Wednesday 24 June 2009

A response to UKPR's forum chat

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It appears that some of those amongst the parroty community who know about Mylo & JJ, may have either forgotten about them, don't care, or are unwilling to allow any discussion over their welfare even though they profess to be bird lovers.

If Mylo & JJ could speak up for themselves what would they say?

We and others are watching very closely what is now happening to JJ, the Catalina Macaw who was seperated from her bonded partner Mylo by the charlatans at UKPR, because her health has drastically deteriorated since that time.

Only the insane, after reading all of the evidence on this blog, would support UKPR, or believe that Mylo will be going back into their grubby hands.

Is it any wonder 'Flakeyboy' has emigrated over there?

We posted yesterday how Adele smokes around both her own and rescue birds, which is contrary to what herself and others have stated about her habit on the comments section of this blog.

Are her Macaws UKPR rescue birds? If so, is not smoking in the same room as them on video, a clear breach of UKPR's own fostering rules?

We know Mylo was rescued from her smoky environment with the evidence on this blog, and JJ the fully plucked, sad, little girl is still there.

Vikky in her insanity believes for some reason that Mylo will be going back to them?

Does anyone with an ounce of intelligence really think that there is any way we are going to allow Mylo go back to them?

His rights and welfare as a living creature and protected species will be defended from everyone who wants to harm him, and that is a fact!

And do not think for one moment that the RSPCA are going to seize him either, because they are the ones who handed Mylo to UKPR in the first place, and if we have to fight them for Mylo's present and future well-being then we will do so, and put a case together against them and their failings over this case.

Mylo has his own personality, has settled into a loving, stable environment with other birds and people, and has become a part of the family. He is very happy, so is not going anywhere.

Would anyone reading this just sit back and allow one of their rescue birds to be taken from them, and go back to the likes of Adele and Vikky?

If UKPR want Mylo back because they own a piece of paper saying they own him, then serve court papers, and allow a court of law to decide on his future welfare based upon the evidence, and then we can sue your "a***s".

We have better things to do than build a case and present it to a court of law, which is why that has not been done yet, and we have left the police and DEFRA to do their job, in the hope that they will act for the sake of JJ, which sadly has not happened yet, but watch this space!

UKPR are the ones trading illegally in endangered species, and saying "I didn't know" will not hold up when you have promoted yourself as a 'Parrot Rescue' and traded in birds over the past couple of years.

These rescue birds are not commercial property to be pushed from pillar to post, and for profit when they can be. They are living creatures who are at the mercy of humans.

What a joke within the bird rescue community. A bunch of proven bird breeders masquarading as bird rescuers, and duping the RSPCA in the process!

There is a very clear cut case of animal abuse here, and it is only a matter of time until all of the evidence is gathered for a succesful prosecution. This includes all the other criminal acts that we have on file that have been handed to the police, and when push comes to shove, those people who these acts concern will either be interviewed under caution, or asked to give a statement.

If you are one of those people then you should be thinking now about what you are going to do.

There is a lot in the news about the plight of pets in Britain at the moment due to the recession, and there have been some successful prosecutions for cruelty cases reported in the media. This case concerning UKPR is a prime potential example compared to the ones that have been in the papers.

We already have the documented evidence of UKPR trading illegally in endangered species, and the police and DEFRA have both been notified, with a formal statement given concerning this case.

Bird rescue, is just that 'RESCUE' no matter what form that rescue takes, and Mylo has been rescued from a charlatan rescue called UKPR. Sadly, his partner JJ is still there, in a terribly, sorry state and we can only hope and pray that rainbow bridge is not around the corner for her as we sit on watching from afar.

Vikky and Adele apparently think that the authors of this blog need to manufacture 'followers' of our cause and create false identities to write comments and provide an illusion of support. This laughably, preposterous idea simply serves to reinforce our assertions about the cloak of self delusion these people surround themselves in.

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