Monday 22 June 2009

Who's the LIAR????

Apparently Adele "doesn't smoke in the house or around the birds", according to Adele herself, and Bella as can be seen throughout the comments section of this blog.

When I stated on this blog, that Mylo arrived here with dirty feathers, stinking of cigarette smoke, which took nearly two weeks of constant sprays and showers to fade, I was branded a "LIAR" and told by Adele on the phone that "Jay smokes and that any smell on Mylo would have been from his journey to me in Jay's van."

Well, someone is certainly a liar and it isn't me!

Take a look at the video Adele posted on the UKPR forum last night to demonstrate how her two Macaws spoil her evening television viewing with their screaming... (No mention of JJ of course.)

One might wonder why the poor birds are locked away in their cage instead of being out and about, enjoying the interaction we all know these birds crave, while she is obviously sitting in the room??? But more pertinently...

If you watch the very beginning of the video carefully, you will notice a cloud of cigarette smoke rising up from the right hand side of the shot...

Anyone who keeps parrots knows how important it is to protect their sensitive respiratory systems from airborne toxins. Adele obviously chooses to ignore this crucial and basic welfare issue and force those birds to endure exposure to her disgusting smoke.

Perhaps the screams are for a bit of fresh air???

Shame on you Adele :o(

And some people wonder why we have defended Mylo from going back to these people from the very beginning? Others will not even talk about this relevant bird welfare issue concerning a so-called 'bird rescue' that is nothing more than an online buy and sell swap shop.


  1. Very well spotted and good to see this blog active again

  2. These people never cease to amaze, and these are the ones who are charged with rescuing these poor creatures and protecting them from harm.
    What do they think they are doing by filling the birds lungs with cigarette smoke, they have not even got the excuse of ignorance on their side.

    So it is more important to sit on your fat backside Adele watching TV, than to spend some quality time with your birds when you are home from work. And then you have the audacity to post and complain that your two macaws are screaming.
    How much time out do they get I wonder? Do they ever get to stretch their wings like they should ?
    People like Adele who have so obviously neither the space nor the time to give birds like these Macaws what are basic needs, such as room to fly, to burn off some of that energy, should not have them locked up in a cage.

    What were the reasons for JJ's plucking....... ??

    More birds who will join the carousel ride before much longer.
    Disgusting !

  3. If she was suffering from allergic alveolitis then no way would she be able to smoke or keep any birds, it's a very serious condition and be a killer.

  4. ... Which takes us neatly back to the question posed in the title of this article.

    Truth will always prevail.
