.
