Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Ayatollah has spoken

Vikky has today issued a decree to all UKPR members (the faithful few), that they, are to no longer come onto this blog posting comments on behalf of UKPR under any circumstances. It is quite funny really because it is mainly her and Scott under Casper or Anonymous who write the lions share of the irrelevant disgraceful comments that we have seen, along with another seriously two-faced person.

"Thank God" is our response! Having witnessed their vicious vitriol for the past several weeks on here, and what has been posted on the comments section of these blogs pales in comparison when looking at what has been spewed out amongst themselves on their own forum. Every second sentence, if you take a look, is something inhumanly derogatory, and you would have to be sick to sit there reading it or being a part of it, and yes Dorrie, there has been a serious level of patience and restraint.

Hindsight on these blogs and forums can be a nasty thing for everyone!

This just goes to show the type of people we are dealing with here, and the evidence is plain to see to everyone with an IQ greater than a sprouting pea.

In their internet world, where they have created this make believe reality to cover their physical world deeds, each of the 'faithful few' who are obviously up to their necks in it, have spewed lie after lie to alter reality, and topped them off with spiteful, evil and vindictive names, which makes it quite hard for even the level minded among us to maintain a clear overview of events.

Thankfully, after scratching their heads for a moment intelligent people do see through it and realise the truth of the matter under all of this illusionary hype, which is all that counts.

Yes, this did start off with Mylo & JJ, but little did we know, once that carpet was lifted up what was going to be found underneath. We knew it wasn't going to be good, and it is not, but just how serious the implications are, are for the authorities to now investigate. We have played our part for these birds, and thankfully Mylo the beautiful, bolshie Military Macaw is a happy chappy, away from these people and just awaiting the arrival of his partner JJ who was meant to join him one week after this blog was started. The little girl sitting with Adele now, the person roped into the lies and deceit and used as cannon fodder.

Sorry Wayne and Greg but we believe after spending much time with Mylo, that this environment is the one he thrives in, and not an environment with many other birds. His welfare is all we have cared about from the start and we have defended his rights to be protected and live the best possible life throughout all of this.

You really think we would have gone through this for a 'free bird'? You seriously underestimate who we are as people to think such rubbish!

We have been the ones forced into lifting this UKPR carpet up, and unbeknown to us there were others out there too, who were just waiting for someone to start the process.

All this boils down to is animal rights, and welfare when it comes to rescue birds, and their exploitation by humans, that is all we care about and is the reason behind starting this blog in the first place. This is also the reason why some well respected people have contributed their thoughts and professional opinions on the case in hand (those not mentioned here know who you are), and that includes 'silent shout' who obviously understands what welfare and rights mean when it comes to these birds, through her own personal experience and has indeed started her own blog to the good of this cause.

Some do not like the approach we have taken, but you tell me what other way there was? Or when you criticise, think about what you have done for the sake of these birds rights and welfare, and then criticise?

We had a call from the police today after they received a complaint from Vikky regarding our blog. She told them that our blog was upsetting her, and complained about us accessing her forum. The advice given, which was quite a logical response which is exactly the same as we told Jamie when he breached his harassment warning, was: "if you don't like it... dont read it".

I think yesterday struck a nerve with them when I asked if Scott was the fat guy with the bald head biting his finger nails in this picture? image

He couldn't hold his temper and came back with another of his vile outbursts which fell flat on its face, and then today we had the call from the police.

Thankfully, if Scott and Vikky heed their own decree, along with her faithful followers, we can get back to normality and discuss the important issues and questions at hand in a mature adult fashion, rather than reading the same repetitive and abusive comments.

Mylo is still parted from JJ after all.

It is now in the hands of all of the relevant authorities, for them to do their investigation of all UKPR practices.

We feel after what we have personally witnessed and experienced, that this organisation should be investigated because they are accountable to 'no one', a law unto themselves, and they have bullied and intimidated innocent and caring bird lovers caught up in their web for long enough, and exploited rescue birds placed into their care, even ones from the RSPCA.

A bank manager committing fraud doesnt clean the accounts out, he skims what he can from the top without anyone knowing other than his accomplices - Work that one out!

If they have nothing to hide then they have nothing to worry about.

Each of you reading this who have an in depth knowledge of UKPR ask yourselves whether they need to now be worrying?

The truth always comes out in the end, and it sets you free, think about that one, those of you sitting scared now because of your mistakes!

Vikky's UKPR decree: image

Sunday 29 March 2009

Subtle threats

UKPR are accustomed to 'threatening and intimidating' women into silence, or to get their own way when it comes to the running of their 'cowboy outfit' bird rescue.

Below is a brief exchange between myself and Alan Hird, the Cockatoo breeder who hands rescue birds to Harry Sissens.

No disrespect to Mr Sissens, but you should choose your friends more carefully Harry, unless of course you are heavily involved with UKPR which will become evident in due course.

I am not going to write a long post here because statements from each individual in question will be taken by the relevant authorities. Alan.h and the faithful few on UKPR who must all be up to their necks in it, along with Vikky and Alan are continuing with their deranged UKPR circus show, and he has chosen to reveal HALF of our email exchange from yesterday.

I have nothing to hide so please read between the lines, which Alan.h obviously has trouble doing.

Alan.h is as thick as thieves with Jamie the UKPR driver who was the owner of what is now claimed to be a dead female Eclectus called Cherry. I have been in email contact with the original owner and have stated that a full and frank apology will be given once she has the original PM in her possession. Until then there are still unanswered questions and Cherry deserves us asking them, especially because she has become an integral part of our dealings with UKPR. We did see the poor little bird after she had been seized from her previous carer in Jamie's home after all.

Cherry was seized from a lone woman by 2 car loads of people, Jamie, Vikky's partner Scott, and several others, so we know their style!

We have also had information from people stating that there are a few Eclectus being passed around the country (for breeding, perhaps?) So this begs the question; how many more rescue birds have gone under the radar of UKPR members and are now in a breeding situation, and is Cherry really dead or paired up now with a male Eclectus as was Jamie's original plan.

It is a known fact that everyone behind this rescue are bird breeders after all so it doesnt take much imagination to work things out does it?

There are other cases of threats of violence conducted by UKPR that have also come to light in the process of writing to this blog, and there have been cases of people being intimidated into silence by UKPR calling up their places of work in an attempt to get them fired.

All of this information is on top of Jamie the UKPR driver's, actions that earned him a harrassment warning from the police.

A pack of of bullies who prey on women and people weaker than themselves, to enforce their business practices, whilst all along the birds in their care are being abused for their own selfish reasons.

You think we would sit back and send Mylo back into their clutches?? Think again people and that's why this blog has come as far as it has.

All it takes is one phone call Alan, and then you are in serious trouble. That is not a threat, it is a statement of fact.

I do not expect to be out, or not around, and thinking that you could arrive on Caron's door step trying to intimidate her, just like Jamie tried to, and your comment on UKPR's forum constitues a threat because it has left those thoughts in my mind.

So lets make things perfectly clear here!

The sooner the police shut you down and investigate you the better!

Rescue birds and innocent people should be protected from the likes of you, and coming in at this late stage, I can only imagine what type of torment you have put others through with your lies and twisting of the truth, amongst your faithful few.

You all disgust me, after watching your speil on the UKPR forum, and its amazing that people have been dragged into your world, believing the reality around yourselves that you help eachother create.

I just wonder how deep in the s**t each of the faithful few are, and that includes those two-faced people who currently have UKPR birds in their care.


Alan.h's subtle threat: I cant find that rob, she`s obviously embarrassed herself and has deleted it or maybe one of the PL mods has done the decent thing and removed it

throughout all this she has used the word fact countless times but failed to provide any.

the only fact she has proven is


sorry everyone 'Blush' i just needed to get that off my chest

i have only met Caron once but i`m looking forward to the day when we meet again, as it will be the day that i collect Mylo.

Alan.h's comment on UKPR: Poor Kayley STILL hasnt received an apology and it seems they are taking things to yet another new low, they now claim that poor cherry`s PM results are forged, i suppose it was expected they would come out with more assumptions and accusations, its all there intelligence allows them to do, we place yet more documented FACTS on their laps and they close their eyes to the truth, such is their mentality (documented facts? A piece of paper with no date or name on it from a group of well known and connected bird breeders. hhmm, I wonder if she is not dead, whether what you have done is a criminal offence? Kayley and her family will recieve a full apology when she has the original PM)

i also had a Private message from paul on another forum, in response to my comment on here which was i am really really looking forward to the day when i can collect mylo and reunite him and jj

apparently Paul is taking this as a threat but read the last line of his pm and then decide for yourself which one the threat is, i have also sent copies to the relevant people, and if i continue to receive them i will make them public on here

From: caron-j
To: alan.h
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:49 pm
Subject: threats Quote message

I have read several of your comments recently and I do not appreciate your subtle threats aimed at Caron about you turning up at her house, as you seek to make yourself look like a 'big man' amongst your little group by attempting to intimidate a woman.

I can assure you, that you will not be setting foot on Carons property as you keep stating, just like i assured Jamie he would not be taking Mylo when he started issuing threats.

If you cross the line one more time you will face the consequences of your actions.


my reply

i dont use threats Paul but it appears you do

thanks for that

Alan twisting the truth to sound like he is smelling of roses.

Statement 1. i have only met Caron once but i`m looking forward to the day when we meet again, as it will be the day that i collect Mylo.

Statement 2. i am really really looking forward to the day when i can collect mylo and reunite him and jj

Notice the difference in context?

Look at the people we are dealing with here, and these are the people who have set themselves up as a bird rescue and are having needy birds placed into their care, even ones from the RSPCA.

Alan.h: Subtle threat
Paul: Not a threat email 1
Paul: Not a threat email 2
Alan.h: UKPR comment

Wednesday 25 March 2009

June - Parrotcare

Comment taken from comments section

Website: Parrotcare

I have read though the UKPR watch blog and even commented twice, As a parrot rescue of many years standing I feel that the UKPR will be held up as "what not to do" in running a rescue organisation be it birds,cats dogs etc.

While the UKPR may have started out with the idea to rescue birds it soon became clear that the people who founded it did not have the people skills or the amount of knowledge needed to ensure the smooth running of a rescue,

People skills are very important as it is the members and general public that are needed to make a rescue work, banning members right left and centre instead of answering their misgivings will soon paint a picture of "having something to hide" whether true or not, it will make other members weary of voicing their own misgivings, taking and removing birds from homes that were meant to have been completely home checked before fostering birds to them, points to shoddy home checking or to a "do as I say or lose your birds attitude",

It is always better to take a long time getting the right home for the bird and fosterer rather than feel later that you have made a mistake.

Taking a bird from the home it has been placed in and moving it to another will cause the bird untold stress and if it has an under lying health problem (although it should ALWAYS to vet checked before going to a foster home and NO ill bird should be placed without veterinary care first) to surface and can even mean the death of the bird.

If at any time it is felt that the foster might be having problems then working with the foster to help improve the situation is always the first step to take.

Not only may they be glad of your help but you will go along way down the road to being a more caring "rescue" for both birds and people.

The most important part of a parrot rescue is understanding and knowledge of birds and this understanding and knowledge MUST lie with the people running the rescue, the people who will make the finale dissuasion on the birds welfare.

Sadly this knowledge was shown to be lacking in the Milo and JJ case, No one who understands parrots (especially Macaws) would separate a pair even for a day let alone the intended week.

First if the two birds were fighting then it is the carers job to find out why,

If it is down to stress then the stress MUST be removed (stress can kill birds) moving birds that are showing signs of stress is wrong and the two birds should have been settled back into their cage/cages the injuries seen too, given a good feed and sorted out before any move was planned,

This would give the carer (who had looked after the birds for 6 months) and thereby should know them well the time to plan their future travel arrangements better and would allow the birds to get over the stress/problems they were experiencing.

If someone takes on the job of moving birds then it is their job to know enough about birds to recognise any problems that might arise with the birds travelling and to ensure that they travel in the safest way (in this case that would mean each bird having a crate of its own with feed and water pots.)

If the new foster/carer is told there is a cage/cages coming with the birds then this MUST happen, other wise the birds could reach their new home and have no where in which to live, and everyone must agree that this would be unforgivable.

At the end of the day all the birds from a budgie to a macaw must receive the very best of care at all times.

The owner of Milo and JJ requested that these two birds stay together, they had spend years together and whether bonded or paired these birds were living together, it really doesn't matter about the arguments surrounding these birds, the birds do not know or care about them, While Milo seems to have settled into home life away from JJ happily it could be that JJ has not and this could have a long term affect on JJ.

So maybe it is time to really think about theses birds future and to bring them together so that they may get on with being a happy PAIR of birds.

How this can be done I do not know but the fact is it must be done and done as quickly as possible.

Further reading: They call themselves a “rescue”

Further reading: Why the change of Heart...

Monday 23 March 2009

Cherry the Eclectus – Gone to Rainbow bridge

Update: Postscript below post

Is this a coincidence?
All followers of this blog will have been greeted with a picture of a female Eclectus each time you arrived here because as the saga unfolded that led to this blog being started, it was brought to our attention that there was a female Ekkie called Cherry who had been seized in similar circumstances to the attempted seizure of Mylo.

UKPR have their side of the story to Cherry’s seizure along with photographic ‘evidence’ for their reasons behind it, which we have seen. This as far as we are concerned based upon all of the factors involved concerning the seizure and where the birds went is fatally flawed and proves the disgusting attitude of UKPR, and their abuse of birds and people.

Is this poor bird really dead or has it been hidden now UKPR know the police are involved? (Read the evidence below and judge that for yourself)

Jamie the UKPR driver/’heavy’ was one of the group of people who seized Cherry from where she was living, and then became her proud new owner.

We met Cherry in situ at Jamie’s home, and then, when the situation with Mylo unfolded we were then ‘coincidentally’ given all of the background information about her seizure without anyone knowing we had just seen her with our own eyes.

During our introduction to Cherry at Jamie's home, no mention was made of any illness whatsover and beyond the obvious plucking she appeared in decent health. In fact, as already stated, Jamie was enthusiastic about his plans to introduce a partner for her.

Her story is another story to share that has been central to our exposure of UKPR practices and is the reason why a picture of a female Eclectus has been up since the beginning. UKPR have intimidated her previous carer into silence with the photos mentioned, ones that can be explained away.

How many bird keepers do not at some point have dirty cages and bowls?

We have offered to tell Cherry’s previous carer’s story but it has been declined so I will not go into it now.

It just seems very coincidental that now that the police are involved… Cherry is “dead”.

How long after her death was her initial owner who had her micro-chipped, notified of this sudden turn of events?... Four days??? Think about it, why four days???

Are there any independent parties who have seen her body?

Have UKPR organised a post mortem examination? Image - Alan (no answer on forum as yet)

Why, as a UKPR rescue bird, if she was sick from plucking did UKPR not pay for her to see a vet? Would that not be an appropriate use of those ‘donations’?

Has anyone heard of a bird dying from plucking alone?

All very strange!!!

Cherry is dead.
Images: KayleyJamieAlan - Vikky
(How remarkabley fortunate Alan was there when Cherry died)

Jamie and the story behind his seized Eclectus Cherry from 3 weeks ago
Image 1Image 2Image 3

UKPR Watch: The police are now involved

Make your own mind up based upon the evidence, and when you do remember Jamie was warned about the police at the beginning, and now they are involved Cherry has gone. Gone where is the question; rainbow bridge or into hiding until this all blows over?

There are many more stories of shady dealings at the expense of innocent rescue birds and caring bird lovers.

It seems some people just do not want to believe the truth that is staring everybody in the face.

UKPR bringing the parrot rescue community into disrepute.


Update: Postscript

We as bird lovers, are all acutely aware that the sad death of a much loved pet is a very emotive subject. For those reading this blog who do not wish to confront this upsetting but none the less, very real issue then we can only say “please feel free to click the little red cross at the top right hand corner”.

For those who are still reading… I would ask that whilst judging whether it is right or wrong to discuss this subject, please remember that the key purpose of these articles and the comments are to raise the questions that before now have been silenced on the UKPR forum by banning orders and deletion of posts.

Within a very short time of posting the ‘Cherry’ article, we have been challenged with the outraged “how dare you” and “how insensitive” comments from Team UKPR. This was totally expected and absolutely true to form… Vikky and her UKPR cronies like to play heavily on the emotions of genuine people who have true care and concern for their feathered charges rather than viewing them as a ‘nice little earner’.

Up until now, the order of the day has been “Shhh, don’t talk about it”. Or perhaps, in Jamie’s very own words on the night we visited his home and he noted the monetary value of my green singing finch in comparison to a ‘mere’ canary… “keep quiet about it”.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that here.

Questions WILL be asked and whether the answers are forthcoming or not will be evident for anyone watching.

If there is nothing to hide then why not answer the questions in an open and honest way as June Edwards of Parrotcare has on each and every occasion she has been publicly ‘interrogated’ by alan.h on the parrot-link forum.

Perhaps as a final thought… I would just like to borrow silent-shout’s previous analogy of turning the tables and ask people to ponder the following scenario.

Just imagine for a moment if I had posted an announcement on this blog stating that (and God forbid) Mylo the Military Macaw had very sadly flown to Rainbow Bridge four days ago…

What questions might have been very rightly posed and answers demanded then???

If our worst suspicions regarding the Cherry situation are wrong then we shall be more than prepared to write an open and sincere apology. I think the majority of people following this blog would agree that under the circumstances the questions posed are extremely valid.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Silent Shout speaks again...

Another blog has been set up by another concerned bird lover who has sat back and watched the proceedings over Mylo & JJ unfold from the very beginning.

This is an objective view for any people linked to UKPR who are still unsure about what to make of the events of the past 3 weeks, and each post written on 'And the Truth shall set you Free' will be published here in the interest of bringing clarity to the situation for any followers of this blog.

This is about bird welfare, bird rescuers and bird lovers who are a part of this community within Great Britain, for the sake of the future!

Thank you for taking the time Silent Shout, whoever you are?

God bless you

Previous silent shout post: Making sense of the madness

A Light in the Dark

I have been watching the madness that is the 'Milo and JJ situation' from it's birth, i for one am appalled and ashamed at the way this whole situation has been handled.

UKPR for those who do not know are an Internet Parrot forum that are 'handed' birds to re home through their chat forum. An idea, which in its purest form is of good and light, the Internet is a fantastic way of reaching people who may or not be looking. Their 'Leader', the individual in charge is a 'Vikky', i cannot comment from real experience on Vikky as i have never met her, but as she is the 'leader' of UKPR then all responsibility rests solely on her, such is life.

I am an ex member of UKPR, who made the choice to leave UKPR over the 'Milo & JJ' incident, Having worked for a number of Animal rescues, i am fully aware and awake to the 'Darker Practices' of Animal Rescue, leaving me vigilant ever more so. UKPR's decision to re home Milo & JJ with Caron, was probably the only realistic decision they ever made in my eyes, Caron was not what you'd call a 'buzz member' on the UKPR forum, which the majority of birds are 'awarded' to, Caron's life wasn't on display for everybody else to see, she always answered my open questions with great knowledge and confidence when nobody else would, which is a rarity on the forum, basically Caron has been the catalyst to make things happen, i truly believe that the majority of 'members' on UKPR feel as i do, inside they know that what has happened with Milo and JJ is wrong, simply due to Vikky, But are choosing to stick to the crowd, choosing to follow, following the Shepherd, and why...because they 'feel' they know Vikky, she's always about on the forum, she is the great leader, whereas they do not know Caron as she simply kept herself to herself, commenting only when she felt necessary. People are afraid of what they don't know, like the darkness,what you must see is that Caron has been a light, a shining example of morality, care and love.

Lets turn the tables on the whole situation then maybe those who are still unsure of which way to look may find the answer -

Continue reading: A Light in the Dark

Thursday 19 March 2009

Vikky's UKPR donation policy

Following on from: Something to think about

Update below

In Vikky's defence of people claiming that she is selling rescue birds, including trying to sell a Cites listed bird which is highly illegal within the UK, she has stated the following:

Vikky's quote: B. No ukpr bird is sold, people pay a minimum donation if they want to to cover costs,its not a case of if you dont pay you dont get.

Image: Rules regarding UKPR's donation policy

It is clearly stated that it is not a case of if you dont pay you dont get!

This claim is completely contradictory to what a former UKPR ACO has stated about the 'donation' side to rehoming rescue birds.

A Triton Cockatoo named Pebbles was offered to Caron on an emergency care basis with a view to long term fostering, but because she would not pay the £150 'donation' fee for him, Pebbles was prevented from reaching his destination and had to stay with his present carer.

If my memory serves me correctly, it is my belief that Pebbles was offered to another person as well who also would not pay the 'donation' fee for him (correct me if I am wrong).

So Pebbles the expensive Triton Cockatoo then ended up with one of the UKPR founders who did not have to pay the 'donation' fee.

This same ACO shared another similar story where another rescue bird was prevented from going to its new home until the £50 'donation' fee was paid.

Image: Pebble's and Lola's fee

ACO's quote: Surely if a donation is a fixed fee, then it is not a donation (gift)? It is then a price for a sale instead? It certainly covers more than an admin fee. Plus the £50 Vikky made on Lola didn’t go to any of Lola’s up keep, that came straight out of my pocket. So the £50 Vikky received was pure profit which she received cash in hand from the fosterer.

Does this sound like, as Vikky states concerning UKPR's 'donation' policy, that "it's not a case of if you dont pay you dont get"?

When in reality, is it not really a case of "if you dont pay you dont get"?

How many other past and present ACOs are there who know of similar stories where rescue birds have been prevented from going to their new homes because the 'donation' fees have not been paid?

These are not isolated incidents, they are just a couple of incidents that someone has been willing to come forward and share.

Further reading: UKPR practices


Vikky has tried to rebuff the above situation with Pebbles the Triton Cockatoo by presenting an email where Caron removes herself from being a potential home - Image

How long was Caron left waiting with no word from Vikky after being initially asked to home him?

From the ACO who was dealing with this re-home's own words "In Vikky's eyes Caron was blacklisted from ever having Pebbles" - Image

Are people supposed to wait indefinitely with no communication about what is happening?

You can see why Caron never heard anything - She was blacklisted for being unwilling to pay a 'donation', and how could Vikky then publicly state that Caron was removed from having Pebbles?

She could'nt so left her hanging on!

At least Caron had the courtesy to draw a line under it and withdraw herself from the picture of offering Pebbles a home.

Whilst Caron was left in the dark hanging around not knowing what was happening about homing Pebbles, unbeknown to her he was offered for sale to another person 'Midge' who was again, willing to take him in, but unwilling to pay for the privilege - Image

Because neither would pay for the privilage of fostering Pebbles, and there was no other suitable candidates to try and sell him too, he eventually went to one of the founders of UKPR... Alan.... The Cockatoo breeder... No 'donation' was paid.

Image: Pebbles

Further reading: The business plan

Further reading: UKPR business practices

Something to think about...

Update: Vikky's donation policy

Mylo is a Cites Appendix I listed bird, so selling him under the guise of a 'donation' without an Article 10 Certificate is a criminal offence.

The RSPCA signed this bird into the hands of UKPR, who then sought to sell him on for a substantial profit without the relevant official paperwork.

Image: Mylo donation fee

UKPR asked Caron to emergency care/foster these two birds and not the other way around so no money was requested.

No money passed hands but that does not take away the 'intent' on the part of UKPR to sell this Cites Appendix I bird as the evidence proves.

If Caron had paid the 'donation' for Mylo then she too would have also been breaking the law just like UKPR.

Both birds were for sale on the UKPR online pet shop for 6 months prior with no buyers forthcoming (maybe because of the legal implications?).

Image: JJ donation fee

Why are a bunch of bird breeders/traders masquerading as rescuers unaware of their legal responsibilities, selling rescue birds to foster families through their online shop, and retaining ownership?

Contrary to Vikky’s LIAR!!!! Post yesterday

For 2 ½ weeks this situation was left in the hands of the RSPCA who we believed to be doing an investigation into this case.

Being two people with only basic understanding of the legality or governing bodies surrounding parrot rescues and welfare, we were thrown in at the deep end to hold UKPR (Vikky) to account for their disgusting behaviour. Not just over Mylo & JJ but to other people who had gone before and not had the ability to stand up to the bullies themselves.

Look at what happens when you do (the sensible ones out there), is it no wonder nobody has dared to challenge them before?

We received the call we had been waiting for from the RSPCA yesterday, who stated there were no ‘animal welfare’ issues in this case regarding Mylo & JJ so the matter no longer concerned them. After a lengthy discussion we were advised on the best way forward.

Just so those detractors are perfectly clear, this was left with the RSPCA and they returned their verdict.

Considering UKPR is accountable to not one single legal body it has become apparent that the only way forward to hold them to account is for us to contact each of the legal bodies whose jurisdiction they come under.

Mylo the Military Macaw is a Cities Appendix I listed bird which means he is an endangered species and has laws protecting him from explotation.

DEFRA the Animal Welfare organisations was contacted this morning over Mylo after a concerned bird lover notified us of some important issues regarding him. They were made aware of the situation with Mylo and UKPR, and the relevant information has been given to them.

They are now contacting the wildlife department of the police to investigate our claims, and Mylo’s situation.

The investigation is now well and truly underway now that the RSPCA have passed their judgment.

UKPR have put themselves up as a bird rescue. They have been taking birds in from unsuspecting pet owners, then selling those birds on like dealers, and receiving ‘donations’ and gifts from the general public in the process. If they have nothing to hide over their business practices now that some issues have come to light, then the relevant authorities will not find anything wrong will they?

No amount of hatred from the faithful few aimed at the authors of this blog is going to change anything, it is just going to show each of you up once the truth is revealed.

Like flies to a piece of fly paper all gathered for when the end comes, that’s why most leave their names anonymous while spewing their vitriol.

Those sitting and watching like ‘Silent Shout’ know what happens if they dare to share anything supportive of our actions. The disgraceful verbal offensive is unleashed in an effort to force silence, which has been UKPR’s objective from the start – How low will they go?

Read the comments on their blog and make your own mind up about these people.

The Hyperbole

Could Vikky have shouted ‘liar’ any louder?

We would like to thank Vikky for the title of her post though! As was stated when she first started her poor attempt at a blog rather than allowing her forum be an open house for people - “imitation is the highest form of praise”

Vikky’s new subheading of the post has been called, ‘The truth behind the RSPCA investigation’, and when reading it you might think that they had just won the lottery, that’s why there has been such emphasis on the title and all the capital letters.

Sorry to burst that bubble so quickly for you though Vikky!

Let’s look at the FACTS here.

Mylo’s nares were running badly and he seemed to be very poorly within 24 hours of arriving here, so it was decided to take him to the vet immediately.

First thing on the Monday morning there was a call from Northamptonshire police saying that we had to give Mylo back to Vikky. The UKPR driver then arrived and was told that Mylo would be going nowhere with him. The police had said Vikky would be collecting him, so he would not be going anywhere apart from with her, and if you have a problem with that then get Northamptonshire police to call. The police were called and the local Cleveland police turned up to deal with the situation. Whilst we were waiting for the police to turn up Wayne Watkins called and advised us on the situation so we told the police that Mylo was going nowhere, and that this is now a civil matter. They agreed to leave Mylo here and before leaving issued the UKPR driver a harassment warning because of his behaviour.

Mylo’s vet appointment was for later that day and being aware that Mylo was an ex RSPCA bird we called the RSPCA to make them aware of the situation and events unfolding.

Now the RSPCA were involved and they knew Mylo was going to the vets over his nares, a log number was given for the payment of his visit so that everything was above board and on file.

An Inspector Evans from Northamptonshire RSPCA was put on this case at the very beginning. She called and I had a lengthy telephone conversation with her regarding Mylo, JJ and UKPR and this blog.

To my knowledge, based upon the fact that Inspector Evans called here, she was the officer who was investigating this case that the RSPCA had assigned to her. Why else call if she was not investigating something?

Believing there was an investigation into this case, this was stated on the blog.

Pretty logical based on all of this involvement by these separate outside organisations don’t you think? Police, RSPCA, and the Vet.

It’s not like Vikky would have you believe by stating ‘LIAR’ in the boldest letters available, as if we had sat on our hands and blatantly lied and did nothing about the situation.

Meanwhile, more information was posted onto this blog, with people asked to contact their local RSPCA office with any information they had about UKPR.

Not much we could do whilst waiting for Inspector Evans to call back other than write on the blog to keep people updated on what was happening and continue exposing UKPR. It was our understanding that Miss Evans was making further enquiries.

It was made perfectly clear to us that there were more people who had stepped forward and given information to the RSPCA, so we were sure in our own minds that the RSPCA knew what was going on and were aware of UKPR and this blog.

Based on all of the information which includes the involvement of the different outside organisations, how could we not think that there was an investigation underway? I think any sane minded person would think there was.

We received a call yesterday morning from the Cleveland RSPCA officer who had been given the responsibility of dealing with this case and he said that as far as he was concerned there are no problems with Mylo’s welfare, and that this is now a civil matter. After a lengthy conversation about UKPR and their practices he advised me on the way forward.

What was blatantly apparent is that there is absolutely no legal body available to turn to, to hold organisations like UKPR to account. They are a law unto themselves, and is the reason why it has been stated on here several times about this being a lawless ungoverned world where people like the cowboys of UKPR can do what they like to the birds in their possession, just like this situation with Mylo & JJ proves.

The RSPCA have now stated there is no investigation, but considering this has been played out in the open on this blog for everyone to follow, do they really need to do their own investigation?

The case has been presented on here, and all relevant action will be taken to stop these cowboys from abusing birds and people again.

I think it would be naïve in the extreme to think that nobody in authority has been watching events as they have unfolded, especially the RSPCA who have been giving rescue birds to UK Parrot Rescue. The majority of what has been written on this blog over the past 2 ½ weeks has been supported with factual evidence for any investigator that has been following.

UKPR and a couple of their faithful followers shout ’lies, lies, lies’ and insult the authors of this blog and those supporters who have been willing to put their head above the wall, with the most vile and wicked names which shows the type of people we are dealing with here.

Nobody likes to go through this, but Mylo and his rights as a living creature are worth fighting for. Part of those rights is for him to be reunited with his partner JJ who UKPR separated from him.

Vikky has called Caron a liar because the RSPCA have now said there is no investigation, when we have stated there was. I hope people can see why this was stated, and why the RSPCA do not need to do their own investigation. It has been done for them.

Logical conclusion based upon the facts.

The next step of the investigation that UKPR Watch has been conducting openly for all to see, is to contact all of the relevant organisations to whom UKPR are accountable and ask them to do their investigations based on the evidence presented, now we know that there are no animal welfare organisations governing them.

Hopefully this case with UKPR can be used to help introduce new laws and legislation to protect rescue birds from these types of charlatans masquerading as rescuers when in reality they are nothing more than freebie hunters selling the free stock given to them like an online pet shop.

What happens when cowboys enter the parrot rescue world is all documented on this blog, with certain evidence not presented to protect the identity of the people involved.

There are many people out there now who are stuck between a rock and a hard place themselves because they sit with a rescue bird in their homes that they love, which has a piece of paper accompanying it somewhere that has Vikky’s signature of ownership on it. They live in fear of what could happen if UKPR was to turn on them, so it is better to say nothing than rock the boat and unleash the fury of the leaders of UKPR as people have witnessed on this blog.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Making sense of the madness

Courtesy of Silent shout from comments section

What ever happened to principles? Why are the people defending UKPR ignoring the FACTS?

Adele submitted these two for re - homing due to being diagnosed with a SERIOUS condition; Caron and her home had been deemed the BEST place to re house them.

So please Vicky or anybody who is brave enough to answer me - WHY as soon as this all began was Carons home not good enough?

Adele you're attitude towards your own health is awful, WHY would you simply not care if your condition deteriorated and you were unable to take care of your birds or even your family? How is that RESPONSIBLE?...Its isn’t is it Adele.

If Carons home was good enough in the first place why is it not now? And if Caron was not everybody's choice or she just happened to be default then shame on you UKPR, there should NEVER be any second best, default or umming and arhhing when it comes to an animal’s life. It was a crucial decision that needed to be made, if you couldn’t make it properly then the blame rest solely upon your shoulders. I am sure you will have now learnt from your mistakes, we all do.

This whole situation deeply concerns me, i just really don’t get it, Caron is very obviously not a freebie hunter and to say such a thing was ridiculous. I do not know Caron, nor have i ever met her, but her case is stronger than stone.

What you have done UKPR is very wrong, Vicky stop being so stubborn, it will get you NOWHERE. I really urge you just reflect on this WHOLE situation and ask yourself - If i could have done things differently what would i have done?

What really gets me is how would this have panned out if Caron misjudged the situation in the beginning and returned Milo to Adele, what would have been said? would this have all been swept under the carpet, would you have refined your principles, up'd your game? tightened those ropes?

And taking this to court...these are not PROPERTY, this is a single dispute due to your own stubbornness. What are you hoping for, front page news " Internet Parrot Rehoming forum wins back bird"

Its a joke, you are wasting your own money and time. I would be surprised if you won, really i would.

It does not matter if you and Caron don’t see eye to eye, all that MATTERS is that Caron can offer them a loving home, what can you offer them considering you could not offer them anything when you first knew about their need to be rehomed? Would a surgeon refuse to perform an operation on a patient because he didn’t like that person... NO so swallow your pride and look at the bigger picture.

I urge everybody to look at the facts when times of judgement may be called upon.

Caron you are doing a brilliant job! Never give up hope and stay strong, we are all behind you

Adele: More Contradictions

I suppose all people who lie are ‘contradictory’ by a clear definition of the term because what they state is the opposite of the truth, thus a contradiction.

Adele’s post titled: Can I have my say now please?

This all looks good for UKPR, having Adele come out in defence of them and their conduct over Mylo & JJ, but it is all an illusion.

Has Adele openly denied telling Caron about the “Great Big Lie”?

No. Then why not when this was such an important issue concerning her “the eye of the storm” and this is the first time she has spoken publicly?

If what was published was a blatant lie then wasn’t this the prime time to openly denounce it?

Ummm… Why not then?

Question posed to Adele: The appointment

Adele has titled one section of her public announcement “and to answer some facts”

Image: Some facts

Now here are the clear contradictions in Adele’s 'facts'.

1.) “mylo and jj were down stairs for the last two weeks he was here,as i wanted to spent extra time with them before they left!”

2.) “they wernt shoved in a back bedroom,what they had for the 1st 6 weeks was a lovely bird room which they could freeroam,cage and jave tree in there for them loads of toys and i spent many a hour with them everyday interacting and keeping them content untill the Quarantine period was up”

3.) “the 1st day after they finished Quarantine they were brought down stairs,to join my family,and to get them used to again to house hold living”

No. 1 says that Mylo & JJ were brought downstairs for the last two weeks of their stay there, which means they were in the back bedroom ('bird room') for the previous 5 ½ months. No. 2 says that for the first 6 weeks quarantine period they were in the back bedroom ('bird room'). No. 3 says that after the quarantine period they were taken downstairs to be with the family.

Statement No.1 is a complete contradiction of statement No.3

Was Mylo & JJ upstairs in the back bedroom ('bird room') for the period of their stay or were they downstairs with the family?

Image 1 - Image 2 - Image 3

What are we meant to believe if these people do not even know what they are saying when they make public statements? And they say WE have been lying, throwing mud and dragging UKPR's name through the mud.

On UKPR’s fostering profile concerning Mylo they have also stated that he will not have children anywhere near him, and that he will attack people and bite with no notice.

Image: Mylo's fostering profile

Enough to scare most people off from wanting to foster this savage bird don’t you think? And what an untrue description of Mylo the beautiful Military Macaw might I add.

Adele who was emergency caring Mylo was scared of him, and she has a young son, so was this fostering profile based upon her personal experience?

Image: scared of Mylo 1 - scared of Mylo 2

More contradictions…

This from a supposed rescue service, who are being given birds by the RSPCA, just like in the case of Mylo & JJ


Adele and her appointment

Blackmail and slander are serious accusations, and so are perjury and perverting the course of justice when you are standing in a witness box 'under oath'.

We all know that Vikky lied about you asking to foster the pair long term, and if this was done online through UKPR's backend server, or any of the main messaging services then the records to prove this point will be logged in a data bank somewhere (all traceable).

You then lied and supported Vikky's initial lie, which you then told Caron on the phone when you rang her twice that weekend.

This is turning into another round of "you said" "he said", and Mylo & JJ are still separated with you now digging your heels is on behalf of UKPR, when you could have been the one who brought closure to this for the sake of those birds.

One thing.

Was JJ rushed to the Vets as has been stated on the blog, or was JJ pre-booked for the visit?

Image: The point in question

This one point will prove who is lying and who is not, and if you would lie over this simple point and then use it to create an illusion in people's eyes, for people to all be sympathetic towards you just to get Mylo back then what else have you lied about for the exact same result?

Using these innocent defenceless birds

The truth always comes out in the end no matter how long or how hard you have to fight for it because those who lie and deceive always make mistakes, it is an unwritten rule of life.

We are now stuck between a rock and a hard place again!

You have been pleaded with each step of the way for the sake of these two birds and have now shown that you are not willing to do the right thing, instead you have chosen to continue on your path of lies and deceit.

I am sure that the police will get to the truth of each individual point in question once they start investigating considering there are quite serious accusations now being thrown around.

Yes people are now going to be upset that Mylo & JJ are not going to be back together some time soon, but why should these 'cowboys' get away with what they are doing.

Crunch time always comes at some point, its just sad that Mylo & JJ are at the centre of it!

Had to be someone though didnt it?

Mylo the Military Macaw has 'rights' as a living creature, and as humans whose care he is in, those rights will be preserved and protected, no matter what.

The RSPCA were involved in Mylo's case from the beginning so offered to pay for the treatment which was an impartial position on the situation so no one could claim that the vet in question was impartial.

Who paid for JJ's treatment? You or UKPR?

We have spoken to the RSPCA who have advised us on the situation.

So Adele, which one was it? A prebooked appointment or an emergency visit as has been stated?

It all hangs on this point now that CAN be proved!

I would welcome you contacting the police over your blackmail accusations, because they could do a much more thorough job of investigating every single point of this case than the RSPCA ever could. So if you accuse me then I will present my case against you to them.

What are they going to find once they start investigating you? There is only one bird here to lose, but you have over a years worth of UKPR business practices, are they going to all stand up when the light shines upon them?

I already have something on file with email correspondence, that is awaiting police involvement so as to protect the identity of the person in question.

Someone protecting the rights of the bird in their care.

Isnt it about time this lawless ungoverned world of parrot rescue where operations like UKPR are running, is brought under the control of the State for the protection of the defenceless birds who are at the centre of it.

How can anyone in the parrot community disagree?

If you want a test case then here it is!

Investigate the points in question those that are watching and care about the rights of rescue birds and want to bring about change in this industry. There are no legal bodies for people to turn to to hold these 'cowboys' to account, thats why it is lawless and ungoverned. The birds and general public involved in this industry deserve to be protected in a Civilised 21st Century society.

The only point in question from this side of things, that is not disputed, is that we refuse to give Mylo back to UKPR because of their lies and deceit which are at the centre or our reasoning behind why he should not go back.

The Bottom Line

For Goodness sake!!!

I’m sure I must speak for everyone when I say that we ALL must now be thoroughly sick and tired of the slanging matches, the insults, the accusations, the “he said” and “she saids” over the Mylo & JJ situation.

Am I wrong?

Surely people, the very bottom line here is that these two unfortunate birds who have been through so much for the last year or so can at last find peace and security in a loving forever home that can provide for all their physical and emotional needs?

So where is this place?

Perhaps with Wayne Watkins whose dedication to these wonderful creatures is plain for all to see?

Wayne’s passion has brought him to the position now of currently having 60+ full time rescued parrot residents. Does he really need or want yet another two large individuals to add to these numbers and potentially take the place of two future birds who are in dire need of his care? Especially when you consider that JJ and Mylo ALREADY have a fantastic home to go to, where Mylo is currently settled and very happy, a home that was deemed “100% suitable” by UKPR’s own evaluation.

Perhaps with the kind hearted Adele?

Adele who is suffering from a serious medical condition which will be worsened by having Mylo & JJ living with her?

Adele who is also afraid to handle Mylo?

Anyone who keeps Macaws knows that being scared to handle one of them can make things very difficult, getting him into a carrier for trips to the vets for example, to take him outside to enjoy the fresh air, or to get him back into his cage in an emergency. The list is endless…

Adele who has stated that Mylo & JJ can live alone in her back bedroom?

Is this what any of you reading this who love their own pet birds would want for them at some point in the future?

Or perhaps here with me where they were originally destined for in the first place?

I would ask Vikky… What’s important here?

Mylo & JJ being reunited and living their lives happily with the person you yourself deemed most suitable?

Or attempting to send them packing again to a ‘third party’ as an emergency measure because of a stupid petty disagreement.

Who are the ones losing out in all of this?

Do they not deserve to have their rights to a 'happy fulfilled life' protected at all costs?

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Mylo's partner JJ

UKPR have posted on their blog that JJ has started plucking herself due to being apart from Mylo.

UKPR: JJ plucking

One question Adele which the RSPCA will verify with the veterinary surgery as part of their investigation.

"Was JJ rushed to the vets this morning as stated on the blog or was this the prearranged appointment that you told me about?"

We know you did not write the blog post, but once again you are being roped into the centre of it again if this was your prearranged appointment. Only you know the truth, and if this is another lie then now is your opportunity to do the right thing because this lie will be found out, there is no way around it, unless of course it is not a lie? (Time will tell)

Is JJ in a cage on her own in the spare bedroom as Adele stated? image 1 - image 2 - image 3

JJ was supposed to be here with Mylo but due to UKPR incompetence she was injured so didn't make it as planned. This was then followed by Vikky's dummy spitting and subsequent lie about Adele wanting to foster the pair long term. Adele then had to agree with Vikky's lie as can be seen in image 2 above.

Why these two are now separated: Perfectly clear

It must be heart breaking seeing JJ now plucking herself because she is missing her partner, so anyone with an ounce of compassion would put their human pride aside and allow her to finish the journey her and Mylo set out on 2 weeks ago.

Mylo made it... JJ didn't.

For the sake of this poor bird Vikky, please please swallow your pride and allow JJ to be with Mylo in the best home for them both which you, yourself organised in the first place, before being offended and demanding Mylo back.

Now is your opportunity to do the right thing Vikky.

Adele did not ask to foster them long term, it was thrust upon her by yourself, she is ill and has a family to think about. Mylo is happy here, his feathers are growing back, and his route tracing has gone. Both his and JJ's happiness could be complete if they were to be reunited.

UKPR arranged for them to come to my home, Mylo is here, he is just awaiting JJ.

The only option missing from UKPR's list is JJ going to where she was always destined for in the beginning.

It seems Vikky would agree to absolutely anything other than coming to me.

Please look at the facts and what is best for Mylo & JJ.

Lets make things perfectly clear

Mylo & JJ are living sentient creatures who have rights to be protected by and from humans, and as Mylo is currently in Caron’s care those rights will be protected and defended. The sad thing is, is that he never arrived with his partner JJ as he was supposed to, she is still in the care of Adele, who has Vikky sitting over her waving in the air a piece of paper with a signature on it, and claiming legal ownership.

After speaking with Adele it is apparent that she wants JJ to be with Mylo because she knows that’s what’s best for them both. The only thing stopping her from letting her travel to be with Mylo is fear about Vikky and her legal ownership over JJ (she does not want to get in trouble).

Mylo & JJ should never been viewed as somebody’s possessions with price tags upon their heads, especially by the supposed bird rescue service who were given ownership of them by the RSPCA, and then charged with finding them a new home and a new life.

How many more rescue birds have the RSPCA signed over into Vikky’s ownership?

Mylo & JJ were placed in the care of Adele, where they were for the first 6 months of being in Vikky’s ownership. There are issues regarding Mylo being placed where he was with Adele, but she has been criticised enough on this blog over these matters, and it has not been our intention to do this. Adele is just an unfortunate woman who is being used as a pawn in all of this because she was good enough to take Mylo & JJ in on an emergency care basis, in the first place for Vikky (UKPR).

Adele has been diagnosed with allergic alveolitis which is a lung disease made worse by keeping pet birds, so for the sake of her health and her family she had no alternative but to find a new home for Mylo & JJ.

All relevant UKPR home checks had been carried out on Caron, to which anyone who knows her will know there is no way she would have failed them, so was approached and asked if she would take Mylo & JJ, on an emergency care basis with the view to long term fostering - She agreed

Caron made her reservations known to me about taking UKPR birds in, looking after them, and then at any time UKPR swooping in and taking back the birds with no consideration of the birds, their welfare or the carers who have been looking after them.

I advised her not to get involved.

Considering this was 2 Macaws needing a new home, and she was asked to look after them she accepted, and the pair where then destined to join Caron’s family.

Both Mylo & JJ’s profiles stated that they would be coming with a large dividing cage (Pallace), so Adele was asked about the cage by Caron, and said that Vikky has told her she could have the Pallace for her birds and Mylo & JJ could have one of her old ones.

Why would someone re-homing their birds due to illness need a new cage?

Nothing more was said to Adele about the cage at this point, only that it would not be a problem.

When taking a step back and realising that Mylo & JJ would need a decent cage, one that would be their forever home, whether they stayed or left to be with a new family, it was then pointed out to Vikky that they will be needing a cage, so could they have the Pallace which was donated for them, and that everyone was told would be going with them.

This obviously caused ill feeling because Caron was told that Adele was to be given the Pallace cage now and Mylo & JJ would be getting one of her old ones.

What could be said about that?

So the cage that had been donated for Mylo and JJ would not be going to them, instead they would be getting a different smaller one from their previous carer.

This seemed unfair on the birds and highlighted bad UKPR practices.

It might only be a cage but it is the principles surrounding it. If it was donated for them both, everybody was told the pair would be living in it, then considering these are rescue birds and the cage was donated for them and they needed it, then they should have been given their forever home that was destined for them in the first place, and not someone else’s old cage.

Mylo arrived on the night that had been arranged, but he arrived in a small dog crate without JJ his partner, and without a cage.

The reason given by UKPR for why JJ never arrived is very questionable.

There were a few issues raised with the UKPR driver on the night of Mylo’s arrival, about the cage and the singing finch with the driver saying he stayed out of anything else and just does the driving. Caron was told that JJ would be following Mylo up to his new home the following Saturday after her foot had healed, along with a cage.

The next day on the UKPR forum, where all the day to day running of UKPR is played out, the situation of Mylo arriving without JJ was spoken about, and the issue of their cage was addressed to Vikky.

Removed thread: Mylo & JJ

Within half an hour of talking about Mylo & JJ’s cage that was destined for them both, Vikky suddenly announced that Adele had just called her and stated that she wanted to foster the pair long term, to which Vikky had agreed, so Mylo was to return to where he had just come from.

This was all very suspicious to people because why would someone who had just found the best home for them both due to the fact of being seriously ill with a disease made worse by pet birds, then want them back, and to put them in a spare room that had already been stated wasn’t ideal for them?

It didn’t make sense and now over 2 weeks on, the truth of the matter has come out, and it is that Adele never asked to foster Mylo & JJ long term in the first place. Vikky stated she had on her own volition because she wanted Mylo back away from Caron because she dared question her over the cage. Adele was then forced into the position of having to lie for her friend over the situation, and agree with Vikky’s claim.

Over 2 weeks on I am pretty certain Adele is seriously regretting getting involved.

When Vikky made the decision to lie about Adele wanting to foster them long term, where was the consideration for Mylo & JJ and their present welfare and long term wellbeing?

That never came into the equation. Only that Mylo is Vikky’s property and she wanted him back, no matter what she had to do to get him back, who she had to hurt in the process, or what effect this would have on the pair of birds.

Caron was subsequently then banned from the forum, just like everyone else before her, with her name and character then blackened by the faithful few, her side of the story silenced, and then the attempts to reclaim Mylo behind the scenes were set in motion.

This blog was then set up to tell the truth about this side of the story, invite others who had been banned to share their stories, and that has all been written over the last 2 weeks for anyone interested in the story as it has unfolded.

When people did start speaking out they were swiftly intimidated into silence, either through the blackening of their names through lies and fabrication, or attempts to have them sacked from their jobs. Others live in fear of having the bird’s in their care taken from them so it’s easier to stay silent, and just be an observer rather than a participant and lose what has become precious to them, which is the love of a UKPR rescue bird.

We know for certain that information has been passed to the RSPCA regarding other situations concerning UKPR.

Should a parrot rescue being given birds by the RSPCA, be using threats of violence and intimidation to silence any critics of their conduct?

UKPR say its all lies, like everything else which is said they say is lies, but the evidence is here on this blog, and we are in contact with some of the other people involved.

There are no banning orders or silencing here on this blog, this is an open platform for all people to read our writings and comment when relevant (moderated now because of the relentless barrage from UKPR), unlike UKPR’s forum where all their day to day business activities are run from, that is now a closed house to anyone other than the faithful few.

Mylo who is now in Caron’s care has rights as a living creature, rights which are to be protected by us as responsible humans. He is currently in a loving safe environment and is exceptionally happy.

Vikky views Mylo & JJ as nothing more than ‘her property’, that she can do what she likes with irrespective of what’s best for them both.

To my knowledge Vikky has never once had these two birds in her care for any amount of time, they have been with Adele and now with Caron, so how on earth can Vikky judge what is best for them both if she has never taken care of them? She doesn’t even know them, they are just her property that other people have been looking after, to do what she likes with them, because the RSPCA signed them over to her. They signed them over in the belief they would be looked after and cared for, not abused like they are now being.

All Vikky cares about is that her name is on the ownership form so she can do what she likes with them.


That’s not how it works with ‘Animal Rights’

These two were placed into her care by the RSPCA because they believed UKPR to be a reputable rescue with bird’s welfare their No.1 priority, and as this situation proves beyond doubt, that is a long way from the truth. Mylo & JJ’s rights have been abused by Vikky and the faithful few have rallied in defence of their leader, even knowing she blatantly lied in the first place, and has roped a sick woman into her web of lies and deceit.

What does this say about those faithful few? Those like Bella who come onto this blog accusing the authors of it, as liars etc etc etc

These people ‘together’ call themselves a bird rescue, charged with defending and protecting the rights and welfare of rescue birds!!!

‘Scam’ it has been aptly named by others.

Over the course of the 2 weeks, Vikky finally agreed to a third party taking Mylo & JJ in so that they could be together, this gave her a get out clause over her abhorrent behaviour over the lives of these two innocent birds. But after 2 weeks of Mylo being here, he couldn’t be happier, only other than if JJ was allowed to be with him. He has stopped plucking with his feathers growing back well, and he arrived with route tracing behaviour which has completely stopped.

If Mylo could speak what would he say? “ I want to stay here with you where I am happy so please defend my rights”, or “send me away again to a place I don’t know, to people I don’t know”?

He is incredibly happy and loves the human interaction he gets here.

UKPR’s attempt to reclaim Mylo is now based upon the RSPCA going to inspect Adele to see if she is a suitable home for them both, believing that if they say yes then Caron will have no alternative but to let Mylo go back to Adele’s where he has just come from. This is true if the RSPCA do say this, but it is extremely unlikely after knowing all of the facts. Not hearsay or accusations, just the cold hard facts of this matter.

There are several reasons why Mylo should not go back to Adele’s that have been highlighted throughout this blog, and not least the one that she is seriously ill, with a condition made worse by keeping pet birds.

Vikky’s point to reclaim Mylo and remove him from where he is now happy, for the RSPCA is that Adele wants to foster the two long term and Caron is preventing that from happening. As we know from speaking to Adele, she never asked for this in the first place, Vikky told her she had said this, and then forced Adele to support the lie.

To think that Vikky & Co would now want to use Adele even though she knows she is seriously ill, and has a young son, just to take Mylo back from the home where her own organisation had deemed the best possible place for them both. It is disgusting to be using and abusing someone in such a way. They are bullying someone weaker than themselves to do their dirty work for them.

These actions by Vikky & Co of using a vulnerable woman who is ill for their own personal vendetta against Caron that started over the questioning of the cage, sums up completely the type of people they are. They have absolutely no concern for anyone else other than themselves, and definitely not in anyway a concern for the birds in their possession.

Each step of the way Vikky has been pleaded with to do the right thing, and each step of the way she has refused.

Let others judge what is right and what is wrong here, and let the authorities take the responsible action for this pair of Macaws Mylo & JJ who just want a happy home to live in which they have got here with Caron, where Mylo is currently sitting.

Vikky has now put forward a mandate for change on UKPR which is based upon everything this blog has pointed out over the past 2 weeks. When seeing this, the initial thought was that she had obviously seen the error of her ways and was wanting to rectify them. How wrong could I have been, when she was pleaded with once again to do the right thing for Mylo & JJ by allowing JJ to be released from Adele to be with her partner here. This is the one thing at the centre of the contention over the last 2 weeks, a contention where she is clearly in the wrong, and is one thing that she will not change, no matter what, even though the facts are staring everyone in the face.

It beggers belief, it really does, and whatever happens now is of her own doing because like has been stated, every single step of the way she has been pleaded with to do the right thing and each step of the way it has been flatly rejected. What more can be said or done? NOTHING

We reap what we sow…

In closing, all the talk of third parties is Vikky’s way of getting out of what she has created, and achieving what she set out to achieve which is to stop Mylo & JJ going to Caron’s. This is not for the good of the birds, this is for the good of someone who has abused these birds and kept them apart for over two weeks now.

JJ should be with Mylo at Caron’s home where they were originally destined for before Vikky created this mess by lying, if she hadn’t lied in the first place then they would both be here now and you would not be reading this.

Third parties etc are second best for these two birds because they were not even in the picture before the LIE.

Vikky has no alternative but to allow Adele to let JJ go and be with Mylo along with their Pallace cage, and if she does not then she will face the consequences.

Caron has done nothing wrong; all she has done is protected Mylos’s rights from unscrupulous humans out to abuse them because they mean nothing to them.

Monday 16 March 2009

Definition of Animal Rights & The UDAR

Animal rights, also known as animal liberation, is the idea that the most basic interests of animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of human beings.

Animal rights advocates approach the issue from different philosophical positions, but they agree that animals should no longer be regarded as property, or used as food, clothing, research subjects, or entertainment, but should instead be viewed as legal persons and members of the moral community.

Continue reading: Animal Rights


The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights

* Inasmuch as there is ample evidence that many animal species are capable of feeling, we condemn totally the infliction of suffering upon our fellow creatures and the curtailment of their behavioural and other needs save where this is necessary for their own individual benefit.

* We do not accept that a difference in species alone (any more than a difference in race) can justify wanton exploitation or oppression in the name of science or sport, or for use as food, for commercial profit or for other human ends.

* We believe in the evolutionary and moral kinship of all animals and declare our belief that all sentient creatures have rights to life, liberty and natural enjoyment.

* We therefore call for the protection of these rights.

Continue reading: Declaration of Animal Rights

Upon Reflection

"Isn’t it too late to shut the stable door once the horse has bolted?"

Below is a list of recommendations of changes set out by Vikky for UKPR.

These changes have all been brought into play in the life of UK Parrot Rescue because of the points this blog has raised over the last two weeks.

So, for all those people who have thrown mud at this blog during this time, look at what it has achieved? Or were these changes going to happen anyway?

UKPR are now cleaning up their act if it is not too late for them, and hopefully made others take note of what is happening in this lawless ungoverned world for the sake of the poor birds whose lives are at stake, and whose rights need to be defended by the people who love and care about them like us.

Every point this blog has raised over the last few weeks has now been addressed bar one, and that is Mylo & JJ, the catalysts of it all.


Get to the naughty step!

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Post: #1Steps forward for UKPR during 2009

At UK Parrot Rescue,we are always looking at how we can improve the way we do things,which is why we welcome suggestions and/or constructive criticisms,we are not just here to serve the birds,but we are also here to serve the general public whom chose to use us when they can no longer care for the birds they hand into our care,but also to provide a place where the fosterers of those birds,have a support system to help them with the lifelong commitment they have made to take care of these birds,the perception that the public have on any organisation is vitally important,and as the last couple of weeks has proved,as we are "not governed " by any organisation,this can leave us open to those who doubt us,we have learnt a lot from this as a an organisation,and have taken steps to rectify the "gaps" in peoples minds,please note the changes that will take place during 2009

form a committee/ and have a constitution
register with the charities commission
register with the NCVO
register with HMRC charities to gain gift aid
set a limit on ec places/stick with the e/c's we have
find reputable rescues to take on too's and macaws
make public our accounts every 6 months

im sure you will agree that this can only be seen as positive steps forward for us,and will only serve to gain us more respect as an organisation,we also feel that this will be a huge benefit to us,of course as these changes take place,we will make an announcment informing you of each step achieved.......

regards UKPR team


If people upon reflection, can take a step back and realise the error of their ways then this can only be a good thing. This blog never set out with the intention to hurt or destroy anyone including UKPR. It was set up with the clear intention of defending Mylo & JJ’s rights as rescue birds, and exposing the bad practices of UKPR who had abused those rights and trampled them underfoot. As this went further the struggle for what was right for Mylo & JJ and what it exposed with UKPR got uglier and the implications wider.

It’s just what happens in these types of situations.

People have criticised the openness of this blog, but in defence… Who before now has brought these bad practices to the surface and forced change, change not just in this one organisation but hopefully change within the parrot rescue industry? It is glaringly obvious that there needs to be new laws and regulations governing this area brought in for the sake of the birds whose welfare is at the centre of it. If as people together we fail to bring about change then we fail to defend them and their rights.

If the authors of this blog have made any mistakes along the way or offended anyone then please accept our apologies. No offence was intended, it’s just you cannot please all the people all the time, only some of the people some of the time.

To accept you have made mistakes and be willing to correct them is either a mark of humility or a mark of knowing what has been presented cannot be refuted so you have no alternative but to rectify the points in question.

Only those who have now implemented the changes for UKPR know the answer to that one.

This last situation which is the one still outstanding after the two weeks, (apart from what has not been presented yet), is where the proof behind the changes now lays.

Mylo & JJ were destined to live at Caron’s after all of the relevant UKPR home checks had been carried out.

Then the last two weeks which are chronicled on this blog unfolded, from start to finish, wherever that finish now is.

Mylo’s present welfare and future wellbeing has been protected and defended from all those who have sought to do him injustice over the last two weeks. That is why he is still sitting here, a happy little chappy with his eyes and feathers glowing, and we have worked tirelessly to have him reunited here, with his partner JJ, which is still the No.1 issue in hand.

If that Sunday morning on the ‘infamous thread’ did not happen then JJ would be here now, so who is in the wrong if you trace it all back?

As humans we are charged with looking after these creatures, and this is exactly what has been forced upon us for the sake of Mylo & JJ.

"Defending the Rights of the Defenceless."

Would you have done it?

Now is the time for Vikky to do the right thing and let JJ be released from Adele’s so that she can come and join her partner Mylo at Caron’s home where they were both destined for at the very beginning of all of this, along with their cage that was their intended home.

If not, then there is no alternative but to continue fighting for what we believe to be the right thing for these two birds, for as along, and for as hard, as we have to for the right outcome for the both of them...Anything less would mean failing Mylo.

I call on Vikky to now do the right, the humble thing, and accept the initial mistake, and rectify it by letting JJ finish her journey to be with her partner Mylo so that we can all see a happy ending to this for this pair of Macaws.

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, it’s just whether or not we are humble enough to accept them when we should and then change them.

Only those personally involved in this from start to finish know the truth, and we all know that truth cannot lie.

So now is the time to rectify the situation and do the right thing.

All other UKPR issues that this blog has raised are now being changed, so please for the sake of Mylo & JJ change this last issue of contention. Their present welfare and long term wellbeing as living creatures are paramount, and they have been apart for long enough.

Psalm 16:15

Psalm 16:18 - 20