Wednesday 24 June 2009

More threats from Alan of UKPR

Alan H - A profile

As outside observers of the online parrot shop, UKPR, and then being involved with their fostering practices, much has now been learned about them, their practices and the exploitation of the parrot community within the UK

All of the evidence gathered is on this blog for anyone to read, and is based initially on a welfare issue concerning Mylo the Military Macaw.

It all started when Mylo was rescued from these people and their 'EC merry go round' that birds are put on, until a buyer can be found for them. This was illegal in the case of Mylo & JJ in the UK because they are both CITES listed birds. Sadly, Mylo's bonded partner, who was meant to travel with him, was left behind in her previous EC's home due to UKPR's inability to transport large birds like Macaws, with one of the pair being injured in the process.

The bird rescue community all know that breeding and rescue is counter productive, and the organisers of UKPR are all bird breeders. They trade in rescue birds for profit, and place rescue birds into breeding situations.

How can anybody who knows anything about parrot rescue, or is involved in it, say that is acceptable?

They have bullied, threatened and silenced everybody for the past 2 years who has disagreed with their conduct, and all of the people who have been on the receiving end of their vitriol, are out there, ready and willing to talk to who ever wants to know the truth.

Here, once again Alan, a UKPR founder, is issuing threats, along with a few puerile names that are supposed to degrade, but do nothing but expose him for who he is.

He has been weighed, measured, and found wanting, so what is left but name calling like a silly little boy in the school playground? Nobody wanted it to go this far, but it was obviously meant to be because the story is bigger now than Mylo & JJ, they have been the ones at the centre of our action.

You have my phone number Alan, and the court papers over ownership of Mylo have not arrived in the past several months as stated they would be, which goes to show your empty threats, and bully boy tactics, just like you have resorted to here in this comment. (see below)

Imagine being a woman on the end of his bullying, and threats?

The police and DEFRA have both been fully notified over Mylo & JJ though, thanks to advice from mick-sue-fisher, because the RSPCA had refused to investigate this case in the beginning.

Further reading: A response to UKPR's forum chat

As a side note; Alan has been boasting about his breeding activities over the last few months on Parrot Link forum.

If people choose to breed parrots then that is their prerogative, as there are always people who want to buy cute little baby parrots so they can bring them up in this world as birds born into captivity. However, if somebody sets up a medium size breeding programme, as Alan has done, then they surely shouldn't also be rescuing them, and then placing some in a breeding programme that simply exacerbates the problem of birds needing rescue from people who cannot cope with them.

Further reading: The business plan

Please click to see comment

As for the accusation that Caron being "someone with dead and sick birds around her being the last person to criticize others"... In the many years of keeping parrots, the tragic decision having to be taken to have ONE rescued bird mercifully euthanised due to chronic cloacal prolapse (for which every avenue of treatment was taken), is hardly a bad track record!

Taking on rescue birds is fraught with such difficulties due to the very nature of unfortunate previous circumstance. Parrots are very sensitive creatures in all ways, that is why sometimes they can fall ill under very sad and unavoidabable situations such as Pebbles the CAG and her prolapse. One of UKPR's rescue birds that has history intertwined with this blog, died several months ago. In my opinion there are others that have 'disappeared' in questionable circumstances if you track the paper trail based on the evidence.

Further reading: Cherry the Eclectus

Furthermore, it has recently come to our attention that a UKPR rescue bird was placed in a foster home with undiagnosed Psittacosis placing both the new carer and their other birds at serious risk. It has fallen to the new carer to have the condition both diagnosed and treated. Mylo also arrived here with clear signs of respiratory disfunction that Vikky was unable to shed any light on despite having had him in UKPR care for six months! How on earth can a so-called 'rescue' organisation possibly justify blatant negligence on such a scale?!!

Charlatans the lot of them!


  1. Does the person who donated a pallace cage for Milo and JJ know it has been stolen to house Adeles blue and gold macaws in?

    If I were them I fetch it back or demand retail value for it!

  2. Aah yes Alan H, breeder and collector of rescued white Cockatoos.
    Now who am I Alan ? First you ban me from your little forum, for what ? Oh thats right for having an opinion and a mind of my own, daring to disagree with what the Ayatollah had ordered.
    Then I was accused of being Gem ? You need to ask your leader who Robert is, even though now she pretends to think I am Caron.
    What a big man you are Alan, threatening a woman, I do recall being here before when you were making threats and inviting anyone who had the balls to come and meet you at the Stafford show on your stand that didnt exist !!

    UKPR, Vikky and Alan have shown themselves for what they are, and outside their little band of followers have no credibility at all within the parrot community. The largest parrot forum in the UK will not even allow their name to be mentioned.

    Just because this blog has not been active, does not mean that Caron and Paul do not have the support, and that people are not watching closely what is still going on at UKPR.

    The saddest thing is in all of this, is that it is the birds that have been put into their care that are suffering.
    But should we expect any more from a bunch of breeders who are only in it for what they can get out of it.


  3. I also hear that Kelo has fallen foul of the "team" and has gone. They will learn, one by one.

  4. Yes, Houani/Stan/Kelo had a public falling out with Vikky & co just like so many before him.

    The UKPR ship sank months ago and now even the die-hards are jumping off the lifeboats!

    Like you say Topaz "they will learn, one by one"

  5. Incidentally, if anyone knows who it was that so gave the cages (including the infamous Pallace) to UKPR for rescue birds... Please point them in the direction of this blog as I feel it only fair they know that their kind donation ended up as yet another perk/freebie for Adele to house her own birds in.

  6. Rob,

    Alan appears to be fond of attempting to play the big man and squeak up with his empty threats and puerile insults (usually in the evening after he's had a few drinks and fancies that he's managed to grow a pair I suspect!)

    He can rant, posture and threat to his heart's content... However, I can PROMISE him that he won't be setting foot on my property.

  7. Has he forgotten he's subject to a Harrassment Warning?

  8. raven

    It's actually Jay who received the Harassment Warning from the police when he called them to my house (and has already breached it!)

    Alan.h hasn't been issued with one... yet!
