Thursday 21 May 2009

What has become of JJ??

Update below...

From the concerned emails and phone calls I have received, it's quite obvious that I'm not the only one who hasn't forgotten about the plight of poor JJ. However, the silence from camp UKPR has been deafening regarding how she is faring.

What are they hiding or ashamed of?

We all witnessed the sad and sorry state she was in last time she appeared on the pitiful video that was swiftly removed after peoples horrified reactions to it.

For all anyone knows she has been shipped out to who-knows-where and is not even still with Adele?

A couple of weeks ago I contacted Adele, by PM on the Parrot-Link forum, to enquire after JJ, as she has done in the past to ask about Mylo. Unfortunately, my message was met with stony silence.

Apparently, I'm not the only one whose concern has fallen on deaf ears. A member of their own forum, 'Dawnie' also posed the question on the boards and was completely ignored. I expect that none of the other members dare to step out of line and mention this, lest they incur the wrath of Vikky and get banned or ostracised from their little group.

I know for a fact, from testimonial evidence, that Macaws have long memories and that JJ and Mylo will not have forgotten one another. These two poor birds were wrenched apart after many years close companionship, through no fault or choice of their own and now have to suffer the loss of one another through senseless and selfish human pride and nothing more.

Mylo continues to have a good life here and I have nothing to hide regarding his happiness, health or welfare. Doesn't JJ deserve that same consideration?

It was perhaps even more astonishing to see a recent post made on the UKPR forum by Adele, proudly showing off her own two Blue and Gold Macaws, Armani and Indi, in their new double cage... Which just happens to be the very same cage that was donated by a well wisher for JJ and Mylo to have as their home...

No mention however, of poor JJ who, one is only to assume, has been relegated to the original tiny cage she shared with Mylo or one of Adele's old Macaw cages.

See here and here

Perhaps even more staggering was the following comment made by Adele whilst posting on the subject of her two birds in their lovely new spacious cage. Adele's comment

Well... "separate two macaws" is certainly what she did wasn't it?!!!

Do these people have no shame or compassion whatsoever???


It seems that certain quarters are keeping a close eye on this blog as no sooner had I posted the above article when, as if by magic, a thread posted by Adele reporting on JJ appeared on the UKPR forum today!

Adele's report on JJ

We are certainly very pleased to hear that JJ is reported to be doing better recently. However, how tragic is it, that it was thought necessary to put her through all this trauma and unhappiness, even to the extent of medicating her, simply for the sake of human pride and reluctance to admit that a mistake had been made but would be swiftly rectified for the sake of the birds?

On a separate note... Mylo continues to thrive here and enjoy the free range, cageless life he was always accustomed to. With the warmer weather now here, he is spending plenty of time in the garden with his Macaw companions, feeling the fresh air and sun on his feathers.


  1. they dont know what shame or compassion means caron.just birds to them for them to fill there pokets,and it dont just stop with ukpr.there are one or two more doing the same thing.what chance do the poor parrots have,when there are sutch people about in this least milo is with a verry good people and happy.carnt say the same about poor jj.

  2. Mick, I feel sick to the heart to think of JJ needlessly mourning the loss her long-time close companion.

    Adele's two Blue and Gold Macaws, by her own words, are now sharing a cage and "best of friends". If she is even still with Adele... Where does that leave poor JJ?... Sad, lonely, bewildered and missing Mylo :,(

  3. The picture of a woman waggling her finger that Vikky uses as an avatar just about sums her up. Ever thought about seeing a shrink Vikky? you ought to, your'e clearly sick in the head!

  4. I see UKPR have an update on this situation - apparently both birds are going to someone called Wayne?

    Anyone care to comment?

  5. Not sure where you found that information anonymous but that is not the position.

    Wayne contacted me at the very beginning of this debacle in March to express his concern and offer help and advice. At one point the possibility of JJ and Mylo both going to Wayne was discussed but for reasons documented in this blog at that time, that option was decided against.

  6. Well that's interesting, I went to take a look at UKPR to see this apparent update, and instead found that it appears they have again turned on one of their contributing members over the fostering of one of their birds. Of course i can't see the full details as i only have access to the open forum, what with being banned for apparently not existing....

  7. The truth always prevails, at least people have the confidence to speak out about UKPR practices now, shining the light once again on their sham of a so-called rescue, proving that these rescue birds are nothing more than a UKPR commodity.

    As you can see from their forum now, they have added a 'birds for sale' section??? Even after this was voted against by a large majority of their poll contributors. A parrot 'rescue' encouraging the sale and breeding of parrots????

    JJ the Catalina Macaw is still in their grubby mitts, and looking a sorry sight now they have allowed her to fully pluck herself rather than let her join her longtime beloved partner Mylo as was originally intended.

    All they care about is their property.

    Soemone left a comment here yesterday saying that UKPR are talking about re-homing Mylo with Wayne Watkins???

    Mylo is happy and has settled himself into a loving home with other birds, and NO ONE is going to be removing him once again and carting him around the country just to suit wicked and vindictive people who are now shaming the name of bird rescue in the UK.

    The sooner these people are shut down and banned from masquerading as rescuers the better for the poor innocent birds like JJ, and now Oscar.

    We can only hope that more people will now come forward with the relevant information concerning their criminal activities.

    We have already passed several criminal acts to the police that we are awaiting news about, and someone left a comment last week on the post below that concerns another criminal act.

    These are not isolated incidents, they form a pattern.

    We shall have to wait and see!!

  8. i have said time and time again the truth hurts.and over the last few weeks i have seen the truth hurt ,and make them turn there back on the good ones that are there to help the birds.
