Friday 1 May 2009

Mylo's bonded partner JJ

Update below video

Here is the removed video from UKPR which shows Mylo's bonded partner JJ. It was removed by Adele, perhaps because it was pointed out to her, how sickening it was to be gloating over such a horrendous video of an obviously traumatised and unhappy JJ.

Animal cruelty comes to mind!

Mylo & JJ had been together for many years, and have now spent over 2 months apart due to UKPR malpractices. As you can see, the psychological damage and stress to this poor bird has caused her to fully pluck herself.

How can UKPR call themselves a rescue, with bird welfare at heart when they allow this type of cruelty to go on in an open forum, and not even see the error of their ways?

Mylo's welfare is not in doubt here.

Image: Adele's feeble excuse

This video was removed by Adele from the UKPR forum after she realised how serious a mistake it was to put such a harrowing video of one of two birds that have been at the centre of a very public exposure of a supposed parrot rescue that she is part of.

If Adele and UKPR are in the right over these two birds as they have professed from the very beginning of this, then there is absolutely no reason why the above video should have been removed. It was first posted on the UKPR forum in the false belief that people would see how well JJ was doing. It fooled some of the UKPR die-hards who rallied around Adele and the video, but anyone with an ounce of intelligence and compassion can see straight through the delusion and see a seriously traumatised bird.

When what has happened to JJ was pointed out on this blog, the video was swiftly removed from view. So in the interest of transparency in this now long standing case, we uploaded it to our youtube page so that people could still see the truth.

Adele has stated that she removed the video from the UKPR forum due to "copyright issues". This blog only linked to her video on UKPR when she posted it and did not infringe any copyright, so this is a blatant fallacy. Once it was removed, we then re-published it here in the interest of truth, and to show people the way this parrot "rescue" treat bird welfare.

Why should people not see this video when Adele was the one who posted it herself in the first place?

Did she realise she made a mistake, and then try and backtrack?

She can complain to Youtube but we still have the copy on file.


  1. It's sheer spitefulness. The person who owned these birds is not going to be happy when he finds out ukparrot seperated them if he doesn't know already.

  2. After all what has been said about perfumes and parrots by the ukpr experts, Adele keeps her birds in a room with an aerosol air freshener on the hearth. This is evident on this video and the one of Armani (her B/G )she has posted on their forum, aptly named no doubt after her favourite perfume.The poor birds must be gasping and also the effect the aerosols must be having on Adele's Alveolitis ?
    These people have not got a clue how to keep parrots, yet they criticise and give advice to others. These are the people who decide where and with whom birds are placed, there knowledge or lack of it is so obviously gleaned from books.
    Lord help the birds in their care.

  3. This is a link to the video Robert mentions which clearly shows Adele with her Macaw, Armani in the room with the bird's cages and a big aerosol air freshener on the hearth, close by. Anyone who keeps birds should know of the dangers these chemical fragrances can pose to them.
